90 research outputs found

    An efficient prescription to find the eigenfunctions of point interactions Hamiltonians

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    A prescription invented a long time ago by Case and Danilov is used to get the wave function of point interactions in two and three dimensions.Comment: 6 page

    Mathematical modeling of bovine brucellosis control by vaccination

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    As fêmeas bovinas, por sua importância na transmissão e na manutenção da brucelose, constituíram o alvo dos inquéritos do Programa Nacional de Controle e Erradicação da Brucelose e da Tuberculose Animal. Com base em informações obtidas em unidades federativas onde foram realizados inquéritos sorológicos e observadas prevalências de animais acima de 2%, elaborou-se um modelo para simular a dinâmica da brucelose em rebanhos bovinos formados exclusivamente por fêmeas, analisando o efeito de estratégias de vacinação. Para baixa cobertura vacinal, da ordem de 30%, o tempo para reduzir a prevalência a 2%, valor adotado como referência, pode ser longo, aproximando-se do dobro do tempo necessário para uma cobertura mais alta, de 90%. De acordo com o modelo, o tempo para reduzir a prevalência a 1% ou 2%, que permitam passar à fase de erradicação, pode chegar a uma década. Recomenda-se a intensificação do esforço para a vacinação de fêmeas, procurando atingir alta cobertura vacinal.Due to the important role played by female bovines in the transmission and maintenance of brucellosis, they were the target of the serological surveys of the Brazilian National Program for the Control and Eradication of Bovine Brucellosis and Tuberculosis. Based on the information obtained in Brazilian states, where the serological surveys were carried out and prevalences higher than 2% were observed, a model to simulate the dynamics of brucellosis in herds of female bovines was developed to analyze the effects of vaccination strategies. For low vaccination coverage (around 30%), the time to reduce the prevalence to 2%, adopted as a reference, may be long, approximately twice as long as the time observed for a higher coverage (90%). According to the model, the time to reduce the prevalence to levels of 1% or 2%, adequate to start the eradication phase, may reach a decade. It is recommended an intensification of the effort to vaccinate females, aiming at attaining high vaccination coverage.FAPESPCNPqMAPA Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abasteciment

    An unsuspected yellow fever and lassa fever in a tertiary healthcare facility in Jos, North Central, Nigeria: a case report

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    Background: Yellow Fever and Lassa Fever are both zoonotic diseases (Mosquito borne flavirus and Rodent borne arenavirus, respectively) and classified as viral haemorrhagic fevers (VHF) because of their common clinical presentations – especially fevers and bleeding during the terminal stages of the diseases. After an incubation period of 3 – 6 days in Yellow fever, and 2 – 21 days in Lassa fever: they present with fevers, rigors, headache, myalgia, nausea, and vomiting. Jaundice is noticed in Yellow fever, while Lassa in addition to other symptoms also present with sore throat (with patchy tonsillar exudate), dysphagia, dry cough, chest pain, and cramping abdominal pain, diarrhoea or epigastric pains. Gradual deterioration is associated with oedema of the face and neck, respiratory distress, pleural and pericardial effusions, encephalopathy, and haemorrhage from various sites (including hypotension and shock, nonrelated to blood loss). The laboratory confirmation from a specialized virology laboratory was conducted for both disease conditions using reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing, with containment facilities (biosafety level 4).The management of each of these conditions is mainly supportive, although Ribavirin has significantly reduced mortality associated with Lassa fever; with best results obtained when drug is started early in the course of the illness. Reports of Yellow fever and Lassa fever co-infection are particularly scarce. The objective of this study was to report a successfully managed Case report in an Adolescent Child.Case Report: A 10 – year old boy with a positive history of contact with and adult (grandmother) who died from a febrile illness, bleeding from body orifices and jaundice; presented with high grade fever, sore throat abdominal pain and passage of loose watery stool. All these symptoms were persistent for more than twelve days despite antibiotics and antimalarial medications. He was ill looking, febrile, anicteric and had right upper quadrant tenderness/hepatomegaly. A diagnosis of viral haemorrhagic fever was made, he was admitted and nursed in the isolation ward, infection prevention and control measures were observed, he had baseline investigations, supportive care and Ribavirin. PCR results was positive for Yellow fever and Lassa fever. He responded to treatment, was discharged home, and recuperated well during his follow up visits.Conclusion: This case clearly illustrates the importance of having high index of suspicion following the significant history of contact with a probable case of viral haemorrhagic fever (absence of laboratory confirmation at the time of her death) by the index case, especially when there was non-response to routine treatment for common causes of fever in the community.Keywords: Yellow Fever, Lassa Fever, Viral Haemorrhagic Fever, Polymerase Chain Reactio

