131 research outputs found

    Tarantate in manicomio. Storie di donne ricoverate all'Ospedale Psichiatrico Interprovinciale Salentino (Lecce,1900-1950)

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    The author conducted research at the State Archives of Lecce, where a series of documents from the Salento Interprovincial Psychiatric Hospital "G. Libertini" of Lecce (O.P.I.S.). The aim of the study is to detect possible connections between medical approach, clinical conduct and the phenomenon of tarantism, in the context of the Salento reality of the first half of the twentieth century

    La lectura de textos científicos como medio para desarrollar el pensamiento crítico de los estudiantes del quinto de secundaria del colegio emblemático Coronel Ladislao Espinar, 2021.

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    En estos tiempos es una necesidad para los estudiantes de Educación Básica Regular desempañarse eficientemente en la sociedad de la información y la comunicación, por eso la importancia del desarrollo del pensamiento crítico como una habilidad de orden superior para un aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida. El objetivo de la investigación fue determinar el efecto del Programa de lectura crítica de textos científicos en el mejoramiento del pensamiento crítico de los estudiantes del quinto grado de secundaria que conforman el grupo experimental del Colegio Emblemático Coronel Ladislao Espinar. Se ha considerado el enfoque cuantitativo, el nivel de la investigación es explicativa con un diseño cuasiexperimental. Se aplicó un pre test al grupo experimental y al grupo de control, luego se desarrolló el dispositivo solo con el grupo experimental y finalmente se aplicó el post test a los 17 estudiantes del grupo experimental y 17 estudiantes del grupo de control, durante 13 sesiones de aprendizaje. Los estudiantes del grupo experimental que desarrollaron el Programa de Lectura Crítica de Textos Científicos mejoraron su nivel de pensamiento crítico, del nivel de inicio avanzaron al nivel de logro destacado en el post test, así lo ha comprobado la prueba de McNemar. Este estudio ofrece un programa de lectura crítica que podría mejorar el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en el nivel secundario de la Educación Básica Regular

    Nursing Attitudes Questionnaire: Testing the Psychometric Characteristics of the Italian Version (NAQ-IV)

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    Introduction: The image of a nurse is a source of concern due to its impact on recruitment into the profession, political decisions about the profession, and how the image affects nursing practice. For these reasons, one of the long-term challenges is to assess and maintain a favorable public image that respects the utility and value of the nursing profession. Aim: This study aims to validate an instrument for assessing the image of the nurse as perceived by Italian citizens. Methods: A non-probabilistic sample of 564 people participated in the study between 2022 and 2023. Sociodemographic information of the Italian citizens was collected, and the instrument used to evaluate the perceived public image was the Nursing Attitudes Questionnaire (NAQ). The psychometric properties of the Italian version of the NAQ (NAQ-IV) were calculated using Cronbach’s alpha, item–total correlations, skewness, and kurtosis. Factor analysis was performed using principal axis factoring and the varimax rotation method. Results: Factor analysis revealed a four-factor model explaining more than 60.52% of the variance, with the largest variance explained by the “Role and Professionalism” factor (34.08%). The internal consistency calculation showed a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.89 for the scale and between 0.88 and 0.89 among the factors; all the items verified the item–total correlation and response variability criteria. Conclusions: The NAQ-IV could be a valid tool for assessing the perception of Italian citizens. However, further studies are recommended to evaluate the reliability of the instrument, especially in the evolving professional profile and social health welfare

    Lobular patterns of cerebellar resting-state connectivity in adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    Autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by core deficits in social functioning. Core autistics traits refer to poor social and imagination skills, poor attention-switching/strong focus of attention, exceptional attention to detail, as expressed by the autism-spectrum quotient. Over the years, the importance of the cerebellum in the aetiology of autism spectrum disorder has been acknowledged. Neuroimaging studies have provided a strong support to this view, showing both structural and functional connectivity alterations to affect the cerebellum in autism spectrum disorder. According to the underconnectivity theory, disrupted connectivity within cerebello-cerebral networks has been specifically implicated in the aetiology of autism spectrum disorder. However, inconsistent results have been generated across studies. In this study, an integrated approach has been used in a selected population of adults with autism spectrum disorder to analyse both cerebellar morphometry and functional connectivity. In individuals with autism spectrum disorder, a decreased cerebellar grey matter volume affected the right Crus II, a region showing extensive connections with cerebral areas related to social functions. This grey matter reduction correlates with the degree of autistic traits as measured by autism-spectrum quotient. Interestingly, altered functional connectivity was found between the reduced cerebellar Crus II and contralateral cerebral regions, such as frontal and temporal areas. Overall, the present data suggest that adults with autism spectrum disorder present with specific cerebellar structural alterations that may affect functional connectivity within cerebello-cerebral modules relevant to social processing and account for core autistics traits

    The use of electronical devices and relative levels of Nomophobia within a group of Italian nurses: an Observational Study

