603 research outputs found

    Distancia lingüística, a nivel fonético-fonológico, entre las lenguas china y española

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    A menudo nos encontramos obstáculos en el camino del aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras. Estos suelen ser numerosos si existe una gran distancia lingüística entre la lengua materna y la segunda lengua. Conocer las diferencias entre lenguas ayuda a salvar algunos de ellos. En el presente trabajo se tratan algunas de las diferencias que presentan las lenguas china y española a nivel fonético-fonológico. Conocer estas diferencias puede facilitar la tarea de sinólogos e hispanistas durante el aprendizaje de la otra lengua.We often come across some obstacles in the path of learning a foreign language. These tend to be numerous if there is a large linguistic distance between the mother language and the second language. Knowing the differences between those languages helps avoiding some of the difficulties. In the present paper we have worked with some differences that the Chinese and Spanish languages present at a phonetic-phonological level. Knowing these differences may facilitate the task of sinologists and hispanists during the process of learning the other language

    El problema arqueológico sanjuanino a comienzos del siglo XVII

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    Fil: Márquez Miranda, Fernando. Universidad Nacional de La Plat

    Un importante hallazgo para la lingüística aborigen : El libro inencontrable del P. Valdivia

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    Fil: Márquez Miranda, Fernando. Departamento de Arqueología y Etnografía; Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo; Universidad Nacional de La Plat

    Structure and application of antifreeze proteins from Antarctic bacteria

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scopus.Background: Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) production is a survival strategy of psychrophiles in ice. These proteins have potential in frozen food industry avoiding the damage in the structure of animal or vegetal foods. Moreover, there is not much information regarding the interaction of Antarctic bacterial AFPs with ice, and new determinations are needed to understand the behaviour of these proteins at the water/ice interface. Results: Different Antarctic places were screened for antifreeze activity and microorganisms were selected for the presence of thermal hysteresis in their crude extracts. Isolates GU1.7.1, GU3.1.1, and AFP5.1 showed higher thermal hysteresis and were characterized using a polyphasic approach. Studies using cucumber and zucchini samples showed cellular protection when samples were treated with partially purified AFPs or a commercial AFP as was determined using toluidine blue O and neutral red staining. Additionally, genome analysis of these isolates revealed the presence of genes that encode for putative AFPs. Deduced amino acids sequences from GU3.1.1 (gu3A and gu3B) and AFP5.1 (afp5A) showed high similarity to reported AFPs which crystal structures are solved, allowing then generating homology models. Modelled proteins showed a triangular prism form similar to β-helix AFPs with a linear distribution of threonine residues at one side of the prism that could correspond to the putative ice binding side. The statistically best models were used to build a protein-water system. Molecular dynamics simulations were then performed to compare the antifreezing behaviour of these AFPs at the ice/water interface. Docking and molecular dynamics simulations revealed that gu3B could have the most efficient antifreezing behavior, but gu3A could have a higher affinity for ice. Conclusions: AFPs from Antarctic microorganisms GU1.7.1, GU3.1.1 and AFP5.1 protect cellular structures of frozen food showing a potential for frozen food industry. Modeled proteins possess a β-helix structure, and molecular docking analysis revealed the AFP gu3B could be the most efficient AFPs in order to avoid the formation of ice crystals, even when gu3A has a higher affinity for ice. By determining the interaction of AFPs at the ice/water interface, it will be possible to understand the process of adaptation of psychrophilic bacteria to Antarctic ice.https://microbialcellfactories.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12934-017-0737-

    Self-Assembly Behavior of Amphiphilic Janus Dendrimers in Water: A Combined Experimental and Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics Simulation Approach

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    Indexación: Scopus.Acknowledgments: M.E.E.G. thank the Ph. D. scholarship (251115) from CONACyT. The authors would like to thank: Luis Elizalde-Herrera (CIQA) for his help running the NMR spectra; Gloria Macedo-Raygoza and Miguel J. Beltrán-García (UAG), for their help in the measuring of MALDI-TOF mass spectra; and Maricela Rodríguez-Nieto and Jorge Luis Menchaca (UANL), for their help with the AFM measurements. FDGN thanks to the USA Air Force Office of Scientific Research Awards.Amphiphilic Janus dendrimers (JDs) are repetitively branched molecules with hydrophilic and hydrophobic components that self-assemble in water to form a variety of morphologies, including vesicles analogous to liposomes with potential pharmaceutical and medical application. To date, the self-assembly of JDs has not been fully investigated thus it is important to gain insight into its mechanism and dependence on JDs’ molecular structure. In this study, the aggregation behavior in water of a second-generation bis-MPA JD was evaluated using experimental and computational methods. Dispersions of JDs in water were carried out using the thin-film hydration and ethanol injection methods. Resulting assemblies were characterized by dynamic light scattering, confocal microscopy, and atomic force microscopy. Furthermore, a coarse-grained molecular dynamics (CG-MD) simulation was performed to study the mechanism of JDs aggregation. The obtaining of assemblies in water with no interdigitated bilayers was confirmed by the experimental characterization and CG-MD simulation. Assemblies with dendrimersome characteristics were obtained using the ethanol injection method. The results of this study establish a relationship between the molecular structure of the JD and the properties of its aggregates in water. Thus, our findings could be relevant for the design of novel JDs with tailored assemblies suitable for drug delivery systems. © 2018 by the authors.https://www.mdpi.com/1420-3049/23/4/96

