147 research outputs found

    The problem of aesthetic self-redemption in the essays and essayistic prose of JenƑ PĂ©terfy, JĂĄnos AsbĂłth, Zsigmond Justh and Elek Gozsdu : (with a view on how to interpret the discrepancy between the ‘aesthetic’ and the ’ethical)

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    Absztrakt Az Ă©rtekezĂ©s cĂ©lja, hogy nĂ©gy XIX. szĂĄzadi (illetve XX. szĂĄzad eleji) magyar szerzƑ – PĂ©terfy JenƑ, AsbĂłth JĂĄnos, Justh Zsigmond Ă©s Gozsdu Elek – esszĂ©- Ă©s prĂłzaĂ­rĂłi munkĂĄssĂĄgĂĄn keresztĂŒl bemutassa: hogyan jelenik meg az esztĂ©tikai önmegvĂĄltĂĄs problĂ©mĂĄja a magyar eszmetörtĂ©netben. Ez a kĂ©rdĂ©skör egyben az individualitĂĄs antropolĂłgiai termĂ©szetƱ problĂ©mĂĄjĂĄval is szoros összefĂŒggĂ©st mutat. Azt vizsgĂĄlom, hogy az emlĂ­tett szerzƑk mƱveiben megjelenƑ modern, autonĂłmiĂĄra törekvƑ, diszharmonikus karakterƱ individuumok hogyan prĂłbĂĄlnak kifejezetten „esztĂ©tikai” megoldĂĄst talĂĄlni legalapvetƑbb egzisztenciĂĄlis problĂ©mĂĄikra. A dolgozat „szereplƑi” irodalom-metafizikai, illetve narratolĂłgiai szempontbĂłl meglehetƑsen heterogĂ©n csoportot alkotnak, eszmetörtĂ©neti perspektĂ­vĂĄbĂłl szemlĂ©lve mĂ©gis problĂ©mamentesen egyĂŒtt tĂĄrgyalhatĂłak. Mindannyian magas szintƱ önreflexiĂłra, önismeretre törekvƑ (intellektuĂĄlis), ugyanakkor Ă©rzĂ©keny, Ă©rzelmekben gazdag szemĂ©lyisĂ©gek, akik alkatukbĂłl következƑen alig kĂ©pesek vagy egyenesen kĂ©ptelenek a fennĂĄllĂł rend keretei között egzisztĂĄlni. ValamennyiĂŒkre jellemzƑ az is, hogy amikor a „kisszerĆ±â€ realitĂĄs, illetve sajĂĄt lĂ©tĂŒk börtönĂ©bƑl kiutat keresnek, az esztĂ©tikum – a mƱvĂ©szi alkotĂĄs vagy a mƱvĂ©szeti befogadĂĄs – alternatĂ­v vilĂĄgĂĄban talĂĄlnak menedĂ©ket a maguk szĂĄmĂĄra. Egy olyan lĂ©tterĂŒleten, amelyet a nĂĄluk jĂłzanabbak sterilnek tartanak; Ƒk viszont „mƱvĂ©szethĂ­vƑkĂ©nt” azt feltĂ©telezik: e szfĂ©ra a legkevĂ©sbĂ© sem Ă©letidegen, mert valĂłdi, Ă©rvĂ©nyessĂ©gĂŒket soha el nem veszĂ­tƑ Ă©rtĂ©keket hordoz, amelyekbe bĂĄrmikor belekapaszkodhat a szenvedƑ, szorongĂł, menekĂŒlƑ ember. Hogy azutĂĄn ez a sokak szĂĄmĂĄra abszurdnak tƱnƑ törekvĂ©s sikeres vagy sikertelen, hosszan tartĂł vagy ĂĄtmeneti, illetve hogy az „esztĂ©tikai” mozzanata egy-egy ilyen kĂ­sĂ©rlet ideje alatt összekapcsolĂłdik-e etikai, esetleg politikai tartalmakkal vagy sem, azt az Ă©rtekezĂ©s mindegyik „szereplƑjĂ©nĂ©l” kĂŒlön-kĂŒlön mutatom be. Ahogyan azt is: vajon e hƑsök magĂĄnyos individuumokkĂ©nt indulnak el az esztĂ©tikai önmegvĂĄltĂĄs ĂștjĂĄn, vagy Ă©pp ellenkezƑleg: „vĂĄllalkozĂĄsuk” eredendƑen interszubjektĂ­v vonatkozĂĄsban szervezƑdik meg. A dolgozat tematikai vonatkozĂĄsban interdiszciplinĂĄris jellegƱ: irodalom- Ă©s eszmetörtĂ©neti, esztĂ©tikai, antropolĂłgiai Ă©s – nem a szĂł szaktudomĂĄnyos Ă©rtelmĂ©ben vett –pszicholĂłgiai szempontokat ötvöz. Nem tĂ©ny-, hanem szellemtudomĂĄnyos Ă©rtekezĂ©snek tekinthetƑ. MĂșltbeli Ă©rtelmezĂ©sekkel, illetve az azokra ugyanabban a korban rĂĄĂ©pĂŒlƑ (Ășjra)Ă©rtelmezĂ©sekkel foglalkozik, ennek megfelelƑen – empirikus szempontbĂłl – jellemzƑ rĂĄ egyfajta talajtalansĂĄg. Az Ă©rtekezĂ©s formai szempontbĂłl nem a monografikus jellegƱ Ă©rtekezĂ©sek mintĂĄjĂĄt követi. SzerkezetĂ©t tekintve inkĂĄbb egymĂĄshoz lazĂĄn kapcsolĂłdĂł esettanulmĂĄnyok fĂŒzĂ©re, mint egysĂ©ges textus. Nyelvi vonatkozĂĄsban pedig egyik feltƱnƑ jellegzetessĂ©ge az, hogy szĂĄmos szöveghelyen nem vagy nem feltĂ©tlenĂŒl