42 research outputs found

    Contributions des cours de diplôme en éducation rurale aux politiques de formation des éducateurs

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    Este artigo integrou pesquisas vinculadas ao Observatório da Educação, que tem entre seus objetivos analisar concepções e práticas formativas desenvolvidas nos cursos de Licenciatura em Educação do Campo. Com fundamentação nas categorias do materialismo histórico dialético, por meio de pesquisas bibliográficas, documentais e de campo, pretendeu-se neste trabalho estudar as potenciais contribuições para as políticas de formação de educadores vindas desses cursos, a partir de seu projeto político pedagógico original. A elaboração dos cursos contou com a presença dos movimentos camponeses, com ênfase na concepção da Organização Escolar e no Trabalho Pedagógico propostos para viabilizar a materialização das Escolas do Campo.This article integrated research linked to the Observatory of Education, whose objectives involve analyzing conceptions and training practices developed in training courses for rural education. Based on the categories of Dialectical and Historical Materialism, through bibliographical, documents, and field research, this work intended to analyze the potential contributions to policies of training aimed at educators who attended such courses, according to their original political and pedagogical project. The preparation of courses counted on peasant movements, with emphasis to the conception of School Organization and Pedagogical Work proposed to make the materialization of schools in rural areas more feasible.Cet article intègre des recherches liées à l’Observatoire de l’Éducation, qui a pour objectif d’analyser les concepts et les pratiques de formation adoptés par les cours de diplôme en éducation dans les régions rurales. Sur la base des catégories du matérialisme historique dialectique, par le biais de recherches bibliographiques, documentales et de terrain, le travail vise à comprendre les contributions potentielles aux politiques de formation des éducateurs issus de ces cours, sur la base de leur projet pédagogique politique original. Le déroulement des cours comptait sur les mouvements paysans, en mettant l’accent sur la conception de l’organisation scolaire et du travail pédagogique proposé pour réaliser la matérialisation des écoles dans les zones rurales

    Expansion of the degree in rural education : challenges and potentialities

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    Este artigo integra a Pesquisa realizada a partir do Observatório da Educação da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), intitulada "Políticas da Expansão da Educação Superior no Brasil". Uma das frentes da expansão da Educação Superior tem se dado no âmbito da formação de educadores do campo, com a implementação de 42 cursos de uma nova modalidade de graduação, intitulada "Licenciatura em Educação do Campo". Se considerados os aspectos relativos à ampliação concreta da oferta de formação de educadores e a conquista dos fundos públicos do Estado para manutenção destas graduações esta expansão destes cursos permanentes pode ser tomada como vitória dos movimentos sociais. Porém, esta expansão também impõe uma série de desafios à manutenção dos princípios originais do Movimento da Educação do Campo. Quais os riscos e potencialidades desta ampliação? Com a perspectiva de apresentar elementos de reflexão sobre estas questões, este artigo elenca os riscos da descaracterização de aspectos estruturantes desta política e as potencialidades que se julgam conter neste processo de ampliação, que estão sendo analisadas na pesquisa "Políticas de Expansão da Educação Superior no Brasil".This article is part of the research conducted from the Centre for Education of CAPES, entitled "Expansion of Higher Education Policies in Brazil". One of the important development in the expansion of higher education, has been the training of rural educators, with the implementation of 42 courses of a new type of degree, entitled "Degree in Rural Education." If we consider the aspects relating to the concrete enlargement of places for teacher training and the achievement of gaining public funds from the State to fund these courses, this expansion of these permanent courses can be taken as a victory for the social movements. However, this expansion also imposes a number of challenges to maintain the original principles of the Rural Education Movement. What are the risks and potentialities of this expansion? With the prospect of presenting thoughts on these issues, this article lists the risks of disfiguration of fundamental aspects of this policy and potentialities that are deemed to be contained within this expansion process, which are being analysed in the research "Political Expansion of Higher Education in Brazil"

    Riscos e potencialidades na expansão dos cursos de licenciatura em Educação do Campo

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    O artigo analisa as Licenciaturas em Educação do Campo enquanto política pública conquistada pelo campesinato, referenciando-se nas categorias do materialismo histórico dialético. Através de pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e de campo, buscou-se compreender riscos e potencialidades no processo de institucionalização destes cursos. A análise priorizou o ingresso dos camponeses na Educação Superior; a concepção da Alternância Pedagógica nos cursos e a consolidação da Educação do Campo como área de produção de conhecimento, evidenciando situações capazes de maximizar ou descaracterizar os efeitos dessa política

