1,578 research outputs found

    A Bp condition for the strong maximal function

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    A strong version of the Orlicz maximal operator is introduced and a natural Bp condition for the rectangle case is defined to characterize its boundedness. This fact let us to describe a sufficient condition for the two weight inequalities of the strong maximal function in terms of power and logarithmic bumps. Results for the multilinear version of this operator and for others multi(sub)linear maximal functions associated with bases of open sets are also studied.National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovació

    The endpoint Fefferman-Stein inequality for the strong maximal function

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    Let Mnf denote the strong maximal function of f on Rn, that is the maximal average of f with respect to n-dimensional rectangles with sides parallel to the coordinate axes. For any dimension n > 2 we prove the natural endpoint Fefferman-Stein inequality for Mn and any strong Muckenhoupt weight w: w({x ∈ Rn : Mnf(x) > λ}) .w,n Z Rn |f(x)| λ 1 + log+ |f(x)| λ n−1 Mnw(x)dx. This extends the corresponding two-dimensional result of T. Mitsis.Ministerio de Economía y CompetitividadAcademy of Finlan

    La influencia de las nuevas tecnologías en la traducción: el traductor en la era de internet

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    Este trabajo pretende describir cuáles son las principales modificaciones que Internet ha introducido en el quehacer de traductores e intérpretes, desde su etapa formativa hasta su vida laboral. Para ello, haremos un breve recorrido histórico para dar cuenta de otros hitos que han marcado la historia de estas dos profesiones hasta desembocar en las últimas décadas del siglo XX, profundamente marcadas por la irrupción de este fenómeno.Palabras clave: traducción; interpretación; Internet; nuevas tecnologías.This paper aims to describe the main transformations introduced by Internet in the daily work of translators and interpreters, ranging from their instruction period to their professional life. To this end, we will review briefly the main milestones in the history of these two professions to culminate in the last decades of the 20th century, deeply marked by the emergence of this phenomenon.Keywords: translation; interpreting; Internet; new technologies

    Addressing the 5G cell switch-off problem with a multi-objective cellular genetic algorithm

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    © 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The power consumption foreseen for 5G networks is expected to be substantially greater than that of 4G systems, mainly because of the ultra-dense deployments required to meet the upcoming traffic demands. This paper deals with a multi- objective formulation of the Cell Switch-Off (CSO) problem, a well-known and effective approach to save energy in such dense scenarios, which is addressed with an accurate, yet rather unknown multi-objective metaheuristic called MOCell (multi- objective cellular genetic algorithm). It has been evaluated over a different set of networks of increasing densification levels. The results have shown that MOCell is able to reach major energy savings when compared to a widely used multi-objective algorithm.TIN2016-75097-P Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Using Mobile Devices for Improving Learning Outcomes and Teachers’ Professionalization

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    Teaching in higher education is changing due to the influence of technology. More and more technological tools are replacing old teaching methods and strategies. Thus, mobile devices are being positioned as a key tool for new ways of understanding educational practices. The present paper responds to a systematic review about the benefits that mobile devices have for university students’ learning. Using inclusion and exclusion criteria in theWeb of Science and Scopus databases, 16 articles were selected to argue why Mobile learning (Mlearning) has become a modern innovative approach. The results point to an improvement in students’ learning through Mlearning, factors that encourage the use of mobile devices in universities have been identified, and e ective mobile applications in improving teaching and learning processes have been presented. The inclusion of this methodology requires a new role for teachers, whose characterization is also specified

    Tauberian conditions, Muckenhoupt weights, and differentiation properties of weighted bases

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    Let B be a homothecy invariant collection of convex sets in Rn. Given a measure μ, the associated weighted geometric maximal operator MB,μ is defined by MB,μf(x) := sup x∈B∈B 1/μ(B) B |f|dμ. It is shown that, provided μ satisfies an appropriate doubling condition with respect to B and ν is an arbitrary locally finite measure, the maximal operator MB,μ is bounded on Lp(ν) for sufficiently large p if and only if it satisfies a Tauberian condition of the form ν x ∈ Rn : MB,μ(1E)(x) > 1 / 2 ≤ cμ,νν(E). As a consequence of this result we provide an alternative characterization of the class of Muckenhoupt weights A∞,B for homothecy invariant Muckenhoupt bases B consisting of convex sets. Moreover, it is immediately seen that the strong maximal function MR,μ, defined with respect to a product-doubling measure μ, is bounded on Lp(ν) for some p > 1 if and only if ν x ∈ Rn : MR,μ(1E)(x) > 1 / 2 ≤ cμ,νν(E) holds for all ν-measurable sets E in Rn. In addition, we discuss applications in differentiation theory, in particular proving that a μ-weighted homothecy invariant basis of convex sets satisfying appropriate doubling and Tauberian conditions must differentiate L∞(ν).Simons FoundationMinisterio de Economía y CompetitividadAcademy of Finlan

