171 research outputs found

    Microplastics in Aquatic Environments and Their Toxicological Implications for Fish

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    The intensive use of plastics and derivatives during the last century has increased the contamination of animal habitats. The breakdown of these primary plastics in the environment results in microplastics (MP), small fragments of plastic typically <1–5 mm in size. Apart from the potential negative effects of the MPs per se, it is generally assumed that microplastics may increase the exposure of marine aquatic organisms to chemicals associated with the plastics. In addition, to enhance the performance of plastics, additives are added during manufacture. Furthermore, they are active in absorbing other contaminants and be used as vectors of highly and well‐documented persistent contaminants. Finally, these small MPs are easily ingested by animals and affect their physiology and behaviour. Thus, aquatic living organisms are continuously exposed to these MPs, and associated contaminants, and could suffer from its contamination but also introduce them into the food chain

    The hoverfly diversity (Diptera: Syrphidae) of Torretes Biological Station (Alicante, Spain)

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    Los sírfidos, o moscas de las flores, son una de las familias de dípteros que presenta una mayor diversidad biológica, por lo que su estudio nos aporta información muy valiosa para su aplicación en la conservación de los hábitats. Los adultos son asiduos visitantes florales, lo que les otorga un gran potencial como polinizadores, y la diversidad de regímenes tróficos de sus larvas hace que participen en diversos e importantes servicios ecosistémicos. En la base de cualquier estudio sobre ellos se encuentra el conocimiento de los géneros y especies que constituyen la comunidad de sírfidos de un ecosistema determinado, en nuestro caso, de los hábitats que conforman la Estación Biológica de Torretes, ubicada en el término municipal de Ibi (Alicante). Este conocimiento sentará las bases y facilitará la realización de posteriores estudios sobre interacciones biológicas que se establecen entre los sírfidos, sus plantas nutricias (polinización y herbivoría) y sus presas (control biológico).Hoverflies, or flowerflies, are one of the most diverse Diptera families in biological terms, so their study provides a very valuable information to be applied for habitat conservation. Adults are frequent flower visitors, giving them great potential as pollinators, and the variation of trophic regimes in their larvae makes them to participate in important ecosystem services. On the bases of any hoverfly study is the knowledge of the genera and species that make up the hoverfly community of a given ecosystem, in our case, the habitats that make up the Biological Station Torretes, located in Ibi, Alicante province. This knowledge will establish the bases and facilitate further studies on biological interactions among hoverflies, their food plants (pollination and herbivory) and their preys (biological control)

    La exposición de la cavidad oral a vinos de diferente composición no volátil cambia la composición de la saliva y afecta a la liberación intraoral de aroma en condiciones in vivo

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    Este libro recoge el amplio y significativo elenco de estudios recientemente realizados por los grupos de investigación de la red GIENOL (Grupos de investigación enológica).La liberación intraoral del aroma puede estar relacionada con la persistencia del aroma de los vinos, una propiedad importante en su definición de calidad. Para comprobar si esta capacidad se ve afectada por los cambios que se producen en la composición de la saliva tras la exposición de la cavidad oral al vino, en este trabajo se han empleado condiciones in vivo para evaluar mediante la técnica de intra oral HS‐SPME la cantidad de aroma liberado en la cavidad oral de tres individuos tras la administración de vinos aromatizados con seis compuestos odorantes y diferente composición no volátil (blanco, tinto joven y tinto crianza). A su vez, se ha comprobado su relación con los cambios que se producen en la composición de la saliva (flujo, pH, proteínas y polifenoles). Los resultados señalan diferencias interindividuales en la cantidad del aroma liberado que podrían estar relacionadas con las diferencias en el contenido de proteínas totales y la disminución en el pH de la saliva que son más importantes en el caso de la exposición a los vinos tinto joven y blanco. Estos resultados indican la importancia de considerar tanto los factores composicionales del vino como los fisiológicos (saliva) para explicar la persistencia y percepción prolongada del aroma tras el consumo.Los autores agradecen al MINECO la financiación del proyecto AGL2012‐40172‐C02‐01.Peer Reviewe

    Transcription of histones H1 and H2B is regulated by several immune stimuli in gilthead seabream and European sea bass

