236 research outputs found

    O fenómeno backpacker e os seus padrões de movimento espaciotemporal no destino urbano Porto

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    O advento das companhias aéreas de baixo custo tem contribuído para o aumento do número de jovens que viajam, em especial do segmento backpacker, fenómeno heterogéneo e complexo, que tem despertado internacionalmente o interesse de vários investigadores. Reconhecida a sua relevância económica e social, as relações entre os determinantes do seu comportamento espaciotemporal e os padrões de movimentos intradestino deste segmento não foram ainda devidamente investigadas. Apesar de alguns estudos no âmbito da Geografia e do Turismo já terem analisado os padrões de comportamento espaciotemporal de turistas, quer em viagens multidestino quer no âmbito intradestino, o segmento dos turistas jovens tem sido ignorado. Esta investigação tem como objetivo principal fornecer uma visão abrangente das tendências do turismo backpacker no destino urbano Porto e analisar os seus padrões de comportamento espaciotemporal durante um dia de visita. A recolha dos dados foi realizada através da aplicação de um inquérito por questionário a backpackers hospedados em vários hostels na cidade do Porto e através da utilização do Sistema de Posicionamento Global inserido na aplicação de smartphone “Open GPS Tracker”, com a qual se realizaram os rastreamentos dos seus movimentos. A análise espacial foi efetuada com recurso ao software QGIS 3.2.0 tendo sido construído um conjunto de mapas temáticos que permitiram uma análise mais pormenorizada dos movimentos efetuados. A utilização do software ClustalG possibilitou a execução do alinhamento sequencial múltiplo (ASM) de todos os movimentos rastreados e a criação de uma árvore taxonómica que revelou a existência de dez grupos/clusters de backpackers tendo em conta os territórios visitados, o tempo de permanência nos mesmos e a sequência em que essas visitas foram efetuadas. O ASM permitiu concluir que o segmento de turistas backpackers consome e experiencia o destino Porto de maneira distinta. Procedeu-se ainda à análise estatística descritiva e inferencial dos dados recolhidos através do software IBM SPSS 22.0 tendo-se testado um conjunto de hipóteses através de testes estatísticos não paramétricos. Concluiu-se que o mercado backpacker tem uma grande relevância económica e que o estudo do seu comportamento espaciotemporal pode contribuir para uma melhor organização e estruturação do destino. Salienta-se ainda a importância das fontes de informação utilizadas durante a visita com impacto ao nível da locomoção, orientação e intensidade.The emergence and expansion of low-cost airlines have contributed to the growth in the number of young people who travel annually, especially the backpacker segment, an heterogeneous and complex phenomenon that has attracted the interest of several researchers around the world. Recognized its economic and social relevance, the relationships between the determinants of its space-time behaviour and the intradestination movement patterns of this segment have not yet been properly investigated. Even though studies in the field of Geography and Tourism have already analysed space-time behaviour patterns of tourists in a multidestination and intradestination travels, the segment of backpackers has been ignored. This research aims to provide a comprehensive overview of backpacker tourism trends in Porto urban destination and to analyse the patterns of their space-time behaviour during a day's visit. Data were collected through the administration of a questionnaire survey to backpackers staying in different hostels in Porto and through the use of a free open licence global positioning system (GPS) smartphone application known as “Open GPS Tracker” with which their movements were tracked. A spatial analysis was conducted using QGIS 3.2.0 software through which a set of thematic maps were performed, allowing a more detailed analysis of the tourist’s movements. ClustalG software enabled the multiple sequential alignment (MSA) of all tracked movements and the creation of a taxonomic tree that revealed the existence of ten backpacker groups/clusters according to the visited areas, time spent in them and the sequence in which these visits were made. Multiple sequence alignment allowed us to conclude that backpacker tourist segment consumes and experiences Porto in a different way. Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis of the collected data was also performed using IBM SPSS 22.0 software and a set of hypotheses was tested through non-parametric statistical tests. It was concluded that the backpacker market has great economic relevance and the study of its space-time behaviour can contribute to a better organized and structured destination. The importance of touristic information sources used by backpackers during their visit is also emphasized due to its impact on locomotion, wayfinding and intensity.Programa Doutoral em Turism

