173 research outputs found

    Synthesis and Characterization of Boron Thin Films Using Chemical and Physical Vapor Depositions

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    Boron as thin film material is of relevance for use in modern micro- and nano-fabrication technology. In this research boron thin films are realized by a number of physical and chemical deposition methods, including magnetron sputtering, electron-beam evaporation, plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (CVD), thermal/non-plasma CVD, remote plasma CVD and atmospheric pressure CVD. Various physical, mechanical and chemical characteristics of these boron thin films are investigated, i.e., deposition rate, uniformity, roughness, stress, composition, defectivity and chemical resistance. Boron films realized by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) are found to be inert for conventional wet chemical etchants and have the lowest amount of defects, which makes this the best candidate to be integrated into the micro-fabrication processes. By varying the deposition parameters in the PECVD process, the influences of plasma power, pressure and precursor inflow on the deposition rate and intrinsic stress are further explored. Utilization of PECVD boron films as hard mask for wet etching is demonstrated by means of patterning followed by selective structuring of the silicon substrate, which shows that PECVD boron thin films can be successfully applied for micro-fabrication

    The physiology of endocrine systems with ageing

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    During ageing, the secretory patterns of the hormones produced by the hypothalamic-pituitary axis change, as does the sensitivity of the axis to negative feedback by end hormones. Additionally, glucose homoeostasis tends towards disequilibrium with increasing age. Along with these endocrine alterations, a loss of bone and muscle mass and strength occurs, coupled with an increase in fat mass. In addition, ageing-induced effects are difficult to disentangle from the influence of other factors that are common in older people, such as chronic diseases, inflammation, and low nutritional status, all of which can also affect endocrine systems. Traditionally, the decrease in hormone activity during the ageing process has been considered to be detrimental because of the related decline in bodily functions. The concept of hormone replacement therapy was suggested as a therapeutic intervention to stop or reverse this decline. However, clearly some of these changes are a beneficial adaptation to ageing, whereas hormonal intervention often causes important adverse effects. In this paper, we discuss the effects of age on the different hypothalamic-pituitary-hormonal organ axes, as well as age-related changes in calcium and bone metabolism and glucose homoeostasis

    MALDI-TOF MS Using a Custom-Made Database, Biomarker Assignment, or Mathematical Classifiers Does Not Differentiate Shigella spp. and Escherichia coli

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    Shigella spp. and E. coli are closely related and cannot be distinguished using matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) with commercially available databases. Here, three alternative approaches using MALDI-TOF MS to identify and distinguish Shigella spp., E. coli, and its pathotype EIEC were explored and evaluated using spectra of 456 Shigella spp., 42 E. coli, and 61 EIEC isolates. Identification with a custom-made database resulted in >94% Shigella identified at the genus level and >91% S. sonnei and S. flexneri at the species level, but the distinction of S. dysenteriae, S. boydii, and E. coli was poor. With biomarker assignment, 98% S. sonnei isolates were correctly identified, although specificity was low. Discriminating markers for S. dysenteriae, S. boydii, and E. coli were not assigned at all. Classification models using machine learning correctly identified Shigella in 96% of isolates, but most E. coli isolates were also assigned to Shigella. None of the proposed alternative approaches were suitable for clinical diagnostics for identifying Shigella spp., E. coli, and EIEC, reflecting their relatedness and taxonomical classification. We suggest the use of MALDI-TOF MS for the identification of the Shigella spp./E. coli complex, but other tests should be used for distinction

    Low Circulating IGF-I Bioactivity in Elderly Men is associated with Increased Mortality

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    Context: Low IGF-I signaling activity prolongs lifespan in certain animal models, but the precise role of IGF-I in human survival remains controversial. The IGF-I kinase receptor activation assay (IGF-I KIRA) is a novel method for measuring IGF-I bioactivity in human serum. We speculated that determination of circulating IGF-I bioactivity is more informative than levels of immunoreactive IGFI. Objective: To study IGF-I bioactivity in relation to human survival. Design: Prospective observational study. Setting: A clinical research center at a university hospital. Study participants: 376 healthy elderly men (aged 73 to 94 years). Main outcome Measures: IGF-I bioactivity was determined by the IGF-I KIRA. Total and free IGF-I were determined by IGF-I immunoassays. Mortality was registered during follow-up (mean 82 months). Results: During the follow-up period of 8.6 years 170 men (45%) died. Survival of subjects in the highest quartile of IGF-I bioactivity was significantly better than in the lowest quartile, both in the total study group (HR = 1.8, (95% CI: 1.2 − 2.8, p = 0.01) as well as in subgroups having a medical history of cardiovascular disease (HR = 2.4 (95% CI: 1.3 − 4.3, p = 0.003) or a high inflammatory risk profile (HR = 2.3 (95% CI: 1.2 − 4.5, p = 0.01). Significant relationships were not observed for total or free IGF-I. Conclusion: Our study suggests that a relatively high circulating IGF-I bioactivity in elderly men is associated with extended survival and with reduced cardiovascular risk

