48 research outputs found

    La ineficacia de las medidas de protección dictadas en las sentencias de violencia familiar en la sede judicial de Lima- Norte en el marco del derecho a la integridad personal 2015

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    El objetivo general de la presente investigación es determinar LA INEFICACIA DE LAS MEDIDAS DE PROTECCION DICTADAS EN LAS SENTENCIAS DE VIOLENCIAS FAMILIAR Y LA NECESIDAD DE IMPLEMENTAR UN EQUIPO MULTIDISCIPLINARIO EN LA SEDE JUDICIAL DE LIMA NORTE. La problemática versa sobre la ineficacia de las medidas de protección puesto que estas no tienen una sanción fija y son de cumplimiento subjetivo del agresor, para lo cual se propone que el equipo multidisciplinario tome un rol más activo y se dé su implementación a fin de darle un seguimiento a esas medidas para su eficacia

    Morningness-eveningness analysis in high performance young athletes

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la relación entre la matutinidad-vespertinidad, la edad, el sexo, la ansiedad rasgo y la modalidad deportiva en deportistas adolescentes. La muestra estaba formada por 102 jóvenes atletas españoles de alto rendimiento (54 mujeres y 48 hombres) con una edad entre los 14 y 17 años. Se midió la matutinidad-vespertinidad mediante la Escala Compuesta de Matutinidad-Vespertinidad (CS) y la ansiedad rasgo mediante el Inventario de Ansiedad Estado-Rasgo (STAI). Los resultados indican que no existe relación entre el cronotipo, la edad, el sexo y la ansiedad de los deportistas, mientras que estos son más matutinos que la población general de adolescentes y los velocistas/vallistas son más vespertinos que el resto de modalidades. Se concluye que la práctica deportiva de alto rendimiento puede que sea un Zeitzbergs externo que modifica aspectos psicológicos, fisiológicos y bioquímicos de los jóvenesThe relationship between morningness-eveningness, age, sex, anxiety trait and sports modality among adolescent athletes was studied. 102 high performance young Spanish athletes (54 woman and 48 men) between 14 and 17 years old participated in this study. Morningness-Eveningness was measured by the Composite Scale Morningness-Eveningness (CS) and anxiety trait was measured by the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). The results indicate that there is no relationship between chronotype, age, sex and anxiety of athletes, as these are more morningness than the general population of adolescents; and sprinters / hurdlers are more eveningness than other modalities. We conclude that high sports performance may be an external Zeitzbergs amending psychological, physiological and biochemical aspects of yout

    Nivel de alcoholismo entre jóvenes de género femenino y el género masculino en la ciudad de Juliaca - 2018

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación fue analizar las diferencias del consumo de alcohol según el género en jóvenes. El estudio de investigación corresponde a un enfoque cuantitativo de tipo descriptivo comparativo, de diseño no experimental, de corte trasversal; la muestra de estudio estuvo conformada por 200 sujetos que alguna vez ingirieron algún tipo de bebida alcohólica, 100 de género masculino y 100 de género femenino, las edades de los participantes oscilan entre los 18 a 26 años de edad. El instrumento que se aplicó a estas dos poblaciones es el Test de Identificación de Trastornos Relacionados con el Uso de Alcohol AUDIT. Los primeros hallazgos sugieren que existe una diferencia significativa con respecto al consumo de alcohol (U=4013,500, P=,016), así mismo en la dimensión de consumo de riesgo de alcohol existe una diferencia significativa (U=3983,000, P=,012), en la dimensión de síntomas de dependencia existe una diferencia significativa (U=3897,000, P=,006), y por último en la dimensión del consumo perjudicial de alcohol indica que no hay una diferencia significativa (U=4367,000, P=,118). En conclusión, los resultados generales evidencian que hay una diferencia significativa de niveles de consumo de alcohol entre los jóvenes de género masculino y jóvenes del género femenino de la ciudad de Juliaca.JULIACAEscuela Profesional de PsicologíaPsicología clínica y de la salu

    La transformación digital como estrategia para el posicionamiento de la marca Chifa Restaurant Tay Wan E.I.R.L., Paita 2022

