839 research outputs found

    Millimeter Dust Emission in the GQ Lup System

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    We present Submillimeter Array observations of the GQ Lup system at 1.3 millimeters wavelength with 0\farcs4 (∌\sim60 AU) resolution. Emission is detected from the position of the primary star, GQ Lup A, and is marginally resolved. No emission is detected from the substellar companion, GQ Lup B, 0\farcs7 away. These data, together with models of the spectral energy distribution, suggest a compact disk around GQ Lup A with mass ∌3\sim 3 MJup_{Jup}, perhaps truncated by tidal forces. There is no evidence for a gap or hole in the disk that might be the signature of an additional inner companion body capable of scattering GQ Lup B out to ∌100\sim100 AU separation from GQ Lup A. For GQ Lup B to have formed {\it in situ}, the disk would have to have been much more massive and extended.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, accepted to A

    Accretion Disks Around Young Objects. III. Grain Growth

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    We present detailed models of irradiated T Tauri disks including dust grain growth with power-law size distributions. The models assume complete mixing between dust and gas and solve for the vertical disk structure self-consistentlyincluding the heating effects of stellar irradiation as well as local viscous heating. For a given total dust mass, grain growth is found to decrease the vertical height of the surface where the optical depth to the stellar radiation becomes unit and thus the local irradiation heating, while increasing the disk emission at mm and sub-mm wavelengths. The resulting disk models are less geometrically thick than our previous models assuming interstellar medium dust, and agree better with observed spectral energy distributions and images of edge-on disks, like HK Tau/c and HH 30. The implications of models with grain growth for determining disk masses from long-wavelength emission are considered.Comment: 29 pages, including 11 figures and 1 table, APJ accepte


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    This paper presents a workflow developed thanks to the collaboration between archae- ologists and engineers, aimed at the documentation, representation and virtual fruition of an archaeological site. The purpose is to exploit the data acquired through digital solutions and the consequent elaboration of a reality 3D model to support archaeological studies and to effectively disseminate their results. The presented case study is the Roman Theatre of Ricina (Villa Potenza, MC). The building has preserved much of its masonry, but it is very different from that which could be appreciated by the audience of theatrical performances in Roman times. The work has been developed according to three steps: 1) digital documentation of the site and elaboration of a reality-based 3D model; 2) study of the archaeological finds thanks to the reality-based 3D model and design of a possible reconstruction, represented through a second 3D model elaborated by anastylosis; 3) development of a Virtual Reality environment for the fruition and the interaction with the two 3D models. The final output is therefore an immersive VR application that offers the possibility to access to the theatre both in its current form and in the original one. An experience that is not limited to a simple visualization rather presenting itself as a guided tour across the centurie

    A Keplerian Disk around the Herbig Ae star HD169142

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    We present Submillimeter Array observations of the Herbig Ae star HD169142 in 1.3 millimeter continuum emission and 12CO J=2-1 line emission at 1.5 arcsecond resolution that reveal a circumstellar disk. The continuum emission is centered on the star position and resolved, and provides a mass estimate of about 0.02 solar masses for the disk. The CO images show patterns in position and velocity that are well matched by a disk in Keplerian rotation with low inclination to the line-of-sight. We use radiative transfer calculations based on a flared, passive disk model to constrain the disk parameters by comparison to the spectral line emission. The derived disk radius is 235 AU, and the inclination is 13 degrees. The model also necessitates modest depletion of the CO molecules, similar to that found in Keplerian disks around T Tauri stars.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, accepted by A

    Accretion Disks Around Young Objects. II. Tests of Well-Mixed Models with Ism Dust

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    We construct detailed vertical structure models of irradiated accretion disks around T Tauri stars with interstellar medium dust uniformly mixed with gas. The dependence of the structure and emission properties on mass accretion rate, viscosity parameter, and disk radius is explored using these models. The theoretical spectral energy distributions (SEDs) and images for all inclinations are compared with observations of the entire population of Classical T Tauri stars (CTTS) and Class I objects in Taurus. In particular, we find that the median near-infrared fluxes can be explained within the errors with the most recent values for the median accretion rates for CTTS. We further show that the majority of the Class I sources in Taurus cannot be Class II sources viewed edge-on because they are too luminous and their colors would be consistent with disks seen only in a narrow range of inclinations. Our models appear to be too geometrically thick at large radii, as suggested by: (a) larger far-infrared disk emission than in the typical SEDs of T Tauri stars; (b) wider dark dust lanes in the model images than in the images of HH30 and HK Tau/c; and (c) larger predicted number of stars extincted by edge-on disks than consistent with current surveys. The large thickness of the model is a consequence of the assumption that dust and gas are well-mixed, suggesting that some degree of dust settling may be required to explain the observations.Comment: 41 pages, 13 figures, accepted in Ap

