11 research outputs found

    Kuntien palveluhankintojen murros. Tutkimus kuntien palveluhankintojen kilpailuttamisessa esiintyvistä ongelmista ja niiden syistä

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    Kunnat tavoittelevat kumppanuuksia palveluhankinnoissaan Palveluhankinnat ovat yksi vaikeimmista julkisten hankintojen alueesta. Ilona Lundströmin väitöskirjassa tutkitaan kuntien julkisia palveluhankintoja ja niiden hankintaprosessissa esiintyviä ongelmia. Tutkimuksesta käy ilmi, mitä ongelmia kuntien palveluhankinnoissa esiintyy ja miksi niitä esiintyy. Hankintaprosessissa haasteita ilmenee erityisesti hankinnan suunnittelun ja tarjouspyynnön valmistelun vaiheessa. Useimmiten ongelmat kuntien palveluhankinnoissa johtuvat hankintaosaamisen puutteista. Kuntien palveluhankinnoissa haasteita aiheuttavat myös markkinat ja niiden toimimattomuus. Kuntien muutostilanteet, kuten kuntaliitokset heijastuvat niin ikään palveluhankintoihin ja aiheuttavat niissä ongelmia. Kunnat pyrkivät palveluhankinnoissaan yhä useammin muodostamaan kumppanuuksia palveluja tuottavien yritysten kanssa. Kilpailuttaminen ei kuitenkaan tue kumppanuuksien syntymistä. Hankintamenettelyjen läpivieminen siten, että kumppanuuksien muodostaminen mahdollistuu, vaatii hankintayksiköiltä vankkaa osaamista ja suunnitelmallisuutta palveluhankinnoissa. Suurin osa kuntien palveluhankinnoissa esiintyvistä ongelmista olisi vältettävissä hankintojen huolellisella valmistelulla. Tutkimustulosten käytäntöön jalkauttamisen voisi tiivistää hankinnan valmistelun osalta ohjeeseen: Hankinnan valmisteluun on varattava reilusti aikaa. Hankintaa kannattaa valmistella oman organisaation lisäksi potentiaalisten tarjoajien ja palvelun loppukäyttäjien, kuntalaisten kanssa. Toimimalla avoimesti ja hyödyntämällä verkostoja monet hankintaprosessin myöhemmässä vaiheessa eteen tulevat ongelmat ovat vältettävissä. Kuntien palveluhankintojen ongelmakohtien tunnistaminen ja niihin varautuminen on kunnalle keskeinen keino päästä palveluhankinnassa onnistuneeseen lopputulokseen.Study examines the problems of public procurement process of services in Finnish municipalities. The objectives of the study are to increase understanding of problems that occur in public procurement of services in municipalities and to show in which parts of the procurement process and in which services the problems occur. The study describes the problems of service procurements in a comprehensive way so that the results of the study provide solutions to the problems for practitioners, which is done by dividing the problems by both steps of the procurement process and by the service category. The study also aims at finding links between problems of public service procurement and change in governance of municipalities so that new theoretical knowledge of changes of governance, operating environment and operations of municipalities. The study develops the theoretical basis of governance and the changing local administration through empirical evidence of public service procurement. The empirical data of the research consists of e-mail messages sent by municipalities, cities, regions and other local level municipal actors to the Public Procurement Advisory Unit 2004-2006 holding questions about public service procurement. The Public Procurement Advisory Unit is a joint project of the Ministry of Employment and Economy and the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities. The Advisory Unit serves public procurement units by providing them with free advice on the public procurement law, the application of the law and good practices in procurement. The research method in this study was qualitative content analysis. The analysis was carried out by means of abductive reasoning. The theory bound analysis was implemented at the first stage inductively. To the end of the analysis the theoretical framework influenced the reasoning as guiding principle. The analysis resulted in six themes, which explains why the public service procurements of municipalities face problems. The themes are market, political influence, the change of local authority institution, the service provider, the mentality and skills. The themes explicate clearly the thematic areas in which the challenges in public service procurement occur. The problems local authorities face in public service procurement become apparent in the empirical data in a way, which shows that service procurement, procurement culture and procurement environment of local authorizes hover in between old and new. Through the themes explaining the problems in service procurement a core idea and concept of the study was formed: the change in local authorities service procurement, which describes the transition from old procurement culture and environment to new one. The change in local authorities service procurement can be divided into three distinct changes, which rise from the interpretation of research analysis. Local authorities service procurement is in transition in three dimensions which are structural change, operational change and change of control system. Structural change consists of merger of local authorities and establishing new central purchasing bodies among others. In the background of structural change is also increasing of inter-municipal cooperation. Operational change can be described with slogans from government to governance and from competitive tendering to procurement partnerships. The change of control system is based on co-operation and partnerships between municipalities and suppliers The study resulted in an overall picture of local authorities service procurements problems and the causes why problems occur. The presence of the three elements in local authorities service procurement was clearly shown. The elements are: the bureaucratic and legalistic decision-making and its preparation, which constitute the formal public procurement process and at the same the bureaucratic wall which is built around the local authority during the tendering process; the competitive element, which consists of trading on the open market and; governance networks, which base on partnerships and co-operation between local authorities and suppliers. When unwinding the study results and the core category into themes that are included in the change in local authorities service procurement, all the themes can be located in the above described elements and into the friction which is created in the interface of them. The friction of the three elements shows also the large transition that municipalities are facing in their operations and operation environment, which can be seen both in the theoretical discussion and in re-scaling of municipalities. When the change in local authorities service procurement is seen in the light of theories of public administration, new public management and governance, the true core of the change is revealed. Old, but at the same time preserving represents the bureaucratic and legalistic administration. Old and at the same time fading paradigm is the NPM, which still describe the change of management in municipalities, but which does not as a whole describe the municipalities operating environment. The new is represented by governance theories, which reflects one of the core issues of the change in local authorities service procurement: networks and partnerships. The friction surfaces of the elements that describe the change in local authorities service procurement also change the operating environment where local authorities purchase services. They reinforce the partnerships between the local authorities and suppliers within networks, as well as the governance networks in general as the ground for public procurement of services. The change in local authorities service procurement also include the re-scaling of municipalities and the re-drawing of the municipal borders in terms of networks in circumstances where municipalities as institution itself are undergoing change

