13 research outputs found

    A comprehensive review on carotenoids in foods and feeds: status quo, applications, patents, and research needs

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    Carotenoids are isoprenoids widely distributed in foods that have been always part of the diet of humans. Unlike the other so-called food bioactives, some carotenoids can be converted into retinoids exhibiting vitamin A activity, which is essential for humans. Furthermore, they are much more versatile as they are relevant in foods not only as sources of vitamin A, but also as natural pigments, antioxidants, and health-promoting compounds. Lately, they are also attracting interest in the context of nutricosmetics, as they have been shown to provide cosmetic benefits when ingested in appropriate amounts. In this work, resulting from the collaborative work of participants of the COST Action European network to advance carotenoid research and applications in agro-food and health (EUROCAROTEN, www.eurocaroten.eu, https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA15136/#tabs|Name:overview) research on carotenoids in foods and feeds is thoroughly reviewed covering aspects such as analysis, carotenoid food sources, carotenoid databases, effect of processing and storage conditions, new trends in carotenoid extraction, daily intakes, use as human, and feed additives are addressed. Furthermore, classical and recent patents regarding the obtaining and formulation of carotenoids for several purposes are pinpointed and briefly discussed. Lastly, emerging research lines as well as research needs are highlighted.This article is based upon work from COST Action (European network to advance carotenoid research and applications in agro-food and health, EUROCAROTEN, CA15136, www.eurocaroten.eu, https://www. cost.eu/actions/CA15136/#tabsjName:overview) supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology, http://www.cost. eu/).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Antioxidant (antiradical) and antimicrobial (antifungal) efects of Slovak Tokaj wines

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    Fourteen quality wines from Tokaj area of Slovakia were analysed for their antioxidant and antimicrobial activity. All Tokaj wines showed very good antiradical effect (against DPPH radical), more than 50%, Tokaj essence (75.72%) and Tokaj 6 puttony (72.7–78%) showed the best antiradical activity. Antioxidative (antiradical) effect of wines expressed in % inhibition ranged from 57.61 to 78.00. The year of grape cultivation and botrytization of grape showed important influence on antioxidant status of wines. The antimicrobial (antifungal) activity of Tokaj wines against fungi Alternaria infectoria, Scopulariopsis brevicaulis, Trichophyton ajelloi and yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was studied using the agar well diffusion method as well.The inhibition zones at Alternaria infectoria strains varied from 15.50±1.87 mm at Tokaj grade wine variety Furmint to 20.33±2.07 mm at Tokaj wine 6 puttony and 20.33±3.78 mm in the Tokaj Lipovina dry. The inhibition zones at Scopulariopsis brevicaulis strains varied from 17.33±3.01 mm, in the Tokaj wine Furmint dry to 24.67±7.89 mm in the Tokaj wine 4 puttony. At Trichophyton ajelloi strains inhibition varied from 21.33±4.50 mm in the Tokaj wine Furmint dry to 32.67±4.72 mm in the Tokaj wine spontaneous dry. The inhibition zones at Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains varied from 4.40±1.34 mm in the Tokaj grade wine variety Furmint to 8.17±1.72 mm in the Tokaj wine Furmint dry