    Magnitude and frequency variations of vector-borne infection outbreaks using the Ross–Macdonald model : explaining and predicting outbreaks of dengue fever

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    The classical Ross–Macdonald model is often utilized to model vector-borne infections; however, this model fails on several fronts. First, using measured (or estimated) parameters, which values are accepted from the literature, the model predicts a much greater number of cases than what is usually observed. Second, the model predicts a single large outbreak that is followed by decades of much smaller outbreaks, which is not consistent with what is observed. Usually towns or cities report a number of recurrences for many years, even when environmental changes cannot explain the disappearance of the infection between the peaks. In this paper, we continue to examine the pitfalls in modelling this class of infections, and explain that, if properly used, the Ross–Macdonald model works and can be used to understand the patterns of epidemics and even, to some extent, be used to make predictions.We model several outbreaks of dengue fever and show that the variable pattern of yearly recurrence (or its absence) can be understood and explained by a simple Ross–Macdonald model modified to take into account human movement across a range of neighbourhoods within a city. In addition, we analyse the effect of seasonal variations in the parameters that determine the number, longevity and biting behaviour of mosquitoes. Based on the size of the first outbreak, we show that it is possible to estimate the proportion of the remaining susceptible individuals and to predict the likelihood and magnitude of the eventual subsequent outbreaks. This approach is described based on actual dengue outbreaks with different recurrence patterns from some Brazilian regions

    Epidemiological status of bovine brucellosis in the Federal District, Brazil

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    Realizou-se um estudo para caracterizar a situação epidemiológica da brucelose bovina no Distrito Federal (DF). No total foram amostrados 2.019 animais, provenientes de 278 propriedades. Em cada propriedade visitada aplicou-se um questionário epidemiológico para verificar o tipo de exploração e as práticas de criação e sanitárias que poderiam estar associadas ao risco de infecção pela doença. O protocolo utilizado foi o da triagem com o teste do antígeno acidificado tamponado e a confirmação dos positivos com o teste do 2-mercaptoetanol. O rebanho foi considerado positivo quando pelo menos um animal foi reagente às duas provas sorológicas. A prevalência no DF foi de 2,5% [1,0-5,1%] para propriedades e de 0,16% [0,04-0,28%] para animais. Em razão dos resultados encontrados, que permitem pensar em estratégias de erradicação, recomenda-se que o DF intensifique o diagnóstico de brucelose, tanto na forma de testes sorológicos sistemáticos como pela introdução de mecanismos de detecção rápida em laticínios, em ambos os casos a fim de aumentar o número de propriedades certificadas como livres da doença e melhorar a sensibilidade do sistema de vigilância ativa.A study to characterize the epidemiological status of brucellosis was carried out in the Federal District of Brazil. A total of 2,019 serum samples from 278 herds were collected. In each herd, it was applied an epidemiological questionnaire focused on herd traits as well as husbandry and sanitary practices that could be associated with the risk of infection. The serum samples were screened for antibodies against Brucella spp. by the Rose-Bengal Test (RBT), and all positive sera were re-tested by the 2-mercaptoethanol test (2-ME). The herd was considered positive if at least one animal was positive on both RBT and 2-ME tests. Herd prevalence was estimated as 2.5% [1.0-5.1%] whereas animal prevalence was 0.16% [0.04-0.28%]. Given these results, that may warrant the implementation of eradication strategies, there is a case for intensifying the serological testing in the Federal District, coupled with the introduction of rapid detection methods by the dairy industries, with a view to increasing the number of accredited free herds and improving the sensitivity of the surveillance system..FAPESPCNPqSEAP-DFMAPA Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abasteciment

