25 research outputs found

    First report of an Onchocercidae worm infecting Psychodopygus carrerai carrerai sandfly, a putative vector of Leishmania braziliensis in the Amazon

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    Sandflies are insects of public health interest due to their role as vectors of parasites of the genus Leishmania, as well as other pathogens. Psychodopygus carrerai carrerai is considered an important sylvatic vector of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis in Amazonia. In this study, sandflies were collected in a forested area in the Xapuri municipality, in the State of Acre (Northern Brazil). Two Ps. carrerai carrerai females were found parasitized with a larval form of a filarial worm, one in the labium of the proboscis, the other after the head was squashed, suggesting they were infective larvae. Sandflies were identified through morphological characters as well as amplification and sequencing of the cytochrome oxidase gene (COI). This was the first sequence obtained for Ps. carrerai carrerai for this marker. The obtained nematodes were also characterized through direct sequencing of a fragment of COI and 12S genes, both mitochondrial, and ITS1, a nuclear marker. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that the filarial nematodes belong to a species without sequences for these markers in the database, part of family Onchocercidade and closely related to genus Onchocerca (12S tree). Although sandfly infection with nematodes including members of the Onchocercidae has been reported in the Old World, this is the first report of sandfly infection by a member of the Onchocercidae family in the New World, to the best of our knowledge. Considering that the phylogenetic relationships and location in the insect, it can be expected that this is a parasite of mammals and the transmission cycle should be clarified.publishersversionpublishe

    A Lei de Terras no Brasil Império e os índios do Planalto Meridional: a luta política e diplomática do Kaingang Vitorino Condá (1845-1870)

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    RESUMO O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar a legislação de terras do Brasil Império com base na sua principal lei, a Lei de Terras - as condições em que foi forjada, bem como sua influência sobre as terras indígenas do Planalto Meridional. O foco da investigação é a luta do Kaingang Vitorino Condá por suas terras, a partir de seu encontro político com o Conde de Caxias em 1845, até sua morte em 1870. As ações políticas e diplomáticas dos povos originários, que atuavam dentro da legislação e fora dela, se não dominavam totalmente as estratégias jurídicas dos invasores de suas terras, tiravam proveito delas em suas possibilidades de interpretação, o que permitiu a permanência de linhas de ações com estabelecimento de um espaço onde foi possível criar as próximas gerações e afirmar a continuidade de seu povo

    Participatory management in SUS through integrating education, and community service: the experience of a family health league as a project of University extension in Fortaleza - Ceará

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    As a result of the experience of two public universities and a private one, the Extension Project "Family Health League" (LSF) introduced a participative management strategy in the field of education of health professionals, with the support of power-ideas such as permanent education in health, popular education, multiprofessional and interdisciplinary groups, primary health attention, family health strategy, participative methodologies and practice inserted in a live territory. This report aims to introduce an experience of integrating teaching to community service through the Family Health League Extension Project (LSF), in the context of the Health-School Municipal System (SMSE) in the city of Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. This experience was planned in the spirit of participative management in the National Health System (SUS). The proposal of LSF emerges, in the SMSE, from a recommendation supported by the city's health system which aimed at improving co-management spaces of education and services and used the methods of circle discussion and inverted tent. The protagonism of the project members and of the community in the organization of the project's activities and the amplification of a critical view over social reality and health work are amongst the major advances which emerged from this experience. This project has made possible the integration of teaching, health service and community, from the perspective of a communicative and participative management.Fruto da experiência de duas universidades públicas e uma privada, o Projeto de Extensão Liga Saúde da Família (LSF) constitui-se numa estratégia de gestão participativa no campo da formação de profissionais da área da saúde, com base nos conceitos de educação permanente em saúde, educação popular em saúde, equipe multiprofissional e interdisciplinar, atenção primária à saúde, promoção da saúde, estratégia saúde da família, metodologias participativas de pesquisa e atuação inserida no território vivo. Este relato apresenta a experiência da integração ensino-serviço-comunidade por meio do Projeto de Extensão Liga Saúde da Família, no contexto do Sistema Municipal de Saúde Escola (SMSE), em Fortaleza-Ceará, que dialoga com a gestão participativa no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Esta proposta do LSF foi implantada no SMSE a partir de uma ação apoiada pelo sistema de saúde de Fortaleza que visa potencializar os espaços de co-gestão docente-assistencial, por meio da proposta do método da roda e da tenda invertida. O protagonismo dos integrantes e da comunidade na construção das atividades do projeto e a ampliação do olhar crítico sobre a realidade social e do trabalho em saúde estão entre os maiores avanços surgidos dessa experiência. Esse projeto permitiu a integração ensino - serviço - comunidade, atendendo a uma perspectiva de gestão participativa e dialógica

