38 research outputs found

    Verbal, Facial and Autonomic Responses to Empathy-Eliciting Film Clips by Disruptive Male Adolescents with High Versus Low Callous-Unemotional Traits

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    This study examined empathy-related responding in male adolescents with disruptive behavior disorder (DBD), high or low on callous-unemotional (CU) traits. Facial electromyographic (EMG) and heart rate (HR) responses were monitored during exposure to empathy-inducing film clips portraying sadness, anger or happiness. Self-reports were assessed afterward. In agreement with expectations, DBD adolescents with high CU traits showed significantly lower levels of empathic sadness than healthy controls across all response systems. Between DBD subgroups significant differences emerged at the level of autonomic (not verbal or facial) reactions to sadness, with high CU respondents showing less HR change from baseline than low CU respondents. The study also examined basal patterns of autonomic function. Resting HR was not different between groups, but resting respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) was significantly lower in DBD adolescents with high CU traits compared to controls. Results support the notion that CU traits designate a distinct subgroup of DBD individuals

    Product development of cable brush machine

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    Cable excavation is a work that becomes expensive as it is time consuming and the risk of cable breaks is imminent. It often happens when the excavator is used in direct contact with the cable strap. The purpose of the work is that Holms is in a product expansion phase, which in turn means that they want to manufacture more tools for excavators. The aim is to produce a CAD model and manufacturing base for a first prototype of a so-called cable brush machine. The work is being carried out at Holms Industri located in Motala, which today designs and manufactures road maintenance tools for mainly tractors and wheel loaders. The method is based on Ullman's product development process, which was modified to suit this work. The concept development was divided into two phases where the first phase became rough sketches of how the cable machine could look. The result from the first phase was taken to the second phase, focusing on making the concepts more detailed in order to progress. The detailed design of the prototype began with the definitive concept as a base. To minimize the requirement for welding fixtures, reducing production time and achieving consistent results the focus was on making the details easy to produce and assemble. Manufacturing bases were then created from the CAD models. The result of the work became a prototype of the cable brush machine, made with 3D models and manufacturing bases to build and test it

    Hapax i Olof Verelius ordbok frĂĄn 1681

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    Olof Verelius was the custodian of national monuments (riksantikvarie) in Sweden during the second half of the 17th century. He translated the Icelandic sagas into Swedish and published them. He also produced a dictionary of primarily Icelandic, but also Old Swedish words where the headwords are translated into Swedish and Latin. Among the equivalents in the Swedish translations, words occur that have not been documented elsewhere (hapax legomena). In the article I try to find out where these words come from and how they are formed. My conclusion is that the vast majority of them are formed as loan translations according to the Icelandic model. Many of the equivalents have simply been translated to the etymologically corresponding Swedish morphemes while others have been interpreted part by part. Direct loanwords also occur but are not so common. I also found, however, that words that only occurred in the dictionary were documented in the collections of the Swedish dialects. This shows that these were not the creations of Verelius, but must have been used in vernacular language

    Oral Health Care in Home Care Service – Personnels’ Perspective

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    Elderly nowadays stay longer in their own home. This raises the standards on home care service to contribute to the maintenance of elderly’s general and oral health. Our objective is therefore to explore attitudes about how home care workers view oral health care and the importance of good oral health for elderly clients. 8 subjects (22 to 61 years of age) were selected for the study working in home care service, which all gave their informed consent. Semi-structured interviews were performed, recorded and transcribed verbatim before evaluation, using qualitative content analysis. From the interviews, a result of total 19 categories and 41 subcategories were assigned which were the bases for the 10 evolved themes. The four themes best representing the study’s purpose are more thoroughly described. At a low level of abstraction attitudes such as reminding the clients to brush their teeth and importance of practical help with oral hygiene are expressed as important. Difficulties occur in forms of lack of accessibility to the oral cavity and the client’s unwillingness to co-operate. The participants also require better contact with dental services. On the emotional level, feelings such as alienation, powerlessness and fear of breaking the client’s integrity occur along with feelings of distantness and lack of interest. This leading to a conclusion of a low level of awareness together with lack of knowledge about oral care and oral health is seen among personnel in home care service, while the personnel themselves are requesting more knowledge and better contact with dental health care services

    Vad kan vi förvänta oss? : Förväntningsgapets ansikte ur mikroföretagares perspektiv

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    Förväntningsgapet inom revisionen är en sedan länge identifierad problematik för revisorer och revisionsbyråer. Ett förväntningsgap uppstår då beställaren av en revisionstjänst har en uppfattning av vad som ska innefattas i tjänsten vilken inte stämmer överrens med vad revisorn menar är dennes jobb. Uppsatsens syfte är att beskriva mikroföretagares syn på förväntningsgap utifrån deras relation med sin revisor och sedan analysera om det finns indikationer på ett samband mellan ett upplevt eller icke upplevt förväntningsgap och mikroföretagares inställning till frivillig revision.För att uppfylla uppsatsens syfte har vi intervjuat fem stycken mikroföretagare. Resultatet visar att ingen av de intervjuade mikroföretagarna upplever något förväntningsgap i deras relation till sin revisor. Vi analyserar och presenterar tänkbara anledningar till det obefintliga förväntningsgapet. Resultatet visar också på tydliga indikationer på ett samband mellan icke upplevt förväntningsgap och positiv inställning till frivillig revision.The expectation gap in audit has for auditors and audit firms been an identified problem for a long time. An expectation gap arises when the client has expectations of what the service should contain which does not agree with what the auditor means is his or her duty. The purpose of this paper is to describe the owners of micro enterprise’s view on the expectation gap on the basis of their relation to their auditor and also analyse if there are indications on a connection between an experienced or non-experienced expectation gap and the owners of a micro enterprise’s attitude towards voluntary audit.We have interviewed five owners of micro enterprises in order to fill the purpose of this paper. The results of the study show that none of the micro enterprise owners’ experience an expectation gap in the relationship between them and their auditor. We analyse and present plausible reasons for the non-existing expectation gap. The results also show legible indications of a connection between the non-experienced expectation gap and a positive attitude towards a voluntary audit

    Second Language Acquisition in Swedish Teaching : A literature study on how Swedish teaching can be designed to support multilingual pupils’ second language development.

