203 research outputs found

    Improving the batch-to-batch reproducibility in microbial cultures during recombinant protein production by guiding the process along a predefined total biomass profile

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    In industry Escherichia coli is the preferred host system for the heterologous biosynthesis of therapeutic proteins that do not need posttranslational modifications. In this report, the development of a robust high-cell-density fed-batch procedure for the efficient production of a therapeutic hormone is described. The strategy is to guide the process along a predefined profile of the total biomass that was derived from a given specific growth rate profile. This profile might have been built upon experience or derived from numerical process optimization. A surprisingly simple adaptive procedure correcting for deviations from the desired path was developed. In this way the batch-to-batch reproducibility can be drastically improved as compared to the process control strategies typically applied in industry. This applies not only to the biomass but, as the results clearly show, to the product titer also

    Die wirtschaftliche Lage Rußlands: MonetĂ€re Orientierungslosigkeit und realwirtschaftlicher Aktionismus. Dritter Bericht

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    Die beteiligten Institute legen hiermit ihren dritten Bericht ĂŒber die Wirtschaft Rußlands vor. Der Bericht ist in zwei Teile gegliedert. Im ersten Teil wird der aktuelle Stand der Wirtschaftsentwicklung und der Reformpolitik dargestellt. Seit der Fertigstellung des zweiten Berichts hat sich die politische und wirtschaftliche Lage in der Russischen Föderation nicht grundlegend geĂ€ndert. Die politische Blockade zwischen Legislative und Exekutive lĂ€hmt weiterhin den Reformprozeß; eine Wende zum Besseren ist nicht zu erkennen. Der zweite Teil des Berichts beschĂ€ftigt sich schwerpunktmĂ€ĂŸig mit der sozialen Lage der Bevölkerung. Gegenstand der Analyse sind die Entwicklung von Einkommen und Verbrauch, das System der sozialen Sicherung sowie das Angebotspotential fĂŒr die Versorgung der Bevölkerung mit GĂŒtern und Dienstleistungen. Nach wie vor werden die Analysen durch die unsichere politische Lage, den institutionellen Umbruch und das unzuverlĂ€ssige Berichtssystem erheblich erschwert. Die statistische Berichterstattung hat sich im Zeitablauf sogar noch verschlechtert. Vor allem die AktivitĂ€ten des sich neu entwickelnden privaten Sektors werden kaum erfaßt. InformationslĂŒcken konnten nur zu einem geringen Teil durch Befragung staatlicher Stellen und russischer Wissenschaftler vor Ort geschlossen werden, so daß erhebliche Unsicherheiten ĂŒber den tatsĂ€chlichen Ablauf des Transformationsprozesses verbleiben. --

    Developing textile entrepreneurial inclination model by integrating experts mining and ISM-MICMAC

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    The Indian textile industry is lacking in an entrepreneurial inclination of a skilled young generation; because of this, the industry is facing a challenge to achieve sustainable development and growth. To overcome this problem, the goal of this work is to build an entrepreneurial inclination model in the context of the textile industry. For achieving this goal, a combined approach of an extensive literature review and experts mining has been used to establish the entrepreneurial inclination factors in phased of the study. In the second phase, an Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) with Matrice d'Impacts Croisés Multiplication Appliqués à un Classement (MICMAC) has been applied to build a structural model and to find the driving force factors and dependence power. The results show that effective entrepreneurship courses, institutional policy, training and internship, institutional corporation and the involvement of institutional heads play a very significant role in encouraging youth towards entrepreneurship. The outcomes of the study can help both the government and academic institutes to draw up effective policy and develop an entrepreneurial culture which can help to create more entrepreneurs in the textile field.N

    Sorafenib Hepatobiliary Disposition: Mechanisms of Hepatic Uptake and Disposition of Generated Metabolites

