234 research outputs found
Curriculum reform based on the development of scientific competences: controversies in teachers’ opinions
This paper examines certain controversies among a group of secondary education science teachers with regard to the teacher’s role and his/her professional environment, their views being gathered following a training programme aimed at introducing a key competences approach into the Spanish science curriculum. During the programme they were required to design, implement, and assess their own teaching unit for developing students’ scientific competences by means of context-based learning. At the end of the programme a representative group of teachers were selected to take part in a focus group in which they discussed the training received and its transferability to the classroom. Their statements were then analysed and categorised in order to identify factors associated with their professional environment (at the level of both school and the wider education system) and the implications they had for classroom practice. The present study focuses on those aspects which generated controversy among the teachers, specifically as regards whether they were seen as facilitating or as an obstacle to the teaching of science via a competence-based approach. The issues of controversy related to the following topics: the approach to teaching, the content to be taught, the views of and coordination with colleagues, the utility of contexts and the need for reflection on one’s own practice. The paper concludes by considering potential reasons for these issues of controversy and the implications they have for a competence-based approach to teaching.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech.I+D Excelencia project EDU2013-41952-
Análisis del infoentretenimiento en el periodismo deportivo televisivo en España: los casos de ‘Deportes Cuatro’, ‘Jugones La Sexta’, ‘El Golazo de Gol’ y el ‘Telediario 1’ de TVE
Treball Final de Grau en Periodisme. Codi: PE0932. Curs acadèmic: 2016/2017La oferta de información con dosis de entretenimiento se ha convertido en una tendencia habitual en los informativos televisivos con el objetivo de captar audiencia. Más concretamente en los espacios deportivos se da un cambio de prioridades periodísticas propiciadas por una información encarada a la consecución de publicidad y beneficios económicos para la cadena. Siguiendo esa tendencia, se han desarrollado diversas técnicas de infoentretenimiento televisivo desde su aparición en los años 80 que hoy se continúan utilizando. Este estudio investiga las características del infoentretenimiento televisivo actual en los programas deportivos de mediodía, pues son los que más altas cotas de audiencia registran. Además, se establece una diferenciación entre ‘Deportes Cuatro’ y ‘Jugones La Sexta’ como espacios de cadenas privadas de referencia, el programa ‘El Golazo de Gol’ de Gol Televisión en calidad de canal especializado en deporte, y la sección deportiva del ‘Telediario 1’ de Televisión Española. Se establece así un análisis comparativo a partir del examen de 232 piezas informativas emitidas en estos espacios el viernes 28 de abril de 2017. El objetivo de la investigación consiste en determinar el grado de infotainment utilizado en los informativos deportivos de la actualidad, identificar desigualdades en el uso de técnicas de infoentretenimiento según el programa y la cadena, y abrir futuras líneas de investigación en cuanto a la información televisiva.The offer of information with doses of entertainment has become a usual tendency in the TV newscasts with the objective of catching audience. Specifically in sports news there is a change of journalistic priorities due to an information thought to get publicity and economic benefits for the channel. Following this trend, since its appearance in the 80's, various of the television infotainment’s techniques developed are used nowdays. This study investigates the characteristics of the current television infotainment in the midday sports programs because they are the spaces with more audience. Moreover, a distinction is made between ‘Deportes Cuatro’ and ‘Jugones La Sexta’ as private channel spaces, the program ‘El Golazo de Gol’ of Gol Television as a sports specialized channel, and the sports section of ‘Telediario 1’ in Televisión Española. It starts a comparative analysis from the exam of 232 informative pieces issued in this spaces on Friday, April 28, 2017. The objective of the research is to determine the degree of infotainment used in today's sports news, to identify inequalities in the use of infotainment techniques according to the program and the channel, and to open future lines of research regarding television information
Marcel Broodthaers: décors. La exposición es la obra
