52 research outputs found

    Binding branched and linear DNA structures: from isolated clusters to fully bonded gels

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    The proper design of DNA sequences allows for the formation of well defined supramolecular units with controlled interactions via a consecution of self-assembling processes. Here, we benefit from the controlled DNA self-assembly to experimentally realize particles with well defined valence, namely tetravalent nanostars (A) and bivalent chains (B). We specifically focus on the case in which A particles can only bind to B particles, via appropriately designed sticky-end sequences. Hence AA and BB bonds are not allowed. Such a binary mixture system reproduces with DNA-based particles the physics of poly-functional condensation, with an exquisite control over the bonding process, tuned by the ratio, r, between B and A units and by the temperature, T. We report dynamic light scattering experiments in a window of Ts ranging from 10{\deg}C to 55{\deg}C and an interval of r around the percolation transition to quantify the decay of the density correlation for the different cases. At low T, when all possible bonds are formed, the system behaves as a fully bonded network, as a percolating gel and as a cluster fluid depending on the selected r.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figure

    Metabolic and hormonal control of energy utilization and partitioning from early to mid lactation in Sarda ewes and Saanen goats

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    In a recent study, we observed that starch-rich diets used in mid lactation induced lower milk production persistency and higher body fat accumulation in dairy ewes compared with dairy goats. Because these species differences could be linked to hormonal mechanisms that drive energy partitioning, in the same experiment, we explored the evolution of metabolic and hormonal status during lactation to test this hypothesis. Twenty mature Sarda dairy ewes and 20 mature Saanen goats [15\u2013134 \ub1 11 d in milk (DIM), mean \ub1 SD] were compared simultaneously. In early lactation, each species was allocated to one dietary treatment: high-starch diet [HS: 20.4% starch, on dry matter (DM) basis], whereas from 92 \ub1 11 DIM, each species was allocated to 1 of 2 dietary treatments: HS (20.0% starch, on DM basis) and low-starch (LS: 7.8% starch, on DM basis) diets. Blood samples were collected in the morning to analyze glucose, nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), growth hormone (GH), insulin, and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I). Data were analyzed using the PROC MIXED procedure of SAS with repeated measurements (SAS Version 9.0). The HS and LS diets applied in mid lactation did not affect metabolic status of the animal within species; thus, only a comparison between species was carried out. From early to mid lactation, plasma glucose concentration was higher in ewes than in goats (54.57 vs. 48.35 \ub1 1.18 mg/dL), whereas plasma NEFA concentration was greater in goats than in ewes (0.31 vs. 0.25 \ub1 0.03 mmol/L). Goats had higher plasma GH concentration and lower plasma insulin content than ewes (4.78 vs. 1.31 ng/mL \ub1 0.47; 0.11 vs. 0.26 \u3bcg/L \ub1 0.02). Plasma IGF-I concentration did not vary between species. The comparison of metabolic and hormonal status of lactating Sarda dairy ewes and Saanen goats, carried out by studying simultaneously the 2 species in the same stage of lactation and experimental conditions, suggests that the higher insulin and glucose concentration observed in Sarda ewes explains why they partitioned more energy toward body reserves than to the mammary gland, especially in mid lactation. This can justify the negative effect of high-starch diets in mid-lactating Sarda ewes. Conversely, the highest GH and NEFA concentration observed in Saanen goats explain why they partitioned more energy of starch diets toward the mammary gland than to body reserves and justify the positive effect of high-starch diet in mid lactation. Together, these different responses contribute to explain why specialized dairy goats, such as the Saanen breed, have a higher milk production persistency than specialized dairy sheep breeds, such as the Sarda

    Indicators of quality of care in chronic patients in a health center: 3 year evolution

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    OBJETIVO: El objetivo del estudio es observar si la implementación de 4 marcadores de calidad asistencial de tratamiento y prevención secundaria del paciente crónico, evaluables anualmente, con objetivos establecidos, comporta una mejora de resultado en un centro de salud (CS). Comparar resultados con los del conjunto de CS del Institut Català de la Salut (ICS)

    The clinico-radiological paradox of cognitive function and MRI burden of white matter lesions in people with multiple sclerosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    Moderate correlation exists between the imaging quantification of brain white matter lesions and cognitive performance in people with multiple sclerosis (MS). This may reflect the greater importance of other features, including subvisible pathology, or methodological limitations of the primary literature.To summarise the cognitive clinico-radiological paradox and explore the potential methodological factors that could influence the assessment of this relationship.Systematic review and meta-analysis of primary research relating cognitive function to white matter lesion burden.Fifty papers met eligibility criteria for review, and meta-analysis of overall results was possible in thirty-two (2050 participants). Aggregate correlation between cognition and T2 lesion burden was r = -0.30 (95% confidence interval: -0.34, -0.26). Wide methodological variability was seen, particularly related to key factors in the cognitive data capture and image analysis techniques.Resolving the persistent clinico-radiological paradox will likely require simultaneous evaluation of multiple components of the complex pathology using optimum measurement techniques for both cognitive and MRI feature quantification. We recommend a consensus initiative to support common standards for image analysis in MS, enabling benchmarking while also supporting ongoing innovation

