596 research outputs found

    Changes in intense tropical cyclone activity for the western North Pacific during the last decades derived from a regional climate model simulation

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    An atmospheric regional climate model (CCLM) was employed to dynamically downscale atmospheric reanalyses (NCEP/NCAR 1, ERA 40) over the western North Pacific and South East Asia. This approach is used for the first time to reconstruct a tropical cyclone climatology, which extends beyond the satellite era and serves as an alternative data set for inhomogeneous observation-derived records (Best Track Data sets). The simulated TC climatology skillfully reproduces observations of the recent decades (1978--2010), including spatial patterns, frequency, lifetime, trends, variability on interannual and decadal time scales and their association with the large-scale circulation patterns. These skills, facilitated here with the spectral nudging method, seem to be a prerequisite to understand the factors determining spatio-temporal variability of TC activity over the western North Pacific. Long-term trends (1948--2011 and 1959--2001) in both simulations show a strong increase of intense tropical cyclone activity. This contrasts with pronounced multidecadal variations found in observations. The discrepancy may partly originate from temporal inhomogeneities in atmospheric reanalyses and Best Track Data, which affect both the model-based and observational-based trends. An adjustment, which removes the simulated upward trend, reduces the apparent discrepancy. Ultimately, our observational and modeling analysis suggests an important contribution of multi-decadal fluctuations in the TC activity during the last six decades. Nevertheless, due to the uncertainties associated with the inconsistencies and quality changes of those data sets, we call for special caution when reconstructing long-term TC statistics either from atmospheric reanalyses or Best Track Data

    Effects of degradable Mg-Ca alloys on dendritic cell function

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    Degradable magnesium alloys are new materials for implants used in orthopedic and trauma surgery. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of degradable magnesium alloys on the function of dendritic cells (DC) as these cells represent the major antigen presenting cells of the body. MgP (pure magnesium), MgCa 0.6 (0.6% calcium), MgCa 0.8 (0.8% calcium), MgCa 1.0 (1% calcium), and MgCa 1.2 (1.2% calcium) alloys were degraded in cell culture medium. In parallel, murine bone marrow-derived DC were incubated with increasing concentrations (0.1-10 mmol/L) of magnesium chloride and calcium chloride, respectively. Incubation of DC with degradation media over 6 days had no influence on cell viability and only marginal influence on DC migration. Also, the production of TNFα and expression of CD86 was not enhanced by incubation with degraded magnesium alloys. The mixed leukocyte reaction revealed that there was also no increase of the T-cell proliferation in comparison to untreated controls. However, there was a trend toward macrophage development at the expense of DC expansion and an enhanced DC migration was induced by incubation with higher magnesium concentrations. Particularly the latter should be verified in in vivo experiments. © The Author(s), 2010

    Optimal spectral nudging for global dynamic downscaling

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    AbstractThis study analyzes a method to construct a homogeneous, high-resolution global atmospheric hindcast. The method is the spectral nudging technique which was applied to a state-of-the-art general circulation model (ECHAM6, T255L95). Large spatial scales of the global climate model prognostic variables were spectrally nudged towards a reanalysis data set (NCEP1, T62L28) for the last decades. The main idea is the addition of dynamically consistent regional weather details to the coarse grid NCEP1 reanalysis. A large number of sensitivity experiments were performed, using different nudging e-folding times, vertical profiles, wave numbers, and variables. Comparisons with observations and several reanalyses showed a high dependency on the variations of the nudging configuration. At the global scale, the accordance is very high for extra-tropical regions and lower in the tropics. A wave number truncation of 30, a relatively short e-folding time of 50 min and a plateau-shaped nudging profile applied only to divergence and vorticity generally yielded the best results. This is one of the first global spectral nudging hindcast studies and the first applying an altitude-dependent profile to selected prognostic variables. The method can be applied to reconstruct the history of extreme events such as intense storms in the context of ongoing climate change

