1,235 research outputs found

    Adapting to a Bearish Nuclear Market : The Transition of Framatome in the 1980s

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    The 1980s were comparably lean years for the nuclear power industry. This was not just out of general economic trends; rather, a number of medium-tolong-term endogenous dynamics were putting constraint upon an international industry still articulated in national champions. The cumulative effect of such dynamics was a growing gap between the distribution of production capacity and potential domestic demand. If for a while export markets appeared as a possible solution, they did not stand up to earlier, inflated expectations. Drawing on unpublished documents of the Framatome Board, it is possible to understand how the French company tackled the problem of a bearish nuclear market. After having started a process of inner differentiation since 1983, by July 1986 Framatome adopted new strategic guidelines aimed at transforming it into a \u2018multipolar\u2019 group. On the one hand, the nuclear sector was scaled down, with a sizeable cut in heavy boiler-making capacity, a refocusing on product and services, and a policy of alliances aimed at developing an European standard nuclear island (i.e. the joint venture with Siemens) and penetrating into the U.S. market (i.e. agreements with Babcock & Wilcox). On the other hand, the realm of electronics was deemed as a most promising area for diversification as its high-tech content suited well a firm overstaffed with engineers and technicians accustomed to deal with their end-product in terms of safe reliability. With the creation in 1989 of Framatome Connectors International as a holding company for Burndy, Souriau and Jupiter, the French group became one of the five biggest enterprises of the sector; the \u2018pole connectique\u2019 was expected to produce one-half of consolidated revenues by 1993. Framatome reacted timely in front of a depressing nuclear market trend by progressively formulating a strategy which was basically aimed at using the sizeable profits obtained through the French nuclear power programme in order to preserve the company\u2019s capacity and expertise for better times. This process intertwined with and was complicated by the struggle to defend Framatome independence as an industrial subject in respect of its own shareholders, with first the crisis of Creusot-Loire and then the clash with CGE. The strategy would have been basically sound if it had not revolved around the forecast of a upturn of the nuclear market in the mid term; such a nuclear renaissance, however, hardly materialised. Moreover, the choice in favour of connectors for diversifying the company\u2019s area of activities was unexpectedly problematic, while the well-known difficulties of the EPR reactor and the ultimate exit of Siemens from the nuclear industry cast a further shadow on Framatome\u2019s strategy. The latter\u2019s basic \u2013 and probably unforeseeable \u2013 flaw, however, consisted in confiding in a possible restart of nuclear power in the Western industrialised countries after Chernobyl.Les ann\ue9es 1980 furent une p\ue9riode de vaches maigres pour l\u2019industrie de l\u2019\ue9nergie nucl\ue9aire. La raison ne fut pas fond\ue9e seulement sur les tendances \ue9conomiques g\ue9n\ue9rales ; plut\uf4t, un certain nombre de dynamiques endog\ue8nes, \ue0 moyen et long terme, mirent des contraintes sur une industrie internationale toujours articul\ue9e en champions nationaux. L\u2019effet cumulatif de ces dynamiques fut un \ue9cart croissant entre la r\ue9partition de la capacit\ue9 de production et la demande int\ue9rieure potentielle. Bien que les march\ue9s d\u2019exportation apparussent pendant un moment comme une solution possible, ils ne furent pas finalement au niveau des pr\ue9visions ant\ue9rieures, excessives. En utilisant des documents in\ue9dits du conseil d\u2019administration de Framatome, il est possible de comprendre comment cette entreprise fran\ue7aise aborda le probl\ue8me d\u2019un march\ue9 nucl\ue9aire baissier. Apr\ue8s avoir commenc\ue9 un processus de diff\ue9renciation interne depuis 1983, en juillet 1986 Framatome adopta de nouvelles orientations strat\ue9giques visant \ue0 la transformer en un groupe \uab multipolaire \ubb. D\u2019une part, le secteur nucl\ue9aire fut revu \ue0 la baisse, avec une coupe importante de la capacit\ue9 de chaudronnerie lourde, un recentrage sur les produits et services et une politique d\u2019alliances visant soit \ue0 l\u2019\ue9laboration d\u2019un \ueelot nucl\ue9aire standardis\ue9 europ\ue9en (\ue0 savoir la joint-venture avec Siemens), soit \ue0 p\ue9n\ue9trer le march\ue9 am\ue9ricain (accords avec Babcock & Wilcox). D\u2019autre part, le domaine de l\u2019\ue9lectronique fut consid\ue9r\ue9 comme le secteur le plus prometteur pour la diversification, en raison de son contenu high-tech qui s\u2019adaptait bien \ue0 une soci\ue9t\ue9 en sureffectif en mati\ue8re d\u2019ing\ue9nieurs et de techniciens habitu\ue9s \ue0 traiter avec leur produit final en termes de fiabilit\ue9 et de s\ue9curit\ue9. Avec la cr\ue9ation en 1989 de Framatome Connectors International en tant que holding pour Burndy, Souriau et Jupiter, le groupe fran\ue7ais devint l\u2019une des cinq plus grandes entreprises du secteur ; on s'attendait \ue0 ce que le \uab p\uf4le connectique \ubb fournisse la moiti\ue9 du b\ue9n\ue9fice consolid\ue9 de la soci\ue9t\ue9 en 1993. Framatome r\ue9agit sans d\ue9lai face \ue0 la tendance \ue0 la baisse du march\ue9 nucl\ue9aire en formulant progressivement une strat\ue9gie qui visait essentiellement \ue0 utiliser les b\ue9n\ue9fices importants obtenus par le programme \ue9lectronucl\ue9aire fran\ue7ais afin de pr\ue9server la capacit\ue9 et l\u2019expertise de la soci\ue9t\ue9 pour des temps meilleurs. Ce processus s\u2019entrecroisa avec et fut compliqu\ue9 par la lutte pour d\ue9fendre l\u2019ind\ue9pendance de Framatome en tant qu\u2019acteur industriel \ue0 l\u2019\ue9gard de ses propres actionnaires, d\u2019abord avec la crise de Creusot-Loire et puis avec l\u2019affrontement avec la CGE. La strat\ue9gie aurait \ue9t\ue9 fondamentalement solide si elle n\u2019avait pas tenu \ue0 la pr\ue9vision d\u2019une reprise du march\ue9 nucl\ue9aire \ue0 moyen terme ; une telle renaissance du nucl\ue9aire, cependant, ne se mat\ue9rialisa gu\ue8re. En outre, le choix en faveur de connecteurs pour la diversification de la soci\ue9t\ue9 fut probl\ue9matique de fa\ue7on inattendue, tandis que les difficult\ue9s bien connues du r\ue9acteur EPR et la sortie ultime de Siemens de l\u2019industrie nucl\ue9aire jet\ue8rent une nouvelle ombre sur la strat\ue9gie de Framatome. N\ue9anmoins, le d\ue9faut fondamental, et peut-\ueatre impr\ue9visible, de sa strat\ue9gie tenait \ue0 la confiance en un red\ue9marrage possible de l\u2019\ue9nergie nucl\ue9aire dans les pays industrialis\ue9s occidentaux apr\ue8s Tchernobyl

