122 research outputs found

    Persistent activation of NF-kappaB related to IkappaB's degradation profiles during early chemical hepatocarcinogenesis

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    BACKGROUND: To define the NF-kappaB activation in early stages of hepatocarcinogenesis and its IkappaB's degradation profiles in comparison to sole liver regeneration. METHODS: Western-blot and EMSA analyses were performed for the NF-kappaB activation. The transcriptional activity of NF-kappaB was determined by RT-PCR of the IkappaB-α mRNA. The IkappaB's degradation proteins were determined by Western-blot assay. RESULTS: We demonstrated the persistent activation of NF-kappaB during early stages of hepatocarcinogenesis, which reached maximal level 30 min after partial hepatectomy. The DNA binding and transcriptional activity of NF-kappaB, were sustained during early steps of hepatocarcinogenesis in comparison to only partial hepatectomy, which displayed a transitory NF-kappaB activation. In early stages of hepatocarconogenesis, the IkappaB-α degradation turned out to be acute and transitory, but the low levels of IkappaB-β persisted even 15 days after partial hepatectomy. Interestingly, IkappaB-β degradation is not induced after sole partial hepatectomy. CONCLUSION: We propose that during liver regeneration, the transitory stimulation of the transcription factor response, assures blockade of NF-kappaB until recovery of the total mass of the liver and the persistent NF-kappaB activation in early hepatocarcinogenesis may be due to IkappaB-β and IkappaB-α degradation, mainly IkappaB-β degradation, which contributes to gene transcription related to proliferation required for neoplasic progression

    Evaluación del comportamiento térmico y propuestas de mejoras para una escuela en Hualinchay, Tucumán

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    El presente trabajo muestra los estudios del comportamiento térmico del salón de usos múltiples (SUM) de la escuela albergue Nº 358 “Coronel Pedro Zelaya” de la localidad rural y turística de Hualinchay en la provincia de Tucumán. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo principal realizar un diagnóstico sobre las condiciones térmicas del SUM (salón de uso múltiple) de la escuela para, posteriormente, plantear las modificaciones necesarias para lograr el confort térmico en el interior del local, ya que las condiciones climáticas del lugar, principalmente en el invierno, son rigurosas y los recursos de la escuela son escasos. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron definir que las condiciones térmicas del salón no responden a los requerimientos mínimos establecidos por la normativa vigente, por lo que se plantearon soluciones alternativas de mejoras que fueron transferidas a fin de ser ejecutadas por el estado provincial y los directivos de la escuela.Thermal evaluation and proposals of changes for a school in Hualinchay, Tucumán. The present work shows the studies of the thermal behavior, in the multi-proposed school room of the shelter school Nº 358 “Pedro Zelaya”, in Hualinchay, a rural and turistic locality in the Province of Tucumán. This work has as main objective to carry out a diagnose on the thermal conditions of the multiple use room of the school, in order to determining necessary changes, to achieve thermal internal confort, since the climatic conditions of the place are rigorous, principally in winter, and the school resources are limited. The results showed that the thermal conditions of the room do not respond to the minimal requests established by the regulations in use, which is why alternative solutions of improvements that were transferred in order to be accomplished by the Government of the province and the persons in charge of the school.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Evaluación del comportamiento térmico y propuestas de mejoras para una escuela en Hualinchay, Tucumán

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    El presente trabajo muestra los estudios del comportamiento térmico del salón de usos múltiples (SUM) de la escuela albergue Nº 358 “Coronel Pedro Zelaya” de la localidad rural y turística de Hualinchay en la provincia de Tucumán. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo principal realizar un diagnóstico sobre las condiciones térmicas del SUM (salón de uso múltiple) de la escuela para, posteriormente, plantear las modificaciones necesarias para lograr el confort térmico en el interior del local, ya que las condiciones climáticas del lugar, principalmente en el invierno, son rigurosas y los recursos de la escuela son escasos. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron definir que las condiciones térmicas del salón no responden a los requerimientos mínimos establecidos por la normativa vigente, por lo que se plantearon soluciones alternativas de mejoras que fueron transferidas a fin de ser ejecutadas por el estado provincial y los directivos de la escuela.Thermal evaluation and proposals of changes for a school in Hualinchay, Tucumán. The present work shows the studies of the thermal behavior, in the multi-proposed school room of the shelter school Nº 358 “Pedro Zelaya”, in Hualinchay, a rural and turistic locality in the Province of Tucumán. This work has as main objective to carry out a diagnose on the thermal conditions of the multiple use room of the school, in order to determining necessary changes, to achieve thermal internal confort, since the climatic conditions of the place are rigorous, principally in winter, and the school resources are limited. The results showed that the thermal conditions of the room do not respond to the minimal requests established by the regulations in use, which is why alternative solutions of improvements that were transferred in order to be accomplished by the Government of the province and the persons in charge of the school.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Evaluación del comportamiento térmico y propuestas de mejoras para una escuela en Hualinchay, Tucumán

