32 research outputs found

    Corporate university as a form of employee training and development in American companies

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    The article deals with the problem of corporate university as a form of employee training and development in American companies. Corporate training plays a leading role in the successful operation of US companies and is a factor of their competitiveness and efficiency in the marketplace. Corporate university is an advanced form of organizational training which emerged in response to the challenges of the information society and the global economy, increased competition in the market, the failure of the traditional institutions of professional education to meet the needs of the modern economy for highly qualified employees. Modern corporate university is a system of organizational development and personnel training, united with a single concept and methodology, inextricably linked and coordinated with the strategies of the organization. The main functions of the corporate university are training of various levels of company employees, knowledge management, formation of common corporate values, development of corporate culture, promotion of innovation. Since organizations have different needs and development strategies, corporate universities of different companies in the United States differ in purpose, objectives, structural characteristics, methods of instruction. The learning process in the corporate university has andragogical focus and is characterized by extensive use of e-learning technologies

    Structural models of corporate universities in the United States of America

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    Growing competition in the rapidly developing information society and global economy poses new challenges before businesses. Corporate sector is becoming more and more aware of the decisive role which highly qualified human resources play in the successful functioning of companies in national and international markets. The search for new ways and mechanisms of training employees lead to the creation of corporate university as an advanced form of organizational learning. In view of the importance of this innovative educational phenomenon and the diversity of ways of its realization, the authors aim to analyze the structural models of corporate universities classified by scientists based on different criteria. The methodology of the research was based on interdisciplinary and systemic approaches. We used a complex of interrelated methods: comparative, structural, systemic-functional analysis, comparison and synthesis which are suitable for the study of scientific papers, official documents, empirical data. Particular attention is focused on the main classifications which are based on the availability of campus, the way of subordination of the university in the organization’s hierarchy, form and degree of centralization of control over the corporate university. Organizational features of corporate university in the United States of America are highlighted. The authors conclude that, despite the differences between companies, particularly, in the areas of activity, missions and strategic goals, modern corporate universities in all their structural diversity become a mechanism of professional training and development, which, on the one hand, performs the function of the development of the organization aimed at ensuring its competitiveness and, on the other hand, – the function of development of employees and motivating them to continuous professional growth, which is the basis of their personal competitiveness. Thus, corporate university can be considered as a link between the sustainable development of the company and the individual continuous professional development of employees

    Use of Chat GPT in English for Engineering Classes: Are Students’ and Teachers’ Views on Its Opportunities and Challenges Similar?

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    Mobile technologies have become increasingly important in the field of education, providing innovative ways to engage students and enrich their learning experiences. ChatGPT is an innovative tool that can be used in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) classes to engage students, enhance their knowledge and skills, and add variety and interest to the traditional process of learning engineering English, whether accessed through computers or mobile devices. In light of this, the study aims to investigate and compare the attitudes of technical university students and teachers towards using ChatGPT in English classes, as well as their perspectives on academic integrity issues and the strategies they employ when using ChatGPT. The study involved 22 teachers and 60 students from a Ukrainian university. Quantitative research, which involved collecting data through surveys, showed that students exhibited positive attitudes, while teachers took a more neutral approach. Both groups agree that ChatGPT plays a supplementary role in enhancing both hard and soft skills, as well as English language communication skills. However, they emphasized its impact on the development of research skills. The study highlights critical issues related to academic integrity, specifically the differing perceptions of possible violations between students and teachers. The authors present ideas on integrating ChatGPT into ESP classes, enabling teachers to leverage artificial intelligence (AI) tools for language learning and adapt to changing educational landscapes. The study emphasizes the importance of integrating ChatGPT effectively into engineering English classes to support students’ learning. While emphasizing the importance of guidelines for academic integrity, it also advocates for the creative use of AI tools by teachers and students. Addressing the disparity in attitudes suggests providing teacher professional development to ensure proficient use of AI tools

    Wpływ cyfryzacji na międzynarodowe bezpieczeństwo finansowe w warunkach zrównoważonego rozwoju