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    Sorafenib is an orally active tyrosine kinase inhibitor used in the treatment of renal and hepatocellular carcinoma. This study was designed to establish whether transport proteins are involved in the hepatic uptake of sorafenib and to determine the extent of biliary excretion of sorafenib and its metabolites in human hepatocytes. Initial uptake was assessed in freshly isolated, suspended human hepatocytes in the presence of inhibitors and modulators. [14C]Sorafenib (1 ”M) uptake at 4°C was reduced by about 61–63% of the uptake at 37°C, suggesting a high degree of passive diffusion. Hepatocyte uptake of [14C]sorafenib was not Na+ dependent or influenced by the organic anion transporter 2 inhibitor ketoprofen. However, initial [14C]sorafenib hepatocyte uptake was reduced by 46 and 30% compared with control values in the presence of the organic anion transporting polypeptide inhibitor rifamycin SV and the organic cation transporter (OCT) inhibitor decynium 22, respectively. [14C]Sorafenib (0.5–5 ”M) uptake was significantly higher in hOCT1-transfected Chinese hamster ovary cells compared with mock cells, and inhibited by the general OCT inhibitor, 1-methyl-4-phenylpryidinium. OCT1-mediated uptake was saturable with a Michaelis-Menten constant of 3.80 ± 2.53 ”M and a Vmax of 116 ± 42 pmol/mg/min. The biliary excretion index and in vitro biliary clearance of sorafenib (1 ”M) in sandwich-cultured human hepatocytes were low (∌11% and 11 ml/min/kg, respectively). Results suggest that sorafenib uptake in human hepatocytes occurs via passive diffusion, by OCT1, and by organic anion transporting polypeptide(s). Sorafenib undergoes modest biliary excretion, predominantly as a glucuronide conjugate(s)

    Reaction rate reconstruction from biomass concentration measurement in bioreactors using modified second-order sliding mode algorithms