    Re-entrant DNA gels

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    DNA is acquiring a primary role in material development, self-assembling by design into complex supramolecular aggregates, the building block of a new-materials world. Using DNA nanoconstructs to translate sophisticated theoretical intuitions into experimental realizations by closely matching idealized models of colloidal particles is a much less explored avenue. Here we experimentally show that an appropriate selection of competing interactions enciphered in multiple DNA sequences results into the successful design of a one-pot DNA hydrogel that melts both on heating and on cooling. The relaxation time, measured by light scattering, slows down dramatically in a limited window of temperatures. The phase diagram displays a peculiar re-entrant shape, the hallmark of the competition between different bonding patterns. Our study shows that it is possible to rationally design biocompatible bulk materials with unconventional phase diagrams and tuneable properties by encoding into DNA sequences both the particle shape and the physics of the collective response

    Clinical findings, functional abilities and caregiver distress in the early stage of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and Alzheimer's disease (AD).

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    Few studies have compared neuropsychiatric disorders and functional abilities in the early stage of DLB and AD and their influence on caregiver distress. The aim of this study is to assess neuropsychiatric disorders, functional abilities and caregiver distress in DLB and in AD subjects. Sixteen subjects affected by probable DLB and 12 subjects affected by probable AD were enrolled. All subjects underwent a wide neuropsychological examination. Caregiver's distress was also assessed. Subjects affected by DLB performed better in long-term memory tests, whereas AD subjects performed better in attentive and executive function tests. The Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) total score was significantly higher in DLB subjects than in AD subjects. Furthermore, DLB subjects scored worse than AD subjects in both Activities of Daily Living scale (ADL) and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living scale (IADL) scales. Overall caregiver distress was higher in DLB than in AD subjects. High distress was observed in DLB caregivers alone and was caused by delusion, hallucinations, anxiety and apathy. DLB subjects have a different neuropsychological profile, more psychiatric symptoms and more serious functional deficits than AD subjects in the early cognitive decline, furthermore DLB caregivers are more stressed than AD caregivers

    Comparison of metabolites and hormones involved in the control of energy partitioning during the lactation of dairy ewes and goats.

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    This research studied the evolution of metabolites and hormones involved in the control of energy partitioning during early and midlactation of dairy ewes and goats and assessed in mid-lactation possible interactions with the type of carbohydrates used in the diet. Twenty Sarda ewes and 20 Saanen goats were compared from 15 \ub1 5 d in milk (DIM; mean \ub1 st.dev.) to 134 \ub1 5 DIM in the same feeding conditions. Since parturition, each species was fed a high starch diet (20.4% starch, 35.5% NDF, DM basis), whereas from 92 \ub1 11 DIM each species was allocated to 2 dietary treatments: high starch (HS; 20.0% starch, 36.7% NDF, DM basis) and low starch-high digestible fiber (LS: 7.8% starch, 48.8% NDF, DM basis) diets. The LS diet was obtained by substituting cereal grains with soyhulls. Blood samples were collected monthly and analyzed for plasma glucose, NEFA, growth hormone (GH), IGF-1 and leptin. Data were studied by using the PROC MIXED procedure of SAS for repeated measurements. From early to mid-lactation, glucose concentration was higher in ewes than in goats (54.6 vs. 48.4 mg/dl \ub1 1.2 (mean+SEM); P < 0.0001). NEFA concentration was lower in ewes than in goats (0.25 vs. 0.31 mmol/L \ub1 0.03; P = 0.036). IGF-1 concentration did not differ (108.8 vs. 94.2 ng/mL \ub1 11.64; P > 0.1). Goats had higher plasma GH (4.47 vs. 2.28 ng/mL \ub1 0.57; P < 0.001), with a marked peak in early lactation not observed in ewes, higher leptin concentration (26.3 vs. 11.4 ng/ml \ub1 2.1; P < 0.0002), and lower plasma insulin content (0.11 vs. 0.26 \u3bcg/L \ub1 0.02; P < 0.0001) than the ewes. In mid-lactation, metabolites and hormones were not affected by the diets in both species. In conclusion, this experiment found that (1) the ewes had a hormonal profile more directed to the partitioning of dietary energy in favor of body reserve accumulation, rather to milk production, than the goats; (2) in mid lactation the hormonal status was not affected by the prevalent type of carbohydrate (starch or digestible fiber) of the diets; iii) blood leptin was much higher in goats than in ewes, despite the latter accumulated much more body reserves than the former
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