2,635 research outputs found
Para un desarrollo local sostenible: el capital social
La noción de capital social ha tenido una gran aceptación tanto en círculos académicos como en instancias públicas, al ser considerado como uno de los desarrollos conceptuales más prometedores para explicar las causas del desarrollo o subdesarrollo de un territorio y a su vez proponer alternativas más allá de las inversiones tradicionales en capital físico o humano.
Pese a todo, hay dos cuestiones poco exploradas en este paradigma de investigación: la propia definición del capital social y el origen del mismo, las razones de su interés y los medios para hacerlo efectivo. Éstas y otras muchas son las interrogantes que nos hacemos ante un tema de gran actualidad y que está inmerso en las nuevas directrices del desarrollo rural.The idea of social capital has had a great acceptance in academic circles, as well as in public instances, as it is being considered as one of the most promising conceptual developments to explain the causes of the development or underdevelopment of a territory and, at the same time, to propose alternatives beyond the traditional investments in physical or human capital.
In spite of this, there are two problems little explored in this investigation paradigm: the very definition of the social capital and its origin, the reasons of its interest, and the means to make it effective. These and many other questions are the ones that we ask ourselves facing an up-to-date topic that it is also immersed in the new lines of the Rural Development
Pervivencia de los viejos oficios de Doñana: los carboneros
Tomo II ; págs. 385-39
Valor nutricional de los ácidos grasos de los peces de agua dulce neotropicales Prochilodus magdalenae, Pseudoplatystoma magdaleniatum y Ageneiosus pardalis
This study aimed to determine the nutritional value of the fatty acids in the freshwater fish Prochilodus magdalenae, Pseudoplatystoma magdaleniatum and Ageneiosus pardalis during dry and wet Neotropical seasons with the view to generate useful information for nutrition and sustainable commercial exploitation. The analysis of fatty acids was performed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry and the nutritional value was calculated using five estimators: n-6/n-3 ratio, unsaturation index (UI), atherogenicity index (AI), thrombogenicity index (TI) and ratio of hypocholesterolemic/hypercholesterolemic (h/H) fatty acids. A different number of fatty acids (P. magdaleniatum = 50, P. magdalenae = 41, and A. pardalis = 32) was identified for each species and the average abundance percentages were different in the two seasons (p < 0.05). Prochilodus magdalenae and P. magdaleniatum showed healthy n-6/n-3 ratios (1.04 and 2.72) in the different seasons. Although the three species showed low values of UI (0.37–0.63), the remaining nutritional indexes were within the healthy range (AI: 0.04–0.70, TI: 0.66–1.07, h/H: 0.80 – 24.40). Multivariate analysis showed similar healthy nutritional values for the species, with exception of P. magdaleniatum.En este estudio se determinó el valor nutricional de ácidos grasos presentes en las especies P. magdaleniatum, P. magdalenae y A. pardalis en los periodos lluvioso y seco, con el fin de generar información útil para una nutrición saludable y una explotación comercial sostenible. El análisis de los ácidos grasos se realizó por CG-EM y el valor nutricional se estimó mediante relación n-6/n-3, índices de insaturación (II), aterogenicidad (IA), trombogenicidad (IT) y relación de ácidos grasos hipocolesterolémicos/hipercolesterolémicos (h/H). Se identificaron números diferentes de ácidos grasos en cada especie (P. magdaleniatum = 50, P. magdalenae = 41 and A. pardalis = 32) y las medias de los porcentajes mayoritarios fueron diferentes en los dos periodos (p < 0,05). Las especies P. magdalenae y P. magdaleniatum mostraron relaciones n-6/n-3 saludables (1,04 y 2,72) en periodos diferentes. Aunque las tres especies mostraron valores II bajos (0,37-0,63), los demás índices IA (0,04-0,70), TI (0,66-1,07) y h/H (0,80 – 24,40) están dentro del rango saludable. El análisis multivariante mostró valores nutricionales similares en dos especies excepto P. magdaleniatum
El Coro de la UC3M celebra su 25 aniversario
El Coro de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid ha
celebrado su 25 aniversario ofreciendo el concierto
“25 años de música” en el Auditorio de la
UC3M el pasado mes de diciembre. El repertorio
estuvo compuesto por piezas de diversos estilos,
interpretadas a lo largo del cuarto siglo de existencia
del coro.Contiene: Entrevista a Nuria Fernández y Félix Márquez (pp. 29-31)
The Monist Cosmopolis. Five Counterhegemonic Theses from a Bioethics of the South
