239 research outputs found

    Removal of Total Coliforms, Thermotolerant Coliforms, and Helminth Eggs in Swine Production Wastewater Treated in Anaerobic and Aerobic Reactors

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    The present work evaluated the performance of two treatment systems in reducing indicators of biological contamination in swine production wastewater. System I consisted of two upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors, with 510 and 209 L in volume, being serially arranged. System II consisted of a UASB reactor, anaerobic filter, trickling filter, and decanter, being also organized in series, with volumes of 300, 190, 250, and 150 L, respectively. Hydraulic retention times (HRT) applied in the first UASB reactors were 40, 30, 20, and 11 h in systems I and II. The average removal efficiencies of total and thermotolerant coliforms in system I were 92.92% to 99.50% and 94.29% to 99.56%, respectively, and increased in system II to 99.45% to 99.91% and 99.52% to 99.93%, respectively. Average removal rates of helminth eggs in system I were 96.44% to 99.11%, reaching 100% as in system II. In reactor sludge, the counts of total and thermotolerant coliforms ranged between 105 and 109 MPN (100 mL)−1, while helminth eggs ranged from 0.86 to 9.27 eggs g−1 TS

    Gastrointestinal parasites of free-range chickens : a worldwide issue

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    Gastrointestinal parasites with direct and/or indirect life cycles, namely Eimeria spp., Ascaridia galli, Heterakis gallinarum and Capillaria spp., are responsible for the most frequent and heavy economic losses in aviculture. The current review aimed to collect information about gastrointestinal parasites affecting poultry, as well as, research studies regarding parasitic diseases in free-range chicken production. From the references used in this review, 20% highlight research studies correlating prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in free-range chickens and factors such as the production system, age and animal density, hygienic conditions and weather. Coccidiosis is responsible for the major economic losses in poultry farms. Diseases have different clinical signs and result in variable impacts on animals. Control programs include mainly vaccination, anti-coccidia and anthelminthic drugs, as well as, house cleaning and disinfection. This review concluded that coccidia and helminths are a global threat to free-range poultry production. More research in this area is necessary in order to understand the major factors influencing the prevalence of parasitic diseases in this type of poultry production. Also the search for new control strategies must be a priority, mainly using natural antiparasitic compounds and biological control approaches.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Long-term survey of Eimeria spp. prevalence and faecal shedding in a traditional Portuguese free-range broiler farm

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    In free-range broiler production, animals are highly exposed to gastrointestinal parasitism, namely by coccidia, due to their long contact with the outdoor environment. Also, the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in extensive poultry production, is frequently influenced by biotic and abiotic factors. The current national pioneer long-term survey aimed to assess the prevalence and faecal shedding of Eimeria spp. oocysts in a traditional Portuguese free-range broiler farm, on different production conditions. Between July 2018 and March 2019, a total of 350 faecal samples were collected from different groups of free-range broilers at the fattening phase, in a poultry farm located in North-western Lisbon district, Portugal. Quantitative and qualitative coprological techniques were performed, aiming to quantify the Eimeria spp. prevalence and faecal shedding level. Coccidia prevalence was higher in Summer and Autumn groups (72% and 80%, respectively), although faecal shedding levels were higher in the Autumn and Winter groups (1191 and 1562 Oocysts Per Gram, OPG). Animals showed clinical signs of coccidiosis during the survey, especially in Autumn’s 1st sampling, in which 42% of the faecal samples had blood. The lack of sanitary depopulations, length of the fattening phase (1 month), short pre-patent period of coccidia, exposure to different environmental conditions and irregular drug treatments with amprolium, were key factors responsible for the different parasitic scenarios observed during this survey.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    La nutria (Myocastor coypus Molina, 1782) puede afectar significativamente los ecosistemas, resultando en consecuencias socioeconómicas y de salud adversas para los seres humanos y los animales. El presente trabajo identificó la helmintofauna de M. coypus oriundos de una región de Mata de Araucária en el Estado de Paraná, Brasil. Se utilizaron tres animales de vida libre, adultos, machos, encontrados muertos en el área rural del municipio de Dos Vizinhos-PR. Los segmentos anatómicos del tracto digestivo, respiratorio, cardíaco y renal fueron tamizados y el contenido fijado en solución de Railliet y Henry. Después de la identificación y recuento de los helmintos, se elaboró un análisis descriptivo de los indicadores de infección. Se recogieron 341 helmintos, pertenecientes al Orden y Familia: Trichostrongylidea: Heligmonelidae, Cestoda: Hymenolepididae y Digenea: Notocotylidae. La prevalencia, intensidad y abundancia parasitaria media de las dos primeras especies de helmintos fueron las mayores observadas en los animales evaluados. La región de estudio representa un nuevo registro de localidad para las tres especies diagnosticadas. Myocastor coypus es un nuevo huésped registrado para Rondentolepis octocoronata Linstow, 1879, en Brasil. Estos datos contribuyen al conocimiento de la helmintofauna de M. coypus de vida libre en la región de la Mata de Araucária Brasileña