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    El presente trabajo de investigación titulado La transformación digital como estrategia para el posicionamiento de la marca Chifa Restaurant Tay Wan E.I.R.L., Paita 2022, tuvo como objetivo general proponer la transformación digital como estrategia para posicionar la marca del Chifa Restaurant Tay Wan E.I.R.L. Con relación a la metodológica que se utilizó, la investigación es de tipo aplicada, de nivel descriptivo con un enfoque mixto, diseño no experimental y de corte transversal. La población es infinita obteniendo de ello una muestra de 384 personas que fueron elegidos de manera aleatoria considerando los criterios de exclusión, a las cuales se les aplico una encuesta por medio de un cuestionario de 29 ítems, y también se aplicó una entrevista al gerente general del restaurante para conocer a detalle la situación actual, luego se realizó la recolección de datos de los instrumentos aplicados, en la cual, los resultados obtenidos se procesaron y fueron analizados a través de programa estadístico informático Statistics vers. 29.0, permitiendo concretarse la información para la investigación. Como conclusión del estudio se propone estrategias de transformación digital que ayudarán al restaurante en la adaptación a las tecnologías para posicionar la marca en el sector servicios

    Análisis de la matutinidad-vespertinidad en jóvenes atletas de alto rendimiento

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    The relationship between morningness-eveningness, age, sex, anxiety trait and sports modality among adolescent athletes was studied. 102 high performance young Spanish athletes (54 woman and 48 men) between 14 and 17 years old participated in this study. Morningness-Eveningness was measured by the Composite Scale Morningness-Eveningness (CS) and anxiety trait was measured by the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). The results indicate that there is no relationship between chronotype, age, sex and anxiety of athletes, as these are more morningness than the general population of adolescents; and sprinters / hurdlers are more eveningness than other modalities. We conclude that high sports performance may be an external Zeitzbergs amending psychological, physiological and biochemical aspects of youthEl objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la relación entre la matutinidad-vespertinidad, la edad, el sexo la ansiedad rasgo y la modalidad deportiva en deportistas adolescentes. La muestra estaba formada por 102 jóvenes atletas españoles de alto rendimiento (54 mujeres y 48 hombres) con una edad entre los 14 y 17 años. Se midió la matutinidad-vespertinidad mediante la Escala Compuesta de Matutinidad-Vespertinidad (CS) y la ansiedad rasgo mediante el Inventario de Ansiedad Estado-Rasgo (STAI). Los resultados indican que no existe relación entre el cronotipo, la edad, el sexo y la ansiedad de los deportistas, mientras que estos son más matutinos que la población general de adolescentes y los velocistas/vallistas son más vespertinos que el resto de modalidades. Se concluye que la práctica deportiva de alto rendimiento puede que sea un Zeitzbergs externo que modifica aspectos psicológicos, fisiológicos y bioquímicos de los jóvenesActividad Física y Deport

    Socio-cultural, historical, political and economic dimensions of health and medicine

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    Health is one of the most important areas of human development and, along with quality of life, occupies a prominent place in the academic world, being studied from various theoretical perspectives and from different scientific disciplines. These studies try to explain, from the micro to the macro, what it means and what elements are involved in the health of individuals in particular and of society in general. However, given the diversity of perspectives, there is no consensus on the definition of health. At the beginning, the study of health focused on biomedical research into disease. This approach has shown its limits in understanding health in its most complete dimension, as defined by the World Health Organization as early as 1946 : “ health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity ” ( preamble to the WHO Constitution, 1946 ). This “ positive ” orientation of health is later taken up as a universal human right ( Declaration of Human Rights, art. 25 ), being considered today not only a right, but also a value in itself, an aspiration and a social demand....Peer reviewe

    Programa Curricular de Educación Básica Alternativa. Ciclos Inicial - Intermedio 2019

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    El programa curricular de EBA forma parte del Currículo Nacional de Educación Básica y su finalidad es contribuir con orientaciones específicas que permitan concretar la propuesta pedagógica del CNEB. Además, se constituye como el documento orientador para la toma de decisiones pedagógicas a nivel regional, local e institucional. El programa curricular de EBA para los ciclos inicial e intermedio se ha estructurado en dos partes: la primera, contiene los aspectos generales como el perfil de egreso, las características de los estudiantes, las características de la modalidad, los enfoques transversales; asimismo, las orientaciones para la planificación y la evaluación, orientaciones para el desarrollo de los aprendizajes, la tutoría y orientación educativa, y los espacios educativos. En la segunda parte, se presentan las competencias organizadas en las áreas curriculares, así como, los desempeños que se alinean a los niveles de los estándares prescritos para los ciclos de la modalidad

    On a deeper understanding of data-driven approaches in the current framework of wastewater treatment: looking inside the black-box