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    This paper deals with the estimation of unknown signals in bioreactors using sliding observers. Particular attention is drawn to estimate the specific growth rate of microorganisms from measurement of biomass concentration. In a recent article, notions of high-order sliding modes have been used to derive a growth rate observer for batch processes. In this paper we generalize and refine these preliminary results. We develop a new observer with a different error structure to cope with other types of processes. Furthermore, we show that these observers are equivalent, under coordinate transformations and time scaling, to the classical super-twisting differentiator algorithm, thus inheriting all its distinctive features. The new observers’ family achieves convergence to timevarying unknown signals in finite time, and presents the best attainable estimation error order in the presence of noise. In addition, the observers are robust to modeling and parameter uncertainties since they are based on minimal assumptions on bioprocess dynamics. In addition, they have interesting applications in fault detection and monitoring. The observers performance in batch, fed-batch and continuous bioreactors is assessed by experimental data obtained from the fermentation of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae on glucose.This work was supported by the National University of La Plata (Project 2012-2015), the Agency for the Promotion of Science and Technology ANPCyT (PICT2007-00535) and the National Research Council CONICET (PIP112-200801-01052) of Argentina; the Technical University of Valencia (PAID-02-09), the CICYT (DPI2005-01180) and AECID (A/024186/09) of Spain; and by the project FEDER of the European Union.De Battista, H.; PicĂł Marco, JA.; Garelli, F.; Navarro Herrero, JL. (2012). Reaction rate reconstruction from biomass concentration measurement in bioreactors using modified second-order sliding mode algorithms. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering. 35(9):1-11. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00449-012-0752-yS111359Aborhey S, Williamson D (1978) State amd parameter estimation of microbial growth process. Automatica 14:493–498Bastin G, Dochain D (1986) On-line estimation of microbial specific growth rates. Automatica 22:705–709Bastin G, Dochain D (1990) On-line estimation and adaptive control of bioreactors. Elsevier, AmsterdamBejarano F, Fridman L (2009) Unbounded unknown inputs estimation based on high-order sliding mode differentiator. In: Proceedings of the 48th IEEE conference on decision and control, pp 8393–8398Corless M, Tu J (1998) State and input estimation for a class of uncertain systems. Automatica 34(6):757–764Dabros M, Schler M, Marison I (2010) Simple control of specific growth rate in biotechnological fed-batch processes based on enhanced online measurements of biomass. Bioprocess Biosyst Eng 33:1109–1118Davila A, Moreno J, Fridman L (2010) Variable gains super-twisting algorithm: a lyapunov based design. In: American control conference (ACC), 2010, pp 968–973DĂĄvila J, Fridman L, Levant A (2005) Second-order sliding-mode observer for mechanical systems. IEEE Transact Automatic Control 50(11):1785–1789De Battista H, PicĂł J, Garelli F, Vignoni A (2011) Specific growth rate estimation in (fed-)batch bioreactors using second-order sliding observers. J Process Control 21:1049–1055Dochain D (2001) Bioprocess control. Wiley, HobokenDochain D (2003) State and parameter estimation in chemical and biochemical processes: a tutorial. J Process Control 13(8):801–818Edwards C, Spurgeon S, Patton R (2000) Sliding mode observers for fault detection and isolation. Automatica 36(2):541–553Evangelista C, Puleston P, Valenciaga F, Fridman L (2012) Lyapunov designed super-twisting sliding mode control for wind energy conversion optimization. Indus Electron IEEE Transact. doi: 10.1109/TIE.2012.2188256Farza M, Busawon K, Hammouri H (1998) Simple nonlinear observers for on-line estimation of kinetic rates in bioreactors. Automatica 34(3):301–318Fridman L, Davila J, Levant A (2008) High-order sliding modes observation. In: International workshop on variable structure systems, pp 203–208Fridman L, Levant A (2002) Sliding mode control in engineering, higher-order sliding modes. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, pp 53–101Fridman L, Shtessel Y, Edwards C, Yan X (2008) Higher-order sliding-mode observer for state estimation and input reconstruction in nonlinear systems. Int J Robust Nonlinear Control 18(3–4):399–412Gauthier J, Hammouri H, Othman S (1992) A simple observer for nonlinear systems: applications to bioreactors. IEEE Transact Automatic Control 37(6):875–880Gnoth S, Jenzsch M, Simutis R, Lubbert A (2008) Control of cultivation processes for recombinant protein production: a review. Bioprocess Biosyst Eng 31(1):21–39Hitzmann B, Broxtermann O, Cha Y, Sobieh O, StĂ€rk E, Scheper T (2000) The control of glucose concentration during yeast fed-batch cultivation using a fast measurement complemented by an extended kalman filter. Bioprocess Eng 23(4):337–341Kiviharju K, Salonen K, Moilanen U, Eerikainen T (2008) Biomass measurement online: the performance of in situ measurements and software sensors. J Indus Microbiol Biotechnol 35(7):657–665Levant A (1998) Robust exact differentiation via sliding mode technique. Automatica 34(3):379–384Levant A (2003) Higher-order sliding modes, differentiation and output-feedback control. Int J Control 76(9/10):924–941Lubenova V, Rocha I, Ferreira E (2003) Estimation of multiple biomass growth rates and biomass concentration in a class of bioprocesses. Bioprocess Biosyst Eng 25:395–406Moreno J, Alvarez J, Rocha-Cozatl E, Diaz-Salgado J (2010) Super-twisting observer-based output feedback control of a class of continuous exothermic chemical reactors. In: Proceedings of the 9th IFAC international symposium on dynamics and control of process systems, pp 719–724. Leuven, BelgiumMoreno J, Osorio M (2008) A Lyapunov approach to second-order sliding mode controllers and observers. In: Proceedings of the 47th IEEE conference on decision and control. CancĂșn, MĂ©xico, pp 2856–2861Moreno J, Osorio M (2012) Strict Lyapunov functions for the super-twisting algorithm. IEEE Transact Automatic Control 57:1035–1040Navarro J, PicĂł J, Bruno J, PicĂł-Marco E, VallĂ©s S (2001) On-line method and equipment for detecting, determining the evolution and quantifying a microbial biomass and other substances that absorb light along the spectrum during the development of biotechnological processes. Patent ES20010001757, EP20020751179Neeleman Boxtel (2001) Estimation of specific growth rate from cell density measurements. Bioprocess Biosyst Eng 24(3):179–185November E, van Impe J (2002) The tuning of a model-based estimator for the specific growth rate of Candidautilis. Bioprocess Biosyst Eng 25:1–12Park Y, Stein J (1988) Closed-loop, state and input observer for systems with unknown inputs. Int J Control 48(3):1121–1136Perrier M, de Azevedo SF, Ferreira E, Dochain D (2000) Tuning of observer-based estimators: theory and application to the on-line estimation of kinetic parameters. Control Eng Pract 8:377–388PicĂł J, De Battista H, Garelli F (2009) Smooth sliding-mode observers for specific growth rate and substrate from biomass measurement. J Process Control 19(8):1314–1323. Special section on hybrid systems: modeling, simulation and optimizationSchenk J, Balaszs K, Jungo C, Urfer J, Wegmann C, Zocchi A, Marison I, von Stockar U (2008) Influence of specific growth rate on specific productivity and glycosylation of a recombinant avidin produced by a Pichia pastoris Mut + strain. Biotecnol Bioeng 99(2):368–377Shtessel Y, Taleb M, Plestan F (2012) A novel adaptive-gain supertwisting sliding mode controller: Methodol Appl Automatica (in press)Soons Z, van Straten G, van der Pol L, van Boxtel A (2008) On line automatic tuning and control for fed-batch cultivation. Bioprocess Biosyst Eng 31(5):453–467Utkin V, Poznyak A, Ordaz P (2011) Adaptive super-twist control with minimal chattering effect. In: Proceedings of 50th IEEE conference on decision and control and European control conference. Orlando, pp 7009–7014Veloso A, Rocha I, Ferreira E (2009) Monitoring of fed-batch E. coli fermentations with software sensors. Bioprocess Biosyst Eng 32(3):381–388Venkateswarlu C (2004) Advances in monitoring and state estimation of bioreactors. J Sci Indus Res 63:491–498Zamboni N, Fendt S, RĂŒhl M, Sauer U (2009) 13c-based metabolic flux analysis. Nat Protocols 4:878–892Zorzetto LFM, Wilson JA (1996) Monitoring bioprocesses using hybrid models and an extended kalman filter. Comput Chem Eng 20(Suppl 1):S689–S69

