95 research outputs found

    Genetic variation in the 3’ untranslated region of dengue virus serotype 3 strains isolated from mosquitoes and humans in Brazil

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    SUMMARY: BACKGROUND: Dengue, a mosquito-borne viral infection caused by one of the four dengue virus (DENV) serotypes (DENV-1 to 4), replicate alternately on the mosquito vector and human host and are responsible for infections throughout tropical and subtropical regions of the world. In Brazil, the disease has become a major public health problem and the introduction of DENV-3 in 2000 in Rio de Janeiro (RJ) was associated with severe dengue epidemics. The potential emergence of strains associated with severe disease highlights the need for the surveillance of DENV in human host and vectors. METHODS: Aiming to contribute for DENV phylogenetic and vector-virus-human host studies, we sequenced the entire genome of one DENV-3 isolated from naturally infected Aedes aegypti from RJ in 2001 and characterized the 3’ UTR from strains isolated from mosquitoes and humans. Mosquitoes were pooled and submitted to virus isolation in Ae. albopictus C6/36 cells and the infecting serotype was identified by immunofluorescence using type-specific monoclonal antibody. Sequence analysis was performed using BioEdit software, the multiple alignments were performed using CLUSTAL W and the phylogenetic analysis by MEGA 5, using the Neighbor-joining method. Secondary structure prediction was performed by using the MFOLD program. RESULTS: Exclusive substitutions and a substitution leading to a stop codon on the NS5 gene were observed in the DENV-3 isolated from a naturally infected Ae. aegypti and fully sequenced. As an 8- nucleotides deletion was observed within the 11- nucleotides (nts) insertion on the variable region (VR) from the 3′UTR in this isolate, we further sequenced other DENV-3 from both mosquitoes and humans. The majority of DENV-3 from RJ analyzed were characterized by the 11-nts insertion in the VR of the 3′UTR, despite the observation of strains carrying the 8-nts deletion. The latter presented similar secondary structures, however not all strains presenting the 11-nts insertion were similar in the predicted secondary structure. CONCLUSIONS: The phylogeny based on the analysis of the complete genome and 3′UTR characterized the DENV-3 isolated from both vector and human host as belonging to Genotype III (GIII), despite the differences observed on the 3’ UTR. Further studies are needed to address the role of those mutations in the transmission of the different viral populations and vector competence

    Equine Rabies in the Southern Region of Piauí State

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    Background: Rabies is an infectious disease that is important in the "One Health" worldwide with high lethality rate. The etiological agent is a neurotropic virus, genus Lyssavirus, transmitted mainly through the saliva of infected animals. For equines, the bite of hematophagous bats is the main source of infection. Piauí is an important state for equestrian sports and the increase in the number of horses with neurological clinical signs without diagnosis has increased in recent years. In this context, the aim of this study is to report to the scientific community a confirmed case of equine rabies in the Santa Luz county, Southernmost state of Piauí, Brazil.Case: A 3-year-old female non-defined breed horse, was admitted to the Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI/CPCE). The equine had difficulty walking 2 days ago, in the panoramic inspection was restless and disoriented in the paddock. Rectal temperature of 38.2oC, heart rate of 60 bpm, respiratory rate of 40 mpm, congested mucosa and dyspnea were verified. With the progression of the neurological signals, it positioned itself in a lateral decubitus with pedaling movements, hyperesthesia, dysphagia and paralysis of the hindlimbs. The clinical suspicion was rabies and the Agência de Defesa Agropecuária do Piauí (ADAPI) was communicated to euthanize the animal and collect samples for diagnosis in accordance with official standards of the Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA). At necropsy, there was slight brain hyperemia, with no other significant organ changes. Fragments of the cerebellum, cortex, hippocampus and spinal cord were collected and sent at a temperature of 4oC to perform the Direct Immunofluorescence (DIF) assay. Samples for histopathology were not collected because they do not include assay for confirmatory diagnosis of rabies. The DIF technique with antigen-labeled antibodies were performed in the imprint lamina of these fragments. The fragments were treated according to specific protocol. The results were negative for DIF in the collected equine fragments. For complementary exam, the samples were homogenized, clarified and inoculated intracranial in BALB/C mice, being observed for up to 30 days. The samples were positive after the bioassay.Discussion: Piauí is a state with great equestrian activity that expose the animals to the risks of transmission of infectious diseases. Among these diseases, rabies is important for affecting horses, but also humans (veterinarians and owners). In the present report, the equine showed clinical signs of furious rabies for a short period, rapidly evolving to paralytic form. This clinical aspect must be carefully evaluated by the veterinarian, in order to avoid false clinical suspicions such as tetanus or other non-infectious diseases. The official diagnosis of the rabies is DIF technique, with high sensitive (80-100%). According to the results of the DIF technique, it was possible to confirm the clinical suspicion of rabies in mice previously inoculated with emulsion of fragments of the equine central nervous system (CNS). This fact demonstrates that in negative results for CNS samples from the horse, the bioassay increases the sensitivity of the test and avoids false negative diagnoses. Thus, it was possible to prove that rabies is affecting the equines in the southern region of Piauí state and alerts the breeders and the community to intensify surveillance and control of the hematophagous bats. For the authors, this is the first scientific report of rabies in the region studied

