576 research outputs found

    CONFIDENCE: achievements and way forward

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    The project CONFIDENCE (COping with uNcertainties For Improved modelling and DEcision making in Nuclear emergenCiEs) final dissemination event attracted 88 participants to review and discuss the project results and provide ideas for future research work. The workshop highlighted progress in understanding uncertainties in all phases of an emergency. It was also demonstrated that consideration of uncertainties are important when developing countermeasure strategies. Stakeholder engagement as well as societal and ethical aspects in decision making have to be considered. Formal decision making tools were improved and tested. In addition, CONFIDENCE participants, representatives of international organisations and end users, provided their ideas on research needs and the way forward

    Twist-three analysis of photon electroproduction with pion

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    We study twist-three effects in spin, charge, and azimuthal asymmetries in deeply virtual Compton scattering on a spin-zero target. Contributions which are power suppressed in 1/Q generate a new azimuthal angle dependence of the cross section which is not present in the leading twist results. On the other hand the leading twist terms are not modified by the twist three contributions. They may get corrected at twist four level. In the Wandzura-Wilczek approximation these new terms in the Fourier expansion with respect to the azimuthal angle are entirely determined by the twist-two skewed parton distributions. We also discuss more general issues like the general form of the angular dependence of the differential cross section, validity of factorization at twist-three level, and a relation of skewed parton distributions to spectral functions.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX, 2 figures, text clarifications, an equation, a note and references adde

    Isotope effects and the charge gap formation in the charge ordered phase of colossal magnetoresistance manganites

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    Giant oxygen isotope effects observed in colossal magnetoresistance manganites are investigated by employing the combined model of the double exchange and interacting lattice polaron mechanism. We have shown that the isotope effects on TC T_C in the metallic phase and TCO T_{CO} in the charge ordered phase of manganites can be explained well in terms of the double exchange and polaron narrowing factors with reasonable physical parameters.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Whole‐genome sequencing and genome regions of special interest : lessons from major histocompatibility complex, sex determination, and plant self‐incompatibility

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    Whole-genome sequencing of non-model organisms is now widely accessible and has allowed a range of questions in the field of molecular ecology to be investigated with greater power. However, some genomic regions that are of high biological interest remain problematic for assembly and data-handling. Three such regions are the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), sex-determining regions (SDRs) and the plant self-incompatibility locus (S-locus). Using these as examples, we illustrate the challenges of both assembling and resequencing these highly polymorphic regions and how bioinformatic and technological developments are enabling new approaches to their study. Mapping short-read sequences against multiple alternative references improves genotyping comprehensiveness at the S-locus thereby contributing to more accurate assessments of allelic frequencies. Long-read sequencing, producing reads of several tens to hundreds of kilobase pairs in length, facilitates the assembly of such regions as single sequences can span the multiple duplicated gene copies of the MHC region, and sequence through repetitive stretches and translocations in SDRs and S-locus haplotypes. These advances are adding value to short-read genome resequencing approaches by allowing, for example, more accurate haplotype phasing across longer regions. Finally, we assessed further technical improvements, such as nanopore adaptive sequencing and bioinformatic tools using pangenomes, which have the potential to further expand our knowledge of a number of genomic regions that remain challenging to study with classical resequencing approaches

    Isotope effect in impure high T_c superconductors

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    The influence of various kinds of impurities on the isotope shift exponent \alpha of high temperature superconductors has been studied. In these materials the dopant impurities, like Sr in La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4, play different role and usually occupy different sites than impurities like Zn, Fe, Ni {\it etc} intentionally introduced into the system to study its superconducting properties. In the paper the in-plane and out-of-plane impurities present in layered superconductors have been considered. They differently affect the superconducting transition temperature T_c. The relative change of isotope shift coefficient, however, is an universal function of T_c/T_{c0} (T_{c0} reffers to impurity free system) {\it i.e.} for angle independent scattering rate and density of states function it does not depend whether the change of T_c is due to in- or out-of-plane impurities. The role of the anisotropic impurity scattering in changing oxygen isotope coefficient of superconductors with various symmetries of the order parameter is elucidated. The comparison of the calculated and experimental dependence of \alpha/\alpha_0, where \alpha_0 is the clean system isotope shift coefficient, on T_c/T_{c0} is presented for a number of cases studied. The changes of \alpha calculated within stripe model of superconductivity in copper oxides resonably well describe the data on La_{1.8}Sr_{0.2}Cu_{1-x}(Fe,Ni)_xO_4, without any fitting parameters.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, Phys. Rev. B67 (2003) accepte