En las últimas exposiciones retrospectivas sobre Marcel Broodthaers, en particular la de Madrid (1992) y Bruselas (2001), se ha interpretado ingenuamente la producción artística de este autor. El artículo pone de manifiesto de qué forma el artista belga desarticuló el dispositivo museístico desde la propia institución, abriendo una brecha infranqueable para futuras exposiciones convencionales de su producción objetual.In the most recent retrospective exhibitions of Marcel Broodthaers, in particular such of Madrid (1992) and Brussels (2001), the artistic production of this author has been interpreted ingenously. This article makes evident in which way the belge artist disjoints the museistic dispositive from the institution itself, opening a gap for future conventional exhibitions of his objectual production
La contaminación atmosférica: un contexto para el desarrollo de competencias en el aula de secundaria
Este trabajo se centra en el estudio del aprendizaje de un grupo de estudiantes de edades comprendidas entre 16 y 18 años mientras realizaban actividades sobre un problema real y cercano, como es el de la calidad del aire en las ciudades. Se han definido indicadores para las diferentes competencias implicadas y cuatro niveles de desarrollo en ellas. El proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje se llevó a cabo utilizando materiales seleccionados, que fueron desarrollados específicamente para tratar este problema. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto un progreso evidente principalmente en aquellos aspectos más relacionados con lo que los estudiantes tienen que enfrentar en su vida, más allá de las paredes de la escuela.This paper focuses on the study of the learning progress of a group of students aged between 16 and 18, while they were performing activities on a real and close problem, as is the quality of the air in cities. Indicators for the different competencies involved, and 4 levels of development in them have been defined. The teaching and learning process was carried out by applying selected materials which were developed specifically to treat this problem. The results show clear progress mainly in those aspects related to what students have to face in their lives beyond school walls
La obra como "palabra cero": análisis de la condición lingüística de la significación en arte
La tesis trata de investigar la condición lingüística del arte, incluyendo su afectación por los discursos culturales. Nos hemos interesado particularmente por la noción de significación visual tras la crisis del modelo lingüístico moderno y su interrelación con los mecanismos comunicativos del lenguaje verbal. A este efecto hemos emitido dos hipótesis de trabajo. De la primera sacamos la conclusión de que existe, en las teorías unificadas de la imagen que pretenden dar cuenta de los aspectos sintácticos, semánticos y pragmáticos, una sobredeterminación de lo conceptual sobre la experiencia estética. El abuso lógico-semántico en la significación visual, como efecto forzado por nuestra cultura logocéntrica, ha dado lugar a dudosas teorías sobre la existencia de un lenguaje simbólico autónomo de la imagen. La consecuencia ha sido la imposición en las disciplinas del arte del modelo sintáctico-lingüístico -propio del lenguaje verbal- en la codificación de las imágenes. La reacción a este acervo de teorías y seudo-teorías de la imagen como unidad lingüística ha sido la crítica al imperialismo del lenguaje desde distintos ámbitos del conocimiento. De la segunda hipótesis sacamos la conclusión de que existe una interrelación entre palabras e imágenes- de naturaleza extralingúística- para responder al requerimiento cultural de una comprensión conceptual de las imágenes. Esta interrelación se apoya en lo que algunos especialistas en semiótica han llamado la semiosis sustituyente textual y permite obtener para las imágenes una eficacia semántica semejante a la del lenguaje verbal.
[ABSTRACT]: This thesis is an investigation of the linguistic condition of art, including the effect that cultural discourses have on it. We focus in particular on the idea of visual significance after the crisis of the modern linguistic model, and on its connection with the communication mechanisms of verbal language. For this purpose, we have developed two different hypotheses. From the first hypotheses, we conclude that there is an overdetermination of the concept upon the aesthetic experience in the unified theories of the image regarding the syntactic, semantic and semiotic aspects. The logical-semantic abuse of visual significance as an effect forced by our logocentric culture, has given rise to doubtful theories about the existence of a symbolic language independent from image. As a result, the art disciplines related to the syntactic-linguistic model within the verbal language itself have prevailed over the codification of the image. The reaction to this cultural legacy of theories and pseudo-theories of the image as a linguistic unit, has been the criticism of linguistic imperialism from different areas of knowledge. From the second hypotheses, we conclude that there is an interrelation between words and images of extra linguistic nature to respond to the cultural requirements of a cultural conceptual comprehension of images. This relation is supported by a concept that many specialists in semiotics have called “textual substitutive semiosis”, which permits the obtainment of a semantic effectiveness for images, similar to that which applies to verbal language
STEAM Interventions with Inquiry and Contextualization Strategies.
