Jurnal Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi
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    143 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Pemberian Pakan dan Minum Ayam Secara Otomatis

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    This result project built a system of feeding and drinking chicken automatically using ATMEGA-328 microcontroller. This automated tool uses two parts: the first container serves as a reservoir of food and water and the second container is functioned as a feed and water distribution place. The volume of feed and water is measured using ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 which has a function to control the height of feed and water in reserve storage of feed and water. The microcontroller circuit as the controller receives input to know the volume of feed and water and send status data to GSM SIM900A module in the form of AT Command command to be forwarded to destination number then the result will be displayed in the form of message. Keywords— ATMega328 microcontroller, auto system GSM sim900a module, message, ultrasonic sensor

    Sistem Pakar Untuk Mendiagnosa Penyakit Hewan Peliharaan Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor

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    Ada beberapa spesies mamalia yang sering dijadikan hewan peliharaan. Faktor yang harus diperhatikan dalam mengurus hewan peliharaan adalah kesehatan, karena hewan rentan terserang penyakit. Masalah lain selain penyakit, adalah sedikitnya dokter hewan atau  klinik hewan di daerah Tasikmalaya, untuk membatu permasalahan tersebut dibuat sebuah sistem untuk melakukan diagnosa  berdasarkan gejala-gejala yang dialami. Sistem ini dikenal dengan  istilah sitem pakar dan merupakan cabang ilmu dari kecerdasan buatan. Sistem pakar ini dibangun menggunakan metode perancangan sistem Extreme Programming (XP) dan menerapkan metode certainty factor dengan teknik penelusuran berdasarkan kondisi terlebih dahulu (forward chaining). Hasil dari perhitungan menggunakan metode certainty factor adalah nilai kepastian. Berdasarkan pengujian yag telah dilakukan, nilai certainty factor yang dihitung oleh sistem dan dihitung secara manual mempunyai nilai yang sama yaitu 0,8. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan metode certainty factor telah berhasil diimplementasikan

    Information Systems Audit Based on COBIT 5 Case Study : PT. SS Dinamika

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    PT. SS Dinamika is a company engaged in marketing umbrella throughout Indonesia to meet customer’s demand. Places that have been marketed and still making orders are Medan, Sumatera, and Palembang. This company has implemented Information System specifically Accurate Accounting Software to support the company’s business processes. Unfortunately, the problem arises where the company experiences a delay in entering sales data because the administration have not fully mastered the application. The company’s IT condition has never been measured and audited. Therefore, an audit measurement is needed to measure the company’s business processes, applications, and corporate strategy. In this audit, the measurement uses the framework of COBIT 5 which is focused on the DSS01, DSS02 and DSS04 domain (Deliver, Service and Support). The result of this research after analyzing the data is the value of Capability Level on DSS01, DSS02 and DSS04 are at level 1 (Performed Process) and the Expected Level are at level 3. The conclusion of this research is the company has already run it’s business process pretty well. Unfortunately the company still has to make some improvements on each DSS domain that has been analyzed

    Perancangan Alternatif Penawaran Plan Small Medium Enterprise Menggunakan Pegasystems 7 (Studi Kasus : PT. Asuransi Sinarmas)

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    PT. Asuransi Sinarmas is a company that provides insurance services with various products offered. One of them is Small Medium Enterprise (SME) which is a part of Produk Simas Sehat Corporate (SSC) that guarantees small-scale companies to ensure the well-being of their employees and their families in the health sector with a predetermined premium value. Misinformation about good warranties, plans, total value of premiums and benefits that can occur can affect the value of an insurance product to a customer. The purpose of this study is to assist the broker or marketing company in offering SME insurance products to prospective customers through calculation of premiums based on the selected collateral and minimize the occurrence of incorrect data input and calculation of premium SME. This application is built using Pegasystem 7 and the method used is Research and Development (R & D). System testing is done by blackbox testing method and analysis of test result based on User Acceptance Testing (UAT). So the conclusions obtained from this study is the application can run as expected because it can be a means to help brokers provide information related to the company's health insurance products. Information provided about insurance covered by insurance companies to SME category companies wishing to become customers of this insurance product.Keywords: Offer Alternative, Small Medium Enterprise, Simas Sehat Corporate (SSC), PT. Asuransi Sinarmas, Pegasystems


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    Mango fruit is a fruit that has a high value in Indonesia and has a wide market share ranging from traditional markets to modern markets. At harvest time, the mango fruit is still selected manually based on visual observations from an expert / expert on fruits. The lack of public knowledge about the maturity of this fruit makes the community sometimes difficult to choose a fruit that is cooked. So doing the research to detect mango gedong fruit by looking at skin texture and color. Gedong will be extracted using second order feature extraction method that is energy, contrast, correlation, inverse different moment, and entropy. This application is built by comparing the two methods of classification ie Euclidean Distance, and Mamdani. By comparing the two methods of classification, the user can know the maturity classification of mango gedong more accurate. So, the result of this research is known that the most accurate method in mango fruit maturity classification is Euclidean Distance method with an accuracy of 83.33% with a total of 60x test from 120. While Mamdani method has accuracy level under Euclidean Distance that is 63,33% with total 60x testing from 120