    Relation between composition and fracture strength in off-stoichiometric metal silicide free-standing membranes

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    In this work, we investigated the influence of composition on the polycrystalline structure, elastic properties and fracture strength, of ZrxSi1-x, NbxSi1-x, and MoxSi1-x free-standing thin films that were deposited by magnetron sputtering and subsequently annealed at 500 °C. Despite deviations from the stoichiometric composition, the crystalline structure of all films, except for the most Zr-rich ZrxSi1-x, corresponded to their respective stoichiometric disilicide structures, without the formation of a second-phase. Off-stoichiometry was found to be accompanied by the presence of lattice defects and a decrease of the grain size, which bring about a lower tensile stress in the films. The dependence of the fracture strength on the composition was remarkably similar for the three silicides, with the lowest and highest strength values occurring for samples with 30% and 37–40% of metal content, respectively. The observed dependence of strength on composition was attributed to the combination of the Hall-Petch effect, changes in the morphology and strength of grain boundaries, and the enhancement of crystal plasticity due to lattice defects induced by off-stoichiometry

    Genome-wide association studies of Shigella spp. and Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli isolates demonstrate an absence of genetic markers for prediction of disease severity

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    BACKGROUND: We investigated the association of symptoms and disease severity of shigellosis patients with genetic determinants of infecting Shigella and entero-invasive Escherichia coli (EIEC), because determinants that predict disease outcome per individual patient could be used to prioritize control measures. For this purpose, genome wide association studies (GWAS) were performed using presence or absence of single genes, combinations of genes, and k-mers. All genetic variants were derived from draft genome sequences of isolates from a multicenter cross-sectional study conducted in the Netherlands during 2016 and 2017. Clinical data of patients consisting of binary/dichotomous representation of symptoms and their calculated severity scores were also available from this study. To verify the suitability of the methods used, the genetic differences between the genera Shigella and Escherichia were used as control. RESULTS: The isolates obtained were representative of the population structure encountered in other Western European countries. No association was found between single genes or combinations of genes and separate symptoms or disease severity scores. Our benchmark characteristic, genus, resulted in eight associated genes and > 3,000,000 k-mers, indicating adequate performance of the algorithms used. CONCLUSIONS: To conclude, using several microbial GWAS methods, genetic variants in Shigella spp. and EIEC that can predict specific symptoms or a more severe course of disease were not identified, suggesting that disease severity of shigellosis is dependent on other factors than the genetic variation of the infecting bacteria. Specific genes or gene fragments of isolates from patients are unsuitable to predict outcomes and cannot be used for development, prioritization and optimization of guidelines for control measures of shigellosis or infections with EIEC

    Selenium status is positively associated with bone mineral density in healthy aging European men

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    Objective It is still a matter of debate if subtle changes in selenium (Se) status affect thyroid function tests (TFTs) and bone mineral density (BMD). This is particularly relevant for the elderly, whose nutritional status is more vulnerable. Design and Methods We investigated Se status in a cohort of 387 healthy elderly men (median age 77 yrs; inter quartile range 75-80 yrs) in relation to TFTs and BMD. Se status was determined by measuring both plasma selenoprotein P (SePP) and Se. Results The overall Se status in our population was low normal with only 0.5% (2/387) of subjects meeting the criteria for Se deficiency. SePP and Se levels were not associated with thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), free thyroxine (FT4), thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3) or reverse triiodothyronine (rT3) levels. The T3/T4 and T3/rT3 ratios, reflecting peripheral metabolism of thyroid hormone, were not associated with Se status either. SePP and Se were positively associated with total BMD and femoral trochanter BMD. Se, but not SePP, was positively associated with femoral neck and ward's BMD. Multivariate linear analyses showed that these associations remain statistically significant in a model including TSH, FT4, body mass index, physical performance score, age, smoking, diabetes mellitus and number of medication use. Conclusion Our study demonstrates that Se status, within the normal European marginally supplied range, is positively associated with BMD in healthy aging men, independent of thyroid function. Thyroid function tests appear unaffected by Se status in this population