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    Histones (H1 to H4) are the primary proteins which mediate the folding of DNA into chromatin; however, and in addition to this function, histones have been also related to antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) activity in vertebrates, in fact, mammalian H1 is mobilized as part as the anti-viral immune response. In fish, histones with AMP activity have been isolated and characterized mainly from skin and gonads. One of most threatening pathogens for wild and cultured fish species nowadays is nodavirus (NNV), which target tissues are the brain and retina, but it is also able to colonize the gonad and display vertical transmission. Taking all this into account we have identified the h1 and h2b coding sequences in Eu- ropean sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) fish species and studied their pattern of expression under naïve conditions and NNV in vivo infection. The data obtained prompted us to study their role on the immune response of gonad and head-kidney leucocytes upon viral (NNV), bacteria (Vibrio anguillarumor Photobacteriumdamselae), pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) or mitogens stimulation. The h1 and h2b genes are expressed in a wide range of tissues and their expression is modify by infection or other immune stimuli, but further studies will be needed to determine the significance of these changes. These results suggest that h1 expression is related to the immune response against NNV in the brain, while h2b transcription seems to be more important in the head-kidney. Moreover, the potential role of histones as anti-viral agents is suggested and further characterization is in progress

    Evaluación del metabolismo colónico de un vino tinto mediante el empleo de un nuevo modelo de simulación gastrointestinal dinámico (SIMGI)

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    Este libro recoge el amplio y significativo elenco de estudios recientemente realizados por los grupos de investigación de la red GIENOL (Grupos de investigación enológica).Los polifenoles del vino pueden influir positivamente en la salud del hombre modificando la actividad metabólica y/o composición de la microbiota intestinal. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido evaluar el metabolismo colónico de un vino tinto mediante el empleo de un nuevo modelo de simulación dinámico del tracto gastrointestinal (denominado SIMGI), utilizando heces humanas de donantes sanos (n=2). Para los tres compartimentos del colon ‐ascendente, transverso y descendente‐ se llevó a cabo la monitorización de diferentes parámetros metabólicos (compuestos fenólicos del vino y sus metabolitos, ion amonio y ácidos grasos de cadena corta (SCFA)) y microbiológicos (recuentos, qPCR), incluyendo la comparativa tras la alimentación del sistema con vino sintético (sin polifenoles). Los resultados mostraron que la ingesta moderada de vino activaba el metabolismo de la microbiota colónica. Se encontraron aumentos significativos para los ácidos gálico, protocatéquico, 3‐Ometilgálico, 4‐hidroxibenzoico, 3,4‐dihidroxifenilpropiónico, vainillínico, siríngico, y salicílico después de la alimentación con vino. Simultáneamente, se observó una disminución en la formación del ion amonio y un incremento en la proporción del ácido butanoico. A nivel microbiológico, los principales cambios tuvieron lugar en el colon ascendente. En conclusión, estos resultados ponen de manifiesto que el vino modula la actividad metabólica de la microbiota intestinal in vitro, y demuestran la utilidad del SIMGI como modelo de simulación gastrointestinal dinámico.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el MINECO a través del proyecto AGL2012‐40172‐C02‐01, el Programa de la Comunidad Madrid ALIBIRD‐CM S2013/ABI ‐2728 y el Proyecto Intramural CSIC 201270E065.Peer Reviewe

    Methodology of the Virtual Reconstruction of Arquitectonic Heritage: Ambassador Vich's Palace in Valencia