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    The implementation of digital technologies in financial security allows you to automate and accelerate the processes of ensuring security. Electronic monitoring and analytics systems can quickly identify suspicious transactions and vulnerabilities, facilitating a prompt response to threats. That is why the topic of the current research is relevant and timely. The purpose of the study is to present the main components of the digitization process of international financial security in the context of sustainable development, with an emphasis on the formation of a comprehensive methodological approach to the analysis of the issue. The methods used in this research include the observation method to identify the main features of the digitization process of international financial security, the forecasting method to identify the main trends in the development of digital security, and the methods of analysis, synthesis, deduction, and induction to visually present the results of the research. Additionally, the graphic method is utilized to display a comprehensive methodological approach and illustrate the research results. During the course of the research, the basic components of the process of digitizing financial security were analysed, and an assessment of strengths and weaknesses was conducted. Additionally, opportunities and threats related to the process of digitizing international financial security were determined. The priority areas for the digitization of international financial security in the context of sustainable development have been identified. The main results of the study include the development of a comprehensive methodological approach to the process of digitalizing international financial security under conditions of sustainable development. The study also yields the following conclusions regarding the development of digitization: the utilization of analytical tools and artificial intelligence in financial security improves the accuracy of detecting fraud, money laundering, and other financial crimes; digital technologies facilitate access to financial services in remote and less developed regions; digital technologies enable cost optimization for ensuring financial security through automation and efficient resource utilization.Wdrożenie technologii cyfrowych w kontekście bezpieczeństwa finansowego pozwala zautomatyzować i przyspieszyć procesy zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa. Elektroniczne systemy monitorowania i analizy potrafią szybko identyfikować podejrzane transakcje i luki, ułatwiając szybką reakcję na zagrożenia. Dlatego tematyka artykułu  jest istotna i aktualna. Celem jest przedstawienie głównych elementów procesu cyfryzacji międzynarodowego bezpieczeństwa finansowego w kontekście zrównoważonego rozwoju, z naciskiem na ukształtowanie kompleksowego podejścia metodologicznego do analizy. W artykule wykorzystano następujące metody:  obserwacyjną, służącą identyfikacji głównych cech procesu cyfryzacji międzynarodowego bezpieczeństwa finansowego, metodę prognostyczną służącą identyfikacji głównych trendów rozwoju bezpieczeństwa cyfrowego oraz metody analizy, syntezy, dedukcji oraz indukcja wizualnej prezentacji wyników badań. Dodatkowo, metoda graficzna służy zobrazowaniu kompleksowego podejścia metodologicznego i zilustrowaniu wyników badań. W toku badań dokonano analizy podstawowych elementów procesu cyfryzacji bezpieczeństwa finansowego oraz dokonano oceny mocnych i słabych stron. Dodatkowo określono szanse i zagrożenia związane z procesem cyfryzacji międzynarodowego bezpieczeństwa finansowego. Zidentyfikowano priorytetowe obszary cyfryzacji międzynarodowego bezpieczeństwa finansowego w kontekście zrównoważonego rozwoju. Do głównych wyników badania należy opracowanie kompleksowego podejścia metodologicznego do procesu cyfryzacji międzynarodowego bezpieczeństwa finansowego w warunkach zrównoważonego rozwoju. Z badania wynikają także następujące wnioski dotyczące rozwoju cyfryzacji: wykorzystanie narzędzi analitycznych i sztucznej inteligencji w bezpieczeństwie finansowym poprawia skuteczność wykrywania oszustw, prania pieniędzy i innych przestępstw finansowych; technologie cyfrowe ułatwiają dostęp do usług finansowych w odległych i słabiej rozwiniętych regionach; technologie cyfrowe umożliwiają optymalizację kosztów w celu zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa finansowego poprzez automatyzację i efektywne wykorzystanie zasobów


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    Providing inclusive learning at higher school is fulfilled on the basis of using specialized infrastructure, pedagogical practice and pedagogical workers’ effective work. An important direction of the study in the academic paper is the analysis of the key principles of forming inclusive learning at higher school using the experience of developed countries and its implementation in pedagogical practice. The issue of ensuring inclusive education is an urgent one for the social policy of any country, as it plays a significant role in ensuring the development of human capital and promoting demographic policy. The purpose of the present academic paper is to analyze the features of organizing inclusive learning at higher school. The state policy for inclusive education formation should include several measures aimed at improving the educational environment, training highly qualified pedagogical workers and a number of tools used during the educational process. The academic paper studies the key principles of organizing inclusive learning and the basis for its further development. Particular attention is paid to the issue of using the means of organizing inclusive education aimed at developing emotional and academic intelligence. The scientific article outlines the basic principles of establishing inclusive education and opportunities for improving the implementation quality. The research results indicate the necessity to improve the state social policy, the introduction of innovative infrastructure and specialized means used to improve the quality of inclusive education. The obtained results can be used for modern higher schools in order to ensure an effective educational process.