    Perbandingan Performa Algoritma Minimax dan Breadth First Search Pada Permainan Tic-Tac-Toe

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    Tic-Tac-Toe is one of the board games that can hone the motor skills of the brain. This game used 2 pawn, there is X and O. Game started with X’s pawn as player who first turn, game got win condition if player or enemy put the 3 pawns in diagonal, vertical or horizontal. While game got draw if there is no player or enemy who put 3 pawns in diagonal, vertical or horizontal. The game’s problems are player should think about next best step for win and defend with put pawn to block enemy’s steps to win. To solve the problems, game needed a algorithms, there are Minimax algorithm and Breadth First Search algorithm. Minimax algorithm exploring node from depthest level and evaluate the scores using min or max value. Breadth First Search algorithm is algorithm which exploring node widenly and compare evaluation scores to depthest level. In this research, each algorithm is tested to response time and number of nodes needed on game board with 3×3, 5×5, 7×7, and 9×9 size as much as 16 scenarios. Based on the test results, Breadth First Search algorithm is superior to Minimax on 3×3 board size in terms of response time and number of nodes required. While the Minimax algorithm is superior to Breadth First Search on 5×5 and 9×9 board size in terms of response time and the number of nodes required. In the first turn, the algorithm will trace the number of nodes larger than the next step so that the placement of the algorithm for the first turn affects the final result of the node number parameter

    Analisa Performa dan Pengembangan Sistem Deteksi Ras Anjing pada Gambar dengan Menggunakan Pre-Trained CNN Model

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    The main objective of this research is to develop an image recognition system for distinguishing dog breeds using Keras’ pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network models and to compare the accuracy between those models. Specifically, the models utilized are ResNet50, Xception, and VGG16. The system that we develop here is a web application using Flask as its development framework. Moreover, this research also explains how the deep learning approaches, such as CNN, can distinguish an object in an image. After testing the system on a set of images manually, we learn that every model has different performance, and Xception came out as the best in term of accuracy. We also test the acceptance of the User Interface we develop to the end-users

    Evaluasi Penerapan Manajemen Layanan TI Menggunakan Framework COBIT 5 pada Subdomain APO09 Manage Service Agreements (Studi Kasus : Satuan Organisasi XYZ - Lembaga ABC)

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    Application of Information Technology system in organization needed well management of Information Technology service in order to produce more values for organization and an increase in quality of service provider. XYZ organization had a duty to do infrastructure management and managing order of Information Technology, developing of information system and standard arranging. One of strategic target to gain a goal of XYZ organization was doing modernization of all Technology of Information and Commination (TIC) facilities and service in ABC institution. Along with increasing user dependence to IT service in ABC institution, thus XYZ organization applies Management System of Information Technology Service (MSITS) based on ISO 20000. XYZ organization must measure the maturity level of MSITS implementation using COBITS 5. To gain the data, qualitative method and interview to the XYZ organization about MSITS were needed. This research used COBIT 5 framework which focused on APO09 subdomain. The result of APO09 subdomain was 88% in level 1 (Performed Process). Keywords— Information Technology, Management System of Information Technology Service, COBIT

    Sistem Penyeleksi Penerima Bantuan Beras Miskin Kauman Kidul Menggunakan Metode Weighted Product Berbasis Mobile

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    Abstract— The problem of poverty is one of the problems that has not been resolved yet in almost all developing countries such as Indonesia. The problem of poverty also affects the health education, and income. The Government has conducted a various means to overcome the problem of poverty but it still has not been decreased yet because a lot of an error in the distribution of assistance. Decision support system (SPK) is one of the methods to resolve the problem of poverty and an error in the distribution of assistance. Weighted Product methods (WP) is included of category of SPK which very suitable to select many of criteria that has provided by the Government. WP method also gives results that are calculated very accurately and can be called as a method of ranking. This system become the solution and make the distribution of assistance easier for administrative village officers, the system is useful to select acceptance of help poor rice-based mobile

    Memory Volatile Forensik untuk mendeteksi malware menggunakan algoritma machine learning

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    Forensics from volatile memory plays an important role in the investigation of cyber crime. The acquisition of RAM Memory or other terms of RAM dump can assist forensic investigators in retrieving much of the information related to crime. There are various tools available for RAM analysis including Volatility, which currently dominates open source forensic RAM tools. It has happened that many forensic investigators are thinking that they probably have malware in the RAM dump. And, if they do exist, they're still not very capable Malware Analysts, so it's hard for them to analyze the possibilities of malware in a RAM dump. The availability of tools such as Volatility allows forensic investigators to identify and link the various components to conclude whether the crime was committed using malware or not. However, the use of volatility requires knowledge of basic commands as well as static malware analysis. This work is done to assist forensic investigators in detecting and analyzing possible malware from dump RAM. This work is based on the volatility framework and the result is a Forensic tool for analyzing RAM dumps and detecting possible malware in it using machine learning algorithms in order to detect offline (not connected to the internet


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