    A Pedagogia da Alternância e o desenvolvimento territorial na Comunidade Quilombola Mumbuca atendida pela LEdoC de Tocantinópolis – TO

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    ABSTRACT. This article presents an excerpt of the initial theoretical foundation of a research that analyzes how the Pedagogy of Alternation, proposed by the LEdoC/TOC, contributes to the territorial strengthening and affirmation of the quilombola identity in the Mumbuca Community, from the participation of part of its members in the course. The theoretical and methodological basis is Historical-Dialectical Materialism, in the categories: historicity, totality, contradiction and mediation. The discussion on territory and territorial development is based on authors who developed and refined this debate, such as Raffestin (1993) and Saquet (2017), which aims to construct the concept of territory in the social perspective and as a product of historical contexts. To understand on Rural Education and LEdoC were used Caldart (2010, 2011), Kolling, Nery and Molina (1999), Molina and Hage (2015, 2016), Molina and Jesus (2004), Molina and Sá (2011), Pereira (2019), C. A. Santos (2009), among others. The Pedagogy of Alternation is addressed by Begnami (2006, 2019), Gimonet (2007), Nosella (2014, 2020), Queiroz (2004), S. P. Santos (2012), among others. It should be noted that the results demonstrate that LEdoC/TOC, as a curriculum intention, contributes significantly to the formation of the subject’s identity, as well as belonging to the territory and the quilombola culture.ABSTRACT. This article presents an excerpt of the initial theoretical foundation of a research that analyzes how the Pedagogy of Alternation, proposed by the LEdoC/TOC, contributes to the territorial strengthening and affirmation of the quilombola identity in the Mumbuca Community, from the participation of part of its members in the course. The theoretical and methodological basis is Historical-Dialectical Materialism, in the categories: historicity, totality, contradiction and mediation. The discussion on territory and territorial development is based on authors who developed and refined this debate, such as Raffestin (1993) and Saquet (2017), which aims to construct the concept of territory in the social perspective and as a product of historical contexts. To understand on Rural Education and LEdoC were used Caldart (2010, 2011), Kolling, Nery and Molina (1999), Molina and Hage (2015, 2016), Molina and Jesus (2004), Molina and Sá (2011), Pereira (2019), C. A. Santos (2009), among others. The Pedagogy of Alternation is addressed by Begnami (2006, 2019), Gimonet (2007), Nosella (2014, 2020), Queiroz (2004), S. P. Santos (2012), among others. It should be noted that the results demonstrate that LEdoC/TOC, as a curriculum intention, contributes significantly to the formation of the subject’s identity, as well as belonging to the territory and the quilombola culture.RESUMEN. Este artículo presenta un extracto de la fundamentación teórica inicial de una investigación que analiza cómo la Pedagogía de la Alternancia, propuesta por LEdoC/TOC, contribuye al fortalecimiento territorial y afirmación de la identidad quilombola en la Comunidad Mumbuca. La base teórica y metodológica es el Materialismo Histórico-Dialéctico, en las categorías: historicidad, totalidad, contradicción y mediación. La discusión sobre territorio y desarrollo territorial se realiza a partir de autores que desarrollaron y afinaron este debate, como Raffestin (1993) y Saquet (2017), y que pretende construir el concepto de territorio desde la perspectiva social y como producto de contextos históricos. Para entender y construir sobre la Educación Rural y LEdoC, Caldart (2010, 2011), Kolling, Nery y Molina (1999), Molina y Hage (2015, 2016), Molina y Jesus (2004) Molina y Sá (2004) son 2011), Pereira (2019), C. A. Santos (2009), entre otros. La Pedagogía de la Alternancia es abordada por Begnami (2006, 2019), Gimonet (2007), Nosella (2014, 2020), Queiroz (2004), S. P. Santos (2012), entre otros. Vale la pena señalar que los resultados demuestran que LEdoC/TOC, como intención curricular, contribuye significativamente a la formación de la identidad del sujeto, así como la pertenencia al territorio y la cultura quilombola.ABSTRACT. This article presents an excerpt of the initial theoretical foundation of a research that analyzes how the Pedagogy of Alternation, proposed by the LEdoC/TOC, contributes to the territorial strengthening and affirmation of the quilombola identity in the Mumbuca Community, from the participation of part of its members in the course. The theoretical and methodological basis is Historical-Dialectical Materialism, in the categories: historicity, totality, contradiction and mediation. The discussion on territory and territorial development is based on authors who developed and refined this debate, such as Raffestin (1993) and Saquet (2017), which aims to construct the concept of territory in the social perspective and as a product of historical contexts. To understand on Rural Education and LEdoC were used Caldart (2010, 2011), Kolling, Nery