476 research outputs found

    Air quality in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina

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    Studies of different gaseous contaminants and particulate matter were made in several cities of the Buenos Aires Province in Argentina. These cities have noticeable differences in relation to the number of inhabitants, vehicular density, industrial activities, etc. They are La Plata, Bahía Blanca, Mar del Plata, Pergamino and San Nicolás, among other towns. In each city, continuous monitoring equipment with electrochemical sensor technology was installed, in order to determine the NOx, CO, HC, SO2 and O3 concentration. The particulate matter samples were picked up using high volume equipment and daily concentrations corresponding to total suspended solids (PM) were determined by a gravimetric method. The particles were characterized by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron diffraction analysis X-ray (EDAX). The results obtained showed a direct relationship between the type and quantity of the present particles and the general characteristics of the towns. The present study is part of the research project "Study of the Air Quality in Buenos Aires Province", financially supported by the National Agency of Scientific and Technological Promotion, Argentina.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasCentro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencias Aplicada

    Air quality in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina

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    Studies of different gaseous contaminants and particulate matter were made in several cities of the Buenos Aires Province in Argentina. These cities have noticeable differences in relation to the number of inhabitants, vehicular density, industrial activities, etc. They are La Plata, Bahía Blanca, Mar del Plata, Pergamino and San Nicolás, among other towns. In each city, continuous monitoring equipment with electrochemical sensor technology was installed, in order to determine the NOx, CO, HC, SO2 and O3 concentration. The particulate matter samples were picked up using high volume equipment and daily concentrations corresponding to total suspended solids (PM) were determined by a gravimetric method. The particles were characterized by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron diffraction analysis X-ray (EDAX). The results obtained showed a direct relationship between the type and quantity of the present particles and the general characteristics of the towns. The present study is part of the research project "Study of the Air Quality in Buenos Aires Province", financially supported by the National Agency of Scientific and Technological Promotion, Argentina.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasCentro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencias Aplicada

    Blood–brain barrier impairment in patients living with hiv: Predictors and associated biomarkers

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    Despite the substantial changes resulting from the introduction of combination antiretroviral therapy (cART), the prevalence of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) remains substantial. Blood–brain barrier impairment (BBBi) is a frequent feature in people living with HIV (PLWH) and it may persist despite effective antiretroviral treatment. A cross-sectional study was performed in PLWH who underwent lumbar puncture for clinical reasons or research protocols and several cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers were studied. BBBi was defined as cerebrospinal fluid-to-serum albumin ratio (CSAR) >6.5 (<40 years) or >8 (>40 years). We included 464 participants: 147 cART-naïve and 317 on cART. Male sex was prevalent in both groups (72.1% and 72.2% respectively); median age was 44 (38–52) years in naïve and 49 (43–57) years in treated subjects. BBBi was observed in 35.4% naïve and in 22.7% treated participants; the use of integrase inhibitors was associated with a lower prevalence (18.3 vs. 30.9%, p = 0.050). At multivariate binary logistic regression (including age and sex) nadir CD4 cell count (p = 0.034), presence of central nervous system (CNS) opportunistic infections (p = 0.024) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) HIV RNA (p = 0.002) in naïve participants and male sex (p = 0.021), a history of CNS opportunistic infections (p = 0.001) and CSF HIV RNA (p = 0.034) in treated patients were independently associated with BBBi. CSF cells and neopterin were significantly higher in participants with BBBi. BBBi was prevalent in naïve and treated PLWH and it was associated with CSF HIV RNA and neopterin. Systemic control of viral replication seems to be essential for BBB integrity while sex and treatment influence need further studies

    Laboratorio virtual de análisis matemático I

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    En 2010 se comenzó a diseñar material interactivo, con el apoyo del software libre GeoGebra, para poner a disposición de los estudiantes de Análisis Matemático I de la Facultad Regional San Nicolás (FRSN) de la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. En años siguientes se evaluó la opinión de los alumnos sobre este tipo de recursos, obteniendo resultados alentadores. También se observó una mejora en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes. En este trabajo se presentan algunos resultados de distintas experiencias de uso y se muestra el Laboratorio Virtual de Análisis Matemático I que se presenta en el año académico 2016

    CO2FIX V2.0 : manual of a modeling framework for quantifying carbon sequestration in forest ecosystems and wood products

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    This reports presents a manual of the CO2FIX V 2.0 model. CO2FIX V 2.0 is a simple bookkeeping model that converts volumetric net annual increment data (and additional parameters) to annual carbon stocks and fluxes of the forest ecosystem-soil-wood products chain. It calculates on the hectare scale with time steps of one year. This Version 2.0 is a hectare scale model which was improved on the ability to simulate multi-species and uneven aged stands in multiple cohorts (e.g. selective tropical selective logging systems, and agroforestry systems); the ability to parametrize the growth also by stand density; the ability to deal with inter cohort competition; harvesting, allocation, processing lines, and end-of-life disposal of harvested wood; soil dynamics; the ability to deal with a wider variety of forest types including agro-forestry systems, selective logging systems, and post harvesting mortality; output viewing charts

