2,358 research outputs found

    Policy making in asymmetric regional integrations: a methodology for allocating cohesion fund resources

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    We propose a combination of region- and product-identification procedures in order to map the potential of economic activities in areas with poor infrastructure in an asymmetric regional integration. After identifying spatial units with relative backwardness in terms of infrastructure, we detect the most competitive exports, estimate gravity models for each of them and perform simulations for an improvement of 20% in the value of the infrastructure index. In a final step, we identify goods/provinces where investment in infrastructure should be directed to. A thorough and data intensive application is made to the case of the Fondo de Convergencia Estructural del MERCOSUR (FOCEM), the recently created cohesion fund of one of the most asymmetric integration projects. Our main conclusion is that FOCEM resources, under the global objective of enhancing structural convergence among the members, should be totally directed to Paraguay instead of being dispersed among all backward regions in the bloc.

    Studying the capacity of cellular encoding to generate feedforward neural network topologies

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    Proceeding of: IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN 2004, Budapest, 25-29 July 2004Many methods to codify artificial neural networks have been developed to avoid the disadvantages of direct encoding schema, improving the search into the solution's space. A method to analyse how the search space is covered and how are the movements along search process applying genetic operators is needed in order to evaluate the different encoding strategies for multilayer perceptrons (MLP). In this paper, the generative capacity, this is how the search space is covered for a indirect scheme based on cellular systems, is studied. The capacity of the methods to cover the search space (topologies of MLP space) is compared with the direct encoding scheme.Publicad

    Extreme speech, hate crimes and freedom of expression: A difficult balance

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    Este trabajo afronta la necesidad de conseguir una definición legal más clara y restrictiva del discurso del odio y se plantea los límites de la libertad de expresión ante discursos intolerantes. Asimismo, estudia las distintas respuestas que ofrece el ordenamiento jurídico y en particular el impacto de las redes sociales y de InternetThis paper addresses the need to a more defined and restrictive legal definition of hate speech and displays the limits on freedom of expression related to extreme speech. Moreover, it studies the different responses offered by the legal system and the impact of social networks and the Interne

    Educación [hetero]sexual, subjetivación y la materialización de los cuerpos

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    Este trabajo toma como punto de partida un concepto clave tanto para la racionalidad occidental como para el pensamiento feminista: el cuerpo. Delimitado como un elemento fijo, biológico y natural a la vez que subordinado a la “mente” dentro de una dicotomía reduccionista, el cuerpo ha operado como condición de posibilidad para la construcción de distintos dominios epistémicos. Por un lado, las formas dominantes de producción de la “verdad” han impuesto un sujeto de conocimiento que para ser tal debía ser un sujeto descorporizado. Por el otro lado, una parte del pensamiento feminista no ha escapado a los fundamentos de la dicotomía entre lo corporal y lo mental. Ya se ha señalado que los feminismos tanto “esencialistas”, “igualitaristas” como “constructivistas” han operado sobre el basamento incuestionado de la distinción discreta entre el cuerpo y la mente (cf. Fernández, 2003; Grosz, 1994; Preciado, 2002:126; Spelman, 1982), dando por sentado rápida y acríticamente el carácter natural, dado e inmutable del cuerpo frente a la maleabilidad e historicidad de lo mental –o bien, análogamente, lo ideológico o lo social.Eje temático 5: SexualidadesFacultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Rule of Law Eroded

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    El efecto de los árbitros sobre el resultado en el fútbol

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    This paper examines whether there exists favouritism by individual referees in favour of the home team in Argentina’s first division football (soccer) league. We study 936 matches between 2008 and 2010, and run both ordinary least squares (OLS) and two-stage least squares (2-SLS) specifications. Using goal differential between the home and away teams as the dependent variable, we find that individual referees have a statistically significant effect on the score of the game, even after controlling for referee actions such as yellow and red cards, penalties awarded, and other factors such as team quality, crowd size, and crowd composition. Crowd size and composition do not seem to affect the outcome of the game.Este artículo examina si existe favoritismo por parte de árbitros en favor del equipo local en la liga de fútbol de primera división de la Argentina. Estudiamos 936 juegos entre 2008 y 2010, y ejecutamos las especificaciones de mínimos cuadrados ordinarios (OLS) y de mínimos cuadrados de dos etapas (2-SLS). Utilizando el diferencial de goles entre el equipo local y el equipo visitante como variable dependiente, encontramos que los árbitros individuales tienen un efecto estadísticamente significativo en el resultado del juego, incluso después de controlar por las acciones de los árbitros como tarjetas amarillas y rojas, sanciones y otros factores como calidad del equipo, tamaño de la asistencia, y composición de la asistencia. El tamaño y la composición de la asistencia no parecen afectar el resultado del juego

    Gauge Mediated SUSY Breaking via Seesaw

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    We present a simple scenario for gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking where the messengers are also the fields that generate neutrino masses. We show that the simplest such scenario corresponds to the case where neutrino masses are generated through the Type I and Type III seesaw mechanisms. The entire supersymmetric spectrum and Higgs masses are calculable from only four input parameters. Since the electroweak symmetry is broken through a doubly radiative mechanism, meaning a nearly zero B-term at the messenger scale which runs down to acceptable values, one obtains quite a constrained spectrum for the supersymmetric particles whose properties we describe. We refer to this mechanism as "nu-GMSB".Comment: a few corrections, references adde

    Platygonus sp. (Mammalia: Tayassuidae) in Uruguay (Raigón? Formation; Pliocene–early Pleistocene), comments about its distribution and palaeoenvironmental significance in South America

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    This study provides the first record of Platygonus in Uruguay (Raigón? Formation, Pliocene–early Pleistocene; Canelones Department). The allocation to the Raigón Formation is tentative because the remains were found in a drill core. It is the oldest record of a tayassuid in Uruguay. The following morphological features clearly indicate that it belongs to Platygonus: simple premolars that are bicuspid, bunolophodont, mesodont and with an enamel cingulum surrounding the entire tooth. This is one of the largest forms among North American and South American Platygonus. The record of Platygonus in the Raigón Formation suggests arid or semi-arid climates, and, as do some associated birds and mammals, open or relatively open environments. A significant level of specific diversity of Platygonus in South America is recognized during the late Pliocene with the lowest diversity occurring during the early–middle Pleistocene.Fil: Gasparini, Germán Mariano. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Paleontología Vertebrados; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Ubilla, M.. Universidad del Uruguay. Facultad de Ciencias; Urugua