    The Oil Crisis, Transition to Democracy and the Slump in Spanish Tourism Growth, 1973-1985

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar los notables efectos que la crisis del petróleo de los años setenta y el final del crecimiento dorado de las economías occidentales, una coyuntura que en España tuvo el añadido de la transición política a la democracia, provocaron sobre las demandas turísticas nacional e internacional, por vez primera desde 1946 con tasas anuales de variación negativas; sobre el sector hotelero, seriamente afectado por problemas de capitalización; y sobre la política turística aplicada por los poderes públicos, bastante continuista y muy condicionada por los cambios institucionales impuestos por la Constitución aprobada en 1978.The aim of this paper is to analyze the significant effects of the seventies oil crisis and the end of the Golden Age in Western economies at a time when Spain had the political transition process to democracy. These brought about: negative annual rates of change in national and international tourist supply and demand for the first time since 1946, serious capitalization problems in the hotel sector and a tourism policy applied by public authorities, which was influenced by and largely continued the institutional changes brought by the Constitution passed in 1978

    Historical perspective on the concept of health in ancient societies

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    La vejez es una etapa más del ser humano que ha sido interpretada de forma variable dependiendo del contexto social en el cual se analizara. A la hora de considerar la vejez en la sociedad del siglo XXI, se impone una reflexión sobre la misma a través del espacio y del tiempo, con el fin de entender este complejo fenómeno en la vida del ser humano en su totalidad, como un hecho ligado a la cultura y no sólo biológico.Ageing, one of the stages of human life, has been interpreted differently depending on the social context in which it has been analysed. The consideration of ageing in the 21st century demands a meditation about the concept through space and time, in order to understand wholly this complex phenomenon in human life, as a cultural not only biological fact

    Optimal exponents in weighted estimates without examples

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    t. We present a general approach for proving the optimality of the exponents on weighted estimates. We show that if an operator T satisfies a bound like kT kLp(w) ≤ c [w] β Ap w ∈ Ap, then the optimal lower bound for β is closely related to the asymptotic behaviour of the unweighted L p norm kT kLp(Rn) as p goes to 1 and +∞, which is related to Yano’s classical extrapolation theorem. By combining these results with the known weighted inequalities, we derive the sharpness of the exponents, without building any specific example, for a wide class of operators including maximal-type, Calder´on–Zygmund and fractional operators. In particular, we obtain a lower bound for the best possible exponent for Bochner-Riesz multipliers. We also present a new result concerning a continuum family of maximal operators on the scale of logarithmic Orlicz functions. Further, our method allows to consider in a unified way maximal operators defined over very general Muckenhoupt bases.Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciónJunta de Andalucí

    Auditing the Marketing and Social Media Communication of Natural Protected Areas. How Marketing Can Contribute to the Sustainability of Tourism

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    Natural Protected Areas face the challenge of conciliating attractions with satisfaction of their different stakeholders without compromising their own resources. Marketing can play an important role to this challenge from a macromarketing perspective. No studies are found in the literature on the integral assessment of marketing practices in Natural Protected Areas. For the first time, it proposes a marketing audit in Natural Protected Areas to fill that gap applying the Importance-Performance Analysis matrix, useful in strategic decisions, through interviews with directors of Natural Protected Areas. The main strengths, weaknesses, and deficits in the application of marketing are identified. The presence of a restricted and biased attitude towards marketing was noted among directors. In addition, the marketing behaviour is studied in two of the main social networks (Twitter/Facebook), comparisons were established in the USA, Spain, Italy and Mexico, identifying behavioural profiles in five groups in accordance with the 26 indicators under analysis
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