43 research outputs found

    Paleovegetation Researches Based on Fossil Pollen Analysis in Akgöl (Sakarya): Preliminary Results

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    Fosil polen analizleri göl çökelleri, turbalıklar, akarsu ve deniz sedimanları, buzullar, linyitler ve taş kömürleri gibi çeşitli ortamlardan elde edilen polenlerin_x000D_ araştırılmasını kapsamaktadır. Kuvaterner dönemine ait palinolojik çalışmaların önemli veri kaynaklarından biri de göllerdir. Araştırma alanı olarak seçilen_x000D_ Akgöl, Sakarya ilinde, Ferizli ilçesinin Gölkent mahallesinde bulunmaktadır. Gölün yüzölçümü 3,5 km2_x000D_ ve maksimum derinliği 8 m’dir. Bu çalışmanın amacı:_x000D_ gölün dip sedimanlarında fosil polen analizleri yaparak gölün çevresinde son 1000 yılda meydana gelen vejetasyon değişimlerini ortaya çıkarmaktır._x000D_ Akgöl’den karot alımında İTÜ EMCOL Araştırma Uygulama Merkezi’nin 4x4 m. platformlu piston karotiyeri kullanılmıştır. İstanbul Üniversitesi-Cerrahpaşa,_x000D_ Orman Fakültesi Orman Botaniği Anabilim Dalında bulunan Palinoloji Laboratuvarı’na getirilen karot üzerinde her 5 cm’de bir 2 cm3_x000D_ lük sediman örnekleri_x000D_ alınmıştır. Bu örneklerde “klasik yönteme” göre fosil polen analizi yapılmıştır. Hazırlanan polen preparatlarında her bir bitki taksonu için polen yüzdesi_x000D_ değerleri hesaplanmış, odunsu ve otsu taksonlara ait yüzde grafikleri TILIA adlı programda çizilmiştir. Polen diyagramından elde edilen ilk bulgulara göre;_x000D_ Akgöl ve çevresinde son 1000 yılda yaprak döken orman vejetasyonu hâkimdir. Bu doğal orman varlığının içine son yıllarda Gymnospermae taksonlarından_x000D_ sahil çamları da dikim yoluyla getirilmiştir.Fossil pollen analyzes include research of pollen grains from various environments such as lake sediments, peatland, river and marine sediments, glaciers,_x000D_ lignite and coal. Lakes are one of the important data sources for Quaternary palynological studies. Akgöl, which is selected as a research area, is located in Gölkent district of the Ferizli township in the provincial city of Sakarya. Its surface area is 3.5 km2_x000D_ and its maximum depth is 8 meters. The aim of this study_x000D_ was to investigate vegetation changes around Akgöl in the last 1000 years using fossil pollen analysis in the bottom sediments of the lake. The Piston corer_x000D_ of ITU EMCOL Research Centre was used for recovering sediment cores from Akgöl. Sediment samples of 2 cm3_x000D_ were collected every 5 centimeters on one_x000D_ of the cores at the Palynology Laboratory of IUC. Fossil pollen analysis was performed according to the “classical method”. The pollen percentage values_x000D_ were calculated for each plant taxa and relative abundance graphs were plotted in the TILIA program. According to preliminary results of the pollen_x000D_ diagram; deciduous forest vegetation has been predominant in the last 1000 years around Akgöl. Maritime pine was introduced into this natural forest by_x000D_ plantation in the recent year

    Fit between humanitarian professionals and project requirements: hybrid group decision procedure to reduce uncertainty in decision-making

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    Choosing the right professional that has to meet indeterminate requirements is a critical aspect in humanitarian development and implementation projects. This paper proposes a hybrid evaluation methodology for some non-governmental organizations enabling them to select the most competent expert who can properly and adequately develop and implement humanitarian projects. This methodology accommodates various stakeholders’ perspectives in satisfying the unique requirements of humanitarian projects that are capable of handling a range of uncertain issues from both stakeholders and project requirements. The criteria weights are calculated using a two-step multi-criteria decision-making method: (1) Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process for the evaluation of the decision maker weights coupled with (2) Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) to rank the alternatives which provide the ability to take into account both quantitative and qualitative evaluations. Sensitivity analysis have been developed and discussed by means of a real case of expert selection problem for a non-profit organisation. The results show that the approach allows a decrease in the uncertainty associated with decision-making, which proves that the approach provides robust solutions in terms of sensitivity analysis

    A hybrid approach based on ANP and grey relational analysis for machine selection

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    Tedarikçi firma seçiminde analitik hiyerarşi prosesi ve 0-1 hedef programlama yöntemlerinin kullanilmasi

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    Organizations have to work with a lot of supplier firms in order to continue their activities. Selecting the supplier firms from a group of candidates is a difficult decision making problem. In this study, Analytical hierarchy process and general structure of 0-1 goal programming techniques are presented and an application to select supplier is performed using the two methods. Using the two methods together is also discussed in this study

    Sosyo-tekni?k si?stemlerde hatali davraniş ri?ski?ni? beli?rlemeye yöneli?k bi?r erken uyari modeli?