    Effect Of Pasteurization On The Decay Of Mycobacterium Bovis In Milk Cream

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    Milk cream must be pasteurized in order to be sold in Brazil. However, there are no specific legal requirements for this product, and producers set their own pasteurization parameters using the ones approved for milk as a reference. Considering that fat protects bacteria from heat, that no thermal inactivation studies have been performed on Mycobacterium bovis present in cream, and that bovine tuberculosis is endemic in Brazil, the aim of this study was to evaluate the inactivation of M. bovis in milk cream subjected to commercial parameters of pasteurization. Milk cream samples were contaminated and pasteurized in a water bath at 75, 80, 85, and 90°C for 5 and 15 s. M. bovis cells were plated onto Stonebrink-Leslie medium, incubated at 36°C for 45 days, and quantified; the result was expressed in log CFU mL-1. The fat content of the samples ranged from 34% to 37% and the average initial load of M. bovis was 8.0 Log CFU mL-1. The average decay of the M. bovis populations was 4.0, 4.3, 4.9 and 6.7 log CFU mL-1 when the cream was treated for 15 sec at 75, 80, 85 and 90°C, respectively, showing that the efficiency of the heat treatment was improved by increasing the temperature of the process. Given the lipophilic nature of M. bovis, the cream should be subjected to more intense parameters of pasteurization than those applied to milk.3753737374

    Controlling Bovine Brucellosis In The State Of São Paulo, Brazil: Results After Ten Years Of A Vaccination Program

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    A cross- sectional study was carried out, between May and November 2011, to estimate the situation of the bovine brucellosis in São Paulo State, 10 years after the commencement of the vaccination of the heifers with the S19 strain. The State was divided into seven regions and in each of them, 300 farms with reproductive activity were randomly chosen and considered as primary sample units. A fixed number of cows was randomly selected and tested for antibodies against Brucella spp. A farm was considered infected if at least one female tested positive. In the selected farms, an epidemiological questionnaire was administered which focused on herd traits as well as husbandry and sanitary practices that could be associated with the risk of infection. The prevalence (percentile, [95% confidence interval]) of infected herds was 10.2% [8.8-11.8] for the State, and for the regions, it varied from 7.3% [4.7-11.2] to 12.3% [8.8-16.8], not showing significant difference between different regions. The apparent prevalence of positive farms in the State and regions remained similar to the prevalence observed 10 years before. The prevalence of positive animals was 2.4% [1.8-3.1] in the State and varied from 1.1% [0.6-2] to 3.5% [1.7-7.1] in the regions, not showing significant difference between regions. Again, there was no difference in the prevalence of positive animals after 10 years of the vaccination program. The risk factors (odds ratio, 95% confidence interval) associated with bovine brucellosis in the State included number of cows = 24 (3.08, 2.22-4.27) and the acquisition of breeding animals (1.33, 0.95-1.87). The São Paulo State should conduct systematic vaccination coverage of above 80% of the eligible heifers with the S19 strain vaccine annually. Moreover, the State should emphatically use RB51 strain vaccine in females above 8 months of age not vaccinated with S19 strain vaccine. An efficient animal health education program to orientate farmers to test replacement animals for brucellosis prior to introduction in their herds should also be implemented.3753505351

    Predictive Criteria to Study the Pathogenesis of Malaria-Associated ALI/ARDS in Mice

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    Malaria-associated acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome (ALI/ARDS) often results in morbidity and mortality. Murine models to study malaria-associated ALI/ARDS have been described; we still lack a method of distinguishing which mice will develop ALI/ARDS before death. This work aimed to characterize malaria-associated ALI/ARDS in a murine model and to demonstrate the first method to predict whether mice are suffering from ALI/ARDS before death. DBA/2 mice infected with Plasmodium berghei ANKA developing ALI/ARDS or hyperparasitemia (HP) were compared using histopathology, PaO2 measurement, pulmonary X-ray, breathing capacity, lung permeability, and serum vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) levels according to either the day of death or the suggested predictive criteria. We proposed a model to predict malaria-associated ALI/ARDS using breathing patterns (enhanced pause and frequency respiration) and parasitemia as predictive criteria from mice whose cause of death was known to retrospectively diagnose the sacrificed mice as likely to die of ALI/ARDS as early as 7 days after infection. Using this method, we showed increased VEGF levels and increased lung permeability in mice predicted to die of ALI/ARDS. This proposed method for accurately identifying mice suffering from ALI/ARDS before death will enable the use of this model to study the pathogenesis of this disease.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Univ São Paulo, Inst Ciencias Biomed, Dept Imunol, BR-05508900 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Ciencias Biol, BR-09972270 Diadema, SP, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Inst Med Trop São Paulo, BR-05403000 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Ciencias Exatas & Terra, BR-09972270 Diadema, SP, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Inst Ciencias Biomed, Dept Parasitol, BR-05508000 São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Fac Med Vet & Zootecn, Dept Cirurgia, BR-05508270 São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Fac Med Vet & Zootecn, Dept Med Vet Prevent & Saude Anim, BR-05508270 São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Fac Ciencias Farmaceut, Dept Anal Clin & Toxicol, BR-05508000 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Ciencias Biol, BR-09972270 Diadema, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Ciencias Exatas & Terra, BR-09972270 Diadema, SP, BrazilFAPESP: 2009/53256-7FAPESP: 2009/53889-0CNPq: 306668/2012-2CNPq: 470590/2009-2Web of Scienc

