253 research outputs found

    An international empirical study of greenwashing and voluntary carbon disclosure

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    Voluntary corporate environmental disclosure has increased significantly in the last decade. However, the increase in environmental disclosure has also been accompanied by the social questioning of its veracity. Previous studies have mainly focused on the determinant factors behind corporate decisions to disclose environmental data, with only limited consideration of both carbon performance and the veracity of the information disclosed. Based on an international sample of firms from 12 countries, this paper analyzes the impact of regulative pressures related to climate change on the likelihood of companies engaging in greenwashing. The results show that the number of regulations related to climate change negatively influences the propensity of firms to engage in greenwashing. Furthermore, firms in countries with stringent climate-related regulations are less likely to participate in greenwashing practices. This paper adds to the existing literature concerning greenwashing by demonstrating that institutional theory can deliver further insights into the explanation of corporate greenwashing behavior. This is the first study to incorporate international climate-related regulations into the analysis of corporate greenwashing. It also provides a new method for identifying greenwashing firms, based on their carbon performance and disclosure.This study has been supported by the Universidad de Sevilla VI PPIT [IV.3, 2018]

    Production of highly bioactive resveratrol analogues pterostilbene and piceatannol in metabolically engineered grapevine cell cultures

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    Grapevine stilbenes, particularly trans-resveratrol, have a demonstrated pharmacological activity. Other natural stilbenes derived from resveratrol such as pterostilbene or piceatannol, display higher oral bioavailability and bioactivity than the parent compound, but are far less abundant in natural sources. Thus, to efficiently obtain these bioactive resveratrol derivatives, there is a need to develop new bioproduction systems. Grapevine cell cultures are able to produce large amounts of easily recoverable extracellular resveratrol when elicited with methylated cyclodextrins and methyl jasmonate. We devised this system as an interesting starting point of a metabolic engineering-based strategy to produce resveratrol derivatives using resveratrol-converting enzymes. Constitutive expression of either Vitis vinifera resveratrol O-methyltransferase (VvROMT) or human cytochrome P450 hydroxylase 1B1 (HsCYP1B1) led to pterostilbene or piceatannol, respectively, after the engineered cell cultures were treated with the aforementioned elicitors. Functionality of both gene products was first assessed in planta by Nicotiana benthamiana agroinfiltration assays, in which tobacco cells transiently expressed stilbene synthase and VvROMT or HsCYP1B1. Grapevine cell cultures transformed with VvROMT produced pterostilbene, which was detected in both intra- and extracellular compartments, at a level of micrograms per litre. Grapevine cell cultures transformed with HsCYP1B1 produced about 20 mg/L culture of piceatannol, displaying a sevenfold increase in relation to wild-type cultures, and reaching an extracellular distribution of up to 45% of total production. The results obtained demonstrate the feasibility of this novel system for the bioproduction of natural and more bioactive resveratrol derivatives and suggest new ways for the improvement of production yields.This work has been supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (BIO2011-29856-C02-01, BIO2011-29856-C02-02 and BIO2014-51861-R), Generalitat de Catalunya (2014SGR215) and European Funds for Regional Development (FEDER) and Conselleria d’Educacio, Cultura i Sport de la Generalitat Valenciana (FPA/2013/A/074). J.M.C. acknowledges a postdoctoral and research grants from SENESCYT GOVERNMENT OF ECUADOR (006-IECE-SMG5-GPLR-2012 and Programa1-Senescyt-2014) and a grant from UTEQ (UTEQAmbiental-9-FCAmb-IFOR-2014-FOCICYT002)

    Análisis de la imagen urbana de la ciudad de Granada. Hitos y nodos a través de su historia

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    [ES] Sin resumenDelgado Olmos, ÁH.; Fernández Torres, FJ.; Márquez García, ML.; Ramírez Márquez, V. (2007). Análisis de la imagen urbana de la ciudad de Granada. Hitos y nodos a través de su historia. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. (12):152-159. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2007.10309SWORD15215912ALÖIS RIEGL, "El culto moderno a los monumentos". Ed. Visor, 1987.ARGAN, GIULIO CARLO ET AL, "El pasado en el presente". Ed. Gustavo Gili S.A, Barcelona, 1977."Arquitectura Viva"(Revistas); ISSN 0214-1256BARRIOS ROZÚA, J.M. "Reforma Urbana y Destrucción del Patrimonio Histórico en Granada". Ed. Universidad de Granada. 1998.BAZARAA, Mokhtar et alter, "Programación Lineal y Flujo de Redes". Ed. Limusa SA México D.F. 1998.BENÉVOLO, LEONARDO," Historia de la Arquitectura Moderna." Ed. Gustavo Gili S. A, Barcelona, 1974.Callejero de Granada.CASTILLO BRAZALES, J. & ORIHUELA UZAL, A. En busca de la Granada Andalusí". Ed. Comares, 2002.CASTILLO, Miguel Ángel; Renacimiento y Manierismo en España". Tomo 28 de Historia del Arte. Madrid (España): Editorial Grupo 16, 1989.M.32.415-1989.CORSBUSIER, LE, "Precisiones respecto a un estado actual de la Arquitectura y del Urbanismo". Ed. Poseidón S.L., Barcelona, 1978.CHARTRAND, G. & OELLERMANN, O.R.,"Applied and Algorithmic Graph Theory" McGraw-Hill, 1993.CHARTRAND. G. &ZHANG, P." lntroduction to Graph Theory". McGraw-Hill, 2005.EGA, "Revista de expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica" nº 5. ISSN 1133-6137, D L.NA1524/99 Pamplona 1999.GROSS, J.& YELLEN, J, "Graph Theory and its Applications". CRC Press, 1999HERNÁNDEZ, G. "Grafos: Teoría y Algoritmos". Servicio de Publicaciones, Facultad de Informática, UPM, 2003KEVIN LYNCH, "la Imagen de la Ciudad". Ed. Gustavo Gili 2001.MADERUELO, JAVIER,"El espacio raptado" Mondadori España S. A. Madrid, 1990.ROMERO LÓPEZ, C., "Técnicas de Programación y Control de Proyectos" Ed. Pirámide, Madrid 2002.TRACHTENBERG, Marvin; Hyman, lsabelle; "Arquitectura. de la Prehistoria a la Posmodernidad". Madrid (España) Editorial Akal, 1990. ISBN: 84-7600-628