    Mikrobiologiczna jakość mięsa Anas platyrhynchos i Fulica atra

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    The aim of our experiment was monitoring of the microbiological ąuality of the Anas platyrhynchos and the Fulica atra meat after the slaughter and seven days of maturing process. We followed total count of microorganisms, number of coliforms bacteria and number of mesophilic anaerobic sporulating microorganisms. The evaluation of microorganisms was done by Codex Alimentarius SR. We noticed that the count of coliform bacteria was negative after slaughter in both experimental groups. The count of mesophilic anaerobic sporulating bacteria in the meat of the wild ducks ranged from 1.78-2.12 log cfu o g-1 and in the meat of the fulicas was found from 4.98 to 5.95 log cfu o g-1. From the statistical point of view it was a high signifi-cant difference (p 0.05). The count of mesophilic anaerobic sporulating microorganisms in the wild duck mature meat samples varied from 1.95-2.24 log cfu o g-1 and in the maturę meat of the fulicas ranged from 5.00 to 6.00 log cfu o g-1 The significant differences between the meat samples of the wild ducks and the fulicas were determined (p < 0.001). The total count of microorganisms in the mature meat samples of the wild ducks ranged from 1.18-2.24 log cfu o g-1, ie on average 1.99 log cfu o g-1. Higher values were detected in the maturę meat samples of the fulicas. The values varied from 5.24-6.30 log cfu o g-1, ie on average 5.69 log cfu o g-1. The comparison of meat samples of both experimental animals showed high significant differences (p< 0.001).Celem badań był monitoring mikrobiologicznej jakości mięsa z Anas platyrhynchos i Fulica atra bezpośrednio po uboju oraz po 7 dniach dojrzewania. Oznaczono całkowitą liczebność mikroorganizmów, liczebność bakterii Coli oraz liczebność mezofilowych anaerobowych mikroorganizmów sporulujących. Nie stwierdzono obecności bakterii Coli bezpośrednio po uboju. Liczebność mezofilowych anaerobowych mikroorganizmów sporulujących w mięsie Anas platyrhynchos wynosiła 1,78-2,12 log cfu o g-1. Liczebność tych organizmów w mięsie Fulica atra wynosiła 4,98-5,95 log cfu o g-1. Różnice między badanym mięsem były statystycznie istotne (p < 0,001). Całkowita liczebność mikroorganizmów w mięsie Fulica atra wynosiła 5,18 do 6,25 log cfu - g-1. Parametr ten wykazał wartość zerową w mięsie Anas platyrhynchos. Różnice między badanym mięsem pod względem całkowitej zawartości mikroorganizmów były statystycznie istotne (p < 0,001). Liczebność bakterii Coli w dojrzałym mięsie Anas platyrhynchos wynosiła 1,12-1,73 log cfu o g-1. Różnice między mięsem Anas platyrhynchos i Fulica atra pod względem tego parametru nie były istotne statystycznie (p < 0,05). Liczebność mezofilowych anaerobowych mikroorganizmów sporulujących w dojrzałym mięsie Anas platyrhynchos wynosiła 1,95-2,24 log cfu o g-1, a w dojrzałym mięsie Fulica atra 5,00-6,00 log cfu o g-1. Różnice te były statystycznie istotne (p < 0,001). Całkowita liczebność mikroorganizmów w próbkach dojrzałego mięsa Anas platyrhynchos wynosiła 1,18-2,24 log cfu o g-l (średnio 1,99 log cfu o g-1). Większą liczebność mikroorganizmów stwierdzono w dojrzałym mięsie Fulica atra, gdzie mieściła się ona w granicach 5,24-6,30 log cfu o g-1 (średnio 5,69 log cfu o g-1). Porównanie dojrzałego mięsa obu gatunków pod względem tego parametru wykazało statystycznie istotne różnice (p < 0,001)

    Zmiany flory bakteryjnej pyłku pszczelego zamrażanego i eksponowanego na promieniowanie UV w czasie przechowywania

