9,034 research outputs found

    Transforming local knowledge into lifestyle entrepreneur’s innovativeness: exploring the linear and quadratic relationships

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    Tourism Lifestyle Entrepreneurs (TLEs) play an essential role in the innovation and competitiveness of tourist destinations. However, little attention has been paid to how these entrepreneurs manage local knowledge and turn it into innovation. This research examines how place attachment, community-centered strategy, and knowledge assimilation influence lifestyle entrepreneur’s innovativeness. A mixed methodology was applied with an online survey of 511 TLEs being conducted first, followed by a qualitative research where 24 additional TLEs were in depth-interviewed. Empirical evidence shows that, while place attachment and community-centered strategy have a positive linear relationship with lifestyle entrepreneur innovativeness, knowledge assimilation has a U-shaped relationship. Based on this U-shaped relationship, three types of TLEs were identified according to their capacity to transform assimilated knowledge into innovation, namely, opportunity seekers, professionals and laggards. The theoretical and practical implications are essential for the management of a tourism destination.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Developing sustainable business models: local knowledge acquisition and tourism lifestyle entrepreneurship

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    Tourism lifestyle entrepreneurs’ (TLEs) businesses are associated with sustainable business models (SBMs) due to a link to the place. This link is a source of essential local knowledge that provides differentiation, competitiveness, and sustainability. Given the importance of local knowledge to SBMs, this article explores knowledge management by examining how TLEs acquire and integrate knowledge as well as its effects on innovativeness and self-efficacy. We use a sequential mixed-methods approach in which we first conducted a qualitative study with four in-depth semi-structured interviews with TLEs, followed by a quantitative study through a survey of 115 TLEs, and third we conducted another qualitative study based on four semi-structured interviews. The results indicate that entrepreneurial communication has a significantly positive and direct effect on both the innovativeness and self-efficacy of TLEs. A community-centered strategy has a positive influence on innovativeness and self-efficacy but via the indirect effect of entrepreneurial communication. Local knowledge assimilation plays a mediating role between the acquisition of local knowledge and innovativeness and self-efficacy. These findings provide a general understanding and framework about how TLEs link the elements of an SBM to greater innovativeness and self-efficacy

    Selecting lifestyle entrepreneurship recovery strategies: a response to the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The devastating context of the Covid-19 pandemic has created a new reality in which tourism has practically come to a standstill, a situation that must be reversed. This study focuses on the revitalization of businesses run by lifestyle entrepreneurs, a very significant class, of pivotal importance in innovation in the tourism sector. Specifically, this study aims to identify the most relevant indicators to select the recovery strategies of these entrepreneurs. Using the Delphi method combined with the Q-sort technique, a ranking of the indicators was produced on the basis of input from a panel of 26 senior managers and academics. The top five indicators were: creativity and innovation, level of innovation, qualification, startups number, and turnover volume. Findings reveal that the priority is on innovation and the qualification of the entrepreneurs. Only afterward do the traditional indicators of competitiveness of tourist destinations emerge.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Participation and Influence of the libero in recepcion and defence, in volleyball U-19

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    El objetivo fue conocer la participación e influencia líbero en fase de ataque y defensa, en etapas de formación. La muestra fueron 6948 acciones de juego, realizadas por los jugadores de los 21 equipos del Campeonato de España Juvenil masculino. Las variables fueron: función del receptor/defensor, zona de recepción/defensa en profundidad y lateralidad, eficacia de recepción/defensa, zona donde se realiza colocación en recepción/defensa, zona hacia donde se realiza la colocación en recepción/defensa, tiempo de ataque/contraataque y eficacia de ataque/contraataque. En recepción, existió asociación significativa entre función del receptor y zona de recepción en profundidad-lateralidad, y zona donde se realiza la colocación. En defensa, existió asociación significativa entre función del defensor y zona de defensa en profundidad-lateralidad, eficacia de defensa, zona donde se realiza la colocación, zona hacia donde se realiza la colocación y tiempo de contraataque. La influencia del líbero, en estas etapas, se manifiesta más en defensa que en recepciónThe aim was to know the participation and influence of the libero in side-out phase and counter-attack, in young athletes. The sample was 6948 game actions, carried out by the players of the 21 teams that participate in the Under-19 Spanish Championship. The variables were: player that intervened in reception/dig, depth and laterality reception/dig zone, reception/dig efficacy, setting zone in reception/dig, set´s area in reception/dig, tempo of attack/counterattack and attack/counterattack efficacy. In reception, showed significant association between player that intervened in reception, depth-laterality reception zone and the setting zone. In defense, showed significant association between the player that intervened in dig and the depth-laterality dig zone, dig efficacy, setting zone, set´s area and tempo of counterattack. The influence of the participation of the libero, in young athletes, appeared more often in defense than in the receptio