    New insights into the epidemiology of Listeria monocytogenes – A cross-sectoral retrospective genomic analysis in the Netherlands (2010–2020)

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    IntroductionListeriosis, caused by infection with Listeria monocytogenes (Lm), is a relatively rare but severe disease with one of the highest mortality rates among bacterial foodborne illnesses. A better understanding on the degree of Lm clustering, the temporal distribution of the clusters, and their association with the various food sources is expected to lead to improved source tracing and risk-based sampling.MethodsWe investigated the genomic epidemiology of Lm in the Netherlands between 2010 and 2020 by analyzing whole-genome-sequencing (WGS) data of isolates from listerioss patients and food sources from nationwide integrated surveillance and monitoring. WGS data of 756 patient and 770 food/environmental isolates was assessed using core-genome multi-locus sequence typing (cgMLST) with Hamming distance as measure for pairwise distances. Associations of genotype with the epidemiological variables such as patient’s age and gender, and systematic use of specific drugs were tested by multinomial logistic regressions. Genetic differentiation of the Lm within and between food categories was calculated based on allele frequencies at the 1701 cgMLST loci in each food category.ResultsWe confirmed previous results that some clonal complexes (CCs) are overrepresented among clinical isolates but could not identify any epidemiological risk factors. The main findings of this study include the observation of a very weak attribution of Lm types to food categories and a much better attribution to the producer level. In addition, we identified a high degree of temporal persistence of food, patient and mixed clusters, with more than half of the clusters spanning over more than 1 year and up to 10  years.DiscussionTaken together this would indicate that identifying persistent contamination in food production settings, and producers that process a wide variety of raw food produce, could significantly contribute to lowering the Lm disease burden

    A Multifactorial Approach for Surveillance of Shigella spp. and Entero-Invasive Escherichia coli Is Important for Detecting (Inter)national Clusters

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    Shigella spp. and entero-invasive Escherichia coli (EIEC) can cause mild diarrhea to dysentery. In Netherlands, although shigellosis is a notifiable disease, there is no laboratory surveillance for Shigella spp. and EIEC in place. Consequently, the population structure for circulating Shigella spp. and EIEC isolates is not known. This study describes the phenotypic and serological characteristics, the phenotypic and genetic antimicrobial resistance (AMR) profiles, the virulence gene profiles, the classic multi-locus sequence types (MLST) and core genome (cg)MLST types, and the epidemiology of 414 Shigella spp. and EIEC isolates collected during a cross-sectional study in Netherlands in 2016 and 2017. S. sonnei (56%), S. flexneri (25%), and EIEC (15%) were detected predominantly in Netherlands, of which the EIEC isolates were most diverse according to their phenotypical profile, O-types, MLST types, and cgMLST clades. Virulence gene profiling showed that none of the isolates harbored Shiga toxin genes. Most S. flexneri and EIEC isolates possessed nearly all virulence genes examined, while these genes were only detected in approximately half of the S. sonnei isolates, probably due to loss of the large invasion plasmid upon subculturing. Phenotypical resistance correlated well with the resistant genotype, except for the genes involved in resistance to aminoglycosides. A substantial part of the characterized isolates was resistant to antimicrobials advised for treatment, i.e., 73% was phenotypically resistant to co-trimoxazole and 19% to ciprofloxacin. AMR was particularly observed in isolates from male patients who had sex with men (MSM) or from patients that had traveled to Asia. Furthermore, isolates related to international clusters were also circulating in Netherlands. Travel-related isolates formed clusters with isolates from patients without travel history, indicating their emergence into the Dutch population. In conclusion, laboratory surveillance using whole genome sequencing as high-resolution typing technique and for genetic characterization of isolates complements the current epidemiological surveillance, as the latter is not sufficient to detect all (inter)national clusters, emphasizing the importance of multifactorial public health approaches
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