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    The aim of this work was observation of microbial community of bee pollen of poppy (Papaver somnifenim), rape (Brassica napus) and sunflower (Helianthus annus) which were treated under frcezing, DV light and then stored for 6 weeks. From among microbiological parameters were tested counts and representation of microscopic fungi, total counts of microorganisms, counts of mesophilic aerobic and anaerobic sporulating microorganisms, count of coliforms bacteria and count of cells of Escherichia coli. Counts of microscopic fungi in the pollen treated with UV light ranged froin 1.86 log cfu o g-1 in the rape pollen after the 5* week of storage to 3.94 log cfu o g-1 in the sunflower pollen after the lst week of storage. Counts of mesophilic anaerobic sporulating microorganisms ranged from 2.54 log cfu o g-1 after the 6th week of storage in the poppy pollen to 4.27 log cfu o g-1 in the sunflower pollen after the first week. Mesophilic aerobic sporulating microorganisms varied from 2.43 log cfu o g-1 in poppy pollen after the 6th week of UV light treatment to 3.60 log cfu o g-1 in rape pollen after the first week. Counts of coliforms bacteria ranged from 0 log cfu o g-1 sińce the 4th week in sunflower pollen and since 4th week in rape pollen to 3.33 log cfu o g-1 in sunflower pollen after the lst week of UV light treatment. Counts of microscopic fungi in the pollen treated by freezing ranged from 2.13 log cfu o g-1 after the 5th week of storage in the pollen of rape to 4.05 log cfu o g-1 in the pollen of sunflower after the first week. Counts of mesophilic anaerobic sporulating microorganisms yaried from 2.13 log cfu o g-1 after the 5th week in the pollen of rape to 4.65 log cfu o g-1 after the first week in the pollen of sunflower. Mesophilic aerobic sporulating microorganisms were found from 2.60 log cfu o g-1 after the 6th week of freezing of poppy pollen to 4.02 log cfu o g-1 after the first week of freezing in the pollen of sunflower. Counts of coliforms bacteria ranged from 0 log cfu o g-1 after the 3rd week in the rape pollen to 3.21 log cfu o g-1 after first week of freezing in the poppy pollen. Alternaria sp., Cladosporium sp. and Penicillium sp. were the most frequent species among microbiological fungi during whole time of observation. We can conclude that counts of microorganisms during 6 weeks storage treated with UV light and freezing decreased in all kinds of pollen.Celem pracy była obserwacja mikroorganizmów pyłku pszczelego pochodzącego z Papaver somniferum, Brassica napus i Helianthus annus, który naświetlono UV, zamrożono i przechowywano przez 6 tygodni. Spośród parametrów mikrobiologicznych oznaczono liczebność i skład gatunkowy grzybów, całkowitą liczebność mikroorganizmów, liczebność mezofilnych aerobowych i anaerobowych sporulujących mikroorganizmów, liczebność bakterii coli oraz liczebność Escherichia coli. Liczebność grzybów w pyłku Brassica napus naświetlanym UV wynosiła od 1.86 log cfu o g-1 po 5 tygodniach przechowywania do 3.94 log cfu o g-1 w pyłku Helianlhus annus po l tygodniu przechowywania. Liczebność mezofilowych anaerobowych sporulujących mikroorganizmów wynosiła od 2.54 log cfu o g-1 w pyłku z Papaver somniferum po 6 tygodniach przechowywania do 4.27 log cfu o g-1 w pyłku Helianthus annus przechowywanym przez tydzień. Liczebność aerobowych sporulujących mikroorganizmów wynosiła od 2.43 log cfu o g-1 w pyłku Papaver somniferum przechowywanym przez 6 tygodni w obecności UV do 3.60 log cfu o g-1 w pyłku Brassica napus po pierwszym tygodniu przechowywania. Liczebność bakterii coli w pyłku Helianthus annus i Brassica napus wynosiła od O w 4 tygodniu przechowywania do 3.33 log cfu o g-1 w pyłku Helianthus annus po l tygodniu naświetlania UV. Liczebność grzybów wynosiła od 2.13 log cfu o g-1 w zamrażanym przez 5 tygodni pyłku Brassica napus do 4.05 log cfu o g-1 w pyłku Helianthus annus zamrożonym przez tydzień. Liczebność mezofilnych anaerobowych sporulujących mikroorganizmów wynosiła od 2.13 log cfu o g-1 w zamrażanym przez 5 tygodni pyłku Brassica napus do 4.65 log cfu o g-1 w pyłku Helianthus annus zamrożonym przez tydzień. Liczebność mezofilowych aerobowych sporulujących mikroorganizmów wynosiła od 2.60 log cfu o g-1 w pyłku Papaver somniferum zamrożonym przez 6 tygodni do 4.02 log cfu o g-1 w pyłku Helianthus annus zamrożonym przez tydzień. Liczebność bakterii coli wynosiła od O w pyłku Brassica napus zamrożonym przez 3 tygodnie do 3.21 log cfu o g-1 w pyłku Papaver somniferum zamrożonym przez tydzień. Spośród grzybów najczęściej występowały Alternaria sp., Cladosporium sp. i Penicillium sp. Zamrażanie połączone z ekspozycją na promieniowanie UV powodowało spadek liczebności mikroorganizmów we wszystkich rodzajach pyłku po 6 tygodniach przechowywania