En este artículo se presentan cinco Tesis de crítica contrahegemónica que cuestionan el desarrollo cosmopolita de la racionalidad monista de la Modernidad, en su expansión colonial y deshumanizadora. El mundo de vida de los seres racionales es interpretable a partir de su entorno vital, histórico, cultural y natural. Los efectos perversos del avance del dominio tecnocientífico ha puesto en riesgo, a causa de las hegemonías de poder que sirven de fundamento a los procesos sociopolíticos y económicos del mercado neoliberal y global, las condiciones materiales de reproducción de la vida al negar el thelos de sostenibilidad que permite el reconocimiento de derechos humanos inherentes a la existencia para una evolución equitativa. Desde la diversidad de saberes ancestrales característicos de las culturas latinoamericanas, otras voces se levantan para uso de una hermenéutica heterotópica de la racionalidad en contextos donde los supuestos de otro deber ser se proponen en función de una bioética del Sur: el desafío es hacer viable la emergencia de derechos humanos más cónsonos con la satisfacción de una vida deseada en paz y felicidad, un diálogo que permita la comprensión del mundo de vida donde un buen vivir sea el resultado de una convivencia solidaria con los otros y la naturaleza.This article discusses five theses of counterhegemonic critique that question the development of the monistic cosmopolitan rationality of modernity, in its colonial expansion and dehumanizing present. The life world of rational beings is interpretable from their vital, historical, cultural and natural environment. The perverse effects of the advance of techno-scientific domain has jeopardized —because of the hegemonies of power that underlie the sociopolitical and economic processes of the neoliberal and global market— the material conditions of reproduction of life by denying the thelos of sustainability which allows the recognition of inherent human rights to existence for equitable development. From the diversity of ancestral knowledge characteristic of Latin American cultures, other voices arise for the use of a heterotopic hermeneutic of rationality in contexts where the assumptions of another sense of “must” are proposed based on bioethics of the South: the challenge is to make viable the emergence of more consonant human rights with the satisfaction of a desired life in peace and happiness a dialogue to understanding the life world where good living (“buen vivir”) is the result of a harmonious coexistence with others and nature
Educational Development Units in Spain: Current status and emerging trends
Recent studies show that the character, function and goals of Educational Development Units (EDUs) in many countries are undergoing a shift, and they now tend to support universities and learning in a more comprehensive way. The status of Spanish EDUs, however, has not been studied in detail. The aim of this article is to describe the current status of 45 such units to explore the degree to which a similar shift can be observed. The data revealed clusters, from which four models were defined. The models illustrate the increasing diversity of functions and widening scope of practice within Spanish EDUs
Customer-oriented risk assessment in Network Utilities
For companies that distribute services such as telecommunications, water, energy, gas, etc., quality perceived by the customers has a strong impact on the fulfillment of financial goals, positively increasing the demand and negatively increasing the risk of customer churn (loss of customers). Failures by these companies may cause customer affection in a massive way, augmenting the intention to leave the company. Therefore, maintenance performance and specifically service reliability has a strong influence on financial goals. This paper proposes a methodology to evaluate the contribution of the maintenance department in economic terms, based on service unreliability by network failures. The developed methodology aims to provide an analysis of failures to facilitate decision making about maintenance (preventive/predictive and corrective) costs versus negative impacts in end-customer invoicing based on the probability of losing customers. Survival analysis of recurrent failures with the General Renewal Process distribution is used for this novel purpose with the intention to be applied as a standard procedure to calculate the expected maintenance financial impact, for a given period of time. Also, geographical areas of coverage are distinguished, enabling the comparison of different technical or management alternatives. Two case studies in a telecommunications services company are presented in order to illustrate the applicability of the methodology
Using Multi-Agent Transport Simulations to Assess the Impact of EV Charging Infrastructure Deployment
Over the last two decades, electrification has gained importance as a means to decarbonise the transport sector. As the number of Electric Vehicles (EVs)increases, it is important to consider broader system aspects as well, especially when deciding the type, coverage, size and location of the charging infrastructure required. In this article, a Multi-Agent model depicting long distance transport in Sweden is proposed, allowing to simulate different scenarios and enabling a more detailed analysis of the interaction between these vehicles and the charging infrastructure
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