    Perfil do consumidor de carne bovina no Estado de Roraima / Profile of beef consumer in the state of Roraima

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    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar o perfil do consumidor de carne bovina no Estado de Roraima. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida no ano de 2020 aplicando-se 512 questionários via online, subsidiando a coleta de dados, com revelação e interpretação de caráter exploratório baseando-se em análises quantitativas e qualitativas. As questões presentes no questionário relacionavam-se com o perfil social, consumo e aquisição de carne bovina. Os dados foram obtidos e processados utilizando-se o programa Excel 2010 da Microsoft®, versão para Windows 10. Quando questionados quanto à frequência do consumo de carne bovina, 91,2% (467/512) revelaram consumir essa proteína de origem animal mais de uma vez durante a semana e 39,2% (201/512) relataram que ocorre o aumento desse consumo nos finais de semana e feriados. Sendo o açougue de supermercado o estabelecimento escolhido por 89,6% (459/512) dos entrevistados, para a aquisição desse produto, no qual 37,9% (194/512) dos indivíduos afirmaram que a qualidade dos produtos ofertados nesse local é o que os levam a escolhê-lo e 60,1% (308/512) responderam que na maioria das vezes encontram a carne de sua preferência. Do total de respondentes, 71,3% (365/512) apontaram a coloração como sinônimo de qualidade e que no momento da compra, 57,4% (294/512) julgam a aparência como o aspecto prioritário e 20,9% (107/512) indicaram que o preço é fator decisivo para se adquirir esse produto. Em relação à proteína animal que melhor substituiria a carne bovina, 52,3% (268/512) sugeriram o frango como o melhor substituto. Em respeito ao serviço de inspeção de produtos de origem animal, 85,1% (436/512) dos entrevistados afirmaram ter conhecimento a respeito do assunto, enquanto 14,9% (76/512) relataram o contrário, sendo o Médico Veterinário o profissional responsável por desempenhar essa função, apontado por 62,9% (322/512) dos indivíduos. Em relação ao grau de informação dos riscos associados ao consumo de carne clandestina, 72,8% (373/512) declararam estarem cientes sobre os riscos e 27,2% (139/512) expressaram que não se sentem informados. Acerca de transmissão de doenças a partir do consumo de carne bovina, 89,6% (459/512) responderam que há essa possibilidade e 10,4% (53/512) garantiram que não ocorre à transmissão. Desta forma este trabalho vem contribuir para a cadeia produtiva da carne bovina no Estado de Roraima, fornecendo subsídios para planos e ações a serem elaborados, tanto na produção quanto na industrialização, na comercialização e até mesmo no marketing.

    Broadening out and opening up technology assessment: Approaches to enhance international development, co-ordination and democratisation

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    Technology assessment (TA) has a strong history of helping to identify priorities and improve environmental sustainability, cost-effectiveness and wider benefits in the technology policies and innovation strategies of nation-states. At international levels, TA has the potential to enhance the roles of science, technology and innovation towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals, effectively implementing the UN Framework on Climate Change and fostering general global transitions to ‘green economies’. However, when effectively recommending single ostensibly ‘best’ technologies or strategies, TA practices can serve unjustifiably to ‘close down’ debate, failing adequately to address technical uncertainties and social ambiguities, reducing scope for democratic accountability and co-ordination across scales and contexts. This paper investigates ways in which contrasting processes ‘broadening out’ and ‘opening up’ TA can enhance both rigour and democratic accountability in technology policy, as well as facilitating social relevance and international cooperation. These methods allow TA to illuminate options, uncertainties and ambiguities and so inform wider political debates about how the contending questions, values and knowledges of different social interests often favour contrasting innovation pathways. In this way TA can foster both technical robustness and social legitimacy in subsequent policy-making. Drawing on three empirical case studies (at local, national and international levels), the paper discusses detailed cases and methods, where recent TA exercises have contributed to this ‘broadening out’ and ‘opening up’. It ends by exploring wider implications and challenges for national and international technology assessment processes that focus on global sustainable development challenges.ESR