    Microbial communities in bees, pollen and honey from Slovakia

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    As the honey-bee gastrointestinal tract microflora and pollen are the primary sources for the honey microbial community, the aim of this work was to study and characterize the microbial transit among them. Therefore, an exhaustive microbial analysis of honey, adult honey-bee gastrointestinal tract, and pollen from different Slovakian regions and different seasons, was conducted. Microbial screening revealed that the primary sources of microbial community present in Slovakian honey are pollen and the honey-bees’ digestive tract microflora, containing microorganisms normally present in dust, air and flowers. We found that the digestive tract of Slovakian adult honey-bees is highly populated by anaerobic, rather than aerobic bacteria, where coliforms, enterococci, staphylococci, Bacillus sp., Pseudomonas sp., microscopic fungi and yeast were found. Interestingly, statistical differences were found between the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract of summer and winter bees. Pollen revealed the presence of mesophil anaerobic and aerobic microorganisms, coliforms and microscopic fungi. Among these, the most representative genera were Alternaria, Cladosporium and Penicillium . In honey the counts of total anaerobic and total aerobic bacteria, that of coliforms, enterococci, bacilli, microscopic fungi and yeasts were monitored. Most frequently microscopic fungi belonging to genera Penicillium, Cladosporium and Alternaria were found

    A comprehensive review on carotenoids in foods and feeds: status quo, applications, patents, and research needs

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    Carotenoids are isoprenoids widely distributed in foods that have been always part of the diet of humans. Unlike the other so-called food bioactives, some carotenoids can be converted into retinoids exhibiting vitamin A activity, which is essential for humans. Furthermore, they are much more versatile as they are relevant in foods not only as sources of vitamin A, but also as natural pigments, antioxidants, and health-promoting compounds. Lately, they are also attracting interest in the context of nutricosmetics, as they have been shown to provide cosmetic benefits when ingested in appropriate amounts. In this work, resulting from the collaborative work of participants of the COST Action European network to advance carotenoid research and applications in agro-food and health (EUROCAROTEN, www.eurocaroten.eu, https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA15136/#tabs|Name:overview) research on carotenoids in foods and feeds is thoroughly reviewed covering aspects such as analysis, carotenoid food sources, carotenoid databases, effect of processing and storage conditions, new trends in carotenoid extraction, daily intakes, use as human, and feed additives are addressed. Furthermore, classical and recent patents regarding the obtaining and formulation of carotenoids for several purposes are pinpointed and briefly discussed. Lastly, emerging research lines as well as research needs are highlighted

    Carotenoids: Considerations for Their Use in Functional Foods, Nutraceuticals, Nutricosmetics, Supplements, Botanicals, and Novel Foods in the Context of Sustainability, Circular Economy, and Climate Change

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    Carotenoids are versatile isoprenoids that are important in food quality and health promotion. There is a need to establish recommended dietary intakes/nutritional reference values for carotenoids. Research on carotenoids in agro-food and health is being propelled by the two multidisciplinary international networks, the Ibero-American Network for the Study of Carotenoids as Functional Foods Ingredients (IBERCAROT; http://www.cyted.org) and the European Network to Advance Carotenoid Research and Applications in Agro-Food and Health (EUROCAROTEN; http://www.eurocaroten.eu). In this review, considerations for their safe and sustainable use in products mostly intended for health promotion are provided. Specifically, information about sources, intakes, and factors affecting bioavailability is summarized. Furthermore, their health-promoting actions and importance in public health in relation to the contribution of reducing the risk of diverse ailments are synthesized. Definitions and regulatory and safety information for carotenoid-containing products are provided. Lastly, recent trends in research in the context of sustainable healthy diets are summarized

    Carotenoids: Considerations for Their Use in Functional Foods, Nutraceuticals, Nutricosmetics, Supplements, Botanicals, and Novel Foods in the Context of Sustainability, Circular Economy, and Climate Change

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    Carotenoids are versatile isoprenoids that are important in food quality and health promotion. There is a need to establish recommended dietary intakes/nutritional reference values for carotenoids. Research on carotenoids in agro-food and health is being propelled by the two multidisciplinary international networks, the Ibero-American Network for the Study of Carotenoids as Functional Foods Ingredients (IBERCAROT; http://www.cyted.org) and the European Network to Advance Carotenoid Research and Applications in Agro-Food and Health (EUROCAROTEN; http://www.eurocaroten.eu). In this review, considerations for their safe and sustainable use in products mostly intended for health promotion are provided. Specifically, information about sources, intakes, and factors affecting bioavailability is summarized. Furthermore, their health-promoting actions and importance in public health in relation to the contribution of reducing the risk of diverse ailments are synthesized. Definitions and regulatory and safety information for carotenoid-containing products are provided. Lastly, recent trends in research in the context of sustainable healthy diets are summarized.acceptedVersio