    Az esztétika pedagógiai perspektívából

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    A pedagógia tudománya ma azt tartja fő feladatának, hogy a teljes emberi életúton segítse az egyént személyiségének fejlődésében és azokban a változási törekvéseiben, melyek életét jobbá teszik. A fejlett országokban az esztétika filozófiaként és gyakorlatként is egyre fontosabb szerepet kap az élet minőségének javításában, szebbé tételében, ezért időszerű, hogy többet tudjunk a pedagógiai vonatkozásairól is. A pedagógia mind az Egyesült Államokban, mind Európában már korábban a demokratikus fejlődés útján indult el, ám ez a változás az esztétikai filozófiában csak az utóbbi évtizedben vált érzékelhetővé. Az új esztétikai filozófiai elmélet, a radikális esztétika feladata az, hogy közelebb hozza az esztétikát a tömegekhez, azaz demokratizálja azt

    A zenei hallás korai fejlesztésének a szerepe a beszédészlelés fejlődésében

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    A tanulmány pedagógiai megközelítésben foglalkozik a zenei és a nyelvi készségek kapcsolatával. Áttekinti azokat a kutatásokat, amelyek a korai zenei fejlesztésnek a fonológiai készségek fejlődésére, az olvasástanulásra gyakorolt hatását vizsgálják. Bemutat továbbá egy óvodás és kisiskolás gyermekek számára kidolgozott zenei fejlesztő programot, ami a Látható hangok címet kapta. A program kipróbálásáról svéd és magyar tapasztalatok is rendelkezésre állnak. A tanulmány röviden összefoglalja ezeknek a pedagógiai kísérleteknek az eredményeit és tanulságait. A kipróbálás tapasztalatai alapján a módszer a zenei észlelés fejlesztésén keresztül eredményesen segíti a beszédészlelés fejlődését. A Látható hangok ezáltal az olvasás, helyesírás elsajátításának az előkészítését támogatja óvodáskorban és az iskolai tanulás kezdeti szakaszában. Az áttekintett szakirodalom és a bemutatott fejlesztő program alapján levonható következtetések fontos szempontokat nyújtanak az ének-zene oktatás megújulására irányuló kutatásokhoz