    Robust Two-Step Wavelet-Based Inference for Time Series Models

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    Latent time series models such as (the independent sum of) ARMA(p, q) models with additional stochastic processes are increasingly used for data analysis in biology, ecology, engineering, and economics. Inference on and/or prediction from these models can be highly challenging: (i) the data may contain outliers that can adversely affect the estimation procedure; (ii) the computational complexity can become prohibitive when the time series are extremely large; (iii) model selection adds another layer of (computational) complexity; and (iv) solutions that address (i), (ii), and (iii) simultaneously do not exist in practice. This paper aims at jointly addressing these challenges by proposing a general framework for robust two-step estimation based on a bounded influence M-estimator of the wavelet variance. We first develop the conditions for the joint asymptotic normality of the latter estimator thereby providing the necessary tools to perform (direct) inference for scale-based analysis of signals. Taking advantage of the model-independent weights of this first-step estimator, we then develop the asymptotic properties of two-step robust estimators using the framework of the generalized method of wavelet moments (GMWM). Simulation studies illustrate the good finite sample performance of the robust GMWM estimator and applied examples highlight the practical relevance of the proposed approach

    Analyzing the causes and spatial pattern of the European 2003 carbon flux anomaly in Europe using seven models

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    International audienceGlobally, the year 2003 is associated with one of the largest atmospheric CO2 rises on record. In the same year, Europe experienced an anomalously strong flux of CO2 from the land to the atmosphere associated with an exceptionally dry and hot summer in Western and Central Europe. In this study we analyze the magnitude of this carbon flux anomaly and key driving ecosystem processes using simulations of seven terrestrial ecosystem models of different complexity and types (process-oriented and diagnostic). We address the following questions: (1) how large were deviations in the net European carbon flux in 2003 relative to a short-term baseline (1998–2002) and to longer-term variations in annual fluxes (1980 to 2005), (2) which regions exhibited the largest shift in carbon fluxes during the growing season 2003, and (3) which processes controlled the carbon balance anomaly . In Western and Central Europe, the anomaly in net ecosystem productivity (NEP) over growing season 2003 was outside the 1s bound of the carbon flux anomalies for 1980–2005. The estimated growing season anomaly ranged between –29 and –196 Tg C for Western Europe and between 13 and –94 Tg C for Central Europe depending on the model used. All models responded to a dipole pattern of the climate anomaly in 2003. In Western and Central Europe NEP was reduced due to heat and drought. Over Western Russia NEP was decreased in response to lower than normal temperatures and high precipitation. While models agree on changes in simulated NEP and gross primary productivity anomalies in 2003 over Western and Central Europe, models diverge in the estimates of anomalies in ecosystem respiration. Except for two process models which simulate respiration increase, most models simulated a decrease in ecosystem respiration in 2003. The diagnostic models showed a weaker decrease in ecosystem respiration than the process-oriented models. Based on the multi-model simulations we estimated the total carbon flux anomaly over the 2003 growing season in Europe to range between –0.02 and –0.27 Pg C relative to the net flux in 1998–2002

    Analyzing the causes and spatial pattern of the European 2003 carbon flux anomaly using seven models