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    El presente trabajo muestra los estudios del comportamiento térmico del salón de usos múltiples (SUM) de la escuela albergue Nº 358 “Coronel Pedro Zelaya” de la localidad rural y turística de Hualinchay en la provincia de Tucumán. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo principal realizar un diagnóstico sobre las condiciones térmicas del SUM (salón de uso múltiple) de la escuela para, posteriormente, plantear las modificaciones necesarias para lograr el confort térmico en el interior del local, ya que las condiciones climáticas del lugar, principalmente en el invierno, son rigurosas y los recursos de la escuela son escasos. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron definir que las condiciones térmicas del salón no responden a los requerimientos mínimos establecidos por la normativa vigente, por lo que se plantearon soluciones alternativas de mejoras que fueron transferidas a fin de ser ejecutadas por el estado provincial y los directivos de la escuela.Thermal evaluation and proposals of changes for a school in Hualinchay, Tucumán. The present work shows the studies of the thermal behavior, in the multi-proposed school room of the shelter school Nº 358 “Pedro Zelaya”, in Hualinchay, a rural and turistic locality in the Province of Tucumán. This work has as main objective to carry out a diagnose on the thermal conditions of the multiple use room of the school, in order to determining necessary changes, to achieve thermal internal confort, since the climatic conditions of the place are rigorous, principally in winter, and the school resources are limited. The results showed that the thermal conditions of the room do not respond to the minimal requests established by the regulations in use, which is why alternative solutions of improvements that were transferred in order to be accomplished by the Government of the province and the persons in charge of the school.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Adsorción de amoniaco en carbón activado de Pinus Tropicalis de Pinar del Río

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    The accumulation of forest residues in sawmills and other industrial sites of wood processing, can become a polluting center and a possible source of fire, which will always be harmful to society. For this reason, the creation of a product of great importance such as activated carbon, converts sawdust into raw material with added value. This led us to consider the objective of determining the possibilities of activated carbon with phosphoric acid, obtained from sawdust of tropicalis pine, for the adsorption of ammonia vapors, which is a possible exhaust contaminant in different Cuban industries. For the characterization of the coals, the influence of the acid concentration, impregnation ratio and activation temperature on the development of the porous structure measured by the iodine technique was determined. In addition to the selected biomass, it was experimented with sawdust of pine caribaea var. Caribaea, by way of comparison, both from the province of Pinar del Río, Cuba. Experiments showed that activation with phosphoric acid with a concentration of 40% and activation temperature of 500 °C, produces an activated carbon with good properties for the adsorption of ammonia vapors, as well as good iodine index values. For an acid concentration of 40%, activation temperature of 500 °C and an impregnation ratio of 2, the best results were obtained in iodine index values and adsorption of ammonia vapors.Los residuos forestales del procesamiento de la madera, son contaminantes y fuentes de posibles incendios, perjudicial para la sociedad. Por tal razón la creación de un producto de gran importancia como es el carbón activado, convierte al aserrín en materia prima con valor agregado. Esto condujo a plantear el objetivo de determinar las posibilidades del carbón activado con ácido fosfórico, obtenido del aserrín de pinus tropicalis, para la adsorción de vapores de amoniaco, el cual es un posible contaminante por escape en diferentes industrias cubanas, lo cual constituye un problema a resolver. Para la caracterización de los carbones, se determinó la influencia de la concentración del ácido, relación de impregnación y temperatura de activación en el desarrollo de la estructura porosa medida por la técnica de yodo. Además de la biomasa seleccionada, se experimentó con aserrín de pinus caribaea Morelet var. Caribaea, a modo de comparación, ambos de la provincia de Pinar del Río, Cuba. Los experimentos mostraron que la activación con ácido fosfórico con concentración de 40 % y temperatura de activación de 500 °C, se produce un carbono activado con buenas propiedades para la adsorción de vapores de amoníaco, así como buenos valores de índice de yodo. Para una concentración del ácido de 40 %, temperatura de activación de 500 ºC y una relación de impregnación de 2, se obtuvieron los mejores resultados en valores de índice de yodo y adsorción de vapores de amoniaco. Los resutados de pinus tropicalis fueron superiores a los de pinus caribaea