alkalmaz „szigorĂșan tudomĂĄnyos” fogalmi apparĂĄtust, inkĂĄbb egy irodalmiasabb, esszĂ©isztikusabb, illetve retorikusabb megszĂłlalĂĄsi mĂłdot Ă©rvĂ©nyesĂ­t.Abstract The aim of the thesis is to present through the essays and prose of four 19th century (and early 20th century) Hungarian authors – JenƑ PĂ©terfy, JĂĄnos AsbĂłth, Zsigmond Justh, and Elek Gozsdu – how the problem of aesthetic self-redemption appears in Hungarian intellectual history. This issue also closely correlates with individuality as a problem of an anthropological nature. I will investigate how some modern, disharmonious individuals with a desire for autonomy, as described in the works of the above mentioned authors tries to find a specifically ‘aesthetic’ solution for their own most fundamental, existential problems. The individuals discussed in the dissertation constitute a fairly heterogeneous group in terms of literary metaphysics and narratology. From a perspective of intellectual history, however, these figures can be investigated together without such problem, even though they belong to disparate levels of existence. They have a number of shared character traits. All of them strive for a high level of self-reflection and (intellectual) self-knowledge, but they are also sensitive personalities with a rich spectrum of emotions, barely able or outright unable – as a result of their character – to exist within the limits of the order society imposes upon them. They are all characterized by an attempt to escape the ‘paltriness’ of reality and the prison of their own existence, and they all find shelter in the aesthetic: the alternative world of artistic creation or artistic reception. This is an area of existence deemed too sterile by more rational minds, but they – as believers in the importance of art – find that this sphere is far from being estranged from life, as it carries authentic values that never lose their validity, values that the suffering, anguished ‘fugitives’ that they are can always cling to. Whether this endeavor, looked upon by many as a preposterous venture, is successful or not, whether it is lasting or provisional, and whether its aesthetic motif is interlinked with ethical or political issues or not, will be presented separately for each ‘actor’ in the thesis. I will also investigate whether these protagonists start out as lonely individuals on the road to aesthetic self-redemption or whether the opposite is true: that their ‘endeavor’ inherently carries inter-subjective context. Thematically, the paper uses an interdisciplinary approach, blending aspects from literary and intellectual history, aesthetics, anthropology and (not in the hard science sense) psychology. It is an intellectual, idea-oriented study rather than one based on factual science. It deals with interpretations from the past and (re-)interpretations of those from the same era, therefore it is characterized by a certain degree of empirical rootlessness. The paper does not follow the footsteps of monographic treatises in terms of formal requirements. Regarding its structure, it is more a loosely linked chain of case studies than a single, whole text. In terms of the language used, one striking characteristic of the paper is that it does not necessarily use a ‘strictly scientific’ conceptual apparatus, utilizing a more relaxed literary, essayistic and rhetorical style instead

