
Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia melalui Metode Demonstrasi Kelas IV Sdn 08 Terentang


Improved student learning normaly use demonstration method in teaching Indonesian language and literature Class IV SDN 08 Terentang. Many students look less happy, less passionate, less enthusiastic, even get bored in learning Indonesian language and literature. So low student learning activities, students learn the value of low consequence and under KKM is 62. If in the process of learning Indonesian language and literature teacher demonstration of the possibility of using learning activities and the value will increase student learning. A total of 33 students were divided into small groups to create and do something after reading the instructions first. From the table of student learning outcomes are known to increase from the implementation of the first cycle and after the second cycle executed. It seems the use of demonstration method in teaching Indonesian language and literature appropriate to use

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