83 research outputs found

    BACL is a novel brain-associated, non-NKC-encoded mammalian C-type lectin-like receptor of the CLEC2 family

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    Natural Killer Gene Complex (NKC)–encoded C-type lectin-like receptors (CTLRs) are expressed on various immune cells including T cells, NK cells and myeloid cells and thereby contribute to the orchestration of cellular immune responses. Some NKC-encoded CTLRs are grouped into the C-type lectin family 2 (CLEC2 family) and interact with genetically linked CTLRs of the NKRP1 family. While many CLEC2 family members are expressed by hematopoietic cells (e.g. CD69 (CLEC2C)), others such as the keratinocyte-associated KACL (CLEC2A) are specifically expressed by other tissues. Here we provide the first characterization of the orphan gene CLEC2L. In contrast to other CLEC2 family members, CLEC2L is conserved among mammals and located outside of the NKC. We show that CLEC2L-encoded CTLRs are expressed as non-glycosylated, disulfide-linked homodimers at the cell surface. CLEC2L expression is fairly tissue-restricted with a predominant expression in the brain. Thus CLEC2L-encoded CTLRs were designated BACL (brain-associated C-type lectin). Combining in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry, we show that BACL is expressed by neurons in the CNS, with a pronounced expression by Purkinje cells. Notably, the CLEC2L locus is adjacent to another orphan CTLR gene (KLRG2), but reporter cell assays did neither indicate interaction of BACL with the KLRG2 ectodomain nor with human NK cell lines or lymphocytes. Along these lines, growth of BACL-expressing tumor cell lines in immunocompetent mice did not provide evidence for an immune-related function of BACL. Altogether, the CLEC2L gene encodes a homodimeric cell surface CTLR that stands out among CLEC2 family members by its conservation in mammals, its biochemical properties and the predominant expression in the brain. Future studies will have to reveal insights into the functional relevance of BACL in the context of its neuronal expression


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    The article is devoted to the systematic functional analysis of creating of the sound text of a musical work in view of the musical performance updating of the musical text. The creative process of updating of the note text, which consists in the study of the functional system of musical-performing speech, viewed in the plane of the verbal paradigms of musical performance. In one of the previous articles the author points out that "... the process of execution of music can be defined as a specific "musical language and speech process" that is associated with the process of thinking of an artist, is realized by the respective musical-performing assets and it is a way of intercommunication between ...". [1, 213].The systemacy and the functionality are interconnecting many phenomena of the musical art. The study of the process of execution of the music compositions as "the language-speech" process, involves the use of dialectically related method of the system functional analysis.The category of musical performance "language" and "speech" are the instrumental categories of theoreticalanalysis and reflection method of internal and external functional specificity of musical performance speech.Оn the one hand in the modern musicology there is a need to improve the categorical apparatus of the theory of musical performance, and on the other – comprehension of the musical performance, as language and speech is undeveloped field of theoretical studies. Due to the fact that musical performance language and speech, as well as natural language and speech, are functional systems and become apparent through functional and structural elements. This article defines language and speech units and elements of the mentioned system. As the speech and language resources are considered the components of the musical performance intonation system of means of expression.The article emphasizes the idea that some of the methodological orientations of linguistics show the best correlation with musical performance views:• Notes-sound text as a sequence of symbolic units combined by semantic relationships. The main quality of this relationship is integrity;• The phonological, morphological, lexical and semantic characteristics of the notes-sound text, which is a significantreflection of the structural organization of the composer's language.• The musical-performing language and speech units have a symbolic nature, as they show all features ofsigns. These signs have material expressions, thought content (meaning), and the corresponding meaning. They havethe conditioned connection to the signs of which they are part. Musical performance language as a system-structuralformation is a set of language units and elements. Defining them the author is guided by musicological and linguistic methodologies, taking into consideration the specifics of musical performance.The article notes that in linguistics, phoneme, morpheme, word, sentence, often defined as linguistic units and the parts that make up these units, are defined as elements of the language system. This corresponds to the specifics of the structuring of musical performing language-speech process, in which the actualization of language and speech units is carried out by elements of intonation means of expression, and they are a way to demonstrate musical-performing speech.Determination of the structural composition of the functional system of musical-performing speech is realized in the traditional musicology terminology. In this context, language and speech units in their scale-tiered structuring are called: tone – submotiv – motive – phrase – sentence. Intonation and semantic elements that constitute and actualize these units are the elements of intonation of musical-performing means of expression. The author considers that "language and speech" discourse comprehension of musical performance, declared in the article, is relevant for both theory and practice of musical performance.Статья посвящена проблеме системно-функционального анализа становления звукового текста музыкального произведения при музыкально-исполнительской актуализации нотного текста. Творческий процесс актуализации нотного текста рассматривается в плоскости речевой парадигмы музыкально-исполнительской деятельности, которая заключается в исследовании функциональной системы музыкально-исполнительской речи. В статье определеяются языковые, речевые единицы и элементы функциональной системы музыкально-исполнительской речи. В качестве языковых и речевых средств рассматриваются елементы музыкальноисполнительской интонационной системы средств выразительности.Стаття присвячена проблемі системно-функціонального аналізу процесу становлення звукового тексту музичного твору при музично-виконавській актуалізації нотного тексту. Даний творчий процес розглядається у площині мовленнєвої парадигми музично-виконавської діяльності, яка міститься у визначенні функціональної системи музично-виконавського мовлення

