204 research outputs found

    Aluísio Azevedo and Portugal: an ambiguous relationship

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    A leitura dos romances de Aluísio Azevedo levou muitos críticos a considerarem que o romancista brasileiro tinha um viés antilusitano muito acentuado. O presente estudo procura corrigir essa avaliação, a partir da observação da biografia do escritor maranhense (1857-1913). Filho de pais portugueses, viveu infância e adolescência numa sociedade patriarcal e escravocrata, dominada pelos comerciantes portugueses, luso-brasileiros e pela oligarquia rural e a Igreja ultramontana. Autodidata, porém educado no seio de uma família culta, pode completar sua formação no Rio de Janeiro, como jornalista e caricaturista, antes de se afirmar como escritor. Foi muito influenciado por intelectuais e escritores portugueses, como Ramalho Ortigão, Eça de Queirós, Maria Amália Vaz de Carvalho e pelo caricaturista Bordalo Pinheiro, com quem conviveu no Rio de Janeiro e com quem manteria relações de amizade a vida inteira. No Rio de Janeiro, o autor participou de forma ativa na promoção da obra de Eça de Queirós, antes de se afirmar como o promotor do Naturalismo no Brasil. Durante dez anos, Azevedo foi, ao lado de Ferreira de Araújo e Machado de Assis, um dos principais militantes em prol da assinatura de um acordo luso-brasileiro de direitos autorais que garantisse igualdade e reciprocidade entre autores brasileiros e portugueses. Assim, as cartas enviadas aos amigos e citadas no presente artigo vêm desmentir as acusações de antilusitanista do autor de O Mulato, Casa de Pensão e O Cortiço.The reading of Aluísio Azevedo’s novels led many critics to consider that this Brazilian novelist had a very strong anti-Portuguese bias. This study aims to correct this assessment, based on the analysis of the biography of the writer from Maranhão (1857-1913). Son of Portuguese parents, he lived his childhood and adolescence in a patriarchal and slave society, dominated by Portuguese, Luso-Brazilian traders and by the rural oligarchy and the ultramontane Church. Selftaught, but raised in an educated family, he completedhis training in Rio de Janeiro as a journalist and caricaturist, before asserting himself as a writer. He was greatly influenced by Portuguese intellectuals and writers, such as Ramalho Ortigão, Eça de Queirós, Maria Amália Vaz de Carvalho and by the caricaturist Bordalo Pinheiro, whom he met in Rio de Janeiro and with whom he would maintain friendly relations throughout his life. In Rio de Janeiro, the author actively participated in the promotion of the work of Eça de Queirós, before asserting himself as the promoter of Naturalism in Brazil. For ten years, Azevedo was, alongside Ferreira de Araújo and Machado de Assis, one of the main activists in favor of signing a Portuguese-Brazilian copyright agreement that guaranteed equality and reciprocity between Brazilian and Portuguese authors.Thus, the letters sent to friends and quoted in this article deny the accusations of anti-Lusitanist by the author of O Mulato, Casa de Pensão and O Cortiço.Esta publicação foi financiada por Fundos Nacionais através da FCT — Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, no âmbito do Projeto UIDB/00077/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Presença de Eça de Queirós, Ramalho Ortigão, Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro no debate e na polêmica naturalista no Brasil

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    A estética realista-naturalista só se desenvolveu no Brasil, com êxito relativo, a partir de 1881 com a publicação de O Mulato de Aluísio Azevedo, três anos depois da famosa "po­lêmica do Primo Basílio". Esta forma estética nova não pode ser dissociada do espírito de reforma social e política, de progresso, que animava em Portugal e no Brasil, os jovens intelectuais e escritores inspirados pelas filosofias positivista e evolucionista. Eça de Queirós, Ramalho Ortigão com As Farpas e Crónicas polémicas, nos jornais do Recife e do Rio de Janeiro, Bordalo Pinheiro com suas caricaturas nos jornais satíricos da capital brasileira, representaram uma mediação essencial entre a Europa e o Brasil para a promoção das idéias novas a partir de 1871. Os dois escritores tornaram-se verdadeiros escritores luso-brasileiros, pela frequência e pelo número de suas colaborações nos jornais brasileiros a partir de 1880

