78 research outputs found

    A radiofrequency heated reactor system for post-combustion carbon capture

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    Several problems with stabilization of electricity grid system are related to the time lag between the electricity supply and demand of the end users. Many power plants run for a limited period of time to compensate for increased electricity demand during peak hours. The amount of CO2 generated by these power installations can be substantially reduced via the development of new demand side management strategies utilizing CO2 absorption units with a short start-up time. The sorbent can be discharged using radiofrequency (RF) heating to fill the night-time valley in electricity demand helping in the stabilization of electricity grid. Herein a concept of RF heated fixed bed reactor has been demonstrated to remove CO2 from a flue gas using a CaCO3 sorbent. A very stable and reproducible operation has been observed over twenty absorption-desorption cycles. The application of RF heating significantly reduced the transition time required for temperature excursions between the absorption and desorption cycles. The effect of flow reversal during desorption on desorption time has been investigated. The desorption time was reduced by 1.5 times in the revered flow mode and the total duration of a single absorption-desorption cycle was reduced by 20%. A reactor model describing the reduced desorption time has been developed

    On the orbit closure containment problem and slice rank of tensors

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    We consider the orbit closure containment problem, which, for a given vector and a group orbit, asks if the vector is contained in the closure of the group orbit. Recently, many algorithmic problems related to orbit closures have proved to be quite useful in giving polynomial time algorithms for special cases of the polynomial identity testing problem and several non-convex optimization problems. Answering a question posed by Wigderson, we show that the algorithmic problem corresponding to the orbit closure containment problem is NP-hard. We show this by establishing a computational equivalence between the solvability of homogeneous quadratic equations and a homogeneous version of the matrix completion problem, while showing that the latter is an instance of the orbit closure containment problem. Secondly, we consider the notion of slice rank of tensors, which was recently introduced by Tao, and has subsequently been used for breakthroughs in several combinatorial problems like capsets, sunflower free sets, tri-colored sum-free sets, and progression-free sets. We show that the corresponding algorithmic problem, which can also be phrased as a problem about union of orbit closures, is also NP-hard, hence answering an open question by Bürgisser, Garg, Oliveira, Walter, and Wigderson. We show this by using a connection between the slice rank and the size of a minimum vertex cover of a hypergraph revealed by Tao and Sawin

    Performance of novel CaO-based sorbents in high temperature CO2 capture under RF heating

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    The problem of CO₂ mitigation on a small and medium scale can be resolved by developing a combined system of CO₂ capture and its consecutive conversion into valuable products. The first stage of CO₂ looping, however, should be reliable, effective and easy to control and radiofrequency heating, as a new advanced technology, can be used to improve the process. CO₂ absorption and desorption RF units can be installed within power plants and powered during the periods of low energy demand thus stabilizing the electrical grid. In this work, a CaO sorbent produced by template synthesis was studied as a sorbent for a CO₂ looping system under RF heating which offers short start-up times, highly controlled operation, high degree of robustness and low price. The sorbent reached its stable CO₂ capacity of 15.4 wt.% already after 10 temperature cycles (650/850 °C) under RF heating. Higher CO₂ desorption rate and lower degree of the sorbent sintering was observed under RF heating as compared to conventional heating

    Пути совершенствования нормативно-правового регулирования вопросов организации трансплантации (пересадки) органов и(или) тканей человека в Российской Федерации