    3-Phase Rectifier System with very demanding dynamic load

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    This paper present a distributed power architecture for aerospace application with very restrictive specifications. Additionally, the rectifier switching frequency has to be synchronized with an external frequency clock to minimize the interference of the converter harmonics with the load. In order to protect the 3 phase generator against high load steps, an intermediate bus (based in a high capacitance) to provide energy to the loads during the high load steps is included. Prototypes of the rectifier and EMI filter are built and the energy control is validated

    Design of Piezoelectric Transformers for Power Converters by Means of Analytical and Numerical Methods

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    Piezoelectric transformers (PTs) provide several advantages compared to magnetic components, which are higher power density, lower radiated noise, and higher voltage isolation capability. PT must be properly designed to benefit the power converter with the aforementioned advantages. Analytical models are widely used for PT design in order to validate it before constructing the prototype. In this paper, the additional usefulness of finite element analysis (FEA) for PT design is shown. With FEA, it is possible to optimize the PT design not only by maximizing the energy transference but also by cleaning the working frequency range of spurious modes (geometrical 2D/3D effects). Moreover, FEA tools allow the study of other main aspects of the PT design such as manufacturing tolerances or the influence of the fixing layer on PT performance (which is a critical design point). A method for modeling and designing PTs is proposed, combining analytical 1D models and FEA results. The proposed method is validated with measurements of a PT design for a 10-W ac/dc converter prototype for mobile phone battery charger

    New prey items in the diet of snakes from the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

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    New prey items are reported in snakes that were found run over during night road trips, belonging to the families Colubridae, Dipsadidae, Elapidae and Viperidae from the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico.Asociación Herpetológica Argentin

    New prey items in the diet of snakes from the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

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    New prey items are reported in snakes that were found run over during night road trips, belonging to the families Colubridae, Dipsadidae, Elapidae and Viperidae from the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico.Asociación Herpetológica Argentin

    Production of highly bioactive resveratrol analogues pterostilbene and piceatannol in metabolically engineered grapevine cell cultures

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    Summary Grapevine stilbenes, particularly trans-resveratrol, have a demonstrated pharmacological activity. Other natural stilbenes derived from resveratrol such as pterostilbene or piceatannol, display higher oral bioavailability and bioactivity than the parent compound, but are far less abundant in natural sources. Thus, to efficiently obtain these bioactive resveratrol derivatives, there is a need to develop new bioproduction systems. Grapevine cell cultures are able to produce large amounts of easily recoverable extracellular resveratrol when elicited with methylated cyclodextrins and methyl jasmonate. We devised this system as an interesting starting point of a metabolic engineering-based strategy to produce resveratrol derivatives using resveratrolconverting enzymes. Constitutive expression of either Vitis vinifera resveratrol O-methyltransferase (VvROMT) or human cytochrome P450 hydroxylase 1B1 (HsCYP1B1) led to pterostilbene or piceatannol, respectively, after the engineered cell cultures were treated with the aforementioned elicitors. Functionality of both gene products was first assessed in planta by Nicotiana benthamiana agroinfiltration assays, in which tobacco cells transiently expressed stilbene synthase and VvROMT or HsCYP1B1. Grapevine cell cultures transformed with VvROMT produced pterostilbene, which was detected in both intra- and extracellular compartments, at a level of micrograms per litre. Grapevine cell cultures transformed with HsCYP1B1 produced about 20 mg/L culture of piceatannol, displaying a sevenfold increase in relation to wild-type cultures, and reaching an extracellular distribution of up to 45% of total production. The results obtained demonstrate the feasibility of this novel system for the bioproduction of natural and more bioactive resveratrol derivatives and suggest new ways for the improvement of production yield

    Heterospecific amplexus between Triprion petasatus (Anura: Hylidae) and Incilius valliceps (Anura: Bufonidae) from Yucatán, Mexico

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    The heterospecific amplex between Triprion petasatus and Incilius valliceps is documented for the first time in the locality of Piste, Yucatan Mexico. This behavior has been documented previously in other amphibians, many of them also explosive reproducers that take advantage of temporary bodies of water, in places with a marked dry season. Se documenta por primera vez el amplexo heteroespecífico entre Triprion petasatus e Incilius valliceps en la localidad de Pisté, Yucatán México. Este comportamiento ha sido documentado con anterioridad en otros anfibios, muchos de ellos también reproductores explosivos que aprovechan los cuerpos de agua temporales, en sitios con una marcada estación de secas