    Zumbido e intolerância a sons : evidência e experiência de um grupo brasileiro

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    Introdução Zumbido e intolerância a sons são queixas frequentes e subjetivas que podem ter impacto na qualidade de vida do paciente. Objetivo Apresentar uma revisão dos principais pontos, inclusive conceitos, fisiopatologia, diagnóstico e abordagem do paciente com zumbido e sensibilidade a sons. Método Revisão da literatura com levantamento bibliográfico na base de dados da LILACS, SciELO, Pubmed e MEDLINE. Foram selecionados artigos e capítulos de livros sobre zumbido e sensibilidade a sons. Os diversos tópicos foram discutidos por um grupo de profissionais brasileiros e as conclusões, descritas. Resultado A prevalência de zumbido tem aumentado ao longo dos anos, muitas vezes associado a perda auditiva, fatores metabólicos e erros alimentares. A avaliação médica deve ser feita minuciosamente no sentido de orientar a solicitação de exames subsidiários. Os tratamentos disponíveis atualmente variam de medicamentos ao uso de sons com características específicas e técnicas de meditação, com resultados variáveis. Conclusão Foi apresentada uma revisão sobre os temas que permitindo ao leitor uma visão ampla da abordagem dos pacientes com zumbido e sensibilidade auditiva baseada em evidências científicas e experiência nacional.Introduction Tinnitus and sound intolerance are frequent and subjective complaints that may have an impact on a patient's quality of life. Objective To present a review of the salient points including concepts, pathophysiology, diagnosis and approach of the patient with tinnitus and sensitivity to sounds. Methods Literature review with bibliographic survey in LILACS, SciELO, Pubmed and MEDLINE database. Articles and book chapters on tinnitus and sound sensitivity were selected. The several topics were discussed by a group of Brazilian professionals and the conclusions were described. Results The prevalence of tinnitus has increased over the years, often associated with hearing loss, metabolic factors and inadequate diet. Medical evaluation should be performed carefully to guide the request of subsidiary exams. Currently available treatments range from medications to the use of sounds with specific characteristics and meditation techniques, with variable results. Conclusion A review on tinnitus and auditory sensitivity was presented, allowing the reader a broad view of the approach to these patients, based on scientific evidence and national experience

    Aspectos da fauna flebotomínea (Diptera: Psychodidae) e da infecção por Leishmania spp. em cães domésticos em uma área de alta incidência de Leishmaniose Tegumentar em Rio Branco, Acre