    Epidemiological situation of bovine brucellosis in the State of Bahia, Brazil

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    O trabalho consistiu em estratificar o Estado da Bahia em quatro regiões com características homogêneas (circuitos produtores) para que fossem amostradas aleatoriamente, em cada uma delas, 300 propriedades. Em cada propriedade foram escolhidas, de forma aleatória, 10 a 15 fêmeas bovinas adultas, das quais foi obtida uma amostra de sangue. No total, foram amostrados 10.816 animais, provenientes de 1.413 propriedades. O protocolo de testes utilizado foi o da triagem com o teste do antígeno acidificado tamponado (Rosa Bengala) e a confirmação dos positivos com o teste do 2-mercaptoetanol. O rebanho foi considerado positivo se pelo menos um animal reagiu às duas provas sorológicas. As prevalências de focos e a de fêmeas adultas soropositivas do Estado foram de 4,2% [3,1-5,3%] e 0,66% [0,41-0,93%], respectivamente. Para os circuitos produtores foram: circuito 1, 5,8% [3,6-8,7%] e 0,86% [0,41-1,3%]; circuito 2, 3,1% [1,5-5,6%] e 1,2% [0,25-2,1%]; circuito 3, 6,3% [4,0-9,3%] e 1,7% [0,66-2,7%]; e circuito 4, 0,60% [0,07-2,2%] e 0,07 [0,00-0,21%]. Para a análise de fatores de riscos associados à doença foi aplicado um questionário epidemiológico em cada propriedade visitada. Os fatores de risco (odds ratio, OR) associados à condição de foco foram: compra de reprodutores (OR= 2,27) e presença de áreas alagadiças (OR= 1,76). A vacinação de fêmeas de três até oito meses de idade foi um fator de proteção (OR= 0,53). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTA study to characterize the epidemiological situation of bovine brucellosis in the State of Bahia was carried out in 2004. The State was divided into four similar production regions, 300 herds were randomly sampled in each region, and 10 to 15 adult bovine females were sampled in each of these herds. A total of 10,816 serum samples from 1,413 herds were collected. The serum samples were screened for antibodies to Brucella spp. by the Rose-Bengal Test (RBT), and all RBT-positive sera were re-tested by the 2-mercaptoethanol test (2-ME) for confirmation. A herd was considered positive if at least one animal was positive on both RBT and 2-ME tests. The prevalence of infected herds and seropositive adult bovine females in Bahia State were: 4.2% [3.1-5.3%] and 0.66% [0.41-0.93%], respectively. In the production regions, prevalence of infected herds and animals were, respectively: region 1, 5.8% [3.6-8.7%] and 0.86% [0.41-1.3%]; region 2, 3.1% [1.5-5.6%] and 1.2% [0.25-2.1%]; region 3, 6.3% [4.0-9.3%] and 1.7% [0.66-2.7%]; and region 4, 0.60% [0.07-2.2%] and 0.07%[0.00-0.2%]. In each herd, an epidemiological questionnaire was applied. The risk factors (odds ratio, OR) associated with the presence of the infection were: purchase of breeding animals (OR = 2.27) and presence of flood areas (OR= 1.76). Vaccination of heifers from three to eight months of age was a protective factor (OR=0.53)
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