    Optical and infrared observations of the supernova SN 1999el

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    Optical and near-infrared light curves of the Type IIn supernova 1999el in NGC 6951 are presented. A period of 220 days (416 days in the near-infrared) is covered from the first observation obtained a few days before maximum light. Spectroscopic observations are also discussed. Using as a distance calibrator the Type Ia SN 2000E, which occurred some months later in the same galaxy, and fitting a blackbody law to the photometric data we obtain a maximum bolometric luminosity for SN 1999el of ∌1044\sim 10^{44} erg s−1^{-1}. In general, the photometric properties of SN 1999el are very similar to those of SN 1998S, a bright and well studied Type IIn SN, showing a fast decline in all observed bands similar to those of Type II-L SNe. The differences with SN 1998S are analyzed and ascribed to the differences in a pre-existing circumstellar envelope in which dust was already present at the moment of the SN outburst. We infer that light echoes may play a possibly significant role in affecting the observed properties of the light curves, although improved theoretical models are needed to account for the data. We conclude that mass loss in the progenitor RG stars is episodic and occurs in an asymmetric way. This implies that collapsing massive stars appear as normal Type II SN if this occurs far from major mass loss episodes, whereas they appear as Type IIn SNe if a large mass loss episode is in progress.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures, figure 1 available as jpeg file, ApJ in pres

    Hubble and Spitzer Observations of an Edge-on Circumstellar Disk around a Brown Dwarf

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    We present observations of a circumstellar disk that is inclined close to edge-on around a young brown dwarf in the Taurus star-forming region. Using data obtained with SpeX at the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility, we find that the slope of the 0.8-2.5 um spectrum of the brown dwarf 2MASS J04381486+2611399 cannot be reproduced with a photosphere reddened by normal extinction. Instead, the slope is consistent with scattered light, indicating that circumstellar material is occulting the brown dwarf. By combining the SpeX data with mid-IR photometry and spectroscopy from the Spitzer Space Telescope and previously published millimeter data from Scholz and coworkers, we construct the spectral energy distribution for 2MASS J04381486+2611399 and model it in terms of a young brown dwarf surrounded by an irradiated accretion disk. The presence of both silicate absorption at 10 um and silicate emission at 11 um constrains the inclination of the disk to be ~70 deg, i.e. ~20 deg from edge-on. Additional evidence of the high inclination of this disk is provided by our detection of asymmetric bipolar extended emission surrounding 2MASS J04381486+2611399 in high-resolution optical images obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope. According to our modeling for the SED and images of this system, the disk contains a large inner hole that is indicative of a transition disk (R_in~58 R_star~0.275 AU) and is somewhat larger than expected from embryo ejection models (R_out=20-40 AU vs. R_out<10-20 AU).Comment: The Astrophysical Journal, in pres