    Moderate but not low intensity aerobic exercise promotes postexercise hypotension in older adults with hypertension and regular exercise participation

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    The reduction in blood pressure as a result of a single session of exercise seems especially relevant for assisting in the control of blood pressure during day-time periods when blood pressure is typically at its highest levels and to allow the performance of activities of daily living at lower levels of blood pressure. Despite evidence related to post-exercise blood pressure reduction as a result of a single session of aerobic exercise in adults with hypertension, there is a lack of studies enrolling adults with hypertension and regular exercise participation. The results could be less predictable in this group of subjects, because the magnitude of the acute effect could be lower due to a better blood pressure control in response to the regular exercise practice. Previous studies showed that exercise intensity could influence the blood pressure response after exercise cessation. To compare the effects of low (30% heart rate reserve, HRres) and moderate (60% HRres) intensity on the blood pressure response immediately following aerobic exercise in older adults with hypertension and regular exercise participation. We aim to determine whether the phenomenon designated as postexercise hypotension, i.e. the transient reduction in blood pressure in the period after exercise to values less than those observed before exercise, is modulated by exercise intensity. 19 older adults (12 women; age: 66.0±1.7 years; weight: 65.8±8.5 kg; BMI: 24.8±2.6 kg/m2) who exercise at least 3 times per week on a regular basis, completed two randomly assigned aerobic exercise bouts at low (30% heart rate reserve, HRres) and moderate (60% HRres) lasting 30 minutes each. The exercise bouts were performed in the morning (9 a.m.), 7 days apart from each other, on a treadmill.Anthropometric variables, medication status and clinical history were collected. Blood pressure was measured at baseline after 10 min of rest, at 10 min after exercise, and at every hour until 6 hours post exercise. Over the course of 6 hours, systolic and diastolic blood pressure did not change significantly after the low intensity exercise bout in comparison to the baseline values (134.9±14.5 mmHg and 80.0±8.0 mmHg, respectively). In the moderate exercise bout, the systolic pressure at 1 hour (125.3±15.3 mmHg, p=0.029) and up to 5 (126.2±17.1 mmHg, p=0.041) and 6 hours (126.3±13.8 mmHg, p=0.040) postexercise was significantly lower in comparison with baseline (135.0±16.0 mmHg). Diastolic pressure did not change. A single session of moderate aerobic exercise acutely reduces blood pressure in hypertensive older adults with regular exercise practice and may be a nonpharmacological coadjuvant tool to control hypertension in this age group. The intensity of exercise seemed to be a key factor to post-exercise blood pressure reduction. Even hypertensive subjects with regular exercise practice benefit from an acute bout of exercise. These results add evidence supporting the importance of aerobic exercise as a non-pharmacological strategy to control hypertension.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Como consomem os turistas um destino de enoturismo no Centro de Portugal? Uma análise espaciotemporal

