19 research outputs found

    Charm and bottom quark masses from QCD moment sum rules

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    In this work the charm and bottom quark masses are determined from QCD moment sum rules for the charmonium and upsilon systems. In our analysis we include both the results from non-relativistic QCD and perturbation theory at next-next-to-leading order. For the pole masses we obtain Mc=1.75±0.15M_c=1.75\pm 0.15 GeV and Mb=4.98±0.125M_b=4.98\pm 0.125 GeV. Using the potential-subtracted mass in intermediate steps of the calculation the MS-masses are determined to mc(mc)=1.19±0.11m_c(m_c) = 1.19 \pm 0.11 GeV and mb(mb)=4.24±0.10m_b(m_b) = 4.24 \pm 0.10 GeV.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, talk given at the High-Energy Physics International Conference in QCD, Montpellier, France, 2-9 July 200

    <VAP> Green Function in the Resonance Region

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    We analyse the three-point function of vector, axial-vector and pseudoscalar currents. In the spirit of large N_C, a resonance dominated Green function is confronted with the leading high-energy behaviour from the operator product expansion. The matching is shown to be fully compatible with a chiral resonance Lagrangian and it allows to determine some of the chiral low-energy constants of O(p^6).Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures. Published version. Results and conclusions unchange

    Pentaquark Decay in QCD Sum Rules

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    In a diquark-diquark-antiquark picture of the pentaquark we study the decay ΘK+n\Theta \to K^{+} n within the framework of QCD sum rules. After evaluation of the relevant three-point function, we extract the coupling gΘnKg_{\Theta nK} which is directly related to the pentaquark width. Restricting the decay diagrams to those with color exchange between the meson-like and baryon-like clusters reduces the coupling constant by a factor of four. Whereas a small decay width might be possible for a positive parity pentaquark, it seems difficult to explain the measured width for a pentaquark with negative parity.Comment: 14pages, 5 eps figures. Contribution to the proceedings of LC200

    What two models may teach us about duality violations in QCD

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    Though the operator product expansion is applicable in the calculation of current correlation functions in the Euclidean region, when approaching the Minkowskian domain, violations of quark-hadron duality are expected to occur, due to the presence of bound-state or resonance poles. In QCD finite-energy sum rules, contour integrals in the complex energy plane down to the Minkowskian axis have to be performed, and thus the question arises what the impact of duality violations may be. The structure and possible relevance of duality violations is investigated on the basis of two models: the Coulomb system and a model for light-quark correlators which has already been studied previously. As might yet be naively expected, duality violations are in some sense "maximal" for zero-width bound states and they become weaker for broader resonances whose poles lie further away from the physical axis. Furthermore, to a certain extent, they can be suppressed by choosing appropriate weight functions in the finite-energy sum rules. A simplified Ansatz for including effects of duality violations in phenomenological QCD sum rule analyses is discussed as well.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures; version to appear in JHE

    A study of pentaquarks on the lattice with overlap fermions

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    We present a quenched lattice QCD calculation of spin-1/2 five-quark states with uuddsˉuudd\bar{s} quark content for both positive and negative parities. We do not observe any bound pentaquark state in these channels for either I = 0 or I =1. The states we found are consistent with KN scattering states which are checked to exhibit the expected volume dependence of the spectral weight. The results are based on overlap-fermion propagators on two lattices, 12^3 x 28 and 16^3 x 28, with the same lattice spacing of 0.2 fm, and pion mass as low as ~ 180 MeV.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Hybrid configuration content of heavy S-wave mesons

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    We use the non-relativistic expansion of QCD (NRQCD) on the lattice to study the lowest hybrid configuration contribution to the ground state of heavy S-wave mesons. Using lowest-order lattice NRQCD to create the heavy-quark propagators, we form a basis of ``unperturbed'' S-wave and hybrid states. We then apply the lowest-order coupling of the quark spin and chromomagnetic field at an intermediate time slice to create ``mixed'' correlators between the S-wave and hybrid states. From the resulting amplitudes, we extract the off-diagonal element of our two-state Hamiltonian. Diagonalizing this Hamiltonian gives us the admixture of hybrid configuration within the meson ground state. The present effort represents a continuation of previous work: the analysis has been extended to include lattices of varying spacings, source operators having better overlap with the ground states, and the pseudoscalar (along with the vector) channel. Results are presented for bottomonium (Υ\Upsilon, ηb\eta_b^{}) using three different sets of quenched lattices. We also show results for charmonium (J/ψJ/\psi, ηc\eta_c^{}) from one lattice set, although we note that the non-relativistic approximation is not expected to be very good in this case.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, version to appear in Phys Rev