and Molina (1999), Molina and Hage (2015, 2016), Molina and Jesus (2004), Molina and Sá (2011), Pereira (2019), C. A. Santos (2009), among others. The Pedagogy of Alternation is addressed by Begnami (2006, 2019), Gimonet (2007), Nosella (2014, 2020), Queiroz (2004), S. P. Santos (2012), among others. It should be noted that the results demonstrate that LEdoC/TOC, as a curriculum intention, contributes significantly to the formation of the subject’s identity, as well as belonging to the territory and the quilombola culture.O presente artigo apresenta um recorte da fundamentação teórica inicial de uma pesquisa que analisa como a Pedagogia da Alternância, proposta pela LEdoC/TOC, contribui para o fortalecimento territorial e a afirmação da identidade quilombola na Comunidade Mumbuca. A base de fundamentação teórica e metodológica é o materialismo histórico-dialético, nas categorias: historicidade, totalidade, contradição e mediação. A discussão sobre território e desenvolvimento territorial é realizada a partir de autores que desenvolveram e refinaram esse debate, como Raffestin (1993) e Saquet (2017), que constroem o conceito de território na perspectiva social e como produto de contextos históricos. Para compreensão e construção a respeito da Educação do Campo e LEdoC, usa-se Caldart (2010, 2011), Kolling, Nery e Molina (1999), Molina e Hage (2015, 2016), Molina e Jesus (2004), Molina e Sá (2011), Pereira (2019), C. A. Santos (2009), entre outros. A Pedagogia da Alternância é abordada por Begnami (2006, 2019), Gimonet (2007), Nosella (2014, 2020), Queiroz (2004), S. P. Santos (2012), entre outros. Deve-se salientar que os resultados demonstram que a LEdoC/TOC, como intencionalidade do currículo, contribui, de forma significativa, para a formação de identidade do sujeito, como também, o pertencimento ao território e a cultura quilombola. Palavras-chave: educação do campo, pedagogia da alternância, LEdoC, desenvolvimento territorial.   The alternance pedagogy and the territorial development in the Quilombola Community Mumbuca served by the LEdoC of Tocantinópolis – TO ABSTRACT. This article presents an excerpt of the initial theoretical foundation of a research that analyzes how the Pedagogy of Alternation, proposed by the LEdoC/TOC, contributes to the territorial strengthening and affirmation of the quilombola identity in the Mumbuca Community, from the participation of part of its members in the course. The theoretical and methodological basis is Historical-Dialectical Materialism, in the categories: historicity, totality, contradiction and mediation. The discussion on territory and territorial development is based on authors who developed and refined this debate, such as Raffestin (1993) and Saquet (2017), which aims to construct the concept of territory in the social perspective and as a product of historical contexts. To understand on Rural Education and LEdoC were used Caldart (2010, 2011), Kolling, Nery and Molina (1999), Molina and Hage (2015, 2016), Molina and Jesus (2004), Molina and Sá (2011), Pereira (2019), C. A. Santos (2009), among others. The Pedagogy of Alternation is addressed by Begnami (2006, 2019), Gimonet (2007), Nosella (2014, 2020), Queiroz (2004), S. P. Santos (2012), among others. It should be noted that the results demonstrate that LEdoC/TOC, as a curriculum intention, contributes significantly to the formation of the subject’s identity, as well as belonging to the territory and the quilombola culture. Keywords: rural education, alternance training, LEdoC, territorial development. La Pedagogía de la Alternancia y el desarrollo territorial en la Comunidad Quilombola de Mumbuca atendida por el LedoC de Tocantinópolis – TO      RESUMEN. Este artículo presenta un extracto de la fundamentación teórica inicial de una investigación que analiza cómo la Pedagogía de la Alternancia, propuesta por LEdoC/TOC, contribuye al fortalecimiento territorial y afirmación de la identidad quilombola en la Comunidad Mumbuca. La base teórica y metodológica es el Materialismo Histórico-Dialéctico, en las categorías: historicidad, totalidad, contradicción y mediación. La discusión sobre territorio y desarrollo territorial se realiza a partir de autores que desarrollaron y afinaron este debate, como Raffestin (1993) y Saquet (2017), y que pretende construir el concepto de territorio desde la perspectiva social y como producto de contextos históricos. Para entender y construir sobre la Educación Rural y LEdoC, Caldart (2010, 2011), Kolling, Nery y Molina (1999), Molina y Hage (2015, 2016), Molina y Jesus (2004) Molina y Sá (2004) son 2011), Pereira (2019), C. A. Santos (2009), entre otros. La Pedagogía de la Alternancia es abordada por Begnami (2006, 2019), Gimonet (2007), Nosella (2014, 2020), Queiroz (2004), S. P. Santos (2012), entre otros. Vale la pena señalar que los resultados demuestran que LEdoC/TOC, como intención curricular, contribuye significativamente a la formación de la identidad del sujeto, así como la pertenencia al territorio y la cultura quilombola. Palabras clave: educación de campo, pedagogía de la alternancia, LEdoC, desarrollo territorial