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    Over the past 10 years, significant breakthroughs have been achieved in Russian transplantology in the field of regulatory legal framework. During this period, the powers of government authorities in the field of healthcare on organization of transplant care and organ donation have been defined, and sources and mechanisms for target financing of medical activities related to organ donation for transplantation purposes have been identified. The procedure for providing medical care under surgery (human organ and/or tissue transplantation) has been adopted, and a state registry system for donor organs, donors and recipients has been created. Measures on organ donation and transplantation in the Russian Federation have been approved within the «Healthcare Development», a framework of the state program of the Russian Federation. The Shumakov National Medical Research Center of Transplantology and Artificial Organs (Shumakov Center) has also been identified as the core institution that coordinates the activities of the entire transplant industry in the Russian Federation. Transplant medical care is currently being provided by specialist physicians trained in human organ and tissue transplantation, in collaboration with other specialist physicians. The Nomenclature of Specialties of Specialists with Higher Medical and Pharmaceutical Education, approved by the Russian Ministry of Health via Order No. 700n of October 7, 2015, does not contain a separate specialty related to human organ and tissue transplantation activities, and this is quite justified. However, in order to improve the legal regulation of transplantation activities, it is necessary to unify the requirements for specialists providing medical care in human organ/tissue transplantation. This can be achieved by developing uniform approaches to the definition of labor functions in the professional standards of specialist doctors involved in transplantation.За последние 10 лет в отечественной трансплантологии был совершен существенный прорыв в области развития нормативной правовой базы. В этот период были определены полномочия органов государственной власти в сфере охраны здоровья по организации трансплантационной помощи и органного донорства, источники и механизм целевого финансирования медицинской деятельности, связанной с донорством органов в целях трансплантации, принят Порядок оказания медицинской помощи по профилю «хирургия (трансплантация органов и(или) тканей человека)», создана государственная система учета донорских органов, доноров и реципиентов, утверждены мероприятия «Донорство и трансплантация органов в Российской Федерации» в рамках Государственной программы Российской Федерации «Развитие здравоохранения», определено головное учреждение, координирующее деятельность всей отрасли трансплантологии на территории Российской Федерации – ФГБУ «Национальный медицинский исследовательский центр трансплантологии и искусственных органов имени академика В.И. Шумакова» Минздрава России. Медицинская помощь по трансплантации в настоящее время оказывается врачами-специалистами, прошедшими обучение по вопросам трансплантации органов и(или) тканей человека, во взаимодействии с иными врачами-специалистами. В рамках проведенного анализа нормативных правовых актов регулирования вопросов организации трансплантации (пересадки) органов и(или) тканей человека в Российской Федерации отмечаем, что в Номенклатуре специальностей специалистов, имеющих высшее медицинское и фармацевтическое образование, утвержденной приказом Минздрава России от 7 октября 2015 г. № 700н, нет отдельной специальности, связанной с деятельностью по трансплантации органов и(или) тканей человека, что вполне обоснованно. Однако в целях совершенствования нормативно-правового регулирования организации трансплантации следует унифицировать требования, предъявляемые к специалистам, оказывающим медицинскую помощь в рамках трансплантации органов и(или) тканей человека путем формирования единообразных подходов к определению трудовых функций в профессиональных стандартах врачей-специалистов, участвующих в трансплантации

    Strassen's 2x2 Matrix Multiplication Algorithm: A Conceptual Perspective

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    Despite its importance, all proofs of the correctness of Strassen's famous 1969 algorithm to multiply two 2x2 matrices with only seven multiplications involve some more or less tedious calculations such as explicitly multiplying specific 2x2 matrices, expanding expressions to cancel terms with opposing signs, or expanding tensors over the standard basis. This is why the proof is nontrivial to memorize and why many presentations of the proof avoid showing all the details and leave a significant amount of verifications to the reader. In this note we give a short, self-contained, easy to memorize, and elegant proof of the existence of Strassen's algorithm that avoids these types of calculations. We achieve this by focusing on symmetries and algebraic properties. Our proof combines the classical theory of M-pairs, which was initiated by B\"uchi and Clausen in 1985, with recent work on the geometry of Strassen's algorithm by Chiantini, Ikenmeyer, Landsberg, and Ottaviani from 2016


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    The effect of electrostatic treatment of hydraulic fluid on the change of the axial-piston pumps efficiency is considered.Розглядається вплив електростатичної обробки робочої рідини на зміну ККД аксіально-плунжерних насосів


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    The algorithm of increasing the rate of carrying out the engineering works by combat engineering vehicles by means of the electrostatic field influence on the hydraulic fluid of hydraulic power drive is concerned.Розглядається алгоритм підвищення темпу виконання інженерних робіт машинами інженерного озброєння шляхом впливу на робочу рідину гідроприводу електростатичним полем


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    The physical foundations of liquid lubricants electrostatic field processing influence on the wear of technical systems are considered.Розглядаються фізичні основи впливу електростатичного оброблення рідких мастильних середовищ на знос технічних систем