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    The 19th century was disastrous as far as the conservation of architectonic heritage is concerned. The awareness of the importance of preserving monuments that has prevailed since the end of the last century was dazzlingly absent in the previous, leading both to the disappearance of representative heritage works and the plundering of many others. The present study establishes the methodological basis to proceed with the virtual reconstruction of many disappeared architectures, representative of emblematic architectonic typologies. A method based on the combination of deduction and induction allows benchmarks to be created that signify a starting point to which the key and specific elements of each building are later incorporated, from the data extracted from the conserved parts and the graphic, literary and archive documents. The result is the virtual recovery of the general outlines of the architecture: morphology of the plot, volumetry, exterior and interior facades, and the functional layout. The good results obtained in the study of the disappeared Ambassador Vich's Palace, allow the methodology to be extended to the analysis of other similar examples, serving investigators as a tool to carry out an arduous task of deciphering a trail that is increasingly fading with the passing of time.Galiana Agullo, M.; Mas Tomas, MDLA.; Lerma Elvira, C.; Peñalver Martínez, MJ.; Conesa Tejada, S. (2014). Methodology of the Virtual Reconstruction of Arquitectonic Heritage: Ambassador Vich's Palace in Valencia. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 8(1):94-123. doi:10.1080/15583058.2012.672623S9412381Boix, V. 1979.Historical and topographic Valencia[in Spanish]. Vol. I261 S. A. Printing J. Rius.Estaban Chapapría, J. (2001). Impostación del patio del Embajador Vich en el ex-convento del Carmen (Valencia). Loggia, Arquitectura & Restauración, (12), 26. doi:10.4995/loggia.2001.3605Morrish, S. W., & Laefer, D. F. (2010). Web-Enabling of Architectural Heritage Inventories. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 4(1), 16-37. doi:10.1080/15583050902731056Lotz, W. 1995.Architecture in Italy 1500–1600 [in Italian]35–37. ed. RizzoliYale University Press.Lourenço, P. B., Peña, F., & Amado, M. (2010). A Document Management System for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage Buildings. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 5(1), 101-121. doi:10.1080/15583050903318382Vila Ferrer, S. (2001). La recuperación del patio del palacio del Embajador Vich (Valencia). Loggia, Arquitectura & Restauración, (12), 44. doi:10.4995/loggia.2001.3606Zonta, D., Pozzi, M., & Zanon, P. (2008). Managing the Historical Heritage Using Distributed Technologies. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 2(3), 200-225. doi:10.1080/1558305080206369

    Potential Impacts in the Gilthead Seabream Larviculture by Nodavirus

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    The nervous necrosis virus (NNV) leads to viral encephalopathy and retinopathy (VER) disease in more than 170 fish species, mainly from marine habitats. It replicates in the central nervous tissues, reaching up to 100% mortalities after a few days of infection, mainly in the larvae and juvenile stages. This is continuously spreading and affecting more species, both wild and cultured, posing a risk to the development of the aquaculture industry. In the Mediterranean Sea, it mainly affects European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and some grouper species (Epinephelus spp.). Interestingly, in the gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata), typically resistant to common NNV strains, great mortalities in hatcheries associated with typical clinical signs of VER have been confirmed to be caused by RGNNV/SJNNV reassortants. Thus, we have evaluated the susceptibility of seabream larvae to either RGNNV/SJNNV or SJNNV/RGNNV reassortants, as well as the larval immunity. Based on our results we can conclude that: (i) gilthead seabream larvae are susceptible to infection with both NNV reassortant genotypes, but mainly to RGNNV/SJNNV; (ii) virus replicated and infective particles were isolated; (iii) larval immunity was correlated with larval survival; and (iv) larval resistance and immunity were correlated with age of the larvae. Further investigations should be carried out to ascertain the risks of these new pathogens to Mediterranean larviculture

    European sea bass brain DLB-1 cell line is susceptible to nodavirus: A transcriptomic study

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    Viral diseases are responsible for high rates of mortality and subsequent economic losses in modern aquaculture. The nervous necrosis virus (NNV) produces viral encephalopathy and retinopathy (VER), which affects the fish central nervous system. It is considered one of the most serious viral diseases in marine aquaculture, the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) being amongst the most susceptible. We have evaluated the European sea bass brain derived cell line (DLB-1) susceptibility to NNV genotypes and evaluated its transcriptomic profile. DLB-1 cells supported NNV gene transcription and replication since strains belonging to the four NNV genotypes produce cytopathic effects. Afterwards, DLB-1 cells were infected with an RGNNV strain, the one which showed the highest replication, for 12 and 72 h and an RNA-seq analysis was performed to identify potential genes involved in the host-NNV interactions. Differential expression analysis showed the up-regulation of many genes related to immunity, heat-shock proteins or apoptosis but not to proteasome or autophagy processes. These data suggest that the immune response, mainly the interferon (IFN) pathway, is not powerful enough to abrogate the infection, and cells finally suffer stress and die by apoptosis liberating infective particles. GO enrichment also revealed, for the first time, the down-regulation of terms related to brain/neuron biology indicating molecular mechanisms causing the pathogenic effect of NNV. This study opens the way to understand key elements in sea bass brain and NNV interactions.Versión del edito