    Selvitys Team Finland -verkoston toiminnan ja johtamisen uudistamisesta

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    Ulkoministeriön (UM) ja työ- ja elinkeinoministeriön (TEM) työryhmä on selvittänyt pääministeri Petteri Orpon hallitusohjelman Team Finland -toimintaa koskevien kirjausten toimeenpanoa. Hallitusohjelman mukaan Team Finland -verkoston johtamista ja toimintaa tulee uudistaa yhdessä elinkeinoelämän kanssa, vahvistaa UM:n ohjausroolia sekä selvittää Business Finlandin (BF) ulkomaantoimintojen siirtoa osaksi Suomen edustustoverkkoa. Selvitystyöryhmä on tunnistanut vertaismaiden vienninedistämismalleista hyviä käytänteitä Team Finland (TF) -verkoston kehittämistyöhön. Suomen vienninedistämisjärjestelmän keskeiseksi epäkohdaksi todetaan hajanainen johtamisjärjestelmä erityisesti ulkomaanverkostossa, jota johdetaan kahdesta eri organisaatiosta. Selvitys esittää kolme ratkaisumallia, joilla Team Finland verkoston johtamista ja vienninedistämistoimintaa voidaan tehostaa ja yksinkertaistaa. Selvitys esittää alustavat arviot näiden mallien toteutuksesta ml. tarvittavat lainsäädäntömuutokset sekä arviot kunkin mallin eduista, haitoista ja riskeistä. Selvityksessä esitettävät ratkaisumallit ovat: 1. Team Finland -verkoston johtamisrakenteen uudistaminen kotimaassa 2. Team Finland -verkoston johtamisrakenteen uudistaminen kotimaassa sekä UM:n ohjausroolin vahvistaminen ulkomaaverkostossa 3. BF:n ulkomaantoimintojen siirto ulkoasianhallintoo

    Utredning om reformen av Team Finland-nätverkets verksamhet och ledning

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    Utrikesministeriets och arbets- och näringsministeriets arbetsgrupp har utrett genomförandet av de föresatser för Team Finland-verksamheten som står skrivna i Petteri Orpos regeringsprogram. I enlighet med regeringsprogrammet förnyas ledningen av Team Finland-nätverket och dess verksamhet gemensamt med näringslivet, stärks utrikesministeriets styrande roll och utreds överförandet av Business Finlands verksamhet i utlandet till Finlands beskickningsnät. I jämförelseländernas exportfrämjande modeller har utredningsgruppen identifierat god praxis som kan användas i Team Finland-nätverkets utvecklingsarbete. En stor brist i Finlands exportfrämjande system är det splittrade ledningssystemet, särskilt utlandsnätverket, som leds av två olika organisationer. I utredningen föreslås tre olika lösningsmodeller som kan effektivisera och förenkla ledningen av Team Finland-nätverket och dess exportfrämjande verksamhet. Utredningen presenterar preliminära bedömningar av genomförandet av dessa modeller inklusive ändringar i lagstiftningen och bedömningar av varje modells fördelar, nackdelar och risker. De lösningsmodeller som presenteras i utredningen är: 1. Team Finland-nätverkets ledningsstruktur i Finland reformeras 2. Team Finland-nätverkets ledningsstruktur i Finland reformeras och utrikesministeriets styrande roll i utlandsnätverket stärks 3. Business Finlands verksamhet i utlandet överförs till utrikesförvaltninge

    Report on the reform of the operations and management of the Team Finland network

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    A working group of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment examined the implementation of Prime Minister Petteri Orpo’s Government Programme’s entries on Team Finland’s operations. According to the Programme, the Government needs to reform the operations and management of the Team Finland network in cooperation with business and industry, strengthen the Foreign Ministry’s guiding role and examine whether Business Finland’s activities abroad could be incorporated into Finland’s network of diplomatic and consular missions. The working group examined export promotion models of peer countries and identified best practices for the development of the Team Finland network. The working group found fragmented management to be a key shortcoming in Finland’s export promotion system, especially the management of the network abroad, which is dispersed across two different organisations. The report proposes three solutions to simplify and enhance the management and export promotion activities of the Team Finland network. The report gives a preliminary assessment of the implementation of these solutions, including the necessary legislative amendments and an assessment of the advantages, disadvantages and risks of each solution. The report proposes the following solutions: 1. Reforming the management structure of the Team Finland network in Finland 2. Reforming the management structure of the Team Finland network in Finland andstrengthening the Foreign Ministry’s guiding role in the network abroad 3. Incorporating Business Finland’s activities abroad into the Foreign Servic