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    Background: In healthcare, the use of smartphones and other electronical devices are becoming important tools among health professionals. Thanks to these devices, there are new methods of assistance. However, if used incorrectly, they may cause distraction during clinical practice. The excessive use of such devices has generated a new form of addiction in the workplace named nomophobia, a phobia still little explored in literature. We reported an analysis of the frequency and method of use of these electronical devices. The primary aim of the research was to investigate the level of dependence on electronic devices (nomophobia) and the digital habits of nurses. Secondary aim of the study was to evaluate the possible association between nomophobia and distraction in the workplace. Methods: A transversal multicenter study was conducted on a sample of Italian nurses, using the Nurses’ Use of Personal Communication Devices Questionnaire and the Nomophobia Questionnaire (NMP-Q). Results: 34.1% of the sample (n=184) declared that they used smartphones and other electronical devices a moderately during working hours. 20.2 % (n=109) used them frequently and 8.9% (n=48) uses devices during working hours constantly. However, 44.0% (n=222) never uses health apps for patient medical assistance, the 32.9% (n=166) never uses learning apps or apps for professional development. 16.6% (n=87) admit that the use of these devices negatively affected their working performance (mean 80.5; SD 40.1). Study participants showed moderated levels of nomophobia (media=50.34; SD=29.0). Conclusion: The results of the study demonstrate the scares use of such electronical tools to implement adequate care among Italian nurses. Nomophobia can have significant impact on the risk of making mistakes. Future studies should examine not only nurses but also other help professionals and support staff, to bring out an underestimated dimension

    Evidence of electron wave function delocalization in CdSe/CdS asymmetric nanocrystals

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    Abstract We studied the delocalization of electron wave function in asymmetric CdSe/CdS nanocrystals, consisting of a spherical CdSe dot embedded in an elongated CdS shell, by means of a pump–probe technique. By comparing the transient spectra obtained upon pumping the band edge transition of the CdSe in CdSe/CdS heterostructure and in a bare CdSe dot, we observed the delocalization of electron wave function at the CdSe/CdS interface

    Biochemical and clinical relevance of alpha lipoic acid: antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity, molecular pathways and therapeutic potential

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    The molecular nature of lipoic acid (LA) clarifies its capability of taking part to a variety of biochemical reactions where redox state is meaningful. The pivotal action of LA is the antioxidant activity due to its ability to scavenge and inactivate free radicals. Furthermore, LA has been shown to chelate toxic metals both directly and indirectly by its capability to enhance intracellular glutathione (GSH) levels. This last property is due to its ability to interact with GSH and recycle endogenous GSH. LA exhibits significant antioxidant activity protecting against oxidative damage in several diseases, including neurodegenerative disorders. Interestingly, LA is unique among natural antioxidants for its capability to satisfy a lot of requirements, making it a potentially highly effective therapeutic agent for many conditions related with oxidative damage. In particular, there are evidences showing that LA has therapeutic activity in lowering glucose levels in diabetic conditions. Similarly, LA supplementation has multiple beneficial effects on the regression of the mitochondrial function and on oxidative stress associated with several diseases and aging

    Attitudes, knowledge and Practices of Nurses towards HIV/AIDS Patients. An Observational, Cross Sectional, Multicenter study

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    Background. Attitudes, knowledge and practices of nurses towards HIV/AIDS patients are of continuous interest, especially in developing countries. However, in Italy, this topic is still scarcely debated. Materials and methods. An observational, cross sectional, multicentre study was conducted on a sample of 144 nurses in two Italian Hospitals of the Puglia Region ("Vito Fazzi" Hospital in Lecce and "San Giuseppe da Copertino" Hospital in Copertino (Le)). Results. A large part of the sample (97.2%, n=140) stated that they never refused to take care of a patient with AIDS. Only 22.9%, (n=33), of the sample had attended a training course and almost half (63.2%, n=91) used the gloves regularly when performing blood samples or when administering therapy to patients. With regard to the assessment of HIV knowledge, the percentage of nurses who know the meaning of the terms " seropositive" (83.3%, n=120), "HIV-positive person" (91.7%, n=132) and "window period" (47.9%, n=69) decreased. Conclusions. The results of the study show that a non-negligible percentage of nurses could be considered at risk of infection due to non-routine use of gloves, incorrect handling of the patient's biological samples and not knowing how to decontaminate a surface with potentially infected blood

    Lighthouse: A spacebased mission concept for the surveillance of geosynchronous space debris from low earth orbit

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    In this paper, a new mission is proposed for space debris surveillance in geosynchronous orbit (GEO). The mission "Lighthouse", here proposed as a concept study, describes the use of a small satellite in a low polar orbit, equipped with a Schmidt telescope, constantly observing a belt across the geostationary orbit. In this way, a single instrument can sweep the whole orbit everyday regardless the light and weather conditions. Most of observations are nowadays performed by ground telescopes, which are affected by weather conditions and night time duration. Moreover, a single telescope can observe only a portion of the geostationary orbit. The mission concept arose as space application of an ESA ITI (Innovation Triangle Initiative) project designing a Schmidt telescope purposely conceived for the monitoring of NEO (Near Earth Objects) and space debris. A compact version of the telescope (50 cm diameter and 1.61 m length), particularly suitable for space applications, has been designed too. The size and the mass of the telescope enable the use of a small satellite platform, with the related advantages in term of costs and performance. Lighthouse is proposed as a new asset for Space Surveillance and Tracking sensors, complementary to the ground telescopes network

    Tetrapod-shaped colloidal nanocrystals of II-VI semiconductors prepared by seeded growth.

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    We report a general synthetic approach to tetrapod-shaped colloidal nanocrystals made of various combinations of II-VI semiconductors. Uniform tetrapods were prepared using preformed seeds in the sphalerite structure, onto which arms were grown by coinjection of the seeds and chemical precursors into a hot mixture of surfactants. By this approach, a wide variety of core materials could be chosen (in practice, most of the II-VI semiconductors that could be prepared in the sphalerite phase, namely, CdSe, ZnTe, CdTe); in contrast, the best materials for arm growth were CdS and CdTe. The samples were extensively characterized with the aid of several techniques