    Fonec: a construção de um intelectual orgânico coletivo dos(as) camponeses(as) no Brasil

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    This article has as its object of analysis the National Forum of Rural Education - FONEC and its role as an organizing political agent, educator and, at the same time, a space of mediation and political-ideological unity of the struggles engendered by social movements, unions and grassroots organizations for the right to education. Its relevance is also evident in its protagonism in the struggles for the elaboration and consolidation of public policies for Education for Rural Areas. Through a historical approach, this work will analyze the periods of construction, affirmation and expansion of this organizational instrument and the challenges that are imposed on it in the current context, considering the idea of its understanding as an intellectual collective of the working class, based on the Gramscian conceptions of such categories.  Este artículo tiene como objeto de análisis el Foro Nacional de Educación del Campo - FONEC y su rol como agente político organizador, formador y, a la vez, espacio de mediación y unidad político-ideológica de las luchas engendradas por los movimientos sociales, sindicatos y organizaciones populares por el derecho a la educación. Su relevancia se manifiesta también en su protagonismo en las luchas por la elaboración y consolidación de políticas públicas de Educación del campo. A través de un enfoque histórico, este trabajo analizará los períodos de construcción, afirmación y expansión de este instrumento organizativo y los desafíos que se le imponen en el contexto actual, considerando la idea de su comprensión como intelectual colectivo de la clase trabajadora, basado en las concepciones de Gramscian de tales categorías.  Este artigo tem como objeto de análise o Fórum Nacional de Educação do Campo FONEC e seu papel como agente político organizador, formador e, ao mesmo tempo, espaço de mediação e unidade político-ideológica das lutas engendradas pelos movimentos sociais, sindicais e organizações populares do campo pelo direito à educação. Sua relevância também se torna evidente por seu protagonismo nas lutas pela elaboração e consolidação de políticas públicas de Educação do Campo. Por meio de abordagem histórica, neste trabalho serão analisados os períodos de construção, afirmação e ampliação desse instrumento organizativo e os desafios que lhe são impostos no contexto atual, cogitando-se a ideia de considerá-lo um intelectual orgânico coletivo dos(as) camponeses(as), com base nas concepções gramscianas desse conceito.Este artigo tem como objeto de análise o Fórum Nacional de Educação do Campo − FONEC e seu papel como agente político organizador, formador e, ao mesmo tempo, espaço de mediação e unidade político-ideológica das lutas engendradas pelos movimentos sociais, sindicais e organizações populares do campo pelo direito à educação. Sua relevância também se torna evidente por seu protagonismo nas lutas pela elaboração e consolidação de políticas públicas de Educação do Campo. Por meio de abordagem histórica, neste trabalho serão analisados os períodos de construção, afirmação e ampliação desse instrumento organizativo e os desafios que lhe são impostos no contexto atual, cogitando-se a ideia de considerá-lo um intelectual orgânico coletivo dos(as) camponeses(as), com base nas concepções gramscianas desse conceito. &nbsp