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    Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T16:48:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) marcia_avila_ioc_dout_2018.pdf: 3402511 bytes, checksum: b30e3185ea2bc1a3e1e14473e389c40c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.Os flebotomíneos (Diptera: Psychodidae) são insetos de importância médica pelo envolvimento no ciclo zoonótico de transmissão de Leishmania aos vertebrados. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar os aspectos ecológicos da fauna de flebotomíneos e da infecção por Leishmania nesses insetos e em cães domésticos, em áreas ambientes rurais e urbanos do município de Rio Branco, Estado do Acre. Para o estudo da fauna de flebotomíneos foram utilizadas armadilhas de Shannon e HP luminosa por 13 meses consecutivos (Dezembro de 2014 a Janeiro de 2016). Para investigação da infecção natural por Leishmania e fonte alimentar, amostras de DNA foram extraídas de fêmeas de flebotomíneos e submetidas à reação em cadeia polimerase (PCR) utilizando os iniciadores para as regiões ITS1 e cyt b; as espécies de Leishmania e fonte alimentar foram identificadas por blast. Um total, 2.517 indivíduos foram coletados, e 43 espécies foram identificadas. Trichophoromyia auraensis (839 \2013 33,35%), Trichophoromyia ssp. (537 \2013 21,35%) e Evandromyia saulensis (187 \2013 7,43%) foram as espécies mais abundantes. A riqueza de espécies foi maior no ambiente rural (S = 41 espécies) do que no parque urbano (S = 26 espécies), o ambiente florestal (43 espécies) foi mais rico do que o peridomicílio (28 espécies). Na análise comparativa da riqueza de espécies coletadas no ambiente peridomiciliar (rural) não apresentou diferença significativa (H= 0,04; p >0,05), porém com um número maior de espécies no ambiente rural (mata) DNA de Leishmania foi sequenciado de amplificação de treze amostras e a presença confirmada de Leishmania (Vianna) braziliensis em: Trichophoromyia auraensis \2013 1, Evandromyia saulensis - 2, Evandromyia walkeri - 2, Psychodopygus llanosmartins - 1, Pintomyia nevesi - 2, Psychodopygus davisi - 1, Psychodopygus ayrozai - 1, Psathyromyia aragaoi - 1, Nyssomyia antunesi - 1, Evandromyia infraspinosa \2013 1. Apenas uma amostra de Psychodopygus ayrozai foi similar à sequência de Leishmania (Vianna) guyanensis. Na análise microscópica, cinco espécies de Evandromyia saulensis apresentaram formas flageladas no intestino posterior, sugestivas a infecção por Leishmania e a taxa de infecção foi de 2,4%. Um total de 33 fêmeas ingurgitadas foi submetido à amplificação do gene cyt b. Após o sequenciamento todas as amostras foram similares à sequência depositada no GenBank da espécie Gallus gallus. No diagnóstico da infecção canina por Leishmania foram coletadas amostras de sangue periférico de 55 animais, para análise microscópica através de esfregaços em lâminas coradas com Giemsa e por PCR avaliando uma região do ITS1. As lâminas de esfregaço do sangue periférico dos cães não apresentaram nenhuma forma sugestiva de Leshmania, contudo foi evidenciada a presença de alguns hemoparasitas. O DNA de Leishmania ssp. foi amplificado em três amostras de sangue periférico, para posterior sequenciamento e identificação da espécie. Com os dados obtidos nesse estudo foi possível ampliar o conhecimento do ciclo da LT em Rio Branco e fornecer informações acerca dos aspectos ecológicos, fonte alimentar dos flebotomíneos e ciclo de transmissão do parasita na região.Phlebotomines (Diptera: Psychodidae) are insects of medical importance due to their involvement in the zoonotic cycle of transmission of Leishmania to vertebrates. The objective of this work was to study the ecological aspects of sandfly fauna and Leishmania infection in these insects and in domestic dogs, in rural and urban environments of the municipality of Rio Branco, State of Acre. For the study of sandfly fauna, Shannon and HP luminous traps were used for 13 consecutive months (December 2014 to January 2016). To investigate the natural infection by Leishmania and food source, DNA samples were extracted from females of sandflies and submitted to the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using the primers for the ITS1 and cyt b regions; Leishmania species and food source were identified by blast. A total of 2,517 individuals were collected, and 43 species were identified. Trichophoromyia auraensis (839-33.35%), Trichophoromyia ssp. (537 - 21.35%) and Evandromyia saulensis (187 - 7.43%) were the most abundant species. The species richness was higher in the rural environment (S = 41 species) than in the urban park (S = 26 species), the forest environment (43 species) was richer than the peridomicile (28 species). In the comparative analysis of the richness of species collected in the peridomiciliary (rural) environment, there was no significant difference (H = 0.04, p> 0.05), but with a larger number of species in the rural environment (forest) Leishmania DNA was sequenced with amplification of thirteen samples and the confirmed presence of Leishmania (Vianna) braziliensis in: Trichophoromyia auraensis - 1, Evandromyia saulensis - 2, Evandromyia walkeri - 2, Psychodopygus llanosmartinsi - 1, Pintomyia nevesi - 2, Psychodopygus davisi - 1, Psychodopygus ayrozai - 1, Psathyromyia aragaoi - 1, Nyssomyia antunesi - 1, Evandromyia infraspinosa - 1. Only one sample of Psychodopygus ayrozai was similar to the Leishmania (Vianna) guyanensis sequence. In the microscopic analysis, five species of Evandromyia saulensis showed flagellate forms in the posterior intestine, suggestive of Leishmania infection and the infection rate was 2.4%. A total of 33 engorged females were submitted to cyt b gene amplification. After sequencing all the samples were similar to the sequence deposited on GenBank of Gallus gallus species. In the diagnosis of canine infection by Leishmania, peripheral blood samples from 55 animals were collected for microscopic analysis by smears on Giemsa stained slides and by PCR evaluating an ITS1 region. The smear blades of the peripheral blood of the dogs did not present any form suggestive of Leshmania, however was evidenced the presence of some hemoparasites. The DNA of Leishmania ssp. was amplified in three samples of peripheral blood, for later sequencing and identification of the species. With the data obtained in this study, it was possible to increase the knowledge of the LT cycle in Rio Branco and to provide information about the ecological aspects, feeding source of sandflies and the transmission cycle of the parasite in the region