    Inactivation of simulated aquaculture stream bacteria at low temperature using advanced UVA- and solar-based oxidation methods

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    In this work the effect of water temperature (6 +/- 1 degrees C and 22 +/- 1 degrees C) on inactivation of bacteria (104 -106 CFU mL-1; Pseudomonas spp., Aeromonas spp. and Enterobacter spp.) in simulated aquaculture streams (SAS) using UVA based advanced oxidation processes (AOP) (H2O2-assisted UVA; photocatalysis; H2O2-assisted photocatalysis) and solar driven AOPs (H2O2-assisted solar disinfection, SODIS) was studied. Efficiency at 22 degrees C in terms of inactivation rate was higher using H2O2-assisted photocatalysis (H2O2/UVA-TiO2/polysiloxane) > H2O2-assisted UVA disinfection (UVA/H2O2 - 10 mg L-1) > photocatalysis (UVA-TiO2/polysiloxane) > UVA disinfection. At low temperature (6 degrees C) the inactivation rate increased with SODIS/H2O2 > SODIS > H2O2assisted UVA disinfection (UVA/H2O2 - 10 mg L-1) > H2O2-assisted photocatalysis (H2O2/UVA-TiO2/polysiloxane) > photocatalysis (UVA-TiO2/polysiloxane). The main results indicate that the inactivation rates increased when hydrogen peroxide (10 mg L-1) was used during H2O2-assisted UVA disinfection and photocatalysis. In addition, exposure of SAS to hydrogen peroxide for 24 h (in absence of light) at room temperature decreased the subsequent exposure UVA irradiation dose by almost four times. Drastic increase of inactivation rate was observed at low water temperature (6 +/- 1 degrees C) when UVA- and solarbased AOPs were employed compared to 22 +/- 1 degrees C. The treatment with SODIS proved to be more effective in Finland than in Spain. The effect of the low temperature (6 +/- 1 degrees C) was proposed as a critical factor during UVA disinfection (UVA/H2O2 and photocatalysis) that can increase the disinfection rate constant (kmax) by 1.3-5.2 times, leading to a reduction of the treatment costs ( euro m-3) by 1.3-3.3 times. The mechanism of observed enhanced disinfection at low water temperature (6 +/- 1 degrees C) when natural solar light and UVA are employed as irradiation sources for UVA/H2O2 and photocatalytic bacteria inactivation was proposed. No regrowth was observed in case of H2O2-assisted AOPs.This work was supported by a national research project (SUNRAS PROJECT, Project AGL2016-80507-R) funded by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (Plan Nacional de I + D + i (2013-2016). The research was also supported by a PIF contract (UCA/REC01VI/2017) funded by Vicerrectorado de Investigacion of Universidad de Cadiz. D. Sc. Juan Jose Rueda-Marquez is grateful for financial support from Academy of Finland within the project '' Combination of Advanced Oxidation Processes and Photobiotreatment for Sustainable Resource Recovery and Wastewater Reuse'' (application number 322339). T. Homola acknowledges financial support by Czech Science Foundation project 19-14770Y and project LM2018097 funded by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. Documen

    Post-treatment of real municipal wastewater effluents by means of granular activated carbon (GAC) based catalytic processes: A focus on abatement of pharmaceutically active compounds