    Center for the Study of the Battle of Stalingrad: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

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    The article presents some of the results of the Center for the Study of the Battle of Stalingrad for five years of work. Information is given about published collections of documents and materials, encyclopedias and reference books prepared as a result of the interaction of scientific, educational, public organizations and cultural institutions dedicated to the history of the great battle on the Volga. The paper informs about the scientific seminars held at the Center on little-studied issues of the history of the Battle of Stalingrad. The study of genuine sources and the introduction into scientific circulation of arrays of archival documents are aimed at preventing the falsification of historical events, the formation of impartial judgments and the preservation of collective memory of the war

    PO-076 High and moderate intensity strength exercises to exhaustion activate different signaling cascades regulating protein metabolism in trained skeletal muscle

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    Objective The aim of the study was to evaluate the activation of signaling cascades regulating protein synthesis and degradation after strength exercise sessions of high and moderate intensity in the muscles of athletes adapted to strength training. Methods Eight strength-trained men were recruited for the experiment. The volunteers performed 4 sets of leg press to volitional fatigue with moderate intensity (65% 1RM) for one leg and 4 sets of leg press to volitional fatigue with high intensity (85% of 1RM) for contralateral leg. The sets for both legs were performed in turn with rest intervals of 2 min. Biopsy from m. vastus lateralis was performed before, 1, 5 and 10 hours after cessation of exercise. Content of signaling proteins was evaluated using Western blot. Results Total work performed by the leg during moderate intensity strength exercise was 32% (P˂0,001) higher in comparison with contralateral leg performing high intensity exercise. The phosphorylation levels of p70S6kThr389 and 4E-BP1Thr37 / 46 increased only after the exercise of moderate intensity (P˂0.05). On the contrary, the phosphorylation level of ERK1 / 2Thr202 / Tyr204 increased only after the exercise of high intensity (P˂0.05). The level of phosphorylation of eEF2Thr56 significantly decreased after 1 (P˂0.001), 5 (P˂0.01) and 10 (P˂0.01) hours after the exercise of high intensity. The phosphorylation level of ACCSer79, an AMPK activation marker, was significantly increased 1 hour after the exercise of moderate intensity (P˂0.01). The phosphorylation level of FOXO1Ser256 significantly decreased after the exercises of both intensities (5 hours after the exercise of moderate intensity, P˂0.001; 1 hour after the exercise of high intensity, P˂0.05). Conclusions Strength exercises of high and moderate intensity, performed to volitional fatigue, may cause activation of different signaling cascades. Herewith, activation of mTORC1 after strength exercise is more dependent on the total work, whereas the ERK1 / 2 and eEF2 activation on the exercise intensity. The work was supported by RFBR grant №17-04-00878