    Entrevista com Jean-Yves Mérian

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    O coruja by Aluísio Azevedo: a unique novel

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    Dentro da produção literária de Aluísio Azevedo, O coruja ocupa um lugar sui-generis. Não se trata de uma obra que corresponda às características consagradas do gênero romance-folhetim. Publicado inicialmente nos rodapés do jornal O Paiz do Rio de Janeiro, entre junho e outubro de 1885, O coruja chamou a atenção dos leitores pela figura do protagonista e pelo caráter excepcional do seu trágico destino. Nele reside uma crítica implícita e ferrenha do descaso das autoridades da época, com relação à educação do povo brasileiro no fim do Segundo Império. Publicado em volume em 1887, este romance permaneceu pouco conhecido, nunca atingindo a popularidade de obras como O mulato ou O cortiço. Este artigo busca mostrar a importância do romance no debate sobre a necessária reforma da educação no Brasil, tema que, entre 1883-1884, levantou grande celeuma. Trata-se de uma calorosa denúncia de um sistema que favorecia (e ainda favorece no século xxi) uma pequena minoria, que no romance é representada pela figura antitética de Teobaldo: corrupto, oportunista, perfeito paradigma da classe dirigente do Brasil.Within Aluísio Azevedo’s literary production, O coruja (The Owl) occupies a distinctive place. This is not a work corresponding to the consecrated features of serial novel genre. First published in the footnotes of the news-paper O Paiz in Rio de Janeiro, between June and October 1885, O coruja caught the readers’ attention through its protagonist and his tragic destiny’s exceptional character. In it lies an implicit and fierce criticism of the negligence by the authorities of the time with regard to the Brazilian people’s education at the end of the Second Empire. With a published volume in 1887, this novel remained little known, having never reached the popularity of works such as O mulato (The Mulatto) or O cortiço (The Slum). This article seeks to shed light on the novel’s importance for the debate over the necessary educational reform in Brazil, a topic that raised a great stir between 1883-1884. It is a heated denunciation of a system that favoured (and still favours in the 21st century) a small minority, which is represented in the novel by the antithetical figure of Teobaldo: a corrupt and opportunist, the perfect paradigm of the Brazilian ruling class.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Development of an Electrowetting Valve in Capillary-Driven Microfluidic Biosensor for Nucleic Acid Detection

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    This article presents the development of microfluidic valves to be used in capillary flow microfluidic device as a platform for nucleic acid detection. The valve used the principle of electrowetting and was able to be actuated at low voltage. The valve consisted of two silver electrodes which were encountered in series within a microfluidic channel. The second electrode was modified with a hydrophobic monolayer resulting in a cessation of capillary flow. A potential of 4V resulted in a 70° reduction in water contact angle within ten seconds which allowed capillary flow to continue. The final device represented a microfluidic valve for capillary flow microfluidics realized on PMMA substrate. In addition to the valve designed for timed fluid delivery, our PMMA microfluidic chip also consists of self-priming microfluidics with sealed conjugate pads of reagent delivery and an absorbent pad for additional fluid draw. We have developed a single-step surface modification method which allows strong capillary flow within a sealed microchannel. Conjugate pads within the device held trapped complex consisting of the magnetic beads and nucleic-acid-probe-conjugated horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Magnetic beads were released when sample entered the chamber and hybridized with the complex. The complex was immobilized over a magnet in the capture zone while a luminol co-reactant stream containing H2O2 was merged with the channel. A photomultiplier tube was used to quantify the chemiluminescence signal. This new format of biosensor will not only allow for pumpless automatically reagent delivery, but also smaller and more sensitive detection, as well as commercial-scale manufacturing and low materials cost, and it would be an ideal device for fast diagnostic in resource-limited settings