    Sciopemyia vattierae (Le Pont & Desjeux, 1992) (Diptera, Psychodidae, Phlebotominae): new record from Acre state, Brazil

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    Sciopemyia vattierae (Le Pont & Desjeux, 1992) (Diptera, Psychodidae, Phlebotominae) is reported for the first time from Brazil. Five male and 4 female specimens were collected using HP light traps set up in a rural area of the municipality of Rio Branco, state of Acre, Brazil, from December 2014 to January 2016. This species was previously known only in Bolivia, Peru, and Colombia. Our new record extends the known distribution of S. vattierae to the Amazonian region of Acre and represents a new national record for Brazil

    Ecology, feeding and natural infection by Leishmania spp. of phlebotomine sand flies in an area of high incidence of American tegumentary leishmaniasis in the municipality of Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil

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    Abstract Background Phlebotomine sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) are insects of medical importance due to their involvement in the zoonotic transmission of Leishmania spp. to vertebrates. The aim of this work was to study the ecology of the sand fly fauna of two types of environments, a rural environment (the Transacreana Road) and an urban park (Horto Florestal Park), both located in the municipality of Rio Branco in the state of Acre, Brazil. Additionally, this study intended to investigate Leishmania infection and blood meal sources of these sand flies using molecular techniques. Methods The sand fly fauna was studied in different environments (i.e. forest and peridomestic environments in a rural area, and an urban forest) using Shannon traps and HP light traps to collect sand fly specimens over 13 consecutive months (December 2014 to January 2016). For investigating natural infection by Leishmania and the source of sand fly blood meals, DNA samples were extracted from female sand flies and subjected to polymerase chain reaction targeting ITS1 and cytb genes. DNA sequencing was subsequently used to identify species of Leishmania and the source of blood meals. Results A total of 2515 individual sand flies of 43 species were collected and identified, Trichophoromyia auraensis (839; 33.35%), Trichophoromyia spp. (537; 21.35%) and Evandromyia saulensis (187; 7.43%) were more abundant in the rural area (S = 41 species) than in the urban forest. No significant differences were found in species richness between forest and peridomestic environments in the rural area (H = 0.04; P > 0.05), but a larger number of species was found in the forest. Leishmania DNA was sequenced in 13 samples, confirming the presence of L. (V.) braziliensis in Th. auraensis (n = 1), Ev. saulensis (n = 2), Ev. walkeri (n = 1), Ps. llanosmartinsi (n = 1), Pi. nevesi (n = 2), Ps. davisi (n = 1), Ps. ayrozai (n = 1), Pa. aragaoi (n = 1), Ny. antunesi (n = 1) and Ev. infraspinosa (n = 1). Only Ps. ayrozai possessed a sequence similar to that of L. (V.) guyanensis (99%). Through microscopic analysis, five specimens of Ev. saulensis were found to possess flagellate forms in the hindgut, with an infection rate of 2.4%. Samples from 33 fed females were submitted to cytb gene amplification, for which sequencing determined that all were similar to the sequence deposited on GenBank for Gallus gallus (domestic chicken). Conclusions The high abundance of Trichophoromyia auraensis and Ev. saulensis, and the detection of L. (V.) braziliensis DNA, suggests that both species may be vectors of American tegumentary leishmaniasis. Psychodopygus ayrozai was found to be infected by L. (V) braziliesnsis and L. (V.) guyanensis, and although collected in low abundance, it may be a potential vector in the region. The sand fly fauna was found to be rich and diverse with predominance of the genus Psychodopygus. Identification of food sources of fed females showed that 100% amplified a gene region compatible with the domestic chicken, which although considered refractory in the disease transmission cycle, may have an influence on the population dynamics of sand flies