    Qualidade de vida de pacientes com anemia falciforme: revisão bibliográfica / Quality of life of patients with falciform anemia: bibliographic review

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A doença falciforme (DF) é um termo utilizado para denominar doenças em que mutação genética resulta na falcização dos eritrócitos. A anemia falciforme é uma das DF de maior prevalência no Brasil, causa diversas manifestações clínicas, que interferem na qualidade de vida de seus portadores. OBJETIVO: Verificar, dentro da literatura atual, quais as repercussões da anemia falciforme na qualidade de vida dos portadores da doença. MÉTODO: Trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica de caráter explicativo realizado a partir do levantamento de artigos utilizando as plataformas: Google Acadêmico, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) e Scielo, foram utilizados os Descritores em ciência da saúde (DeSC): Doença Falciforme, qualidade de vida e anemia. RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO: Pacientes  do sexo masculino apresentou melhor QV nos aspectos psicológicos comparados ao público masculino, observou-se também melhor QV em pacientes jovens do  que aqueles com mais de 25 anos em todos os aspectos: psicológicos, emocionais e ambientais. A dor é considerada a principal causa de desestabilização física e emocional dos pacientes com DF (FREITAS 2018). Dados socioeconômicos como a escolaridade, estado civil e renda também interferem diretamente na avaliação da QVRS desse pacientes. CONCLUSÃO: Diversos são os fatores que interferem negativamente na Qualidade de vida dos portadores de anemia falciforme, tais como: crises álgicas, internações e adesão ao tratamento. O estudo da QV é algo crescente dentro da comunidade cientifica, porém faz-se necessário, maiores estudos realizados dentro do Brasil para reafirmar ou não o que já se sabe de uma maneira mais ampla

    Insomnia symptoms during the covid-19 pandemic: a case-control study

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    OBJECTIVE: To identify lifestyle-related, sociodemographic, and mental health characteristics of people with insomnia symptoms and people without insomnia during the pandemic. METHODS: A case-control study was conducted with data collected by snowball sampling using an online questionnaire. From November 2020 to April 2021, 6,360 people with a mean age of 43.5 years (SD = 14.3) participated in the survey. For this study, we considered 158 cases of insomnia disorder and 476 controls (three controls per case) randomly selected from the participants without sleep problems. RESULTS: The results of the comparative analysis between cases and controls showed that sleeping less than six hours daily (OR = 3.89; 95%CI 2.50-6.05), feeling sadness frequently (OR = 2.95; 95%CI 1.69-5.17), residing in metropolitan areas (OR = 1.71; 95%CI 1.04-2.84), being 40 years or older (OR = 1.93; 95%CI 1.22-3.06), and the interaction between occupation and poorer education (OR = 2.12; 95%CI 1.22-3.69) were predictors for symptoms of insomnia disorder during the pandemic. CONCLUSIONS: In addition to confirming the hypothesis that mental health problems are associated with insomnia symptoms, the results point to insomnia as an important outcome for studies on the effects of unemployment, vulnerability and low education of the population, especially in large cities, highlighting that the effects of the crisis on health and the economy are extremely unequally distributed.OBJETIVO: Identificar características relacionadas ao estilo de vida, sociodemográficas e saúde mental de pessoas com sintomas de insônia e pessoas sem insônia durante a pandemia. MÉTODOS: A partir de dados coletados por amostragem em bola de neve, por meio de um questionário online foi realizado um estudo caso-controle. Durante o período de novembro de 2020 a abril de 2021, 6.360 pessoas com idade média de 43,5 anos (DP = 14,3) participaram da pesquisa. No presente estudo, foram considerados 158 casos de transtorno de insônia e 476 controles (três controles por caso) selecionados aleatoriamente dentre os participantes sem problemas de sono. RESULTADOS: Os resultados da análise comparativa entre casos e controles mostraram que dormir menos de seis horas diárias (OR = 3,89; IC95% 2,50–6,05), sentir tristeza frequentemente (OR = 2,95; IC95% 1,69–5,17), residir em metrópoles (OR = 1,71; IC95% 1,04–2,84), estar com 40 anos ou mais (OR = 1,93; IC95% 1,22–3,06) e a interação entre ocupação e escolaridade mais precária (OR = 2,12; IC95% 1,22–3,69) foram fatores preditores para sintomas de transtorno de insônia durante a pandemia. CONCLUSÕES: Além da confirmação da hipótese de que problemas de saúde mental estão associados a sintomas de insônia, os resultados apontam para a insônia como um desfecho importante para estudos sobre efeitos do desemprego, vulnerabilidade e baixa escolaridade da população, sobretudo nas grandes metrópoles, ressaltando que os efeitos da crise sobre a saúde e a economia são distribuídos de forma extremamente desiguais