    Epidemiological surveillance of trachoma in a school in an urban area in Southeastern Brazil

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    INTRODUCTION: Epidemiological surveillance activities undertaken after the detection of an active trachoma case in the APAE-SP are described. MATERIAL AND METHOD: A total of 1,009 pupils, employees and household contacts had an eye examination. Treatment control was carried out at the institution 4 times at 45 day-intervals. RESULTS: The overall prevalence was of 5.9%, 5.1% being of follicular trachoma (TF), 0.3% of intense trachoma (TF/TI) and 0.5% of cicatricial trachoma (TS). At the first control exercise 45.5% of the trachoma cases had no signs of the disease and 40.0% underwent treatment. At the last control exercise 20% were found to have been cured with no vestigial scars. Non-attendance was of 38.2%. The distribution of secondary cases showed great dispersion, suggesting dissemination throughout Greater S. Paulo . DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: The trachoma control activities do not show satisfactory results, perhaps due to the prolonged duration of the treatment and follow up. The development of strategies of clinical intervention should be implemented for better control of the disease.OBJETIVO: Verificar as condições de vigilância epidemiológica do tracoma desencadeadas a partir da detecção de um caso de tracoma inflamatório na APAE - SP. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram submetidos a exame ocular 1.009 pessoas entre alunos, funcionários e comunicantes intradomiciliares. Os controles de tratamento foram realizados em uma instituição, por 4 vezes, em intervalos de 45 dias. RESULTADOS: A prevalência total foi de 5,9%, sendo 5,1% de tracoma folicular (TF), 0,3% de tracoma folicular intenso (TF/TI) e 0,5% de tracoma cicatricial (TS). No primeiro controle 45,5% dos casos apresentou alta clínica e 40,0% manteve tratamento. No último controle 20,0% apresentou alta curado sem cicatrizes. A taxa de faltosos alcançou 38,2%. A distribuição espacial dos casos secundários mostrou ampla dispersão na Grande São Paulo, indicando que o tracoma deve estar disseminado por toda a região. DISCUSSÃO/CONCLUSÕES: As ações de controle do tracoma não apresentaram resultados satisfatórios, provavelmente devido ao prolongado tempo de tratamento e acompanhamento. Estratégias de intervenção clínica devem ser desenvolvidas para melhor controle da doença.Secretaria de Estado da Saúde (SES). São PauloSES. São PauloUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)APAESecretaria Municipal de Saúde. São PauloUNIFESPSciEL

    Air quality in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina

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    Studies of different gaseous contaminants and particulate matter were made in several cities of the Buenos Aires Province in Argentina. These cities have noticeable differences in relation to the number of inhabitants, vehicular density, industrial activities, etc. They are La Plata, Bahía Blanca, Mar del Plata, Pergamino and San Nicolás, among other towns. In each city, continuous monitoring equipment with electrochemical sensor technology was installed, in order to determine the NOx, CO, HC, SO2 and O3 concentration. The particulate matter samples were picked up using high volume equipment and daily concentrations corresponding to total suspended solids (PM) were determined by a gravimetric method. The particles were characterized by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron diffraction analysis X-ray (EDAX). The results obtained showed a direct relationship between the type and quantity of the present particles and the general characteristics of the towns. The present study is part of the research project "Study of the Air Quality in Buenos Aires Province", financially supported by the National Agency of Scientific and Technological Promotion, Argentina.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasCentro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencias Aplicada

    Niveles de contaminación de aire: relación con distintos factores

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    Se realizaron estudios de diferentes contaminantes gaseosos y material particulado en varias ciudades de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Estas ciudades tienen diferencias notables respecto del número de habitantes, la densidad vehicular, la actividad industrial, etc. Ellas son La Plata, Bahía Blanca, Mar del Plata, Pergamino, San Nicolás, entre otras. En cada ciudad, se instaló un equipo de monitoreo continuo con tecnología de sensores electroquímicos para determinar NOx, CO, HC, SO2 y O3. Las muestras del material particulado total para su análisis fisicoquímico fueron recogidas usando un equipo de alto volumen, y las concentraciones diarias de PM10 fueron determinadas por analizador de tecnología láser. Las partículas fueron caracterizadas por microscopías óptica y electrónica de barrido, y análisis por difracción electrónica de Rayos X. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron una relación directa entre el tipo y la cantidad de las partículas presentes y las características generales de las ciudades