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    The aim of this study is both to minimize the occurrences of accidents due to risks of faulty behaviors and to prevent the interruptions in goods and service production by determining the risks of faulty behaviors beforehand. For this reason, a decision methodology and an early warning model were developed to identify the risks of faulty behaviors. The model includes the factors and sub-factors which can cause faulty behaviors in work systems. Analytical Hierarchy Process, which was developed to solve complex and systematic decision problems, is used to determine the weights of factors and sub-factors. The model is developed for a production company in Ankara and put into practice on two real work systems of this company. Developed model has the elasticity so that it could be used in different companies by making appropriate modifications

    DAWN-Sim: A Distributed Algorithm Simulator for Wireless Ad-hoc Networks in Python

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    2023 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, ICNC 2023 -- 20 February 2023 through 22 February 2023 -- 187516Internet of things, wireless sensor networks, mobile ad-hoc networks, and other modern networking paradigms were all made possible by the extensive adoption of distributed algorithms. Although the software for the devices in those networks must be carefully implemented for the specific hardware and platforms, the underlying algorithms are mostly universal. Accordingly, teaching, studying, and developing distributed algorithms can best be practiced using simulator tools. Existing simulators are either too complicated and hard to use or too simple and missing important functionality. So we have developed a novel simulator tool that supports settable and killable timers, node sleeping, and customizable node mobility features. It is written in Python using the SimPy module and is based on an earlier simulator called WsnSimPy. © 2023 IEEE.The authors acknowledge funding from the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) with grant numbers 1059B142000439, 1059B142000564, and 121E500.Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Kurumu, TÜBİTAK: 1059B142000439, 1059B142000564, 121E50

    Childhood asthma and its relationship with tonsillar tissue.

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of asthma among 4-17 years old school children and to determine the relationship between frequent tonsillitis, tonsillar hypertrophy and asthma-related symptoms. A total of 2,000 school children, aged 4-17 years, in Denizli were surveyed using the ISAAC questionnaire; the size of the tonsils was evaluated by physical examination. A total of 1,784 questionnaires were completed giving an overall response rate of 89.2%. The prevalence of lifetime wheezing, 12-month wheezing and lifetime doctor-diagnosed asthma were 16.4%, 6.2% and 1.7%, respectively. The prevalence of frequent tonsillitis and tonsillar hypertrophy were 19.9% and 3.4%, respectively. Tonsillar hypertrophy was positively correlated with a history of frequent tonsillitis. Frequent tonsillitis and tonsillar hypertrophy could be evaluated as risk factors for asthma due to their significant association with asthma-related symptoms

    Çeşitli sistemik hastalıklarda plasenta ve göbek kordonu damar endotellerinde hücre adezyon molekülleri

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    AMAÇ: Normalde, ve venöz ve/veya arteriyel trombusların görüldüğü preeklampsi, herediter anti-trombojenik faktörler tarafından oluşturulan hastalıklar ve otoimmun bozukluklarda (antifosfolipid sendromu) plasental ve göbek kordonu damar endotellerinde hücre adezyon moleküllerinin dağılımım saptamak, normalle karşılaştırarak değişiklik olanları belirlemek ve bu değişiklikler ile hastalıkların etyopatogenezinin açıklamasına moleküler düzeyde katkıda bulunmaya çalışmaktır. Literatürde benzer bir çalışma bulunmamaktadır. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: Normal ve patolojik plasenta ve göbek kordonlarından alınan doku örnekleri sıvı azotta donduruldular. Alınan kesitler çeşitli endotel adezyon molekülleri ile indirekt immunperoksidaz yöntemi ile boyanıp ışık mikroskobu ile incelendiler. BULGULAR: Endotel adezyon moleküllerinin normal ve patolojik plasenta ve göbek kordonu damarlarındaki dağılımları saptandı ve karşılaştırıldı. Patolojik dokuların hepsinde değişen oranda birden fazla adezyon molekülünün ekspresyonu görüldü. SONUÇ: İncelediğimiz patolojilerin hepsinde endotelin ekprese ettiği adezyon moleküllerinde önemli değişiklikler olmuştur. Bu da endotelin kan ile doku arasındaki geçişi kontrol ettiği mekanizmaların değiştiğini / bozulduğunu göstermektedir. Bu değişiklikler hastalığın etyopatogenezinin altında yatan moleküler mekanizmanın parçası olabilecekleri gibi, hastalığın sonucu da olabilirler. Endotel uyarımmdaki etkili faktörlerin daha başka çalışmalarla ortaya konmasından sonra bu moleküller tedavi amaçlı olarak da kullanılabileceklerdir