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    The actual state and prospects of innovative activity in food, in particular meat, industry are considered. The innovative potential of the food industry in Ukraine is shown to grow more dynamically than that of other sectors of domestic industrial production and an urgent need to implement innovative measures aimed at modernizing technologies and equipment of food production is proven. It is substantiated that financially and technically reasonable innovative activity can and should sufficiently improve the current economic state of the meat industry in Ukraine. Meat industry is the most attractive in terms of return on investment and profitability of innovations among the sub-branches of food industry. The actual directions of innovative activity in the meat industry, as well as the probable ways of development of innovations in the short term, are described

    Забезпечення балансу потужностей в гібридній енергосистемі з резервним генератором

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    The combination of several non-guaranteed random energy sources (RES), conventional sources, and nonconstant consumer loads in a local system leads to stochastic power imbalances. This study objective consists in determining the possibilities of ensuring the power balance in a hybrid power generation system with a standby generator and a search for the methods of calculating the optimal parameters to achieve energy balance. This objective is achieved by simulating the processes inherent in wind and solar power engineering and the regimes of energy consumption through a combination of random functions with a standard probability distribution. Aggregated data on weather factors for several years in a region with a high renewable energy potential which can be used to describe the behavior of wind and solar energy over time were used as experimental data. The use of multiple simulations of random processes with calculated parameters has made it possible to draw conclusions about the presence of certain ratios of power and the generator control modes. These ratios can determine minimum energy and consumption losses, reduce the likelihood of energy imbalance, more efficiently use the reserved power. Specific features of the stochastic nature of RES related to the presence of trends and random fluctuations at short hourly intervals were additionally taken into account. Possibilities of varying the conditions of and switching on and off of the standby generator were provided. The existence of some ranges was established for the installed power of the generator outside which its use becomes inefficient. The proposed approach makes it possible to find the probability of various system states, assess the reliability of energy supply, and minimize unproductive losses.Сочетание нескольких негарантированных источников энергии (ВИЭ), традиционных источников и непостоянной нагрузки потребителей в локальной системе приводит к стохастическим нарушениям баланса мощностей. Целью данной работы является установление возможностей обеспечения баланса мощностей в гибридной энергосистеме с резервным генератором и поиск методов расчета оптимальных параметров энергетического баланса. Поставленная цель достигается путем имитационного моделирования процессов, свойственных ветровой и солнечной энергетике, а также режимов потребления энергии посредством сочетания случайных функций со стандартными распределениями вероятностей. В качестве экспериментальных данных использованы агрегированные данные по погодным факторам за несколько лет в регионе с высоким потенциалом возобновляемой энергии, по которым можно описать поведение во времени ветровой и солнечной энергии. Применение многократного моделирования случайных процессов с расчетными параметрами позволило сделать вывод о наличии определенных соотношений мощностей и режимов управления генератором. По этим соотношениям можно определить минимум потерь энергии и потребления, снизить вероятность небаланса энергии, более эффективно использовать резервную мощность. Дополнительно учтены специфические особенности стохастической природы ВИЭ, связанные с имеющимися трендами и случайными флуктуациями на коротких часовых интервалах. Предусмотрены возможности варьирования условий включения и выключения резервного генератора. Установлено существование некоторых диапазонов для установленной мощности генератора, вне которых его использование становится неэффективным. Предлагаемый подход позволяет определить вероятность различных состояний системы, оценить надежность обеспечения энергией и минимизировать потериПоєднання кількох негарантованих джерел енергії (ВДЕ), традиційних джерел та непостійного навантаження споживачів у локальній системі призводить до стохастичних порушень балансу потужностей. Метою даної роботи є визначення можливостей забезпечення балансу потужностей в гібридній енергосистемі з резервним генератором та пошук методів розрахунку оптимальних параметрів для досягнення енергетичного балансу. Поставлена мета досягається шляхом імітаційного моделювання процесів, властивих вітровій та сонячній енергетиці, а також режимів споживання енергії за допомогою комбінації випадкових функцій зі стандартними розподілами ймовірностей. Як експериментальні дані використано агреговані дані щодо погодних факторів за кілька років у регіоні з високим потенціалом відновлюваної енергії, за якими можна описати поведінку у часі вітрової та сонячної енергії. Застосування багаторазового моделювання випадкових процесів з розрахунковими параметрами дозволило зробити висновки про наявність певних співвідношень потужностей та режимів керування генератором. За цими співвідношеннями можна визначити мінімум втрат енергії та споживання, зменшити ймовірність небалансу енергії, більш ефективно використовувати резервну потужність. Додатково враховані специфічні особливості стохастичної природи ВДЕ, пов'язані з наявністю трендів та випадкових флуктуацій на коротких годинних інтервалах. Передбачені можливості варіювання умов включення та вимкнення резервного генератора. Встановлено існування деяких діапазонів для встановленої потужності генератора, поза якими його використання стає неефективним. Запропонований підхід дозволяє визначити ймовірність різних станів системи, оцінити надійність забезпечення енергією та мінімізувати непродуктивні втрат