    Review on the validity of self-report to assess work-related diseases

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    Self-report is an efficient and accepted means of assessing population characteristics, risk factors, and diseases. Little is known on the validity of self-reported work-related illness as an indicator of the presence of a work-related disease. This study reviews the evidence on (1) the validity of workers' self-reported illness and (2) on the validity of workers' self-assessed work relatedness of an illness. A systematic literature search was conducted in four databases (Medline, Embase, PsycINFO and OSH-Update). Two reviewers independently performed the article selection and data extraction. The methodological quality of the studies was evaluated, levels of agreement and predictive values were rated against predefined criteria, and sources of heterogeneity were explored. In 32 studies, workers' self-reports of health conditions were compared with the "reference standard" of expert opinion. We found that agreement was mainly low to moderate. Self-assessed work relatedness of a health condition was examined in only four studies, showing low-to-moderate agreement with expert assessment. The health condition, type of questionnaire, and the case definitions for both self-report and reference standards influence the results of validation studies. Workers' self-reported illness may provide valuable information on the presence of disease, although the generalizability of the findings is limited primarily to musculoskeletal and skin disorders. For case finding in a population at risk, e.g., an active workers' health surveillance program, a sensitive symptom questionnaire with a follow-up by a medical examination may be the best choice. Evidence on the validity of self-assessed work relatedness of a health condition is scarce. Adding well-developed questions to a specific medical diagnosis exploring the relationship between symptoms and work may be a good strateg

    Kuntien palveluhankintojen murros. Tutkimus kuntien palveluhankintojen kilpailuttamisessa esiintyvistä ongelmista ja niiden syistä

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    Kunnat tavoittelevat kumppanuuksia palveluhankinnoissaan Palveluhankinnat ovat yksi vaikeimmista julkisten hankintojen alueesta. Ilona Lundströmin väitöskirjassa tutkitaan kuntien julkisia palveluhankintoja ja niiden hankintaprosessissa esiintyviä ongelmia. Tutkimuksesta käy ilmi, mitä ongelmia kuntien palveluhankinnoissa esiintyy ja miksi niitä esiintyy. Hankintaprosessissa haasteita ilmenee erityisesti hankinnan suunnittelun ja tarjouspyynnön valmistelun vaiheessa. Useimmiten ongelmat kuntien palveluhankinnoissa johtuvat hankintaosaamisen puutteista. Kuntien palveluhankinnoissa haasteita aiheuttavat myös markkinat ja niiden toimimattomuus. Kuntien muutostilanteet, kuten kuntaliitokset heijastuvat niin ikään palveluhankintoihin ja aiheuttavat niissä ongelmia. Kunnat pyrkivät palveluhankinnoissaan yhä useammin muodostamaan kumppanuuksia palveluja tuottavien yritysten kanssa. Kilpailuttaminen ei kuitenkaan tue kumppanuuksien syntymistä. Hankintamenettelyjen läpivieminen siten, että kumppanuuksien muodostaminen mahdollistuu, vaatii hankintayksiköiltä vankkaa osaamista ja suunnitelmallisuutta palveluhankinnoissa. Suurin osa kuntien palveluhankinnoissa esiintyvistä ongelmista olisi vältettävissä hankintojen huolellisella valmistelulla. Tutkimustulosten käytäntöön jalkauttamisen voisi tiivistää hankinnan valmistelun osalta ohjeeseen: Hankinnan valmisteluun on varattava reilusti aikaa. Hankintaa kannattaa valmistella oman organisaation lisäksi potentiaalisten tarjoajien ja palvelun loppukäyttäjien, kuntalaisten kanssa. Toimimalla avoimesti ja hyödyntämällä verkostoja monet hankintaprosessin myöhemmässä vaiheessa eteen tulevat ongelmat ovat vältettävissä. Kuntien palveluhankintojen ongelmakohtien tunnistaminen ja niihin varautuminen on kunnalle keskeinen keino päästä palveluhankinnassa onnistuneeseen lopputulokseen.Study examines the problems of public procurement process of services in Finnish municipalities. The objectives of the study are to increase understanding of problems that occur in public procurement of services in municipalities and to show in which parts of the procurement process and in which services the problems occur. The study describes the problems of service procurements in a comprehensive way so that the results of the study provide solutions to the problems for practitioners, which is done by dividing the problems by both steps of the procurement process and by the service category. The study also aims at finding links between problems of public service procurement and change in governance of municipalities so that new theoretical knowledge of changes of governance, operating environment and operations of municipalities. The study develops the theoretical basis of governance and the changing local administration through empirical evidence of public service procurement. The empirical data of the research consists of e-mail messages sent by municipalities, cities, regions and other local level municipal actors to the Public Procurement Advisory Unit 2004-2006 holding questions about public service procurement. The Public Procurement Advisory Unit is a joint project of the Ministry of Employment and Economy and the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities. The Advisory Unit serves public procurement units by providing them with free advice on the public procurement law, the application of the law and good practices in procurement. The research method in this study was qualitative content analysis. The analysis was carried out by means of abductive reasoning. The theory bound analysis was implemented at the first stage inductively. To the end of the analysis the theoretical framework influenced the reasoning as guiding principle. The analysis resulted in six themes, which explains why the public service procurements of municipalities face problems. The themes are market, political influence, the change of local authority institution, the service provider, the mentality and skills. The themes explicate clearly the thematic areas in which the challenges in public service procurement occur. The problems local authorities face in public service procurement become apparent in the empirical data in a way, which shows that service procurement, procurement culture and procurement environment of local authorizes hover in between old and new. Through the themes explaining the problems in service procurement a core idea and concept of the study was formed: the change in local authorities service procurement, which describes the transition from old procurement culture and environment to new one. The change in local authorities service procurement can be divided into three distinct changes, which rise from the interpretation of research analysis. Local authorities service procurement is in transition in three dimensions which are structural change, operational change and change of control system. Structural change consists of merger of local authorities and establishing new central purchasing bodies among others. In the background of structural change is also increasing of inter-municipal cooperation. Operational change can be described with slogans from government to governance and from competitive tendering to procurement partnerships. The change of control system is based on co-operation and partnerships between municipalities and suppliers The study resulted in an overall picture of local authorities service procurements problems and the causes why problems occur. The presence of the three elements in local authorities service procurement was clearly shown. The elements are: the bureaucratic and legalistic decision-making and its preparation, which constitute the formal public procurement process and at the same the bureaucratic wall which is built around the local authority during the tendering process; the competitive element, which consists of trading on the open market and; governance networks, which base on partnerships and co-operation between local authorities and suppliers. When unwinding the study results and the core category into themes that are included in the change in local authorities service procurement, all the themes can be located in the above described elements and into the friction which is created in the interface of them. The friction of the three elements shows also the large transition that municipalities are facing in their operations and operation environment, which can be seen both in the theoretical discussion and in re-scaling of municipalities. When the change in local authorities service procurement is seen in the light of theories of public administration, new public management and governance, the true core of the change is revealed. Old, but at the same time preserving represents the bureaucratic and legalistic administration. Old and at the same time fading paradigm is the NPM, which still describe the change of management in municipalities, but which does not as a whole describe the municipalities operating environment. The new is represented by governance theories, which reflects one of the core issues of the change in local authorities service procurement: networks and partnerships. The friction surfaces of the elements that describe the change in local authorities service procurement also change the operating environment where local authorities purchase services. They reinforce the partnerships between the local authorities and suppliers within networks, as well as the governance networks in general as the ground for public procurement of services. The change in local authorities service procurement also include the re-scaling of municipalities and the re-drawing of the municipal borders in terms of networks in circumstances where municipalities as institution itself are undergoing change