    Étude de l’adhésion fibre/matrice d’un matériau composite expansé lors du moussage

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    Dans une optique d’allégement des structures, les polymères et matériaux composites à matrice organique expansés font leur apparition dans l’industrie. Cependant, leur optimisation est plus complexe que celle de leurs homologues denses, car il faut obtenir une adéquation entre les réactions de polymérisation du polymère et de moussage de l’agent gonflant. De plus, une bonne adhésion fibre/matrice est nécessaire pour obtenir des structures homogènes en termes de répartition et de diamètre de porosités. Une mauvaise adhésion des fibres peut être responsable d’une nucléation hétérogène du polymère, avec l’apparition de grosses porosités, responsables d’une diminution des propriétés mécaniques du matériau

    Influence of aging on the mechanical behavior of bonded assemblies

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    This work is a preliminary study to investigate the combiend effects of aging processes and dynamic response of adhesives. Specially, a specific accelerated hygro-thermal aging experimental method is used to characterize some adhesives dedicated to crash applications

    Evolution of crystallinity of PEEK and glass-fibre reinforced PEEK under tribological conditions using Raman spectroscopy

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    A comparative study of PEEK and glass-fibre reinforced PEEK was performed to describes the degradationmechanisms in sliding conditions. Results were focused on Raman spectroscopy data in order to determine thelocal crystallinity rate of PEEK and to complete the scenario of degradation by taking into account the micro-structure transformation during the wear tests. In thefirst period of the test, an amorphisation mechanism ofboth materials is identified. Then, during the second period of the test, these materials reach the glass transitiontemperature, and a cold crystallisation is detected in the wear track

    Performance, durability and recycling of thermoplastic biocomposites reinforced with coriander straw

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    In this study, coriander straw fiber was effectively incorporated as a reinforcing filler in polypropylene and biobased low-density polyethylene composite materials through twin-screw extrusion compounding and injection molding. Maleic anhydride-grafted copolymers were added as a coupling agent and effectively provided fiber/matrix compatibilization. With a significant reinforcing effect, resulting in a 50% increase in the flexural and tensile strength (from 19 to 28 MPa and from 12 to 17 MPa, respectively, for polypropylene composites) as compared to the native polymer, coriander straw allowed the production of 40% filled thermoplastic biocomposites with adequate mechanical properties comparable to those of commercial wood fibers, excellent durability in terms of UV and hygrothermal weathering and high potential for recycling. At the same time, such coriander biocomposites show a favorable cost structure, with 28% reduction of the granule cost as compared to wood fiber composites

    Development of a Keetch and Byram based drought index sensitive to forest management in Mediterranean conditions

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    [EN] The present work aims to take a closer look at the behavior of two releases of the Keetch Byram droughtindex (KBDI) under different forest management strategies in Mediterranean conditions. Since theseversions of the index were demonstrated to be insensitive to the changes in water balance caused bydifferent thinning treatments, a new KBDI-based index sensitive to silviculture operations was developed.This new approach enabled us to simulate the benefits achieved from a thinning operation in terms offorest fire risk reduction. Abatements of 22.5% and 26.4% in KBDI were obtained for the 2009 and 2010high-risk forest fire periods, respectively, due to thinning. The reductions observed in the short-term didnot disappear in a long term. A plot thinned 10 years ago showed KBDI reductions of 12.5% and 6.7% withrespect to a non-managed plot (control treatment) in the same period. Finally, in order to make possibleapplication of the new index to other stands, coefficients of the index were based on well-known andeasy to get tree-related and physiological variables.This study is part of the research project: "CGL2011-28776-C02-02, Hydrological characterization of forest structures at plot scale for an adaptive management, Hydrosil", funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and FEDER funds.García Prats, A.; Campo García, ADD.; Tarcisio Fernandes, JG.; Molina Herrera, A. (2015). Development of a Keetch and Byram based drought index sensitive to forest management in Mediterranean conditions. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. (205):40-50. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2015.02.009S405020
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