Oral PresentationThis experience describe an opportunity to approach STEM education in the Spanish educational system through teaching mentoring interventions in primary education. We describe a project designed to seek solutions to different challenges focusing on STEM perspectives describing its structure to operationalize teacher professional development, enhancing STEM integrative learning design competence, STEM disciplinary content knowledge, and reinforcing the development of students' key competencies. Also, we indicate findings produced and comment on the program's impact on the students and science school teachers.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec
Analysis of pre-service science teachers' perceptions about their teaching competencies.
In pre-service teaching, educational research on teacher identity contributes to understanding teacher learning and development, exploring the process's interconnections and socio-cultural nature. In this sense, the inquiry facilitates the pre-service teachers' identity development since it favours reflective learning and professional practice processes. Therefore, to provide tools for improving professional teacher development, this work presents a sequence of activities using a SWOT matrix to identify and reflect on the level of competence acquired by Physics and Chemistry pre-service teachers. The subsequent analysis of the results offers a broad vision of the perception of the actual grade of professional development accomplished within the Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teaching.This study is part of the R&D project PID2019-105765GA-I00 “Citizens with critical thinking: A challenge for teachers in science education”, funded by the Spanish National R&D Plan, through its 2019 research call, and the project B1-2020- 23 “Development and monitoring of the teaching identity of physics and chemistry pre-service and in-service secondary education teachers through a specific inquiry training program in the MEd”, funded by the University of Málaga. Dr García-Ruiz was supported by the RYC program 2020, funded by the State Research Agency and the European Social Fund (reference: RYC2020- 029033-I/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033).
Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
La cerámica aplicada en arquitectura: hacia una normalización de los criterios de intervención
Como fiel reflejo del progresivo aumento de sensibilización de nuestra cultura, se fomentan las continuas revisiones de los acuerdos internacionales en materia de conservación y restauración, en pro de la normalización de las actuaciones sobre las distintas manifestaciones del patrimonio tangible. En esta línea, se propone la reflexión crítica en torno a una tipología de bienes clasificados entre los inmuebles, por su relación directa con los revestimientos arquitectónicos: la cerámica.
Los criterios de intervención que se aplican en la actualidad están fuertemente condicionados por su entorno y función. Para una necesaria propuesta de normalización en las actuaciones, debemos comenzar por revisar el estado de la cuestión.Reflectindo fielmente o progressivo aumento da consciência da nossa cultura, fomentam-se contínuas revisões dos acordos internacionais em matéria de conservação e restauro, em prol da normalização das actuações sobre as distintas manifestações do património tangível. Nesta linha, propõe-se a reflexão crítica em torno de uma tipologia de bens classificados entre os imóveis, pela sua relação directa com os revestimentos arquitectónicos: a cerâmica.
Os critérios de intervenção que se aplicam na actualidade estão fortemente condicionados pelo seu contexto e função. Para uma necessária proposta de normalização das acções, devemos começar por rever o estado da questão.To reflect faithfully the gradually increasing awareness of our culture, continual revision of international agreements in preservation and restoration is encouraged in favour of standard proceedings for the different expressions of our tangible heritage. Along these lines, critical thought is proposed for a typology of assets classified as real estate because of their intrinsic relationship with architectural facings such as ceramic tiling. The criteria of intervention that are currently applied are strongly determined by his environment and function. For a necessary offer of normalization in the actions, we must begin inspecting the state of affairs
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