    Chiral Soliton Model vs Pentaquark Structure for \Theta (1540)

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    The exotic baryon Θ+\Theta^+ (1540 MeV)isvisualisedasanexpected(iso)rotationalexcitationintheChiralSolitonModel.ItisalsoarguedasaPentaquarkbaryonstateinaconstituentquarkmodelwithstrongdiquarkcorrelations.Icontrastthetwopointsofview;thesimilaritiesanddifferencesbetweenthetwopictures.Collectiveexcitation,characteristicofChiralSolitonModelpointstowardsmallmixingofrepresentationsinthewakeofSU(3)breaking.Incontrast,ConstituentquarkModelsprefernearidealmixing,similarto is visualised as an expected (iso) rotational excitation in the Chiral Soliton Model. It is also argued as a Pentaquark baryon state in a constituent quark model with strong diquark correlations. I contrast the two points of view; the similarities and differences between the two pictures. Collective excitation, characteristic of Chiral Soliton Model points toward small mixing of representations in the wake of SU(3) breaking. In contrast, Constituent quark Models prefer near ``ideal'' mixing, similar to \omega - \phi$ mixing.Comment: 11 pages, references added, final published versio

    Semiclassical Approximation for Non-Abelian Field Strength Correlators in the Instanton Dilute Gas Model

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    Field strength correlators are semi-classically evaluated in the dilute gas model of non-Abelian sources (instantons) and compared with lattice data for QCD at zero temperature. We show that one of the Euclidean invariant, tensorial structures vanishes for configurations being purely selfdual or anti-selfdual. We compute the invariant functions contributing to the correlators within the two lowest orders in an instanton density expansion. Fitting instanton size and density for quenched and full QCD, we obtain a reasonable description.Comment: 29 pages (revtex) including 3 figures, revised for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Present Status of Inclusive Rare B Decays

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    We give a status report on inclusive rare B decays, highlighting recent developments and open problems. We focus on the decay modes BXs,dγB \to X_{s,d} \gamma, BXs+ B \to X_s \ell^+\ell^- and BXsννˉB \to X_s \nu \bar \nu and on their role in the search for new physics. Most of the inclusive rare B decays are important modes of flavour physics due to the small hadronic uncertainties. They can be regarded as laboratories to search for new physics. We collect the experimental data already available from CLEO and the BB factories BABAR and BELLE. We review the NLL and NNLL QCD calculations of the inclusive decay rates that were recently completed, and discuss future prospects, especially the issue of the charm mass scheme ambiguity. Finally, we analyse the phenomenological impact of these decay modes, in particular on the CKM phenomenology and on the indirect search for supersymmetry. We also briefly discuss direct CP violation in inclusive rare B decays, as well as the rare kaon decays K+π+ννˉK^+\to \pi^+\nu\bar{\nu} and KLπ0ννˉK_L \to \pi^0 \nu \bar{\nu}, which offer complementary theoretically clean information.Comment: 80 pages, 37 figures, latex, references added Invited contribution to Reviews of Modern Physic

    The gauge invariant quark correlator in QCD sum rules and lattice QCD

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    Taking the gauge invariant quark correlator as an example, in this work we perform a direct comparison of lattice QCD simulations with the QCD sum rule approach. The quark correlator is first investigated in the framework of QCD sum rules and the correlation length of the quark field is calculated. Comparing the phenomenological part of the sum rule with previous measurements of the quark correlator on the lattice, we are able to obtain an independent result for the correlation length. From a fit of the lattice data to the operator product expansion, the quark condensate and the mixed quark-gluon condensate can be extracted