4,635 research outputs found

    Comparison of the effect of locking vs standard screws on the mechanical properties of bone-plate constructs in a comminuted diaphyseal fracture model

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    The purpose of this study was to compare the mechanical properties of bone-plate constructs with locking compression plates (LCP) used either with standard screws or with locking screws on an experimental model of comminuted fracture

    International business tourism : a growth rate model

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    The aim of this paper is to understand the factors influencing business tourism on a global scale, in order to assess the competence of the countries in this tourism segment and prescribe them guidelines for action. For the development of data analysis, a growth rate model was estimated and a sample of 136 countries for the years 2005 and 2009 was collected. Results reveal that, for the development of policies to stimulate the growth in the business tourism segment, countries should develop measures that encourage capital investment in tourism, leisure tourism and trade openness.8316-FD77-85EB | Pedro Miguel Fonseca Moreira de CarvalhoN/

    Do neighbouring countries encourage the demand of international business tourism?

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    This paper aims at determining the factors that influence the growth of international business tourism and understanding whether the demand growth of business tourism spreads across neighbouring countries. For the development of the empirical research, data has been collected from a sample of 136 countries worldwide, and spatial econometric techniques have been used. Evidence that supports the idea that the main factors related to the increase in incomes of business tourism are the private investment on tourism assets, the leisure tourism and the trade openness in relation to the outside world is presented. This study also reveals that the demand of business tourism in a country is not contagious, that is, the demand varies neither with the demand of its neighbours nor with their exogenous characteristics. The results have important implications for the choice of tourism policy goals at national levels and the corresponding policy instruments.8316-FD77-85EB | Pedro Miguel Fonseca Moreira de CarvalhoN/

    Policies to increase business tourism income : a dynamic panel data model

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    This article aims to identify the determinants that influence business tourism income and that may be controlled by economic agents and policy makers of destination countries. For the development of the empirical study, a dynamic panel model by the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) was estimated using the Gretl 2016a software, and a sample of 122 countries for the period 2002?2013 (12 years) was used. The study reveals that, for the development of policies to stimulate the growth in the short and long-term of business tourism income, countries should develop measures that encourage capital investment in tourism and foreign direct investment.8316-FD77-85EB | Pedro Miguel Fonseca Moreira de CarvalhoN/

    Estimation of a growth rate model for international business tourism

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    The aim of this paper is to understand the factors influencing business tourism on a global scale, in order to assess the competence of the countries in this tourism segment and prescribe them guidelines for action. For the development of data analysis, a growth rate model was estimated and a sample of 136 countries for the years 2005 and 2009 was collected. Results reveal that, for the development of policies to stimulate the growth in the business tourism segment, countries should develop measures that encourage capital investment in tourism, leisure tourism and trade openness. Economic agents should also focus their investments in equipment that creates value throughout the tourism supply chain, in particular, in transport and equipment for entertainment and culture.8316-FD77-85EB | Pedro Miguel Fonseca Moreira de Carvalhoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluation of Mandibular Asymmetry in Unilateral and Bilateral Posterior Crossbite Patients