    Spatial Distribution Modelling of Prothonotary Warbler (Protonotaria citrea) on Breeding Grounds

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    Ecological niche modeling is used to predict a species’ distribution in a geographic area based on abiotic and biotic variables. Understanding a species’ range is important for conservation and restoration efforts. As anthropogenic forces may alter or deplete habitat, it is important to know the ecological requirements of a species to understand how and what habitat to protect. With the increasing threat of climate change and rising temperature and precipitation, the suitable habitat and the distribution for many species is expected to shift. Migratory species are particularly at risk of these changes as they require suitable habitat not only on their wintering and stopover grounds, but on their breeding grounds. Without suitable breeding grounds, reproductive success is guaranteed to decline for a species. Understanding how these changes affect the range and distribution of a species allows researchers and conservationist to better formulate effective species management plan

    Regulasi Emosi pada Penderita Hiv/aids

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui regulasi emosi penderita HIV/AIDS dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi regulasi emosi pada penderita HIV/AIDS. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara dan observasi kepada subjek penderita HIV/AIDS. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari dua orang penderita HIV/AIDS dengan dua orang significant person. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan regulasi emosi dilakukan oleh kedua subjek untuk mengatur respon emosi dari permasalahan yang muncul setelah kedua subjek terinfeksi HIV/AIDS. Subjek pertama yang merupakan seorang wanita yang telah menikah, menggunakan strategi regulasi emosi antecendent-focussed strategy (cognitive reapraissal). Melalui proses regulasi emosi yang terdiri dari situation selection, situation modification, attention deployment, cognitive change, dan modulation respon. Faktor yang mempengaruhi penggunaan regulasi emosi subjek pertama yakni harapan akan masa depan anak, keterbukaan (self disclosure) dan dukungan sosial (sosial support). Subjek kedua yang merupakan pria yang belum menikah, meregulasi emosi dengan menggunakan strategi regulasi emosi respon focused strategy (expression suppression) melalui proses regulasi emosi situation selection. Penggunaan strategi regulasi emosi ini dipengaruhi faktor ketidakmampuan membuka diri dan dukungan sosial (sosial support). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah kedua subjek meregulasi emosi dengan pemilihan strategi regulasi emosi yang berbeda. Faktor yang paling mempengaruhi penggunaan regulasi emosi penderita HIV/AIDS adalah dukungan sosial (sosial Support)