    Los Diaguitas y la guerra

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    Fil: Márquez Miranda, Fernando. Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina). Instituto del Museo


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    The origin of the Chinese writing is still a matter of great interest nowadays. In the present work we intend to expose certain aspects of this writing system, focusing our research on its origins and paying special attention to the mythological explanations that have been given in this regard. Four major characters of the Chinese mythology are exposed, around which myths about the beginning of this millenary writing have been focused on.El origen de la escritura china sigue siendo a día de hoy una cuestión que no deja de despertar gran interés. Con el presente trabajo pretendemos exponer ciertos aspectos de dicha escritura, centrando la investigación en sus orígenes y prestando una especial atención a las explicaciones mitológicas que se han dado al respecto. Se exponen cuatro personajes destacados de la mitología china en torno a los cuales se han centrado los mitos sobre el inicio de esta escritura milenaria

    Existencia de tierras habitadas al oeste de las columnas de Hércules : Noticias tradicionales en la Antigüedad

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    No hay duda alguna de la existencia, en la mente de los sabios griegos, ya.de confusas adivinaciones, ya de tradiciones y leyendas que -deformadas al pasar de boca en boca por el solo vehículo de la tradición oral- solían cobrar forma permanente al ser expuestas en sus obras y propagadas en sus enseñanzas. El mar fué siempre para los antiguos una fuente perenne de encantadoras fantasías. Pobláronlo de monstruos espantables, tal como aquella ballena que tragara a Jonás en el relato bíblico, y de admirables seres, cual aquellas sirenas que en vano intentaron seducir al ingenioso Ulises. No es extraño pues, que quisieran los sutiles griegos conocer el secreto que encerraban sus ondas hurañas.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Abanico específico cultural en torno al fenómeno homófono en lengua china

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    La lengua china tiene ciertas características que la hacen singular y que provocan que resulte increíblemente difícil para algunos y extremadamente atractiva para otros. Se podría afirmar que una de ellas es su gran cantidad de palabras homófonas y las peculiaridades que ello conlleva. Dicha característica, no solo ha despertado el interés de lingüistas y pensadores, si no que además es posible que haya sido decisiva durante el proceso evolutivo natural de la lengua, hasta conformarla tal y como la conocemos hoy. En la presente investigación se procura indagar acerca de ciertos elementos que, debido al fenómeno homófono, han adquirido una carga simbólica específica para los miembros de la cultura china y que a su vez no solo están presentes en su lengua, sino que son usados con frecuencia, siendo así, a nuestro parecer, uno de los enlaces más importantes de la relación íntima e inseparable entre su lengua y su cultura.Chinese language has certain characteristics that make it unique, being at the same time extremely difficult for some people and highly attractive for some others. One of the features that make Chinese language fascinating is the large amount of homophones and the peculiarities that this entails. This fact has not only fostered the interest of linguists and thinkers, it has also been decisive within the evolution of the language itself, shaping it the way we know it today. The purpose of this research aims to investigate those elements that have acquired certain symbolic charge due to the homophone phenomenon in the Chinese culture, which are comprised within the language and are frequently used, being so, as we reckon, one of the most important features of the indivisible relation between the language and the culture

    La navegación primitiva y las canoas monoxilas (Contribución a su estudio)

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    El problema de la navegación en los tiempos primitivos ha cobrado, por estudios de reciente data, un interés especial. Me refiero, sobre todo, a las cuestiones suscitadas por las teorías del doctor Paul Rivet, secretario general del Instituto de Etnología de la Universidad de París, y cuyo nombre es ya mundialmente conocido entre los cultores de las diversas disciplinas que se agrupan bajo el rótulo general de «americanismo», o «estudios americanistas». El profesor Rivet, después de repetidas oscilaciones de su pensamiento respecto de la ruta seguida por los pueblos de origen oceánico en sus migraciones a América, parece haberse decidido al fin por la del camino rumoroso y cambiante del mar, apoyándose, a tal efecto, en una arriesgada hipótesis del sociólogo Mauss. Ahora bien, no es mi propósito intervenir en tal debate. Más modestamente, sólo deseo ocuparme de las canoas simples, monoxilas, y no de aquellas más complejas, de doble balancín que, según Rivet y Mauss, habrían sido las utilizadas para aquellas migraciones.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse
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