    Reflections about graduates of the Teaching Degree Course in Rural Education at the University of Brasília: elements for “Pedagogical (Action) Transformation” in Higher Education

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    Neste artigo, apontaremos os elementos de transforma(ação) pedagógica que o curso de Licenciatura em Educação do Campo provocou, nos últimos dez anos, na Educação Superior, na Universidade de Brasília. O curso é resultado de uma política pública efetivada a partir de uma experiência piloto implantada nessa Universidade. A pesquisa foi realizada tendo como epistemologia e método o materialismo histórico-dialético. A coleta de dados foi desenvolvida em duas etapas: na primeira, utilizou-se os instrumentos: questionários e a pesquisa documental para traçar o perfil dos egressos; e, na segunda fase, a pesquisa-ação e entrevistas, com estudantes que estavam cursando a pós-graduação, o que resultou no apontamento de elementos de transformação na materialização da realidade pedagógica que vai desde a alteração da estrutura física da universidade para atender os sujeitos camponeses até a epistemologia de trabalho adotada pelos egressos do curso. Palavras-chave: Educação do Campo, Formação de Professores, Epistemologia da Práxis.   Reflections about graduates of the Teaching Degree Course in Rural Education at the University of Brasília: elements for “Pedagogical (Action) Transformation” in Higher Education      ABSTRACT. This paper addresses the elements of pedagogical (action) transformation brought about by the Teaching Degree Course in Rural Education, in the last ten years, in Higher Education at the University of Brasília. This course is the result of a public policy implemented based on a pilot program carried out in this University. The research was performed adopting historical-dialectical materialism as an epistemology and method. Data collection was developed in two steps: in the first step, the following instruments were used: questionnaires and documentary research to describe the profile of graduates; and, in the second stage, action research and interviews, with students who were attending postgraduate studies, which resulted in notes of transformation elements in the materialization of the pedagogical reality, ranging from changes in the university’s physical structure to serve peasant subjects to the work epistemology adopted by graduates who took the course.  Keywords: Rural Education, Teacher Training, Praxis Epistemology.   Reflexiones acerca de los egresados de la carrera de Licenciatura en Educación del Campo de la Universidad de Brasilia: elementos para “Transformar (acción) Pedagógica” en la Educación Superior RESUMEN. En este artículo, señalaremos los elementos de transforma(acción) pedagógica que la carrera de Licenciatura en Educación del Campo ha producido, en los últimos diez años, en la Educación Superior, en la Universidad de Brasilia. Esta carrera es el resultado de una política pública efectivada a partir de una experiencia piloto implantada en dicha Universidad. Se hizo la investigación adoptándose como epistemología y método el materialismo histórico-dialéctico. La recolección de datos se desarrolló en dos etapas: en la primera etapa, se utilizaron los siguientes instrumentos: cuestionarios y la investigación documental para trazar el perfil de los egresados; y, en la segunda fase, la investigación-acción y entrevistas, con estudiantes que estaban cursando el posgrado, lo que resultó en el señalamiento de elementos de transformación en la materialización de la realidad pedagógica que va desde el cambio de la estructura física de la universidad  para atender a los sujetos campesinos hasta la epistemología de trabajo adoptada por los egresados de la carrera.  Palabras clave: Educación del Campo, Formación del Maestros, Epistemología de la Praxis.ABSTRACT. This paper addresses the elements of pedagogical (action) transformation brought about by the Teaching Degree Course in Rural Education, in the last ten years, in Higher Education at the University of Brasília. This course is the result of a public policy implemented based on a pilot program carried out in this University. The research was performed adopting historical-dialectical materialism as an epistemology and method. Data collection was developed in two steps: in the first step, the following instruments were used: questionnaires and documentary research to describe the profile of graduates; and, in the second stage, action research and interviews, with students who were attending postgraduate studies, which resulted in notes of transformation elements in the materialization of the pedagogical reality, ranging from changes in the university’s physical structure to serve peasant subjects to the work epistemology adopted by graduates who took the course. ABSTRACT. This paper addresses the elements of pedagogical (action) transformation brought about by the Teaching Degree Course in Rural Education, in the last ten years, in Higher Education at the University of Brasília. This course is the result of a public policy implemented based on a pilot program carried out in this University. The research was performed adopting historical-dialectical materialism as an epistemology and method. Data collection was developed in two steps: in the first step, the following instruments were used: questionnaires and documentary research to describe the profile of graduates; and, in the second stage, action research and interviews, with students who were attending postgraduate studies, which resulted in notes of transformation elements in the materialization of the pedagogical reality, ranging from changes in the university’s physical structure to serve peasant subjects to the work epistemology adopted by graduates who took the course. RESUMEN. En este artículo, señalaremos los elementos de transforma(acción) pedagógica que la carrera de Licenciatura en Educación del Campo ha producido, en los últimos diez años, en la Educación Superior, en la Universidad de Brasilia. Esta carrera es el resultado de una política pública efectivada a partir de una experiencia piloto implantada en dicha Universidad. Se hizo la investigación adoptándose como epistemología y método el materialismo histórico-dialéctico. La recolección de datos se desarrolló en dos etapas: en la primera etapa, se utilizaron los siguientes instrumentos: cuestionarios y la investigación documental para trazar el perfil de los egresados; y, en la segunda fase, la investigación-acción y entrevistas, con estudiantes que estaban cursando el posgrado, lo que resultó en el señalamiento de elementos de transformación en la materialización de la realidad pedagógica que va desde el cambio de la estructura física de la universidad  para atender a los sujetos campesinos hasta la epistemología de trabajo adoptada por los egresados de la carrera.&nbsp