    Psychological Interventions to Achieve Post-Traumatic Growth (PTG) after the Covid-19 Pandemic: a Systematic Literature Study

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    This article examines effective psychological interventions to enhance Post traumatic growth (PTG) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Pandemic situation, causing extensive impacts, affects various aspects, including mental health. If not addressed properly, it can result in prolonged consequences such as heightened stress, increased anxiety, depression, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This research employs a systematic literature review method based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Article analysis criteria were formulated using the Populations, Interventions, Comparison, Outcomes, and Time (PICOT) framework. Total of 254 articles were collected from various databases, and after the screening process, eight articles that met the analysis criteria remained. The analysis reveals that several effective interventions for enhancing Post traumatic growth in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic include Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), photography intervention, expressive writing, Character Strength-Based Intervention, group counseling, Psychological Intervention (Professionals in emotional crisis: COVID-19), Online Self-Distancing Intervention: to promote emotional regulation and post traumatic growth, Compassion & Growth Workshop, and psychological consultations. Keywords: Covid-19, interventions, post-traumatic growt

    Analisis Marketing Pada Pizza Hut Delivery

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    Pizza Hut and PHD actually are in the same company. Pizza Hut is focusing their business in restaurant, serve their customer directly on the table and also take away orders.Running their business in some period they bring new great idea to grab more markets and excellence service, they built PHD. PHD is focusing their business on delivery pizza. They didnt provide table and restaurant, they provide only small kiosk or outlet, accept all customers orders by phone or website and send them to customers address as mentioned on the orders list. They help customers well. They put easy way to order to their customers mind set. PHD make their customer happy and feel easy

    Genome Sequence Announcement of Lactobacillus vaginalis S-26419, Isolated from a Healthy Woman

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    The Lactobacillus vaginalis LMG S-26419 strain, also named CBA-L88 (BV2), was isolated at the AAT-Advanced Analytical Technologies laboratories from a vaginal swab obtained from a healthy woman. The total genome size is 1,806,242\u2009bp with a G+C content of 40.6%

    Large N Field Theory and AdS Tachyons

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    In non-supersymmetric orbifolds of N =4 super Yang-Mills, conformal invariance is broken by the logarithmic running of double-trace operators -- a leading effect at large N. A tachyonic instability in AdS_5 has been proposed as the bulk dual of double-trace running. In this paper we make this correspondence more precise. By standard field theory methods, we show that the double-trace beta function is quadratic in the coupling, to all orders in planar perturbation theory. Tuning the double-trace coupling to its (complex) fixed point, we find conformal dimensions of the form 2 + i b, as formally expected for operators dual to bulk scalars that violate the stability bound. We also show that conformal invariance is broken in perturbation theory if and only if dynamical symmetry breaking occurs. Our analysis is applicable to a general large N field theory with vanishing single-trace beta functions.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures. v3: small changes, version published on JHEP

    Endoscopy during the Covid-19 outbreak : experience and recommendations from a single center in a high-incidence scenario

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    A dramatic SARS-Cov-2 outbreak is hitting Italy hard. To face the new scenario all the hospitals have been re-organised in order to reduce all the outpatient services and to devote almost all their personnel and resources to the management of Covid-19 patients. As a matter of fact, all the services have undergone a deep re-organization guided by: the necessity to reduce exams, to create an environment that helps reduce the virus spread, and to preserve the medical personnel from infection. In these days a re-organization of the endoscopic unit, sited in a high-incidence area, has been adopted, with changes to logistics, work organization and patients selection. With the present manuscript, we want to support gastroenterologists and endoscopists in the organization of a \u201cnew\u201d endoscopy unit that responds to the \u201cnew\u201d scenario, while remaining fully aware that resources, availability and local circumstances may extremely vary from unit to unit
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