    Estetiska aktiviteter som pedagogiskt redskap : Rapport från ett pågående interkulturellt skolutvecklingsprojekt

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    Våren 2003 inleddes ett utvecklingsarbete i samarbete mellan forskare vid Mälardalens högskola och fyra skolor i Eskilstuna kommun. Genom införandet av en estetikbaserad pedagogik ville man stimulera en personlighets- och kompetensutveckling bland eleverna. Skolutvecklingsprojektet består av två delar, en utvecklingsdel och en forskningsdel. Utvecklingsdelen handlar om en nära samverkan mellan forskare och lärarei syfte att ge stöd och stimulans till användning av estetiska aktiviteter i skolarbetet. Forskningsdelen handlar om att undersöka effekterna av de estetiska aktiviteterna avseende elevernas kompetensutveckling och verksamhetens didaktiska förutsättningar. I rapporten presenteras utvecklingsarbetets teoretiska grund, som vilar på den radikala estitiken, samt en beskrivning av utvecklingsarbetets förlopp och betydelse sett ur medverkande lärares och skolledares perspektiv. Författaren till rapporten, Ilona Antal-Lundström, är fil.dr. och universitetslektor i pedagogik vid Mälardalens högskola. Hennes forskning handlar om estetik i ett pedagogiskt perspektiv, med fokus på de estetiska aktiviteternas roll i personlighetsutvecklingen