    As Mudanças Climáticas e o Papel das Universidades: Potencialidades a Partir da Formação de Educadores do Campo e da Agroecologia

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    This article provides a critical reflection on climate change in contemporary times, addressing the responses made by universities through land-based teacher education courses with a agroecology approach. It draws on historical dialectical materialism, with reference to land-based higher education and the Transforming Universities for a Changing Climate project. Significant possibilities are identified for the critical development of educators with an understanding of agroecology linked to the material production of life in the farming territories.O artigo traz reflexões críticas sobre mudanças climáticas na atualidade, expondo aportes a seu combate vindos de universidades, via processos de formação de educadores gerados em Licenciaturas em Educação do Campo que tem a Agroecologia como matriz formativa. Ancora-se no Materialismo Histórico Dialético, com acúmulos produzidos nas pesquisas Educação Superior do Campo e Transforming Universities for a Changing Climate. Observaram-se relevantes potencialidades na formação crítica de educadores com a compreensão da Agroecologia vinculada à produção material da vida nos territórios camponeses

    The construction of Countryside Education as a public policy for the education network in the Federal District: from theoretical and methodological assumptions to normative frameworks

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    This article is part of the master's research that analyzes how the full-time countryside schools in the Federal District implement the pedagogical guidelines of Basic Education of the Field/countryside for the public school system in the Federal District. This qualitative research was epistemologically based on the Dialectical Historical Materialism. The study that makes up the present text is based on the documental research of the Guidelines and norms of Field Education in the Federal District, aiming to trace the theoretical, methodological, and normative paths of Field Education. The theoretical foundation is anchored in the ideas of thinkers such as Arroyo (2007, 2012), Arroyo, Caldart and Molina (2011), Caldart (2012), Freire (2018), Freitas (2013, 2018), Kolling, Cerioli and Caldart (2002) and Molina and Sá (2012). The results point out to an advance in the construction of the policy of Field Education in the DF, when it comes to normative instruments as elements of political basis for the implementation of the right to education of countryside people in their territories

    Licenciatura em Educação do Campo - UnB e a formação de docentes Intelectuais Coletivos: influências da Pedagogia Socialista na formação de educadores do campo do Território Kalunga – Goiás