    Comparative study of the antitumoral activity of phosphine- thiosemicarbazone gold(I) complexes obtained by different methodologies

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    A series of phosphino-thiosemicarbazone gold(I) dinuclear complexes obtained by two different synthetic pro- cedures have been prepared. All the compounds have been spectroscopically characterized including single crystal X ray diffraction analysis in some of cases. [Au2(HL1)Cl2] (1), [Au2(HL2)2]Cl2 (2) and [Au2(HL3)2]Cl2 (3) have been prepared by chemical synthesis using a gold(III) salt as precursor; while [Au2(L1)2] (4), [Au2(L2)2] ∙2CH3CN (5) and [Au2(L3)2] (6) have been isolated from an electrochemical synthesis (HLn=2-[2-(diphenyl- phosphanyl)-benzylidene]-N-R-thiosemicarbazone; HL1: R=methyl, HL2: R=methoxyphenyl, HL3: R=nitrophenyl). The in vitro cytotoxic activity of these gold(I) complexes was tested against some human tumor cell lines: HeLa 229 (cervical epithelial carcinoma), MCF-7 (ovarian adenocarcinoma), NCI-H460 (non- small-cell lung cancer) and MRC5 (normal human lung fibroblast), and the IC50 values compared with those of cisplatin. The neutral methyl-substituted complexes 1 and 4 and methoxyphenyl 5 displayed significant cyto- toxic activities in all investigated cancer cell lines, being 1 and 4 the most effective. The ability of complexes 1 and 4 to induce cell death by apoptosis in Hela 229 was also investigated by fluorescence microscopy using the apoptotic DNA fragmentation as marker. These results indicated that the inhibition of cell proliferation is mainly due to an apoptotic process. In order to obtain more information about the mechanism of action of these me- tallocompounds, the interactions of complexes 1 and 4 with the thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) enzyme were analyzed. Both complexes exhibited a strong inhibition of the thioredoxin reductase activity.We thank Xunta de Galicia (ED431C 2018/13 and ED431D 2017/01), MINECO (CTQ2017-90802-REDT) and Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (RED2018-102471-T) for financial support. L. M. G. B. thanks Xunta de Galicia for the predoctoral contract (type A).S

    Sensor Mobile, aplicación Android multilingüe con fines docentes para el acceso a sensores de smartphones

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    El trabajo experimental en ciencia y tecnología es clave para el aprendizaje, por lo que los laboratorios resultan imprescindibles. No obstante, el coste y la obsolescencia de los equipos hace difícil en ocasiones disponer de laboratorios actualizados y las prácticas simuladas no pueden reemplazar satisfactoriamente a las reales. Sin embargo, la utilización de sensores (acelerómetros, giróscopos, magnetómetros, Global Positioning System (GPS),…) con los que vienen equipados los smartphones, permite la implementación de prácticas, de bajo coste, que pueden utilizarse tanto en laboratorios como fuera de ellos (aprendizaje en entornos informales). Se pueden emplear aplicaciones (apps) preexistentes aunque al no haber sido diseñadas como herramientas docentes no siempre tienen el rigor necesario. Presentamos una app (Sensor Mobile), multilingüe, desarrollada en entorno Android para fines docentes que permite el acceso simultáneo a los sensores que existan en el teléfono, la visualización de los datos tanto en tiempo real como a posteriori una vez almacenados en formato csv. Se muestra también algún ejemplo práctico de su uso

    The colored Hanbury Brown--Twiss effect

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    The Hanbury Brown--Twiss effect is one of the celebrated phenomenologies of modern physics that accommodates equally well classical (interferences of waves) and quantum (correlations between indistinguishable particles) interpretations. The effect was discovered in the late thirties with a basic observation of Hanbury Brown that radio-pulses from two distinct antennas generate signals on the oscilloscope that wiggle similarly to the naked eye. When Hanbury Brown and his mathematician colleague Twiss took the obvious step to propose bringing the effect in the optical range, they met with considerable opposition as single-photon interferences were deemed impossible. The Hanbury Brown--Twiss effect is nowadays universally accepted and, being so fundamental, embodies many subtleties of our understanding of the wave/particle dual nature of light. Thanks to a novel experimental technique, we report here a generalized version of the Hanbury Brown--Twiss effect to include the frequency of the detected light, or, from the particle point of view, the energy of the detected photons. In addition to the known tendencies of indistinguishable photons to arrive together on the detector, we find that photons of different colors present the opposite characteristic of avoiding each others. We postulate that fermions can be similarly brought to exhibit positive (boson-like) correlations by frequency filtering.Comment: 18 pages, includes supplementary material of the derivation