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    Globally, the year 2003 is associated with one of the largest atmospheric CO<sub>2</sub> rises on record. In the same year, Europe experienced an anomalously strong flux of CO<sub>2</sub> from the land to the atmosphere associated with an exceptionally dry and hot summer in Western and Central Europe. In this study we analyze the magnitude of this carbon flux anomaly and key driving ecosystem processes using simulations of seven terrestrial ecosystem models of different complexity and types (process-oriented and diagnostic). We address the following questions: (1) how large were deviations in the net European carbon flux in 2003 relative to a short-term baseline (1998–2002) and to longer-term variations in annual fluxes (1980 to 2005), (2) which European regions exhibited the largest changes in carbon fluxes during the growing season 2003, and (3) which ecosystem processes controlled the carbon balance anomaly . <br><br> In most models the prominence of 2003 anomaly in carbon fluxes declined with lengthening of the reference period from one year to 16 years. The 2003 anomaly for annual net carbon fluxes ranged between 0.35 and –0.63 Pg C for a reference period of one year and between 0.17 and –0.37 Pg C for a reference period of 16 years for the whole Europe. <br><br> In Western and Central Europe, the anomaly in simulated net ecosystem productivity (NEP) over the growing season in 2003 was outside the 1σ variance bound of the carbon flux anomalies for 1980–2005 in all models. The estimated anomaly in net carbon flux ranged between –42 and –158 Tg C for Western Europe and between 24 and –129 Tg C for Central Europe depending on the model used. All models responded to a dipole pattern of the climate anomaly in 2003. In Western and Central Europe NEP was reduced due to heat and drought. In contrast, lower than normal temperatures and higher air humidity decreased NEP over Northeastern Europe. While models agree on the sign of changes in simulated NEP and gross primary productivity in 2003 over Western and Central Europe, models diverge in the estimates of anomalies in ecosystem respiration. Except for two process models which simulate respiration increase, most models simulated a decrease in ecosystem respiration in 2003. The diagnostic models showed a weaker decrease in ecosystem respiration than the process-oriented models. Based on the multi-model simulations we estimated the total carbon flux anomaly over the 2003 growing season in Europe to range between –0.02 and –0.27 Pg C relative to the net carbon flux in 1998–2002

    Heightened Levels of Antimicrobial Response Factors in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic progressive autoimmune disease leading to considerable disability over time. The disease can be characterized by the presence of multiple autoantibodies in the serum and synovial fluid. Microbial dysbiosis is proposed to play a role in the pathogenesis of RA. Increased systemic bacterial exposure leads to elevated levels of antimicrobial response factors (ARFs) in the circulation. In the present study, we tested whether RA patients have increased levels of ARFs by analyzing the levels of multiple ARFs in serum from RA patients and healthy age and sex-matched controls. The levels of soluble CD14 (sCD14), lysozyme, and CXCL16 were significantly elevated in RA patients compared to healthy controls. Lipopolysaccharide binding protein (LBP) levels remained unchanged in RA patients compared to healthy controls. A positive correlation of LBP with rheumatoid factor (RF) was also found in RA subjects. Interestingly, the levels of anti-endotoxin core antibodies (EndoCAb) IgM, total IgM, EndoCAb IgA, and total IgA were significantly elevated in RA patients compared to healthy controls. No significant changes in the levels of EndoCAb IgG and total IgG were observed in RA patients compared to healthy controls. Furthermore, lysozyme and CXCL16 levels were positively correlated with disease severity among RA subjects. Increases in the levels of several ARFs and their correlations with clinical indices suggest systemic microbial exposure in the RA cohort. Modulation of microbial exposure may play an important role in disease pathogenesis in individuals with RA

    Three dimensional subsurface elemental identification of minerals using confocal micro-X-ray fluorescence and micro-X-ray computed tomography

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    Current non-destructive elemental characterization methods, such as scanning electron microscopy-based energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM–EDS) and micro-X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (MXRF), are limited to either elemental identification at the surface (SEM–EDS) or suffer from an inability to discriminate between surface or depth information (MXRF). Thus, a non-destructive elemental characterization of individual embedded particles beneath the surface is impossible with either of these techniques. This limitation can be overcome by using laboratory-based 3D confocal micro-X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (confocal MXRF). This technique utilizes focusing optics on the X-ray source and detector which allows for spatial discrimination in all three dimensions. However, the voxel-by-voxel serial acquisition of a 3D elemental scan can be very time-intensive (~ 1 to 4 weeks) if it is necessary to locate individual embedded particles of interest. As an example, if each point takes a 5 s measurement time, a small volume of 50 × 50 × 50 pixels leads to an acquisition time of approximately 174 h, not including sample stage movement time. Initially screening the samples for particles of interest using micro-X-ray computed tomography (micro-CT) can significantly reduce the time required to spatially locate these particles. Once located, these individual particles can be elementally characterized with confocal MXRF. Herein, we report the elemental identification of high atomic number surface and subsurface particles embedded in a mineralogical matrix by coupling micro-CT and confocal MXRF. Synergistically, these two X-ray based techniques first rapidly locate and then elementally identify individual subsurface particles
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