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    ABSTRACT. The present text discusses the Degree in Education for Rural Areas at the University of Brasília, seeking to identify which elements of the training process of this Degree contribute to the formation of the Kalunga Quilombo people as collective intellectuals and to their performance as teachers, school and community managers, so as to incorporate the knowledge of these individuals and their demands in this process. The methodology is based on Dialectical Historical Materialism and research carried out both at LEdoC-UnB and in the Kalunga-Goias Quilombola territory. These researchs are linked to the work supported by CNPq and to Doctoral research, in both, resorting to the instruments of participant research (Schmidt, 2006), making observations, document analysis of academic productions of the individuals involved and semi-structured interviews. This article is based on the theoretical and practical construct of Education for Rural Areas; the influences of Socialist Pedagogy and the formation of collective intellectuals in the Gramscian perspective. The outcomes indicate that the formation of LEdoC-UnB has had repercussions on both teacher’s training and individuals’ social spheres of action, such as school and community leaders strengthening processes that have been triggering relevant collective transformations, even before tensions and contradictions that permanently challenge their performance.ABSTRACT. The present text discusses the Degree in Education for Rural Areas at the University of Brasília, seeking to identify which elements of the training process of this Degree contribute to the formation of the Kalunga Quilombo people as collective intellectuals and to their performance as teachers, school and community managers, so as to incorporate the knowledge of these individuals and their demands in this process. The methodology is based on Dialectical Historical Materialism and research carried out both at LEdoC-UnB and in the Kalunga-Goias Quilombola territory. These researchs are linked to the work supported by CNPq and to Doctoral research, in both, resorting to the instruments of participant research (Schmidt, 2006), making observations, document analysis of academic productions of the individuals involved and semi-structured interviews. This article is based on the theoretical and practical construct of Education for Rural Areas; the influences of Socialist Pedagogy and the formation of collective intellectuals in the Gramscian perspective. The outcomes indicate that the formation of LEdoC-UnB has had repercussions on both teacher’s training and individuals’ social spheres of action, such as school and community leaders strengthening processes that have been triggering relevant collective transformations, even before tensions and contradictions that permanently challenge their performance.RESUMEN. Este texto discute la Licenciatura en Educación del Campo de la Universidad de Brasilia, buscando identificar qué elementos del proceso de formación de esta Licenciatura contribuyen a la formación del pueblo Quilombola Kalunga como intelectuales colectivos, en sus trabajos como docentes, en la gestión escolar y gestión comunitaria, con el fin de incorporar sus saberes y sus demandas en este proceso. La metodología se basará en el Materialismo Histórico Dialéctico, en investigaciones realizadas en la LEdoC-UnB y en el territorio quilombola Kalunga. Estas investigaciones están vinculadas a un trabajo apoyado por el CNPq y a una investigación de Doctorado, en ambos, recurriendo a los instrumentos de investigación participante (Schmidt, 2006), observación, análisis documental de las producciones académicas de los involucrados y entrevistas semiestructuradas. Este artículo se basa en el constructo teórico y práctico de la Educación del Campo; las influencias de la Pedagogía Socialista y la formación de intelectuales colectivos en la perspectiva Gramsciana. Los resultados indican que la formación de la LEdoC-UnB ha repercutido en la formación para la docencia y actuación social de los sujetos, como los procesos de fortalecimiento de los líderes escolares y comunitarios que vienen desencadenando transformaciones colectivas relevantes, aunque se enfrenten a tensiones y contradicciones permanentemente.ABSTRACT. The present text discusses the Degree in Education for Rural Areas at the University of Brasília, seeking to identify which elements of the training process of this Degree contribute to the formation of the Kalunga Quilombo people as collective intellectuals and to their performance as teachers, school and community managers, so as to incorporate the knowledge of these individuals and their demands in this process. The methodology is based on Dialectical Historical Materialism and research carried out both at LEdoC-UnB and in the Kalunga-Goias Quilombola territory. These researchs are linked to the work supported by CNPq and to Doctoral research, in both, resorting to the instruments of participant research (Schmidt, 2006), making observations, document analysis of academic productions of the individuals involved and semi-structured interviews. This article is based on the theoretical and practical construct of Education for Rural Areas; the influences of Socialist Pedagogy and the formation of collective intellectuals in the Gramscian perspective. The outcomes indicate that the