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    Machine learning (ML) is one of the most rapidly growing technical fields, lying at the intersection of computer science and statistics, and at the core of artificial intelligence (AI) and data science. The effect of ML is broadly felt across a range of industries concerned with data intensive issues, such as consumer services, banking, astronomy and empirical sciences, among others. In the field of wastewater treatment, the origin of vast data generation came along with automation of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). Additionally, an increase of the computing and storage capacity, allowed large amounts of information to be generated in the water sector coming from different sources to be stored. The information from WWTP, that is generated and recorded involves complex and heterogeneous data sources; on-line from sensors, on/off control data from pumps and equipment and off-line measurements from laboratories. Sensors are able to record measurements every few seconds, thus, generating thousands of data points daily. The data generated in laboratories in wastewater treatment is crucial to evaluate the quality of the water in any biological wastewater treatment process (bWWTP) and often to validate the sensors information. However, due to the costs and time involved, the frequency of sampling for laboratory measurements is often dramatically reduced compared to sensors. Thus, the resulting database (from sensors and laboratories), involve varying frequencies of sampling and thus a highly heterogeneous dataset. Current research on data-driven methods in wastewater treatment has focused mainly on predictive tasks, to forecast the effluent composition and performance of different bWWTP, the latter also widely studied by activated sludge models (ASM). Although the outcome could be similar with both approaches, the application and the input information to the models is very different. Data-driven approaches require enough data to perform an analysis task, they are data driven. However, the nature of ASM models is phenomenological, which aims to describe the biochemical interaction between the microbial community in the wastewater system and main pollutants in the wastewater; organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and other dissolved nutrients. Both approaches provide useful and important information from the process performance, however it is utmost important to distinguish and clarify the differences and goals of ASM-type models and ML-based tasks in the current framework of wastewater treatment. The main reasons that moved the wastewater treatment community to apply these methods in predictive tasks are two-fold; i) is the availability of data gathered from monitoring different bWWTP and ii) the already mentioned complexity of biological processes. The high adaptability of ML methods to dynamic systems has conducted the research community to a wide application of these methods. However, a key issue emerges from the literature. The current studies related to data-driven methods in wastewater treatment do not explicitly describe the pre-processing techniques applied, the amount of the data used for analysis, the frequency considered for the data selection and the rationale behind the selection of the dataset size. The majority of the studies use similar input parameters to those used in ASM-type models, ignoring the potential use of other parameters which are monitored in any bWWTP and not necessarily implemented in the mechanistic models; oxidation reduction potential (ORP), conductivity, turbidity, etc. Thus, yet, potentialities of data-driven methods are being ignored and on the other side, relevant information is omitted in most of the studies published. As previously stated, the diversity of data sources in wastewater treatment is clear. However, the combination of these data sources for extraction of knowledge is not yet studied in bWWTP. Hence, the main goal of this doctoral dissertation is to increase the general understanding of the state of the art ML methods in wastewater treatment focusing on; i) heterogeneous datasets analysis, ii) the suitability of data-driven methods for these datasets and iii) novel approaches to extract novel knowledge from these datasets. This work demonstrates the importance of data selection in heterogeneous datasets to extract reliable information. The outcome of different data-driven methods change dramatically with different amount of data considered in analysis. This was evidenced when a municipal WWTP was studied. To solve this problem, a methodology to extract a significant subset out of a total raw heterogeneous dataset was developed; optimizing the size of the dataset. The definition of a score-function, allowed the optimization of a subset which was comprised by a set of representative parameters or features (and observations) and then applied to build highly accurate models. Although, feature engineering is a well-developed field in data-science, not yet explored in wastewater treatment. New engineered features allowed to build highly accurate models for the prediction of complex bWWTP where data limitation was an issue. As well, an alternative methodology is proposed in this work to combine even more heterogeneous data sources to efficiently extract novel knowledge from complex bWWTP and that can be applied to similar complex bWWTP. Although the contributions of this doctoral dissertation are important, yet the main limitation of this work is the extension of the analysis to similar processes i.e. to evaluate if the knowledge gained from the processes studied are particular to these systems or similar patterns eco in comparable processes, for example, do the patterns in all municipal WWTP are similar? After showing the impact of the amount of data in different data-driven tasks. Existing data quality metrics for specific data sources in wastewater treatment (except for sensor data) need to be addressed, since are currently disconnected from the specific contextual characteristics. The need to revise data quality metrics for different sources of data in wastewater treatment is necessary, mainly when dealing with heterogeneous datasets. These issues however, are out of the focus of this work