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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloEl objetivo fue determinar la existencia de asimetría vertical mandibular, en pacientes con mordida cruzada posterior uni y bilateral, tanto en dentición mixta primera fase como en permanente completa. Se recolectaron radiografías panorámicas correspondientes a 121 pacientes con dentición mixta primera fase y permanente completa, 57 de los cuales, presentaba mordida cruzada unilateral, 21 mordida cruzada bilateral y 43 individuos con oclusión normal, que sirvieron como grupo control. En las radiografías, se cuantificaron medidas lineales de altura condilar, coronoidea, de rama, cóndilo-más-rama y la diferencia entre las alturas de cóndilo y coronoides. Además, se calcularon los índices de asimetría para cada una de dichas estructuras. Se determinó la existencia de diferencias significativas entre los grupos, mediante el cálculo de los test Mann-Whitney y Kruskal-Wallis, dada la distribución de las variables y un test de chi cuadrado para evaluar asociación entre las mismas, con un intervalo de confianza de 95% (p<,05). Existen diferencias significativas entre los índices de rama y de cóndilo-más-rama, entre el grupo control y el grupo con mordida cruzada unilateral (MCU), al igual que en el índice coronoideo, entre el grupo control y el grupo con mordida cruzada bilateral. El grupo con MCU, presentó un mayor porcentaje de pacientes con asimetría de cóndilo y rama, encontrándose una leve asociación entre la condición de mordida cruzada unilateral y la asimetría de dichas estructuras. Dados los resultados, se puede concluir que existe asimetría en el cóndilo, coronoides y en cóndilo-menos-coronoides y coronoides, tanto en pacientes con mordida cruzada uni como bilateral. Sin embargo, el grupo con MCU presenta un mayor porcentaje de pacientes con asimetría de cóndilo y rama, existiendo una leve asociación entre MCU y asimetría de dichas estructuras.SUMMARY: The aim was to evaluate the mandibular vertical asymmetry, in unilateral and bilateral posterior crossbite patients both in permanent and mixed dentition. One hundred twenty one panoramic radiographs were collected, 57 from patients with unilateral posterior crossbite, 21 patients with bilateral posterior crossbite and 43 with normal occlusion that were used as a control group. Subsequently, reference points and cephalometric traces were drawn manually by a calibrated examiner in order to register the condylar, coronoideal, and ramal heigths. This data was used to calculate an asymmetry index for each structure. According to the distribution of the variables, Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare the data between groups of patients and chi square was used to evaluate association between them, at the 95% confidence interval (p<.05). Statistically significant differences were found in the ramal and condylar-plus-ramal asymmetry index values, between the control and the unilateral posterior crossbite group, also statistical differences were found in the coronoideal index values, between the control and the bilateral posterior crossbite groups. On the other hand, the bilateral crossbite group, presented a higher percentage of patients with condylar and ramal asymmetry, finding a mild statistically significant association between this condition and those with asymmetry. Condylar and coronoideal asymmetry was found both in the unilateral as in the unilateral posterior crossbite patients. The bilateral crossbite group, presented a major percentage of patients with asymmetry, with a mild association between those conditions. KEY WORDS: Crossbite; Condylar asymmetry; Mandibular asymmetry; Orthopantomograph.http://ref.scielo.org/bzdg5

    Performance of optimised prosthetic ankle designs that are based on a hydraulic variable displacement actuator (VDA)

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    Current energy storage and return (ESR) prosthetic feet only marginally reduce the cost of amputee locomotion compared to basic solid ankle cushioned heel (SACH) feet, possibly due to their lack of push-off at the end of stance. To our knowledge, a prosthetic ankle that utilises a hydraulic variable displacement actuator (VDA) to improve push-off performance has not previously been proposed. Therefore, here we report a design optimisation and simulation feasibility study for a VDA based prosthetic ankle. The proposed device stores the eccentric ankle work done from heel strike to maximum dorsiflexion in a hydraulic accumulator and then returns the stored energy to power push-off. Optimisation was used to establish the best spring characteristic and gear ratio between ankle and VDA. The corresponding simulations show that, in level walking, normal push-off is achieved and, per gait cycle, the energy stored in the accumulator increases by 22% of the requirements for normal push-off. Although the results are promising, there are many unanswered questions and, for this approach to be a success, a new miniature, low-losses, lightweight VDA would be required that is half the size of the smallest commercially available device

    Knowledge, Attitude and Practice towards Dengue Fever among University Students

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    Background: Dengue is a viral disease transmitted to humans by the bite of infested females of the main vector Aedes aegypti and to lesser extent Aedes albopictus mosquitoes.Knowledgeregardingdenguefever(DF)isveryimportantamongstudents to create awareness for practicing the prevention and increase the student’s attitude levels. Objective: To assess the knowledge, attitude and practice regarding Dengue Fever among University Students. Methods: The study design was cross-sectional design. This study was conducted in at nine campuses in two states in Malaysia. A purposive sampling technique was used of 1144 students who residing in this public university collegesfrom the selected setting and willing to participate in the study. Self-administered questionnaire consisted of four sections, socio-demographic profile, the knowledge, attitude and practice related to dengue/ mosquito control. The data were entered and analyzed using IBM Statistical Packages for Social Science (SPSS) for Window, version 23 and descriptive analyses were executed for each variable. Results: In total, 74% of the participants were female and 26% male, ages ranged from 18 to 39 years. Overall 97.8% of them ever heard of DF and the predominant source of the information was media (86.4%). Fever, joint pains and headache was well known as a symptom of DF for most of students. They knew that Aedes mosquitoes transmit DF(94.8%)andstagnantwateristhemainsourceformosquitobreeding(94.8%).Many participants aware that removal of stagnant water (89.2%), using mosquito repellents (88.9%),tightlycoveringwatercontainers(86%)andtheuseofwindowsscreenandbed nets (82.5%) able to prevent mosquito breeding and reduced contact with mosquitoes. Consulting a physician for DF (92.7%), taking plenty of rest (86.1%) and drink plenty of water (81.4%) was the best management for DF. Most of the students agreed (97.3%) that dengue is a serious illness. They agreed that communities should actively participate in controlling the vectors of dengue virus (94.7%) in which controlling the breeding places of mosquitoes, a good strategy to prevent DF (97.5%). Thus, this study revealed that the respondents had perceived inadequate knowledge (85.0%), poor attitude (58.0%) and poor practice (88.0%) of Dengue fever. Conclusion: In conclusion, although this study discovered that the students’ had basic knowledge, aware of the seriousness of the disease and practiced some level of prevention related to DF but the needs of educational programs adapting transformational learning and strategies by the university such as developing student’s friendly and continuous information regardingDFaspartofhealthpromotionstrategiesandtheneedsofholisticapproach, community participation and cooperation is important to impart knowledge and foster good practices in the prevention and controlling of dengue not only in the campus but trigger good practice among the community in general