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    Space-time tourist behaviour is influenced by numerous factors related both to tourists and the destination. Yet, however complex it may be, understanding and to some extent managing the way tourists move in space and time is crucial to ensuring the quality of their experience, as well as the effective and sustainable management of destinations and attractions. In the rural wine tourism context, studies on space-time behaviour are rare. The present study uses empirical data collected from tourists staying in hotels of the Bairrada Wine Route territory (N = 116), combining a GPS tracking study with a questionnaire survey. Using a time-geographical analytical approach, the GPS tracking data were mapped for a more detailed analysis of the tourists’ movements in the Bairrada terroir. The findings highlight specificities of tourist consumption in the context of rural wine regions and provide valuable insights for destination planning, service design and marketing of the Bairrada Wine Route.O comportamento turístico espaciotemporal é influenciado por diversos fatores relacionados tanto com os turistas como com o destino. No entanto, por complexo que seja, compreender e, em certa medida, gerir a forma como os turistas se movem no espaço e no tempo é crucial para assegurar a qualidade da sua experiência, bem como a gestão eficaz e sustentável de destinos e atrações. No contexto do enoturismo, são raros os estudos sobre o comportamento espaciotemporal. O presente estudo utiliza dados empíricos recolhidos junto de turistas alojados em hotéis do território da Rota do Vinho da Bairrada (N= 116), combinando um estudo de rastreamento por GPS com um inquérito por questionário. Utilizando uma perspetiva temporal de análise, os dados de rastreamento por GPS foram mapeados para o estudo mais aprofundado dos movimentos dos turistas no terroir da Bairrada. Os resultados destacam as especificidades do consumo turístico no contexto das regiões vitivinícolas e fornecem informações relevantes para o planeamento do destino, conceção do serviço e marketing da Rota do Vinho da Bairrada.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Delivering satisfaction and brand equity from consumer’s CSR perception: the mediating role of hedonic and utilitarian motivations in the online food delivery services

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    This study aims to evaluate the consumer perception of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on brand equity and customer satisfaction of users of food delivery mobile apps. It presents a new perspective by proposing a scale adapted from the CSRConsPersScale. The results indicate a positive and significant influence of CSR in all the dependent variables tested, confirming that CSR initiatives contribute to the construction of brand associations and positively impact satisfaction and brand equity, increasing the likelihood of recommendations. Our findings also suggest that the effect on brand equity is not uniform for hedonic and utilitarian consumers

    Ossifying odontogenic fibroma: a rare case report

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    Odontogenic fibroma (OF) is a rare benign odontogenic neoplasm that is most commonly found in the mandibular/ premolar region of female patients in the second to fourth decades of life. Well-defined radiolucent lesions that may induce root resorption are normally observed. Rare variants of OF have been described in the prior literature, including references to: 1) giant cell lesions, 2) amyloid-like protein deposition, and 3) ossifying variants. Immuno - histochemistry can contribute to understanding the biological behavior and the pathogenesis of OF. Therefore, this case report aimed to describe a new case of ossifying OF and discuss the histopathology and immunohistochemical features

    Quality of life of people with intestinal stomas

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    Objetivo: conocer la calidad de vida de las personas con estomas intestinales. Métodos: estudio cualitativo descriptivo de 26 ostomizados, con dos o más años de estoma definitivo diagnóstico previo de cáncer colorrectal, de 18 años atendido en el Cuidado Personas portadoras de ostomías. La recolección de datos tuvo lugar entre agosto y septiembre de 2012 a través de entrevista semiestructurada después presentó el análisis de contenido de Bardin. Parecer de aprobación de CEP de la Escola de Enfermagem Magalhães Barata/UEPA (98 242). Resultados: ostomizados son sujetos a la reducción de la calidad de vida por diferentes vías: la autoimagen deteriorada, vergüenza, sentimientos de incapacidad, deterioro en las relaciones interpersonales y cambios en las actividades diarias. Consideraciones finales: es importante identificar los cambios y medios posibles para romper las barreras emocionales, físicas y sociales, proporcionando volver a la vida anterior y una mejor calidad de vida

    Environmental approach of companies within the pulp/paper, metallurgical and sugar/alcohol sectors

