585 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Metode Bermain Peran untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pembelajaran Pkn di Sdn

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    The aim of research to improve student learning outcomes with teaching methods play a role in Civics class VB SDN 24 South East Pontianak. The research method used descriptive methods, forms of action research, and collaborative. The research subject teachers and students 28 people. The results of the study consisted of the third cycle of (1) the ability of teachers to design lessons learned from the first cycle ie, 3.8 second cycle and third cycle 3.9 3.85. (2) the ability of teachers to implement the lessons learned from the first cycle ie, 3.5 second cycle and third cycle of 3.84 with an average of 3.92. (3). Student learning outcomes are obtained from the first cycle, second cycle 79.46 86.78 91.42 and third cycle. From the data obtained that by using the method of role playing can improve student learning outcome

    Peningkatan Minat Belajar Peserta Didik melalui Pendekatan Keterampilan Proses pada Mata Pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

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    : Some problem in this research design the learning model (1) approach to skill learning process can increase the interest of students in science subjects in Class IV Elementary School District 11 Sungai Pinyuh Pontianak? (2) How is the implementation of the learning model approach to skill learning process can increase the interest of students in science subjects? (3) How to approach the process : 3 skills can increase interest in interactive learning? (3) The process skills can increase interest in learning dynamic? (4) The process skills can increase interest in encouraging learning? (5) Can increase the impact of process skills learning outcomes?The method used in this research is descriptive method..Collecting data in this study is done using the techniques of data collection by observation, interview and questionnaire of learners satisfaction.Seen from the observation data showed that 11 students or 97.5% being very enthusiastic. Questionnaire results are captured through a questionnaire, as much as 84.38% said is very interesting, fun and they are very excited in participating in the learning process

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia melalui Metode Demonstrasi Kelas IV Sdn 08 Terentang

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    Improved student learning normaly use demonstration method in teaching Indonesian language and literature Class IV SDN 08 Terentang. Many students look less happy, less passionate, less enthusiastic, even get bored in learning Indonesian language and literature. So low student learning activities, students learn the value of low consequence and under KKM is 62. If in the process of learning Indonesian language and literature teacher demonstration of the possibility of using learning activities and the value will increase student learning. A total of 33 students were divided into small groups to create and do something after reading the instructions first. From the table of student learning outcomes are known to increase from the implementation of the first cycle and after the second cycle executed. It seems the use of demonstration method in teaching Indonesian language and literature appropriate to use

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar Peserta Didik Menggunakan Model Kerja Kelompok pada Pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Kelas IV di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 09 Toho

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    This research aims to improve the activity of the learners using the learning model of group work in the Social Sciences (Social Sciences) Elementary School fourth grade 09 Toho. This study deskripitf shaped form with a data collection tool questionnaire. Subjects in this study amounted to 25 fourth grade students of State Elementary School 09 Toho. The draft Implementation of Learning (RPP) in class III IPS has been designed in accordance with the Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC) is applicable, and the syllabus and learning scenarios based on Chewing number 41 in 2005. Social sciences learning process takes place smoothly, in addition to referring to the lesson plan (RPP) and Permen No. 41 in 2005, a contextual-based learning where students are actively learning to seek and find, process, solve the problems faced in the classroom. Shows a dynamic learning activities, dialogic, democratic and fun students. Observations that have been made are great penigkatan from baseline to cycle that has been done is the average baseline was 32??%, increasing to 64% in the first cycle and increased to 84% in the second cycle

    Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di Luar Kelas untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    This study aimed to obtain information on the effect of Indonesian language learning outside of the classroom acquisition of learners in grade V Elementary School 09 East Pontianak. The method used is a form of quasi-experimental method with exsperimental design. Based on statistical calculations of the average the pre-test 48,01 and post-test 76.82 obtained t of 8.06 and t table (α = 5% is 2.052 with df = 27) this means t count > t table (8.06> 2.052) then Ha is accepted. This means learning the Indonesian language outside of the classroom provide a considerable influence on the high-class learning outcomes SDN 09 East Pontianak

    Pemikiran Ibnu Taimiyah dalam Praktek Akad Pembiayaan di Baitul Mal Wat-Tamwil

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    One of Ibn Taymiyah's thoughts (d. 728 H / 1328 AD) that economic transactions are aimed at justice that can only be realized if all the contracts are based on the willingness to agree from all parties, is very interesting to research the practice of financing agreements in Islamic financial institutions (LKS) which in this case Baitul Mal Wat-Tamwil (BMT). The purpose of this study is to find out how much the principle of justice is the basis for the implementation of the financing contract for the parties to the contract. The study uses qualitative methods with a descriptive analysis approach. The research was conducted at BMT Tumang, one of the national-scale BMTs that has contributed to the growth of the sharia microeconomic system. The results showed that Ibn Taymiyah's thoughts regarding the foundation of morality and justice had been applied in the financing agreement at BMT Tumang, it was stated in the Operational Management Standards (SOM) and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of BMT Tumang. Keywords : Ibnu Taimiyah, financing agreement, moral foundation, justice, BMT Tumang

    Penggunaan Lembar Identifikasi Kasus Dalam Mengatasi Kesulitan Mencatat Transaksi Pada Siswa Kelas I Akuntansi 2 SMKN 2 Palu

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    : Salah satu kesulitan yang dialami oleh siswa SMKN 2 Palu dalam belajar akuntansi adalah pencatatan transaksi kedalam jurnal. Usaha untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut adalah dengan menggunakan lembar identifikasi kasus (LIKSUS) sebagai media untuk menganalisa, mengidentifikasi dan mencatat transaksi kedalam akun-akun yang terkait. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan di kelas I SMKN 2 Palu tahun pembelajaran 2007/2008, dan terdiri dari 2 siklus, serta setiap siklus terdiri dari beberapa tahap. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran akuntansi dalam topik pencatatan transaksi kedalam jurnal dengan menggunakan lembar identifikasi kasus. Selain itu, hasil belajar siswa pada siklus 1 dan 2 juga telah memenuhi indikator keberhasilan yang sudah ditetapkan yaitu ketuntasan kelassikal 100%. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan lembar identifikasi kasus dapat mengatasi kesulitan siswa dalam mencatat transaksi keuangan Perusahaan. Kata