    ARTICLEAssociation of the CHEK2 c.1100delC variant, radiotherapy, and systemic treatment with contralateral breast cancer risk and breast cancer-specific survival

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    Aim To assessed the associations of CHEK2 c.1100delC, radiotherapy, and systemic treatment with CBC risk and BCSS. Methods Analyses were based on 82,701 women diagnosed with a first primary invasive BC including 963 CHEK2 c.1100delC carriers; median follow-up was 9.1 years. Differential associations with treatment by CHEK2 c.1100delC status were tested by including interaction terms in a multivariable Cox regression model. A multi-state model was used for further insight into the relation between CHEK2 c.1100delC status, treatment, CBC risk and death. Results There was no evidence for differential associations of therapy with CBC risk by CHEK2 c.1100delC status. The strongest association with reduced CBC risk was observed for the combination of chemotherapy and endocrine therapy [HR (95% CI): 0.66 (0.55–0.78)]. No association was observed with radiotherapy. Results from the multi-state model showed shorter BCSS for CHEK2 c.1100delC carriers versus non-carriers also after accounting for CBC occurrence [HR (95% CI): 1.30 (1.09–1.56)]. Conclusion Systemic therapy was associated with reduced CBC risk irrespective of CHEK2 c.1100delC status. Moreover, CHEK2 c.1100delC carriers had shorter BCSS, which appears not to be fully explained by their CBC risk

    Association of the CHEK2 c.1100delC variant, radiotherapy, and systemic treatment with contralateral breast cancer risk and breast cancer-specific survival

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    Background: Breast cancer (BC) patients with a germline CHEK2 c.1100delC variant have an increased risk of contralateral BC (CBC) and worse BC-specific survival (BCSS) compared to non-carriers.Aim: To assessed the associations of CHEK2 c.1100delC, radiotherapy, and systemic treatment with CBC risk and BCSS.Methods: Analyses were based on 82,701 women diagnosed with a first primary invasive BC including 963 CHEK2 c.1100delC carriers; median follow-up was 9.1 years. Differential associations with treatment by CHEK2 c.1100delC status were tested by including interaction terms in a multivariable Cox regression model. A multi-state model was used for further insight into the relation between CHEK2 c.1100delC status, treatment, CBC risk and death. Results: There was no evidence for differential associations of therapy with CBC risk by CHEK2 c.1100delC status. The strongest association with reduced CBC risk was observed for the combination of chemotherapy and endocrine therapy [HR (95% CI): 0.66 (0.55-0.78)]. No association was observed with radiotherapy.Results from the multi-state model showed shorter BCSS for CHEK2 c.1100delC carriers versus non-carriers also after accounting for CBC occurrence [HR (95% CI): 1.30 (1.09-1.56)].Conclusion: Systemic therapy was associated with reduced CBC risk irrespective of CHEK2 c.1100delC status. Moreover, CHEK2 c.1100delC carriers had shorter BCSS, which appears not to be fully explained by their CBC risk.Peer reviewe

    Effect of sex and seasons of the year on hematologic and serum biochemical variables of captive brown brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira)

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    The Brown brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira) is the most common free-living and captive deer in South America, especially in Brazil, and has great ecological and scientific significance. However, data on hematological and biochemical parameters in brown brocket deer are scarce. The goal of this study was to establish reference ranges for hematological and biochemical parameters of Mazama gouazoubira, comparing differences during the seasons of the year and between sex. Blood samples from ten adult healthy brown brocket deer (6 female and 4 male) were collected during daytime, monthly, during 12 months. The animals were maintained in individual stable, protected from noise and fed ad libitum with commercial ration and green fodder. For blood collection, animals were submitted to physical restrain for no longer than 2 minutes. The following parameters were determined: red blood cell count (RBC), haemoglobin concentration, packed cell volume (PCV), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC), white blood cell count (WBC), platelet count, enzyme activity of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) and serum levels of alkaline phosphatase (ALP), creatine kinase (CK), total protein (TP), albumin, cholesterol, total calcium, ionic calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, triglycerides, creatinine and urea. Values were compared according to season and sex. RBC count, WBC count and MCV suggested seasonal influence. Haemoglobin concentration, PCV and MCV were influenced by sex. Serum concentration of total calcium, ionic calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium were influenced by season. Serum magnesium was also influenced by sex. The blood parameters herein reported may be useful as reference values for diagnostic and prognostic purposes in captive brown-brocket deer