736 research outputs found

    Limits to sustained energy intake. XXIII. Does heat dissipation capacity limit the energy budget of lactating bank voles?

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    Acknowledgements We are grateful to our technicians and several students for their help during this study and for animal care. We thank Catherine Hambly and Peter Thompson for technical assistance for the isotope analysis for the DLW measurements. We thank Ulf Bauchinger for stimulating discussion and his comments, and two anonymous referees for comments on the manuscript. Funding This project was supported by grants from the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education [0595/B/P01/2011/40 to E.T.S. and 8167/B/P01/2011/40 to P.K.], and Jagiellonian University [DS/WBINOZ/INOS/757 to P.K.].Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Superquadraticly convergent methods for minimization fonctions

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    In the paper locally superquadraticly convergent methods for minimization functions are considered. Threefold symmetric approximations to partial derivatives of the third order are constructed

    Efficiency of 2-order iterative methods

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    In this article the problem of solving a system of singular nonlinear equations will be discussed. New the iterative 2-order method for this problem is presented. The article includes the numerical results for the method

    Subunit-Selective Interrogation of CO Recombination in Carbonmonoxy Hemoglobin by Isotope-Edited Time-Resolved Resonance Raman Spectroscopy

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    Hemoglobin (Hb) is an allosteric tetrameric protein made up of αβ heterodimers. The α and β chains are similar, but are chemically and structurally distinct. To investigate dynamical differences between the chains, we have prepared tetramers in which the chains are isotopically distinguishable, via reconstitution with 15N-heme. Ligand recombination and heme structural evolution, following HbCO dissociation, was monitored with chain selectivity by resonance Raman (RR) spectroscopy. For α but not for β chains, the frequency of the ν4 porphyrin breathing mode increased on the microsecond time scale. This increase is a manifestation of proximal tension in the Hb T-state, and its time course is parallel to the formation of T contacts, as determined previously by UVRR spectroscopy. Despite the localization of proximal constraint in the α chains, geminate recombination was found to be equally probable in the two chains, with yields of 39 ± 2%. We discuss the possibility that this equivalence is coincidental, in the sense that it arises from the evolutionary pressure for cooperativity, or that it reflects mechanical coupling across the αβ interface, evidence for which has emerged from UVRR studies of site mutants

    Slime cells on the surface of Eragrostis seeds maintain a level of moisture around the grain to enhance germination

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    Eragrostis is a cosmopolitan genus of the family Poaceae. Several wild species, including E. pilosa (L.) Beauv., are harvested for food, but the only cultivated crop-species is tef [E. tef (Zucc.) Trotter]. Despite its importance as a staple food and its plasticity to diverse environmental conditions, little is known about the structural and physiological strategies that adapt tef seeds to endure diverse and variable moisture regimes. Here, we report the presence of slime cells, a type of modified epidermal cell, covering the fruit of tef and its wild relative, E. pilosa. The slime produced by Eragrostis belongs to the ‘true' slime type, since it is exclusively composed of pectins. Pectin forms uniform layers on the cell wall inner surface, which are confined by a thin cellulose layer to prevent release into the cell lumen. In the presence of water, pectins quickly hydrate, causing swelling of the slime cells. This is followed by their detachment, which may be controlled by a thin cuticle layer on the fruit surface. The ability of slime to absorb and maintain moisture around the grain is thought to be an adaptive feature for Eragrostis growing in dry habitats. This retention of water by slime may create conditions that are suitable for rapid germinatio

    Role of the molybdenum addition on the mechanical properties and structure of the NiCoMnIn alloys

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    In this paper, the influence of Mo addition on the structure and mechanical properties of the NiCoMnIn alloys have been studied. Series of polycrystalline NiCoMnIn alloys containing from 0 to 5 mas.% of Mo were produced by the arc melting technique. For the alloys containing Mo, two-phase microstructure was observed. Mo-rich precipitates were distributed randomly in the matrix. The relative volume fraction of the precipitates depends on the Mo content. The numbers of the Mo rich precipitates increases with the Mo contents. The structures of the phases were determined by the TEM. The mechanical properties of the alloys are strongly affected by Mo addition contents. Brittleness of the alloys increases with the Mo contents

    Contemplation and the Human Animal in the Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas

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    This dissertation explores how, according to Thomas Aquinas, the operations of the sensitive soul are necessary for ordinary (i.e., not mystical) human contemplation, and for the acquisition of knowledge which precedes contemplation. The sensitive soul is the soul possessed by all sentient beings, that is, animals, and thus, in examining the role of the sensitive soul in human contemplation we learn about the way the animal side of our nature participates in contemplation. According to Aquinas, we possess natural inclinations, which direct us to our proper ends, our proper good. Knowledge of truth is also a good to which we are naturally inclined. Because we are sentient beings we are guided in the pursuit of our good by the cogitative power and the sensitive appetite. The cogitative power enables us to recognize objects as useful or harmful to us, while the sensitive appetite causes us to react to these objects as being attractive or repulsive. Since we are guided by these powers towards our proper good, even in the pursuit of knowledge we turn towards those objects to which our cogitative power and the sensitive appetite orient us. The sensitive appetite is the seat of passions, and among them of love, desire and delight. Love, desire and delight guide and accompany our pursuit of knowledge. The passions of love and delight also accompany the act of contemplation. The operations of the sensitive soul enter into contemplation in two ways. On the one hand, the intellect depends on the assistance of the operations of the sensitive soul. On the other hand, the intellect influences the sensitive soul causing it to participate in the acts of the intellect in a passive way. In these two ways the sensitive soul contributes to our acquisition of knowledge and our enjoyment of contemplation

    Experimental evolution on a wild mammal species results in modifications of gut microbial communities

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    Comparative studies have shown that diet, life history, and phylogeny interact to determine microbial community structure across mammalian hosts. However, these studies are often confounded by numerous factors. Selection experiments offer unique opportunities to validate conclusions and test hypotheses generated by comparative studies. We used a replicated, 15-generation selection experiment on bank voles (Myodes glareolus) that have been selected for high swim-induced aerobic metabolism, predatory behavior toward crickets, and the ability to maintain body mass on a high-fiber, herbivorous diet. We predicted that selection on host performance, mimicking adaptive radiation, would result in distinct microbial signatures. We collected foregut and cecum samples from animals that were all fed the same nutrient-rich diet and had not been subjected to any performance tests. We conducted microbial inventories of gut contents by sequencing the V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene. We found no differences in cecal microbial community structure or diversity between control lines and the aerobic or predatory lines. However, the cecal chambers of voles selected for herbivorous capability harbored distinct microbial communities that exhibited higher diversity than control lines. The foregut communities of herbivorous-selected voles were also distinct from control lines. Overall, this experiment suggests that differences in microbial communities across herbivorous mammals may be evolved, and not solely driven by current diet or other transient factors

    The interaction between Nodal, Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 1 Alpha, and Thrombospondin 1 Promotes Luteolysis in Equine Corpus Luteum

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    Research Areas: Endocrinology & MetabolismThe regulation of corpus luteus (CL) luteolysis is a complex process involving a myriad of factors. Previously, we have shown the involvement of Nodal in functional luteolysis in mares. Presently, we ask the extent of which Nodal mediation of luteolysis is done through regulation of angioregression. We demonstrated the interaction between Nodal and hypoxia-inducible factor 1 a (HIF1a) and thrombospondin 1/thrombospondin receptor (TSP1/CD36) systems, could mediate angioregression during luteolysis. First, we demonstrated the inhibitory effect of Nodal on the vascularmarker platelet/endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1 (CD31). Also, treatment of mid CL explants with vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA) showed a trend on activin-like kinase 7 (Alk7) protein inhibition. Next, Nodal was also shown to activate HIF1a and in vitro culture of mid CL explants under decreased oxygen level promoted Nodal expression and SMAD familymember 3 (Smad3) phosphorylation. In another experiment, the crosstalk between Nodal and TSP1/CD36 was investigated. Indeed, Nodal increased the expression of the anti-angiogenic TSP1 and its receptor CD36 in mid CL explants. Finally, the supportive effect of prostaglandin F2a (PGF2a) on TSP1/CD36 was blocked by SB431542 (SB), a pharmacological inhibitor of Nodal signaling. Thus, we evidenced for the first time the in vitro interaction between Nodal and both HIF1a and TSP1 systems, two conserved pathways previously shown to be involved in vascular regression during luteolysis. Considering the given increased expression of Nodal in mid CL and its role on functional luteolysis, the current results suggest the additional involvement of Nodal in angioregression during luteolysis in the mare, particularly in the activation of HIF1a and TSP1/CD36.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Human chorionic gonadotropin isoforms in the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy

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    This paper has set the scene for re-defining clinical chemistry data for the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. Indeed it has proved some assumptions on hCG levels to be false. Professor Iles was/is the principal investigator on these studies