    O Programa de Cidades Históricas (PCH) no âmbito das políticas culturais dos anos 1970: cultura, planejamento e nacional desenvolvimentismo

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    Este artigo analisa o Programa de Cidades Históricas (PCH) como parte da rede de relações e de poder que implementou as políticas culturais nos anos 1970 no Brasil, de modo integrado ao setor econômico do governo, com base nas linhas do projeto desenvolvimentista orientadas para o regionalismo associado à descentralização. Apresenta, inicialmente, documentos oficiais que orientaram a formulação da Política Nacional de Cultura na década de 1970 e a rede de intelectuais envolvidos na sua elaboração, contemplando diferentes agências do Estado, historicamente atuantes no campo da cultura. Destaca em tais documentos a naturalização da associação entre turismo, cultura e patrimônio, via pela qual se deu a incorporação do campo da cultura nas discussões sobre o desenvolvimento socioeconômico brasileiro. Analisa as parcerias estabelecidas entre o MEC e a Secretaria de Planejamento da Presidência da República para a criação e implantação do PCH, compreendido como um projeto de ações interministeriais integradas. Busca evidenciar os modos de incorporação das políticas culturais nos planos de desenvolvimento do Brasil Grande e apontamos a complexificação das redes e das representações acerca dos valores da brasilidade associados ao tradicional popular nordestino. Foram trazidas para a análise memórias de protagonistas do alto escalão do regime militar e de técnicos que compartilharam vivências, relacionadas àquela conjuntura e ao próprio PCH, cotejadas com uma diversificada documentação.The article analyzes the Program of Historical Cities - PCH (Programa de Cidades Históricas) as part of the network of relations and power that implemented cultural policies in the 1970s in Brazil, in an integrated manner to the government's economic sector, based on the lines of development project, oriented to a regionalism associated with decentralization. It presents first official documents that guided the formulation of the National Cultural Policy in the 1970s and the intellectual network involved in its preparation, comprising officers from different state agencies, historically active in the cultural field. The article highlights the naturalization of the association between tourism, culture and heritage and the inclusion of the cultural field in the discussions about the Brazilian socioeconomic development. It analyzes partnerships between the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Secretariat of Planning of the Presidence of the Republic (Secretaria de Planejamento da Presidência da República) for the creation and implementation of the PCH, understood as a project of integrated ministerial actions. We identify the ways of incorporation of cultural policies in development plans of the ideological program called "Great Brasil" (Brasil Grande), and pointed out the complexity of networks and representations about the Brazilianness values associated with the traditional folk Northeastern. We brought for analysis the memories of high-ranking military regime protagonists and technicians who shared experiences related to the PCH, and collated them with a diverse documentation

    Description of the Immatures of the Ant, Myrmelachista catharinae

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    The Neotropical ant genus Myrmelachista Roger comprises 69 described species and subspecies, and still is a poorly studied group. Larvae play a paramount role in colony nutrition in social hymenopterans and bear considerable value in the reconstruction of group phylogenies, however, they are generally neglected. Larvae of different instars of Myrmelachista catharinae Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) are herein described in detail by light and scanning electron microscopy. The number of larval instars was estimated as three based on the frequency distribution of maximum head capsule widths. The described larvae confirmed some traits typical of the genus: general shape of body and mandibles, general aspect and distribution of body hairs, and the number of sensilla on the palps and galea. Differently from other Myrmelachista larvae previously described, M. catharinae presented two distinct kinds of second instars, some additional types of body hairs, different number of antennal sensilla, and a distinct labrum shape. M. catharinae presented ten pairs of spiracles, which is the first record for this genus