    Attractiveness of black and white modified Shannon traps to phlebotomine sandflies (Diptera, Psychodidae) in the Brazilian Amazon Basin, an area of intense transmission of American cutaneous leishmaniasis

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    In the Amazon region the phlebotomine fauna is considered one of the most diverse in the world. The use of Shannon traps may provide information on the anthropophily of the species and improve the traps’ performance in terms of diversity and quantity of insects collected when white and black colored traps are used together. This study sought to verify the attractiveness of the traps to the phlebotomine species of the Brazilian Amazon basin using Shannon traps under these conditions. The insects were collected using two Shannon traps installed side by side, one white and the other black, in a primary forest area of the municipality of Xapuri, Acre, Brazil. Samples were collected once a month during the period August 2013 to July 2015. A sample of females was dissected to test for natural infection by flagellates. A total of 6,309 (864 males and 5,445 females) specimens (36 species) were collected. Psychodopygus carrerai carrerai (42%), Nyssomyia shawi (36%), and Psychodopygus davisi (13%), together represented 90% of the insects collected. Nyssomyia shawi and Psychodopygus davisi were more attracted by the white color. Specimens of Nyssomyia shawi, Nyssomyia whitmani, and Psychodopygus hirsutus hirsutus were found naturally infected by flagellates in the mid and hindgut. This is the first study in Acre state using and comparing both black and white Shannon traps, demonstrating the richness, diversity, and anthropophilic behavior of the phlebotomine species and identifying proven and putative vectors of the etiological agents of leishmaniasis

    Attractiveness of black and white modified Shannon traps to phlebotomine sandflies (Diptera, Psychodidae) in the Brazilian Amazon Basin, an area of intense transmission of American cutaneous leishmaniasis

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    In the Amazon region the phlebotomine fauna is considered one of the most diverse in the world. The use of Shannon traps may provide information on the anthropophily of the species and improve the traps’ performance in terms of diversity and quantity of insects collected when white and black colored traps are used together. This study sought to verify the attractiveness of the traps to the phlebotomine species of the Brazilian Amazon basin using Shannon traps under these conditions. The insects were collected using two Shannon traps installed side by side, one white and the other black, in a primary forest area of the municipality of Xapuri, Acre, Brazil. Samples were collected once a month during the period August 2013 to July 2015. A sample of females was dissected to test for natural infection by flagellates. A total of 6,309 (864 males and 5,445 females) specimens (36 species) were collected. Psychodopygus carrerai carrerai (42%), Nyssomyia shawi (36%), and Psychodopygus davisi (13%), together represented 90% of the insects collected. Nyssomyia shawi and Psychodopygus davisi were more attracted by the white color. Specimens of Nyssomyia shawi, Nyssomyia whitmani, and Psychodopygus hirsutus hirsutus were found naturally infected by flagellates in the mid and hindgut. This is the first study in Acre state using and comparing both black and white Shannon traps, demonstrating the richness, diversity, and anthropophilic behavior of the phlebotomine species and identifying proven and putative vectors of the etiological agents of leishmaniasis