    PL-008 Adaptation of skeletal muscle to aerobic exercise: specific transcriptome response to acute exercise and training

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    Objective Variety of processes including circadian rhythm and systemic factors affect expression of many genes in skeletal muscle during a day. Therefore, post-exercise gene expression depends on many factors: contractile activity per seas well as circadian rhythm, nerve activity, concentration of different substances in blood, feeding and fasting. In our study, we investigated specific for contractile activity changes in the transcriptome in untrained and trained (after an aerobic training programme) human skeletal muscle. The second goal was to examine effect of aerobic training on gene expression in muscle in basal state. Methods Seven untrained males performed the one-legged knee extension exercise (for 60 min) with the same relative intensity before and after a 2 month aerobic training programme (1 h/day, 5/week). Biopsy samples were taken at rest (basal state, 48 h after the previous exercise), 1 and 4 h after one-legged exercise from m. vastus lateralisof either leg. This approach allowed us to evaluate specific changes in the transcriptome associated with contractile activity. RNA­sequencing (84 samples in total; ~42 million reads/sample) was performed by HiSeq 2500 (Illumina). Results Two months aerobic training increased the aerobic capacity of the knee-extensor muscles (power at anaerobic threshold in incremental one-legged and cycling tests), the maximum rate of ADP-stimulated mitochondrial respiration in permeabilized muscle fibres and amounts of oxidative phosphorylation proteins. After one-legged exercise, expression of many genes was changed in exercised muscle (~1500) as well as in non-exercised muscle (~400). Pronounced changes in gene expression in non-exercised muscle may be associated with many factors, including circadian rhythm (result of GO analysis). To examine transcriptome changes specific for contractile activity, the difference in gene expression between legs was examined. In untrained muscle, one-legged exercise changed expression of ~1200 genes specific for contractile activity at each time point. Despite the same relative intensity of one-legged exercise, transcriptomic response in trained muscle was markedly lower (~300 genes) compare to untrained. We observed a strong overlap between transcriptomic responses (~250 genes) and particularly between enriched transcription factor binding sites in promoters of these genes in untrained and trained muscles. These sets of genes and transcription factors play the key role in adaptation of muscle to contractile activity independently on the level of muscular fitness. Surprisingly, 2 months aerobic training changed the expression of more than 1500 genes in basal state. Noteworthy, these genes demonstrated a small overlap (~200 genes) with genes related to specific response to acute exercise. Moreover, these genes were associated with significantly different biological processes than genes related to specific response to acute exercise. Conclusions Specific for contractile activity changes in the transcriptome in untrained and trained human skeletal muscle were revealed for the first time. After 2 month aerobic training, the specific transcriptome response to acute exercise become much less pronounced. A computational approach reveals common transcription factors important for adaptation of both untrained and trained muscle. We found out that adaptation of muscle to aerobic training associates not only with the transitory changes in gene expression after each exercise, but also with the marked changes in transcriptome in basal state. This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (14­15­00768)