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    Pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) widely present in urban wastewater effluents pose a threat to ecosystems in the receiving aquatic environment. In this work, efficiency of granular activated carbon (GAC) - based catalytic processes, namely catalytic wet peroxide oxidation (CWPO), peroxymonosulfate oxidation (PMS/GAC) and peroxydisulfate oxidation (PDS/GAC) at ambient temperature and pressure were studied for removal of 22 PhACs (ng L-1 level) that were present in secondary effluents of real urban wastewater. Concentrations of PhACs were measured using Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography - Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry (UPLC-QqQ-MS/MS). Catalytic experiments were conducted in discontinuous mode using up-flow fixed bed reactors with granular activated carbon (GAC) as a catalyst. The catalyst was characterized by means of N-2 adsorption-desorption isotherm, mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP), elemental analysis, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (WDXRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermal gravimetry and differential temperature analyses coupled mass spectrometry (TGA-DTA-MS). Results indicate that the highest efficiency in terms of TOC removal was achieved during CWPO performed at optimal operational conditions (stoichiometric dose of H2O2; TOC removal similar to 82%) followed by PMS/GAC (initial PMS concentration 100 mg L-1; TOC removal similar to 73.7%) and PDS/GAC (initial PDS concentration 100 mg L-1; TOC removal similar to 67.9%) after 5 min of contact time. Full consumption of oxidants was observed in all cases for CWPO and PDS/GAC at contact times of 2.5 min, while for PMS/GAC it was 1.5 min. In general, for 18 out of 22 target PhACs, very high removal efficiencies (> 92%) were achieved in all tested processes (including adsorption) performed at optimal operational conditions during 5 min of contact time. However, moderate (40 - 70%) and poor (< 40%) removal efficiencies were achieved for salicylic acid, ofloxacin, norfloxacin and ciprofloxacin, which can be possibly attributed to insufficient contact time. Despite high efficiency of all studied processes for PhACs elimination from urban wastewater effluent, CWPO seems to be more promising for continuous operation. (C) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Authors are grateful to staffmembers of Viikinmaki Wastewater Treatment Plant (Helsinki, Finland) for collaboration. D.Sc. Juan Jose Rueda-Marquez is thankful for financial support from Academy of Finland within the project "Combination of Advanced Oxidation Processes and Photobiotreatment for Sustainable Resource Recovery and Wastewater Reuse". D.Sc. Irina Levchuk is grateful for financial support obtained from KAUTE saatio(grant number: 201800116). D.Sc. Ana Rey is grateful for financial support from Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO)Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI) of Spain through the project CTQ2015-73168-JIN, co-financed by the European Funds for Regional Development (FEDER, UE). D. Sc. Javier Moreno-Andres is grateful for the financial support by the European Union under the 2014-2020 ERDF Operational Programme and by the Department of Economy, Knowledge, Business and University of the Regional Government of Andalusia. Project reference: FEDER-UCA18-108023

    Pedagogical implications for improving body image and attitudes toward obesity through Physical Education

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    El objetivo de este estudio es proporcionar una visión general de la investigación en los programas escolares de la imagen corporal y las actitudes hacia la obesidad y su relación con la actividad física para mostrar las diferentes tendencias y proponer consideraciones e implicaciones didácticas futuras en este ámbito. Dichas implicaciones se formulan a través de una unidad didáctica de siete sesiones con contenidos sobre imagen corporal, autoestima y valores, alimentación, actividad física, medios de comunicación, modas y emociones. Esta unidad está elaborada para cuarto de secundaria. La propuesta en la escuela sería abordada desde un modelo socio-crítico de Educación Física (EF) orientada a la salud. El tratamiento ideal de la obesidad es la prevención y la escuela es un lugar adecuado para informar y educar acerca de los hábitos saludables de actividad físico-deportiva y alimentación, así como para promover una imagen corporal (IC) positiva y erradicar en la medida de lo posible las actitudes negativas hacia la obesidad.The aim of this study is to provide an overview of research into school curricula regarding body image and attitudes toward obesity and its relationship with physical activity to show the different trends and propose future considerations and pedagogical implications in this area. These implications are formulated through a teaching unit containing seven sessions on body image, self-esteem and values, diet, physical activity, media, fashion trends, and emotions. This unit is developed for the fourth year of secondary. The proposal implemented in the school would be addressed through a socio-critical model of health-oriented physical education (PE). Prevention is the ideal treatment for obesity and schools are appropriate contexts to inform and educate about healthy habits such as physical activity, sport and eating, as well as to promote a positive body image (BI) and eradicate, as far as possible, the negative attitudes toward obesity

    Anti-fat bias in secondary school teachers: Are physical education teachers more biased than mathematics teachers?

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    t has been suggested that physical education (PE) teachers hold strong anti-fat attitudes and thatthese can have an impact on the health of their students. In this study, we compare the attitudesand stereotypes towards obesity of PE teachers with those of their colleagues who teachmathematics. In addition, we evaluated the association between the teachers’ anti-fat biases andthe level of physical activity (PA) of their students. The sample consisted of 81 PE teachers and 75mathematics teachers. The adolescent sample consisted of 1792 secondary school students. Theassessment of attitudes and stereotypes was conducted with the Implicit Association Test and theAnti-Fat Attitudes questionnaire. The PA level of the adolescents was determined by a self-administered instrument. PE and mathematics teachers showed similar biases, except for theautomatic obesity–laziness association, which was stronger for PE teachers than for mathematicsteachers. These distinctive implicit stereotypes of PE teachers were also significant predictors ofthe lack of PA in adolescents. We recommend the use of interventions aimed at reducing non-traditional forms of prejudice in teachers