    Repercussion of COVID-19 pandemic on Brazilians’ quality of life : a nationwide cross-sectional study

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    The COVID-19 outbreak, caused by Sars-Cov-2, was officially declared a global pandemic in February 2020, after an unexpected increase in hospitalization and mortality. When faced with this new disease, social and physical distancing and quarantine emerged as solutions to reduce virus transmission. This article examines the quality of life (QoL) of the Brazilian population’s during this period of isolation, due to the COVID-19 pandemic by analyzing; physical, psychological, social, and economic aspects. An online survey was distributed from 27 May to 14 August of 2020. A total of 1859 surveys were completed. Our results indicate that Brazilians were more affected by economic and social aspects than psychological and physical. Unemployed participants and individuals who tested positive for COVID-19 presented the lowest QoL. Females showed worst QoL scores than males, but having children did not influence the score. Higher educational level was associated with a better perception of QoL. Not following social distancing guidelines presented better scores in the psychological domain than the ones following restrict or partial social distancing rules. This study is the first to evaluate adults’ QoL related to the Sars-Cov-2 pandemic in Brazil at a national level. Our data may help health authorities identify the main factors affecting the QoL of the Brazilian population, thereby orientating them to recover after the pandemic

    Incidência de hipersedação e síndrome de abstinência submetidos ao uso de sedoanalgésicos em hospitais brasileiros / Incidence of hypersedation and withdrawal syndrome submitted to the use of sedoanalgesics in brazilian hospitals

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    A unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) é um ambiente muito propício à ocorrência de eventos adversos a medicamentos, tanto pelo estado crítico dos pacientes internados quanto pela polimedicação e frequentes modificações na farmacoterapia, o que tende a prejudicar a evolução clínica do paciente. Em UTIs pediátricas, a questão adquire aspectos diferenciados devido a imaturidade do organismo dos pacientes, o que o torna mais suscetível a efeitos prejudiciais de fármacos, além de promover farmacocinética diferenciada. Nos casos em que é necessário o uso de sedoanalgésicos, sobretudo para o emprego de suporte ventilatório, lida-se com os riscos de sedação profunda, síndrome de abstinência, além de aumento do tempo de internação e sequelas de longo prazo. Nesse contexto, o presente artigo se propõe a discutir, através de uma revisão bibliográfica, a ocorrência de hipersedação e síndrome de abstinência em pacientes pediátricos, internados em UTIs de hospitais brasileiros

    Qualidade fisiológica de sementes de crambe (Crambe abyssinica Hochst, Brassicaceae) produzidas sob diferentes regimes hídricos

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    The physiological quality of the seeds is an aspect of great relevance for the establishment of a culture. However, plant management conditions during seed production can influence its quality. Given the above, the objective was to evaluate the physiological quality of crambe seeds from plants submitted to different water regimes. The experimental design used was in randomized blocks, composed of five water conditions in the soil, based on field capacity (100, 85, 70, 55 and 40%) that consisted of treatments, with four replications. After harvesting, the seeds were sent to the seed laboratory, processed and then evaluated for water content, germination and vigor. Crambe plants grown in soil water conditions between 59 to 61% of the field capacity produce seeds of better physiological quality, demonstrated by the performance in the germination and vigor tests.A qualidade fisiológica das sementes é um aspecto de grande relevância para o estabelecimento de uma cultura. No entanto, as condições de manejo das plantas durante a produção de sementes podem influenciar na sua qualidade. Diante do exposto, objetivou-se avaliar a qualidade fisiológica de sementes de crambe oriundas de plantas submetidas a diferentes regimes hídricos. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, composto por cinco condições de água no solo, baseadas na capacidade de campo (100, 85, 70, 55 e 40%) que consistiram nos tratamentos, com quatro repetições. Após a colheita, as sementes foram encaminhadas ao laboratório de sementes, beneficiadas e em seguida, avaliadas quanto ao teor de água, germinação e vigor. Plantas de crambe cultivadas em condições de água no solo entre 59 a 61% da capacidade de campo produzem sementes de melhor qualidade fisiológica, demonstrado pelo desempenho nos testes de germinação e vigor
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