    The oxygen isotope evolution of parent body aqueous solutions as recorded by multiple carbonate generations in the Lonewolf Nunataks 94101 CM2 carbonaceous chondrite

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    The CM2 carbonaceous chondrite LON 94101 contains aragonite and two generations of calcite that provide snapshots of the chemical and isotopic evolution of aqueous solutions during parent body alteration. Aragonite was the first carbonate to crystallize. It is rare, heterogeneously distributed within the meteorite matrix, and its mean oxygen isotope values are δ18O 39.9±0.6‰, Δ17O -0.3±1.0‰ (1σ). Calcite precipitated very soon afterwards, and following a fall in solution Mg/Ca ratios, to produce small equant grains with a mean oxygen isotope value of δ18O 37.5±0.7‰, Δ17O 1.4±1.1‰ (1σ). These grains were partially or completely replaced by serpentine and tochilinite prior to precipitation of the second generation of calcite, which occluded an open fracture to form a millimeter-sized vein, and replaced anhydrous silicates within chondrules and the matrix. The vein calcite has a mean composition of δ18O 18.4±0.3‰, Δ17O -0.5±0.5‰ (1σ). Petrographic and isotopic results therefore reveal two discrete episodes of mineralization that produced Ca-carbonates with contrasting δ18O, but whose Δ17O values are indistinguishable within error. The aragonite and equant calcite crystallized over a relatively brief period early in the aqueous alteration history of the parent body, and from static fluids that were evolving chemically in response to mineral dissolution and precipitation. The second calcite generation crystallized from solutions of a lower Δ17O, and a lower δ18O and/or higher temperature, which entered LON 9410 via a fracture network. As two generations of calcite whose petrographic characteristics and oxygen isotopic compositions are similar to those in LON 94101 occur in at least one other CM2, multiphase carbonate mineralization could be the typical outcome of the sequence of chemical reactions during parent body aqueous alteration. It is equally possible however that the second generation of calcite in formed in response to an event such as impact fracturing and concomitant fluid mobilisation that affected a large region of the common parent body of several CM2 meteorites. These findings show that integrated petrographic, chemical and isotopic studies can provide new insights into the mechanisms of parent body alteration including the spatial and temporal dynamics of the aqueous system

    Transport by molecular motors in the presence of static defects

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    The transport by molecular motors along cytoskeletal filaments is studied theoretically in the presence of static defects. The movements of single motors are described as biased random walks along the filament as well as binding to and unbinding from the filament. Three basic types of defects are distinguished, which differ from normal filament sites only in one of the motors' transition probabilities. Both stepping defects with a reduced probability for forward steps and unbinding defects with an increased probability for motor unbinding strongly reduce the velocities and the run lengths of the motors with increasing defect density. For transport by single motors, binding defects with a reduced probability for motor binding have a relatively small effect on the transport properties. For cargo transport by motors teams, binding defects also change the effective unbinding rate of the cargo particles and are expected to have a stronger effect.Comment: 20 pages, latex, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    A synthetic biology approach to probing nucleosome symmetry

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    The repeating subunit of chromatin, the nucleosome, includes two copies of each of the four core histones, and several recent studies have reported that asymmetrically-modified nucleosomes occur at regulatory elements in vivo. To probe the mechanisms by which histone modifications are read out, we designed an obligate pair of H3 heterodimers, termed H3X and H3Y, which we extensively validated genetically and biochemically. Comparing the effects of asymmetric histone tail point mutants with those of symmetric double mutants revealed that a single methylated H3K36 per nucleosome was sufficient to silence cryptic transcription in vivo. We also demonstrate the utility of this system for analysis of histone modification crosstalk, using mass spectrometry to separately identify modifications on each H3 molecule within asymmetric nucleosomes. The ability to generate asymmetric nucleosomes in vivo and in vitro provides a powerful and generalizable tool to probe the mechanisms by which H3 tails are read out by effector proteins in the cell

    CONFIDENCE dissemination meeting: summary on the scenario-based workshop

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    The CONFIDENCE dissemination workshop “Coping with uncertainties for improved modelling and decision making in nuclear emergencies” was held in December 2–5, 2019 (Bratislava, Slovak Republic). About 90 scientists and decision makers attended the workshop. The dissemination workshop allowed the presentation of the CONFIDENCE project results, demonstration of the applicability of the developed methods and tools in interactive discussion sessions and the collection of feedback from the participants. The results were disseminated not only in the form of presentations and posters but also through interactive workshops where all participants were involved in round table working groups. A fictive accidental release scenario taking place at a nuclear power plant was developed and used by each work package in the workshop to provide the basis for interactive sessions and discussions