20 research outputs found

    Disentangling the effects of phonation and articulation: Hemispheric asymmetries in the auditory N1m response of the human brain

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    BACKGROUND: The cortical activity underlying the perception of vowel identity has typically been addressed by manipulating the first and second formant frequency (F1 & F2) of the speech stimuli. These two values, originating from articulation, are already sufficient for the phonetic characterization of vowel category. In the present study, we investigated how the spectral cues caused by articulation are reflected in cortical speech processing when combined with phonation, the other major part of speech production manifested as the fundamental frequency (F0) and its harmonic integer multiples. To study the combined effects of articulation and phonation we presented vowels with either high (/a/) or low (/u/) formant frequencies which were driven by three different types of excitation: a natural periodic pulseform reflecting the vibration of the vocal folds, an aperiodic noise excitation, or a tonal waveform. The auditory N1m response was recorded with whole-head magnetoencephalography (MEG) from ten human subjects in order to resolve whether brain events reflecting articulation and phonation are specific to the left or right hemisphere of the human brain. RESULTS: The N1m responses for the six stimulus types displayed a considerable dynamic range of 115–135 ms, and were elicited faster (~10 ms) by the high-formant /a/ than by the low-formant /u/, indicating an effect of articulation. While excitation type had no effect on the latency of the right-hemispheric N1m, the left-hemispheric N1m elicited by the tonally excited /a/ was some 10 ms earlier than that elicited by the periodic and the aperiodic excitation. The amplitude of the N1m in both hemispheres was systematically stronger to stimulation with natural periodic excitation. Also, stimulus type had a marked (up to 7 mm) effect on the source location of the N1m, with periodic excitation resulting in more anterior sources than aperiodic and tonal excitation. CONCLUSION: The auditory brain areas of the two hemispheres exhibit differential tuning to natural speech signals, observable already in the passive recording condition. The variations in the latency and strength of the auditory N1m response can be traced back to the spectral structure of the stimuli. More specifically, the combined effects of the harmonic comb structure originating from the natural voice excitation caused by the fluctuating vocal folds and the location of the formant frequencies originating from the vocal tract leads to asymmetric behaviour of the left and right hemisphere

    Liikennealan kansallinen kasvuohjelma 2018 - 2022

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    Liikennealan kansallisen kasvuohjelman 2018–2022 lähtökohtana on edistää toimialan yritysvetoista kehitystä, kasvua ja kansainvälistymistä. Liikenne toimii Suomen kansantalouden merkittävänä ajurina sisältäen n. 35 000 yritystä ja työllistäen n. 200 000 henkilöä. Samaan aikaan liikenteen markkinoilla toimivien yritysten liikevaihto on arviolta yli 60 mrd. euroa. Liikenneala on merkittävien teknologisten, taloudellisten ja yhteiskunnallisten murrosten keskellä ja sen uudistuminen pohjautuu pitkälti digitalisaation mukanaan tuomiin mahdollisuuksiin. Liikennealan globaalit markkinat tarjoavat valtavan kasvupotentiaalin, esimerkiksi MaaSin (liikenne palveluna) markkinoiden ennustetaan kasvavan yli 1 000 miljardiin dollariin vuoteen 2030 menness

    The Center of Excellence in Atmospheric Science (2002–2019) — from molecular and biological processes to the global climate

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    The study of atmospheric processes related to climate requires a multidisciplinary approach, encompassing physics, chemistry, meteorology, forest science, and environmental science. The Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence in atmospheric sciences (CoE ATM) responded to that need for 18 years and produced extensive research and eloquent results, which are summarized in this review. The work in the CoE ATM enhanced our understanding in biogeochemical cycles, ecosystem processes, dynamics of aerosols, ions and neutral clusters in the lower atmosphere, and cloud formation and their interactions and feedbacks. The CoE ATM combined continuous and comprehensive long-term in-situ observations in various environments, ecosystems and platforms, ground- and satellitebased remote sensing, targeted laboratory and field experiments, and advanced multi-scale modeling. This has enabled improved conceptual understanding and quantifications across relevant spatial and temporal scales. Overall, the CoE ATM served as a platform for the multidisciplinary research community to explore the interactions between the biosphere and atmosphere under a common and adaptive framework

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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    Opas henkirikoksen uhrin läheiselle