formation of LEdoC-UnB has had repercussions on both teacher’s training and individuals’ social spheres of action, such as school and community leaders strengthening processes that have been triggering relevant collective transformations, even before tensions and contradictions that permanently challenge their performance.O presente texto discute a Licenciatura em Educação do Campo da Universidade de Brasília, buscando identificar quais os elementos do processo formativo que contribuem com a formação de Intelectuais Coletivos do povo quilombola Kalunga, para atuação no trabalho docente, na gestão escolar e na gestão comunitária, de modo a incorporar saberes dos sujeitos e suas pautas reivindicatórias nesse processo. A abordagem metodológica tem como suporte o Materialismo Histórico Dialético para análise de pesquisas realizadas na LEdoC - UnB e no território quilombola Kalunga. Tais pesquisas referem-se ao trabalho apoiado pelo CNPq e a uma pesquisa de Doutorado em andamento. Em ambas, recorrem-se aos instrumentos da pesquisa participante (Schmidt, 2006); de observações; análise documental de produções acadêmicas dos sujeitos envolvidos e entrevistas semiestruturadas. Este artigo fundamenta-se no constructo teórico e prático da Educação do Campo, nas influências da Pedagogia Socialista e na formação de Intelectuais Coletivos na perspectiva gramsciana. Os resultados encontrados apontam que a formação da LEdoC - UnB tem repercutido não apenas na formação para a docência, mas também nas esferas sociais de atuação dos sujeitos como lideranças escolares e comunitárias, fortalecendo processos que vêm desencadeando relevantes transformações coletivas, apesar das variadas tensões e contradições que desafiam permanentemente a atuação desses Intelectuais Coletivos. Palavras-chave: Licenciatura em Educação do Campo, formação docente, pedagogia socialista, intelectuais coletivos.   UnB’s Degree in Education for Rural Areas (LEdoC - UnB) and the training of teachers/collective intellectuals: influences of Socialist Pedagogy in the training of educators for rural areas based in the Kalunga Territory - Goiás ABSTRACT. The present text discusses the Degree in Education for Rural Areas at the University of Brasília, seeking to identify which elements of the training process of this Degree contribute to the formation of the Kalunga Quilombo people as collective intellectuals and to their performance as teachers, school and community managers, so as to incorporate the knowledge of these individuals and their demands in this process. The methodology is based on Dialectical Historical Materialism and research carried out both at LEdoC-UnB and in the Kalunga-Goias Quilombola territory. These researchs are linked to the work supported by CNPq and to Doctoral research, in both, resorting to the instruments of participant research (Schmidt, 2006), making observations, document analysis of academic productions of the individuals involved and semi-structured interviews. This article is based on the theoretical and practical construct of Education for Rural Areas; the influences of Socialist Pedagogy and the formation of collective intellectuals in the Gramscian perspective. The outcomes indicate that the formation of LEdoC-UnB has had repercussions on both teacher’s training and individuals’ social spheres of action, such as school and community leaders strengthening processes that have been triggering relevant collective transformations, even before tensions and contradictions that permanently challenge their performance. Keywords: Degree in Education for Rural Areas, teacher training, socialist pedagogy, collective intellectuals.   La Licenciatura en Educación del Campo-UnB (LedoC-UnB) y la formación de docentes/intelectuales colectivos: influencias de la Pedagogía Socialista en la formación de educadores en el campo del Territorio Kalunga - Goiás RESUMEN. Este texto discute la Licenciatura en Educación del Campo de la Universidad de Brasilia, buscando identificar qué elementos del proceso de formación de esta Licenciatura contribuyen a la formación del pueblo Quilombola Kalunga como intelectuales colectivos, en sus trabajos como docentes, en la gestión escolar y gestión comunitaria, con el fin de incorporar sus saberes y sus demandas en este proceso. La metodología se basará en el Materialismo Histórico Dialéctico, en investigaciones realizadas en la LEdoC-UnB y en el territorio quilombola Kalunga. Estas investigaciones están vinculadas a un trabajo apoyado por el CNPq y a una investigación de Doctorado, en ambos, recurriendo a los instrumentos de investigación participante (Schmidt, 2006), observación, análisis documental de las producciones académicas de los involucrados y entrevistas semiestructuradas. Este artículo se basa en el constructo teórico y práctico de la Educación del Campo; las influencias de la Pedagogía Socialista y la formación de intelectuales colectivos en la perspectiva Gramsciana. Los resultados indican que la formación de la LEdoC-UnB ha repercutido en la formación para la docencia y actuación social de los sujetos, como los procesos de fortalecimiento de los líderes escolares y comunitarios que vienen desencadenando transformaciones colectivas relevantes, aunque se enfrenten a tensiones y contradicciones permanentemente. Palabras clave: Licenciatura en Educación en el Campo, formación de profesores, pedagogía socialista, intelectuales colectivos