    Use of games in ESP classes aimed at university students’ engagement

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    One of the most challenging problems faced by universities throughout the world at present is delivering curricula that address the needs of the digital generation of learners. In this context, the use of ICT opens numerous perspectives and opportunities which are able to produce a powerful positive influence on the learning experience. In our study, we analyze the use of games as a tool that can make learning more interesting, attractive and engaging for university students in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) classes. Based on the results obtained we can conclude that gamification of learning is a growing phenomenon which meets students’ expectations, engenders their motivation and engagement. The introduction of game elements can be adapted to various contexts and subject areas and used for different education purposes.Однією з найскладніших проблем, з якою зараз стикаються університети в усьому світі, є створення навчальних програм, які відповідають потребам цифрового покоління учнів. У цьому контексті використання ІКТ відкриває численні перспективи та можливості, які можуть справити потужний позитивний вплив на досвід навчання. У нашому дослідженні ми аналізуємо використання ігор як інструменту, який може зробити навчання більш цікавим, привабливим і захоплюючим для студентів університетів на заняттях з англійської мови професійного спрямування (ESP)

    Tsyfrova dekonstruktsiia tsinnisnykh lantsiuhiv: prychyny ta naslidky. aktsent na servisnykh ta informatsiinykh poserednykiv

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    У статті розглянуто актуальні аспекти трансформації ціннісних ланцюгів створення вартості під впливом розвитку нових цифрових технологій. Наведено технологічні закони, які обумовлюють нові підходи до роботи з інформацією. Метою статті є дослідження трендів трансформації та деконструкції ціннісних ланцюгів. Визначено, що зростання технологічної світової потужності відбувається не з лінійною, а з експоненційною швидкістю, що дуже часто не береться до уваги компаніями, які вже давно існують на ринках. Це призводить до затримки у впроваджені нових цифрових рішень та втрати конкурентоспроможності. Визначено, що технологічні рішення добре засвоюють нові компанії, ─ стартапи, що будують свій бізнес за сучасними принципами цифрової економіки. Актуальними залишаються питання архітектури ціннісного ланцюга: як учасники індустрії організовані та доставляють цінність до кінцевих споживачів. В статті розглянуті деякі спільні риси поведінки учасників ринку. Формування «пластів» (layers) компаній зі схожими функціями ─ «пластова архітектура» (stack-based architecture), ─ призводить до створення спільноти учасників, які чутливі до економії на масштабі та мають тенденцію до об’єднання. На верхівці ланцюга, навпаки, з’являються компанії, які за допомогою цифрових рішень забезпечують більш специфічні сервісні рішення – «сервісний пласт». Як нові, так і існуючі в певній сфері бізнесу, такі компанії, частіше виконують посередницькі функції та пропонують сервісні цифрові рішення. перетворюють або повністю змінюють ціннісний ланцюг. Визначено що на ринку компанії можуть бути атаковані не тільки традиційними конкурентами, а й новими гравцями, які створюють цінність вже не для конкретного замовника, а для цілого «пласту» а іноді для всього ринку. «Пластова» архітектура ціннісних ланцюгів обумовлює появу нових функцій та можливостей посередників, що потребує подальшого вивчення.В статье рассмотрены актуальные аспекты трансформации ценностных цепочек создания ценности под влиянием развития цифровых технологий. Обозначены цифровые законы, которые обуславливают новые подходы к работе с информацией. Целью данной статьи является изучение трендов трансформации и деконструкции ценностных цепочек. Определено, что рост технологической мировой мощи происходит не с линейною, а с экспоненциальной скоростью, что очень часто не рассматривается компаниями, которые давно существуют на рынке. Это приводит к задержке во внедрении новых цифровых решений и утрате конкурентоспособности. Определено, что технологические решения хорошо осваивают новые компании, - стартапы, которые строят свой бизнес согласно современным принципам цифровой экономики. Актуальными остаются вопросы архитектуры ценностной цепочки: как участники индустрии организованы и предоставляют ценность к конечным потребителям. В статье рассмотрены некоторые общие черты в поведении участников рынка. Формирование «пластов» (layers) компаний со схожими функциями – «пластовая архитектура» (stack-based architecture), - приводит к созданию сообщества из участников, которые становятся чувствительными к экономии на масштабе и имеют тенденцию к объединению. На вершине цепочки, наоборот появляются компании, которые с помощью цифровых решений обеспечивают более специфические сервисные решения – «сервисный пласт». Такие новые так и уже существующие в определенной сфере компании, построенные эффективно использующие цифровые решения, чаще выполняют посреднические функции и предоставляют сервисные цифровые решения, преобразовывая или полностью изменяя ценностную цепочку. Определено, что на рынке компании могут быть атакованы не только традиционными конкурентами, а и новыми игроками, которые создают ценность уже не для одного конкретного заказчика, а для всего «пласта», а иногда и для всего рынка. «Пластовая» архитектура ценностных цепочек обуславливает появление новых функций и возможностей для посреднических компаний, что вызывает необходимость их дальнейшего исследования.The current aspects of the value chains transformation under the influence of the digital technologies development is discussed in the article. New approaches to information processing and its connection with the digital laws are observed. The purpose of this article is to study trends of value chains transformation and deconstruction. It has been determined that the growth of technological world power does not occur at linear, but at exponential speed. The incumbent companies do not consider this fact very often. This leads to a delay in the implementation of new digital solutions and loss of competitiveness. It has been determined that technological solutions are well developed by new companies - start-ups that build their business according to modern principles of digital economy. The issues of value chain architecture remain relevant: how industry participants are organized and provide value to end-users. Some common features in the behavior of market participants are discussed. The formation of "layers" within the companies with similar functions - "stack-based architecture" - leads to a community of participants who become sensitive to economies of scale and tend to merge. At the top of the chain, on the contrary, there are companies, which can provide digital solutions and suggest more specific service findings - "service layer". Such new and existing companies in a certain sphere efficiently use digital solutions, perform intermediary functions more often and provide service findings solutions, transforming or completely changing the value chain. It has been determined that companies can be attacked not only by traditional competitors, but also by new players at the market who create value not for one particular customer but for the whole "layer" and sometimes for the whole market. The "stack-based" architecture of value chains creates new functions and opportunities for intermediary companies which requires further research.The authors received no direct funding for this research