    Cultural experience tourist motives dimensionality : a cross-cultural study

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    This empirical research of tourists&rsquo; cultural experiences aims to advance theory by developing a measurement model of tourists&rsquo; motives towards attending cultural experiences for samples of Western and Asian tourists visiting Melbourne, Australia. Drawing upon Iso-Ahola&rsquo;s (1989) seeking/avoiding dichotomy theory for tourist motivation dimensions, the hypothesized dimensions primarily included escape and seeking-related dimensions, and some hedonic dimensions because of their relevance to aesthetic products (Hirschman &amp; Holbrook, 1982; Holbrook &amp; Hirschman, 1982), which are the context for this study. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were used to crossvalidate the underlying dimensionality structure of cultural experience motives. A four-factor model was extracted from the EFA consistent with some theoretical formulations and was retained in the CFA. Specific cultural language group differences for the motive dimensions were also hypothesized between Western and Asian tourist samples, and within the Chinese- and Japanese-speaking Asian tourist samples, but not within the different cultural groups of English-speaking Western tourists. These cross-cultural hypotheses were tested for the motive dimension measurement model using invariance testing in CFA. The findings for the motive dimensions differing by cultural group were not as expected. Significant cultural differences between Western and Asian tourists were not found, but a new finding of this study was significant differences between English-speaking tourists in their motives for attending cultural experiences. Marketing implications of these findings are also presented.<br /

    Preconception Care and Treatment with Assisted Reproductive Technologies

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    Couples with fertility problems seeking treatment with assisted reproductive technologies (ART) such as in vitro fertilization should receive preconception counseling on all factors that are provided when counseling patients without fertility problems. Additional counseling should address success rates and possible risks from ART therapies. Success rates from ART are improving, with the highest live birth rates averaging about 40% per cycle among women less than 35 years old. A woman’s age lowers the chance of achieving a live birth, as do smoking, obesity, and infertility diagnoses such as hydrosalpinx, uterine leiomyoma, or male factor infertility. Singletons conceived with ART may have lower birth weights. Animal studies suggest that genetic imprinting disorders may be induced by certain embryo culture conditions. The major risk from ovarian stimulation is multiple gestation. About one-third of live-birth deliveries from ART have more than one infant, and twins represent 85% of these multiple-birth children. There are more complications in multiple gestation pregnancies, infants are more likely to be born preterm and with other health problems, and families caring for multiples experience more stress. Transferring fewer embryos per cycle reduces the multiple birth rate from ART, but the patient may have to pay for additional cycles of ART because of a lower likelihood of pregnancy

    Vacationers Happier, but Most not Happier After a Holiday

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    The aim of this study was to obtain a greater insight into the association between vacations and happiness. We examined whether vacationers differ in happiness, compared to those not going on holiday, and if a holiday trip boosts post-trip happiness. These questions were addressed in a pre-test/post-test design study among 1,530 Dutch individuals. 974 vacationers answered questions about their happiness before and after a holiday trip. Vacationers reported a higher degree of pre-trip happiness, compared to non-vacationers, possibly because they are anticipating their holiday. Only a very relaxed holiday trip boosts vacationers’ happiness further after return. Generally, there is no difference between vacationers’ and non-vacationers’ post-trip happiness. The findings are explained in the light of set-point theory, need theory and comparison theory