    Determination of total phenol, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Avena sativa and Ocimum basilicum

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    The present study investigated the total content of phenolic compounds, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of water extracts oat (Avena sativa) and basil (Ocimum basilicum), medicinal plants. The Folin-ciocalteu reagent assay was used to estimate the total phenolic content of plants extract. The antioxidant capacity of the plants extract was tested by ferric reducing/antioxidant power Assay (FRAP) and ferric reducing scavenging activity using DPPH method, and the antimicrobial activity was measured against [Staphylococcus epidermidis; Staphylococcus aureus; Proteus spp.; Klebsiella spp.; Escherichia coli; Candida albicans] as tester strains. The total phenolic content of Avena sativa and Ocimum basilicum extracts revealed that the mixture of plants showed higher content. The mixture of Avena sativa and Ocimum basilicum extracts showed the highest antioxidant capacity followed by Avena sativa extract and Ocimum basilicum extract with FRAP and DPPH assay. However, mixture of Avena sativa and Ocimum basilicum extracts exhibited the highest antimicrobial activity when compared to the other extracts. Thus the study revealed that the consumption of mixture herbs may enhance the immune power of our body against diseases due to free radicals

    Fortaleciendo los h?bitos lectores implementando la literatura infantil como estrategia l?dico pedag?gica para enriquecer las habilidades comunicativas de los ni?os y ni?as del grado preescolar

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    116 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl presente proyecto de investigaci?n centra su acci?n en estimular desde edades tempranas, la lectura y el acercamiento a los libros, como v?a para desarrollar h?bitos lectores y enriquecer las habilidades comunicativas. Tiene como objetivo fijar en el ni?o el h?bito de la lectura donde el principal factor es determinar aquellas posibles causas que propician o desmotivan a los ni?os el deseo de leer dentro de su mundo, aprender a tener un h?bito lector a temprana edad se ve como una necesidad en el desarrollo personal y social de cada uno de los ni?os, por eso vemos necesidad o alternativa de desarrollar estrategias l?dico pedag?gicas como la literatura infantil, por medio de un proyecto pedag?gico de aula para fortalecer h?bitos lectores, que le permitan transformar su inteligencia creadora, mejorar sus competencias comunicativas entre las que aparecen, leer, escribir, hablar y escuchar adem?s permite acercarlos de manera agradable a los textos. Conforme con esto, se tiene como referencia la investigaci?n formativa, de igual manera un modelo de investigaci?n cualitativo con enfoque etnogr?fico, con ?nfasis participativo y cooperativo, utilizando instrumentos como entrevistas, cuestionarios entre otros dentro del desarrollo del proyecto. El cual se llev? mediante dos fases, la primera se hizo mediante la observaci?n de la cual se detect? una problem?tica y la segunda en la cual se hizo una intervenci?n mediante el proyecto pedag?gico de aula, que dio paso a la participaci?n activa de toda una comunidad educativa. Palabras clave: literatura ? lectura ? h?bitos ? cuentos ? habilidades comunicativasThe present research project focuses on stimulating reading and the approaching to books from early ages, as a way to develop reading habits and enriching communicative skills. Its aim is to establish the habit of reading in children, where the main factor is to determine those possible causes that encourage or discourage children the desire to read within their world; learning to acquire a reading habit at an early age is seen as a necessity in the personal and social development of each child, thus, it is seen the necessity or alternative to implement dynamic-pedagogical strategies such as children's literature, through a pedagogical classroom project to strengthen reading habits, that allows him to transform his creative intelligence and to improve his communicative competences such as, reading, writing, speaking and listening; it also allows to connect them in a pleasant way to texts. Accordingly, the research is based on formative research, as well as a qualitative research model with an ethnographic approach, with a participative and cooperative emphasis, using instruments such as interviews, questionnaires and others within the project development. This was carried out in two phases: the first one was done through the observation in which a problematic was detected and the second one, where an intervention was made through the classroom pedagogical project, which gave way to the active participation of an entire educational community. Keywords: Literature - reading - habits - stories - communicative skill