    Single Cell Analysis of Human RAD18-Dependent DNA Post-Replication Repair by Alkaline Bromodeoxyuridine Comet Assay

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    Damage to DNA can block replication progression resulting in gaps in the newly synthesized DNA. Cells utilize a number of post-replication repair (PRR) mechanisms such as the RAD18 controlled translesion synthesis or template switching to overcome the discontinuities formed opposite the DNA lesions and to complete DNA replication. Gaining more insights into the role of PRR genes promotes better understanding of DNA damage tolerance and of how their malfunction can lead to increased genome instability and cancer. However, a simple and efficient method to characterise gene specific PRR deficiencies at a single cell level has not been developed. Here we describe the so named BrdU comet PRR assay to test the contribution of human RAD18 to PRR at a single cell level, by which we kinetically characterized the consequences of the deletion of human RAD18 on the replication of UV-damaged DNA. Moreover, we demonstrate the capability of our method to evaluate PRR at a single cell level in unsynchronized cell population. © 2013 Mórocz et al

    Sutton naevust utĂĄnzĂł melanoma

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    Adatok hĂĄrom vizes Ă©lƑhely (Gemenc, BĂ©da Ă©s a Balatoni Nagyberek) kisemlƑs faunĂĄjĂĄhoz

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    ÖsszefoglalĂĄs. HĂĄrom dĂ©l-dunĂĄntĂșli vizes Ă©lƑhelyen 2006-ban Ă©s 2007-ben hĂĄrom Ă©jszakĂĄs fogĂĄs–jelölĂ©s–visszafogĂĄs mĂłdszerrel kisemlƑsök elevenfogĂł csapdĂĄzĂĄsĂĄt vĂ©geztĂŒk. Ennek sorĂĄn az alĂĄbbi kisemlƑsöket fogtuk meg: Gemencen, a nyĂ©ki Holt-Duna mentĂ©n Apodemus agrarius, Apodemus sylvaticus, Apodemus flavicollis, Apodemus uralensis, Microtus agrestis, Microtus arvalis, Myodes glareolus, Arvicola amphibius, Sorex minutus, BĂ©dĂĄn, a vizslaki terĂŒleten: A. agrarius, A. sylvaticus, A. flavicollis, A. uralensis, Micromys minutus, Mus spicilegus, M. arvalis, M. glareolus, A. amphibius, Crocidura leucodon, Neomys fodiens, Neomys anomalus, Ă©s a balatoni Nagyberekben, Csömend–TĂĄska tĂ©rsĂ©gĂ©ben: A. agrarius, M. minutus, Microtus oeconomus, M. agrestis, M. arvalis, M. glareolus, Sorex araneus, N. fodiens, N. anomalus. A kisemlƑsközössĂ©gekben a leggyakoribb faj az Ă©lƑhely-generalista A. agrarius volt (rĂ©szarĂĄnya 42%, 78% Ă©s 71% a hĂĄrom terĂŒlet sorrendjĂ©ben). A Shannon–Wiener fajdiverzitĂĄs-Ă©rtĂ©k 2,06, 1,35 Ă©s 1,66, az egyenletessĂ©g 0,65, 0,38 Ă©s 0,52 volt a hĂĄrom terĂŒlet sorrendjĂ©ben

    IsmerƑs mĂĄsvilĂĄg: (ThanatolĂłgiai problĂ©mĂĄk KosztolĂĄnyi DezsƑ Ének a semmirƑl cĂ­mƱ költemĂ©nyĂ©ben)

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    IrodalomtörtĂ©neti közhely, hogy KosztolĂĄnyi lĂ­rĂĄjĂĄban – az ifjĂșkori zsengĂ©ktƑl kezdve a SzĂĄmadĂĄs cĂ­mƱ kötetben megjelent, sokat idĂ©zett, lĂ©tösszegzƑnek nevezett versekig – az elmĂșlĂĄs Ă©lmĂ©nye jelentƑs, sƑt közĂ©pponti szerepet jĂĄtszik. A költƑ elkötelezett e tematika irĂĄnt; a halĂĄl bƱvöletĂ©ben Ă©l Ă©s alkot. EsztĂ©tikai sĂ­kra is ĂĄthelyezƑdƑ eszmei orientĂĄciĂłja nem egyszerƱen szecessziĂłs hangulat vagy morbid jĂĄtĂ©kkedv termĂ©ke, hanem tudatos vĂĄlasztĂĄs Ă©s egyre mĂ©lyĂŒlƑ, gazdagodĂł önreflexiĂł eredmĂ©nye

    FalujĂĄrĂĄs '81

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    Teszttervezési technikåk

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    A dolgozatban ĂĄttekintjĂŒk a fukcionĂĄlis tevezĂ©si technikĂĄkat: ekvivalencia osztĂĄlyozĂĄs, hatĂĄrĂ©rtĂ©k-elemzĂ©s, döntĂ©si tĂĄblĂĄk, cause-effect grĂĄfok, vĂ©ges automatĂĄk, hasznĂĄlati eset tesztek, stb. KĂŒlön megviszgĂĄljuk a teszttervezĂ©s automatizĂĄciĂłs lehetƑsĂ©geit (modell-alapĂș tesztelĂ©s, Gherkin-alapĂș tesztelĂ©s). A diplomamunka fƑ feladata olyan pĂ©ldĂĄk konstruĂĄlĂĄsa, amelyek segĂ­tsĂ©gĂ©vel a technikĂĄk könnyen megĂ©rthetƑk, az elmĂ©let könnyen ĂĄtvihetƑ a gyakorlatba

    A szegedi egyetemrƑl

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