    Some types of carbon-based nanomaterials as contrast agents for photoacoustic tomography

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    This paper is devoted to the study of various carbon-based nanomaterials as photoacoustic contrast agents. The research work was performed on agarose-based tissue phantom containing inclusions with and without carbon-based nanomaterials. The inclusion was created with the higher density compared to phantom in order to simulate a tumor. A specially designed photoacoustic probe was introduced for measuring a level of photoacoustic signal and its enhancement caused by the nanoinclusions presence. The probe consists of a buffer for time separation of the signal coming from the excitation source, piezoelectric transducer, and amplifier. A point-by-point measurement of the signal was performed to obtain a two-dimensional map from magnitude of photoacoustic signal and phase delay of the signal registration. From phase delay the 3D photoacoustic images were reconstructed by evaluation of the depth coordinate based on the tissue sound velocity. As an excitation source the light radiation from Nd:YAG laser with a 16 ns pulse duration and a 1064 nm wavelength was used. Firstly, we considered tissue phantom with a tumor covered by graphene oxide as a reference one. It has been shown that the use of graphene oxide leads to significant improvement of the image contrast. Further, the tumors labelled with nanodiamonds (NDs) and carbon fluoroxide (CFO) nanoparticles (NPs) were studied systematically. Amplitude of the photoacoustic signals registered from such tumor phantoms are one order of magnitude lower than the signal ensured by graphene oxide. All three types of the studied carbon-based nanomaterials (GO, NDs, CFO) give stable photoacoustic signal, this allows to consider them as good candidates for further in-vitro experiments in photoacoustic imaging for biological applications. The dependences of the signal level as a function of the NPs concentration were measured for types of NPs. Considering much more efficient penetration of NDs and CFO NPs inside the cells as well as their extremely low cytotoxicity, these both types of carbon nanomaterials could be used for further in-vivo experiments

    Kv2.1 channels prevent vasomotion and safeguard myogenic reactivity in rat small superior cerebellar arteries

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    Vascular smooth muscle voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channels have been proposed to contribute to myogenic autoregulation. Surprisingly, in initial experiments, we observed that the Kv2 channel inhibitor stromatoxin induced vasomotion without affecting myogenic tone. Thus, we tested the hypothesis that Kv2 channels contribute to myogenic autoregulation by fine-tuning the myogenic response. Expression of Kv2 channel mRNA was determined using real-time PCR and ‘multiplex’ single-cell RT-PCR. Potassium currents were measured using the patch-clamp technique. Contractile responses of intact arteries were studied using isobaric myography. Expression of Kv2.1 but not Kv2.2 channels was detected in intact rat superior cerebellar arteries and in single smooth muscle cells. Stromatoxin, a high-affinity inhibitor of Kv2 channels, reduced smooth muscle Kv currents by 61% at saturating concentrations (EC50 36 nmol/L). Further, stromatoxin (10–100 nmol/L) induced pronounced vasomotion in 48% of the vessels studied. In vessels not exhibiting vasomotion, stromatoxin did not affect myogenic reactivity. Notably, in vessels exhibiting stromatoxin-induced vasomotion, pressure increases evoked two effects: First, they facilitated the occurrence of random vasodilations and/or vasoconstrictions, disturbing the myogenic response (24% of the vessels). Second, they modified the vasomotion by decreasing its amplitude and increasing its frequency, thereby destabilizing myogenic tone (76% of the vessels). Our study demonstrates that (i) Kv2.1 channels are the predominantly expressed Kv channels in smooth muscle cells of rat superior cerebellar arteries, and (ii) Kv2.1 channels provide a novel type of negative feedback mechanism in myogenic autoregulation by preventing vasomotion and thereby safeguarding the myogenic response