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    Suomessa tehdään vuosittain noin sata henkirikosta. Yhtä henkirikoksen uhria jää kaipaamaan arviolta 4-6 perheenjäsentä ja lisäksi vaihteleva määrä muita läheisiä. Henkirikos aiheuttaa läheisille vakavan kriisin. Läheiset saattavat olla varsin tietämättömiä oikeuksistaan eivätkä osaa tai jaksa hankkia tietoa. Läheisellä tässä tapauksessa tarkoitetaan lähisukulaisia tai ketä tahansa henkilöä, joka on ollut uhrin kanssa läheisessä kanssakäymisessä. Projektimuotoisen opinnäytetyömme tulostavoitteena oli tuottaa asiasisältö henkirikoksen uhrin läheiselle suunnattuun oppaaseen. Oppaan tarkoituksena on esitellä yhteistyötahoja, joista henkirikoksen uhrin läheiset ovat saaneet tukea. Lisäksi opas selkeyttää läheisten hoidettaviksi jääviä käytännön toimia, henkirikosprosessin etenemistä sekä trauman kohtaamista. Oman ammatillisen kasvun ja kehittymisen kannalta asetimme itsellemme useampia oppimistavoitteita. Projektin asettajana toimi Henkirikoksen uhrien läheiset ry (Huoma). Tässä raportissa kerromme projektimme taustasta, suunnittelusta ja toteutuksesta sekä arvioimme projektin onnistumista. Raportin viitekehyksessä kuvaamme läheisen tuen tarvetta, traumaa ja sen pitkittymistä sekä läheisen surutyötä. Opinnäytetyön lähteinä käytimme suomenkielistä ja vieraskielistä kirjallisuutta sekä luotettavia internetlähteitä. Kohderyhmältämme saimme henkilökohtaisia tiedonantoja, joiden avulla oli mahdollista tuottaa oppaan sisältö mahdollisimman pitkälti henkirikoksen uhrin läheisen näkökulmasta. Projektimme lopputuloksena syntyi opas, joka on selkeä, riittävän kattava, ajantasainen, turvallinen ja toimiva ensiapu henkirikoksen uhrin läheiselle. Opas täyttää sille asetetut laatukriteerit, ja saatu palaute on ollut positiivista. Oppaan jakelusta vastaa Huoma ja opas on ladattavissa myös heidän internetsivuiltaan. Kehittämisideoina jatkossa voisivat olla tutkimus henkirikoksen uhrin läheisten elämästä henkirikoksen jälkeen sekä opas henkirikoksen tekijän läheiselle.Approximately one hundred homicides are committed in Finland every year. One victim will be missed by 4-6 family members and also by a varying number of other close friends. A homicide causes a serious crisis to the family and friends of the victim. They may not be aware of their rights, and do not know how or cannot find the strength to look for information. In this study, ‘family and friends’ is used to refer to close relatives or any other people who were in close contact with the victim. Our thesis was carried out as a project and its objective was to produce the contents for a guide intended for families and friends of homicide victims. The purpose of the guide is to provide the target group with contact information of the different partner organisations where others in a similar situation have found support. The guide also clarifies which practical things will have to be taken care of by the family and friends; what kind of criminal process follows a homicide and how people react when affected by trauma. From the point of view of our own professional growth and development we set several learning goals for ourselves. The guide was commissioned by Huoma, the Finnish Association for Families and Friends of Homicide Victims. In our report, we describe the background, planning and implementation of our research and development project, and evaluate its outcome. In the theoretical framework we describe the grieving process and the need for support by the family and friends, as well as trauma and prolonged trauma. As background information, we used literature in Finnish and other languages as well as reliable sources on the internet. We also received personal accounts from our target group, which made it possible to write the guide from the point of view of friends and family. The guide compiled during our project is reasonably comprehensive, clear, safe and effective up-to-date first aid for the family and friends of a homicide victim. The guide meets the quality criteria set, and the feedback received has been positive. Huoma is responsible for the distribution of the guide and it can also be downloaded from their website. A study on the lives of family and friends bereaved by homicide, as well as a guide for the friends and family of homicide offenders, are possible ideas for further research and development.Oppaasta on julkaistu toistaiseksi vain paperiversio, mutta opas on pian ladattavissa myös Huoman internetsivuilta www.huoma.f

    Analysis of the costs for the laboratory of flow cytometry screening of urine samples before culture

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    Urine culture samples comprise a large proportion of the workload in clinical microbiology laboratories, and most of the urine samples show no growth or insignificant growth. A flow cytometry-based analyzer (Sysmex Corporation, Japan) has been used to screen out negative urine samples prior to culture in the Päijät-Häme district. We applied decision analytic modelling to analyze, from a laboratory perspective, the economic feasibility of the screening method as compared to culture only (conventional method) for diagnosis of urinary tract infection. Our model suggests that the least costly analytical strategy is the conventional method. The incremental cost of screening is €0.29/sample. Although laboratory costs are higher, considerable savings on workload can be achieved. Furthermore, screening has numerous benefits on the treatment process of a patient that well warrant the use of the screening method. We conclude that the incremental cost of screening the samples is worth the expense