    Adiabatic perturbation theory and geometry of periodically-driven systems

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    We give a systematic review of the adiabatic theorem and the leading non-adiabatic corrections in periodically-driven (Floquet) systems. These corrections have a two-fold origin: (i) conventional ones originating from the gradually changing Floquet Hamiltonian and (ii) corrections originating from changing the micro-motion operator. These corrections conspire to give a Hall-type linear response for non-stroboscopic (time-averaged) observables allowing one to measure the Berry curvature and the Chern number related to the Floquet Hamiltonian, thus extending these concepts to periodically-driven many-body systems. The non-zero Floquet Chern number allows one to realize a Thouless energy pump, where one can adiabatically add energy to the system in discrete units of the driving frequency. We discuss the validity of Floquet Adiabatic Perturbation Theory (FAPT) using five different models covering linear and non-linear few and many-particle systems. We argue that in interacting systems, even in the stable high-frequency regimes, FAPT breaks down at ultra slow ramp rates due to avoided crossings of photon resonances, not captured by the inverse-frequency expansion, leading to a counter-intuitive stronger heating at slower ramp rates. Nevertheless, large windows in the ramp rate are shown to exist for which the physics of interacting driven systems is well captured by FAPT.The authors would like to thank M. Aidelsburger, M. Atala, E. Dalla Torre, N. Goldman, M. Heyl, D. Huse, G. Jotzu, C. Kennedy, M. Lohse, T. Mori, L. Pollet, M. Rudner, A. Russomanno, and C. Schweizer for fruitful discussions. This work was supported by AFOSR FA9550-16-1-0334, NSF DMR-1506340, ARO W911NF1410540, and the Hungarian research grant OTKA Nos. K101244, K105149. M. K. was supported by Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) funding from Berkeley Lab, provided by the Director, Office of Science, of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. The authors are pleased to acknowledge that the computational work reported in this paper was performed on the Shared Computing Cluster which is administered by Boston University's Research Computing Services. The authors also acknowledge the Research Computing Services group for providing consulting support which has contributed to the results reported within this paper. The study of the driven non-integrable transverse-field Ising model was carried out using QuSpin [185] - an open-source state-of-the-art Python package for dynamics and exact diagonalization of quantum many body systems, available to download here. (FA9550-16-1-0334 - AFOSR; DMR-1506340 - NSF; W911NF1410540 - ARO; K101244 - Hungarian research grant OTKA; K105149 - Hungarian research grant OTKA; DE-AC02-05CH11231 - Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) funding from Berkeley Lab)https://arxiv.org/pdf/1606.02229.pd

    Optical and Radio monitoring of S5 1803+74

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    The optical (BVRI) and radio (8.4 GHz) light curves of S5 1803+784 on a time span of nearly 6 years are presented and discussed. The optical light curve showed an overall variation greater than 3 mag, and the largest changes occured in three strong flares. No periodicity was found in the light curve on time scales up to a year. The variability in the radio band is very different, and shows moderate oscillations around an average constant flux density rather than relevant flares, with a maximum amplitude of ∌\sim30%, without a simultaneous correspondence between optical and radio luminosity. The optical spectral energy distribution was always well fitted by a power law. The spectral index shows small variations and there is indication of a positive correlation with the source luminosity. Possible explanations of the source behaviour are discussed in the framework of current models.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figure

    Performance of Dairy Goats to Alfalfa Silage Based Diets Supplemented with Different Sources of Carbohydrates

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    Lactating Saanen dairy goats fed alfalfa silage (AS) based diets in four 4x4 Latin Square designed experiment were studied for the effects of supplementation of three different type of carbohydrates (wheat grain, (W); sorghum grain, (SG) and dry citrus pulp, (DCP)) on milk yield, composition and chewing activities. Sixteen does (45± 10 DIM and 2.016 kg ± 0.48 4% FCM) housed indoors in individual pens in a four 4x4 experiment were fed four diets 1) AS (33.9%DM, 19.9%CP, 44.01%NDF); 2) ASW (52.4%DM, 19.8%CP, 33.7%NDF); 3) ASSG (50.9%DM, 17.9%CP, 37%NDF), 4) ASDCP (52.5%DM, 16.12%CP, 39.1%NDF) with forage-to-concentrate ratios of 100:0 or 65:35, 67:33 and 64:36 respectively. Intake of AS DM (2.78%BW) was different (P\u3c 0.05) from the other treatments (average 3.53 ±0.07 %BW). Chewing efficiency (min/g NDF per kg BW 0.75) decrease (P\u3c 0.05) as a result of AS substitution or concentrate supplementation without effect (P\u3e 0.05) of carbohydrate type or dietary level of NDF. Milk, 4%FCM and fat-protein-corrected milk yield was affected (P\u3c 0.05) by concentrate supplementation. Either milk protein content (g/l) or yield (g/day) were not affected by treatments. Body weight changes appeared related to concentrate supplementation. Supplementation increase total DM intake, decrease forage DM intake and chewing efficiency and increase producing performance without changing milk composition