    Teaching English for Specific Purposes to Adult Learners at University: Methods that Work

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    As more and more adults in Ukraine and other countries continue to study throughout their lives and may acquire more than one qualification, the average age of students of higher education institutions is increasing, and therefore the foreign language learning at university should be organised in the same way as with working adults. In this regard, it is important to understand that a modern student is an adult learner who has a number of characteristic features that distinguish him/her from a child as a learner and thus should be considered in the learning process. In our article, based on the practical experience of English language teachers of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, we aim to show how specific features of adults as learners can be considered in teaching ESP and what learning methods can be most appropriate for that purpose. We conducted a mini-research among 12 English teachers of Department of English for Engineering, who had the opportunity to work with both children and adult learners. As a data collection tool, we used an open-ended questionnaire which included three questions concerning their perception of university students as adult learners, importance of creating favourable learning climate, methods, and technologies they find most effective and motivating for adult students. As shown by the results of our survey, teachers find interactive ESP learning methods and techniques the most effective, since they most fully involve adult students in self-directed learning, permit taking into account characteristic features of adults as learners, make learning a collaborative process involving cooperation between all the participants as the main driving force of the learning process

    Teaching sustainability online to university students with the use of interactive presentation tools: a case study

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    The study was aimed to analyse the efficiency of teaching sustainability online at ESP classes. The participants of the study were 33 second-year technical university students who studied Sustainable Development issues with the use of interactive presentation platforms Thinglink and Padlet which employed different multimedia resources – text, pictures, sound, animation, video. The students’ attitudes toward sustainability issues before and after the experimental learning was measured with the use of the sustainability consciousness questionnaire developed by Gericke, Boeve‐de Pauw, Berglund and Olsson (2018). The analysis of changes in different parameters of engineering students’ sustainability consciousness showed the feasibility and appropriateness of teaching sustainability in an ESP course. The students’ answers showed an increase in their knowingness of issues of Sustainable Development and their more responsible environmental behaviour, which implies the importance of disseminating knowledge and educating people for building a sustainable future. Based on the results of our study, we can conclude that ESP is a course which can organically integrate sustainability topics into its curriculum and use a wide range of resources and materials about Sustainable Development, since the majority of them are in English and thus can contribute not only to Learning for Sustainability but also to language acquisition. The use of online presentation tools and a wide range of multimedia resources on their platforms makes the learning more interactive and motivating for students and stimulates them to active inquiry into sustainability issues

    Development of Staff of Innovative Enterprises in the Context of Digitalization

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    The aim of the article is to study the aspects of staff development of innovative enterprises in the context of digitalization. The analysis and generalization, together with the systematization of current trends and scientific works taking place in the digital economy, made it possible to consider the global features of digitalization of the economy and the specifics of domestic trends in the context of a hybrid war and to identify important components of the staff development system that can have a significant impact on the development of staff of innovative enterprises. As a result of the study, new directions of staff development of innovative enterprises have been allocated, which can be used in practice by a proactive worker of an innovative enterprise, as well as employees of the staff management system of enterprises, scientists and other interested persons. The vectors for the development of staff of innovative enterprises in the context of expanding the capabilities of artificial intelligence and the spread of technologies, as well as in accordance with the known conceptions of the world, are determined. It is substantiated that the development of staff of an innovative enterprise will allow more active dissemination of technologies, contribute to their improvement in the process of use, provide advantages to enterprises that will be the first to apply them in practice in a new competitive field of goods and services. Further improvement and deepening of knowledge on the development of staff of innovative enterprises can contribute to the formation and improvement of its competitive advantages, as well as lead to the creation of a new categorical norm for the characteristics of staff of enterprises and organizations in the digital economy. Directions for further research on this topic are quantitative analysis of components and indices of digital development by categories: knowledge, technology and readiness for the future, also allocation of significant factors influencing the qualitative indicators of the results of the staff of innovative enterprises of Ukraine on the basis of building a model of interconnection of the key components of the staff development system of an innovative enterprise and the results of its activities