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    As empresas têm presenciado transformações amplas no ambiente em que estão inseridas e, com o intuito de auxiliar no planejamento estratégico das empresas, têm sido desenvolvidos modelos ambientais. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a conduta ambiental de empresas dos setores de Celulose e Papel, Siderúrgico e Sucroalcooleiro, de forma a verificar as suas performances em termos ambientais. Essa análise baseou-se em uma matriz que relaciona as funções gerenciais com um conjunto de indicadores de conduta e performance ambiental, classificando a conduta ambiental das empresas como fraca, intermediária ou forte. As funções gerenciais abordadas nesse modelo são: administração (Geral, Jurídica, Financeira, Recursos Humanos e Compras); Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento; Produção e Manutenção; e Marketing. Dentre os indicadores analisados destacam-se: inserção internacional; origem de capital e localização. As empresas de Celulose e Papel e Siderúrgicas apresentaram uma pontuação média de 54,50 e 51,56 pontos, respectivamente, sendo classificadas com uma conduta ambiental forte. Por outro lado, as empresas sucroalcooleiras apresentaram uma pontuação média de 46,00 pontos, que as classificaram com uma conduta ambiental intermediária. O nível mais elevado de performance ambiental apresentado pelas empresas dos setores de Celulose e Papel e Siderúrgico pode ser atribuído aos seguintes fatores: maior inserção internacional, presença de capital estrangeiro no controle acionário, atuação no mercado internacional e localização dessas empresas nas proximidades dos grandes centros populacionais. As empresas de Celulose e Papel e principalmente as sucroalcooleiras são menos eficientes no atendimento aos requisitos da legislação ambiental, particularmente quanto à conformidade das áreas de preservação permanente e de reserva legal.Companies have been witnessing major changes in their environment and environmental models have been developed aiming to improve their strategic planning. The objective of this study was to examine the environmental approach adopted by companies within the Pulp and Paper, Metallurgical and Sugar and Alcohol sectors, in order to evaluate their environmental performances. The analysis was based on a matrix which relates managerial functions with a set of environmental approaches and performance indicators, classifying the company environmental performance as weak, moderate or strong. The managerial functions approached in this model are: Management (General, Legal Affairs, Finance, Human Resources and Purchasing); Product and Process Development; Production and Maintenance; and Marketing. The analyzed indicators include: international insertion; capital origin and location. The pulp and paper and metallurgical companies obtained average scores of 54.5 and 51.56 points, respectively, being classified as having a strong environmental performance. On the other hand, the sugar and alcohol companies obtained average score of 46 points, being classified as moderate in environmental performance. The high level of environmental performance of pulp and paper and metallurgical companies can be attributed to the following factors: larger international insertion, presence of foreign capital in controlling shares, performance in the international market and company location near large population centers. Pulp and paper and mainly sugar and alcohol companies are less efficient in meeting the requirements of the environmental legislation, particularly those related to the conformity of permanent protected areas and legal reserves

    Pesquisa científica com Ideb em meio a pandemia de Covid-19: Uma análise de experiência municipal

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    This paper aims to report with the community part of the results found in a research project from a survey on the analysis of Ideb in Elementary and High Scholl in public schools. Taking this context into account, this study points out some factors that intend to continue empirical research during the new coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic, due to the impossibility to attend the schools in this study to collect specific information, such as pedagogical, curricular, and administrative along with school managers, which limited the analysis of Ideb data under the interviewee's professional point of view. Even with the recommendations of social distancing, the research in question has not stopped. The way found for scholarship students to continue the data collection allows for some challenges to overcome, such as digital technology aligned with the research purpose, results from an articulated set of actions, practices, and resources developed by the researchers in question.  Este artigo tem como objetivo relatar parte dos resultados encontrados em um projeto de pesquisa sobre a análise do Ideb em escolas da rede pública de ensino da educação básica. A partir dessa conjuntura, o texto aponta alguns fatores que tencionam a continuidade de pesquisa empírica durante a pandemia do novo coronavírus, diante da impossibilidade de visitarmos presencialmente as escolas em estudo e recolher informações específicas - pedagógicas, curriculares e administrativas -  junto aos gestores escolares, o que limitou as análises dos dados do Ideb à perspectiva profissional do entrevistado. Mesmo com as recomendações de distanciamento social, a pesquisa em questão não parou. A forma encontrada para que os estudantes bolsistas dessem continuidade a coleta de dados permitem apresentar alguns desafios a serem superados, entre outros, o uso das tecnologias digitais alinhadas às finalidades da pesquisa, resultado de um conjunto articulado de ações, práticas e de recursos desenvolvidos para continuidade da pesquisa em questão