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    Denna litteraturstudie lyfter hur svenskundervisning kan struktureras för att stötta flerspråkiga elevers andraspråksutveckling. Studien undersöker även hur elevers andraspråksutveckling kan påverkas av svensklärares inställning till flerspråkighet. Urval av material gjordes genom närläsning av forskningsartiklar inom ämnet, där framgångsfaktorer för andraspråksutveckling återfanns. En genomgående aspekt som lyfts i de olika faktorerna är vikten av att låta elever använda sitt förstaspråk som stöttning i sin andraspråksinlärning. Lärare behöver därav ha goda kunskaper om hur elevers förstaspråk kan användas som resurs för att kunna ge utrymme för elevers förstaspråk i sin undervisning. Tidigare forskning visar att det bland lärare råder en oro om att inte kunna ge flerspråkiga elever den stöttning i deras andraspråksutveckling som de behöver. I och med detta undviker lärare att synliggöra flerspråkighet i sitt klassrum. I studiens resultat framkommer det att själva synliggörandet är en viktig del i en framgångsrik andraspråksutveckling.

    Cookies, cookies överallt! : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur internetanvändare interagerar med samtyckesrutor

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    The purpose of this study is to examine what reasons internet users have for accepting, declining, or adjusting cookie settings. The study’s research question is: what reasons do Internet users have for accepting, declining, or adjusting cookie settings? To answer the research question, we constructed three research support questions: 1) how do internet users access the internet?, 2) What are internet users’ perspectives on privacy on the internet?, 3) How do internet users interact with cookie consent notices? The study’s theoretical framework consists of informed consent, contextual integrity, nudging, and political economy. We conducted semi-structured interviews in order to get a deeper understanding of the internet users’ experiences with cookie consent notices. We analyzed the material through thematic coding. Due to the Covid19 pandemic, all interviews were conducted through Zoom. The sample consisted of eight media and communication students at Karlstad University. There were four key findings: 1) The interviewees in our study accessed the internet primarily via applications on their smartphones. 2) There were mixed opinions about who has the greatest responsibility for private citizens’ privacy on the internet. Although many thought that the individual bears most of the responsibility, a majority thought there is a need for more governmental regulation regarding collecting and processing private data. 3) All interviewees thought cookie consent notices are an excellent tool for protecting one’s privacy, but none of them adjusted the cookie settings regularly when prompted by cookie consent notices. 4) The reasons why the interviewees accept cookies without adjusting cookie settings varied. Habits and annoyance were key factors.  The current climate where notice and choice is the de facto privacy measure for internet users is not sustainable. In conclusion, legislators and policymakers should focus on regulating how personal data is processed rather than pushing the responsibility of safeguarding personal data onto the users.

    Hur hållbart är hållbart nog? : En utvärdering av Sustainable Value-metoden genom praktisk applikation på Stockholmsbörsens Large Cap-bolag

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    Miljön har blivit en stor del av samhällsdebatten och en stor mängd information om klimatpåverkan finns tillgänglig för den intresserade. En hållbarhetsredovisning är företagens sätt att visa sitt miljöengagemang och i den redovisas en mängd data. Sustainable Value-metoden anses av många vara en av de bättre metoderna att ta till vara på dessa data. Metoden använder företagens egna uppgifter om miljöpåverkan för att jämföra företag med varandra avseende hållbar utveckling. Syftet med uppsatsen är att utröna hur användbar Sustainable Value-metoden är genom att applicera metoden i en undersökning på företagen på Stockholmsbörsens Large Cap-lista med fokus på företagens koldioxidutsläpp. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att företagen redovisar väldefinierad utsläppsinformation i större utsträckning än för bara några år sedan och att det idag finns tillräckligt med information för att en undersökning med Sustainable Value-metoden på Stockholmsbörsens Large Cap-företag ska vara meningfull att genomföra. Uppsatsen belyser vidare två ytterligare aspekter som påverkar metodens praktiska användbarhet

    Hur hållbart är hållbart nog? : En utvärdering av Sustainable Value-metoden genom praktisk applikation på Stockholmsbörsens Large Cap-bolag

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    Miljön har blivit en stor del av samhällsdebatten och en stor mängd information om klimatpåverkan finns tillgänglig för den intresserade. En hållbarhetsredovisning är företagens sätt att visa sitt miljöengagemang och i den redovisas en mängd data. Sustainable Value-metoden anses av många vara en av de bättre metoderna att ta till vara på dessa data. Metoden använder företagens egna uppgifter om miljöpåverkan för att jämföra företag med varandra avseende hållbar utveckling. Syftet med uppsatsen är att utröna hur användbar Sustainable Value-metoden är genom att applicera metoden i en undersökning på företagen på Stockholmsbörsens Large Cap-lista med fokus på företagens koldioxidutsläpp. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att företagen redovisar väldefinierad utsläppsinformation i större utsträckning än för bara några år sedan och att det idag finns tillräckligt med information för att en undersökning med Sustainable Value-metoden på Stockholmsbörsens Large Cap-företag ska vara meningfull att genomföra. Uppsatsen belyser vidare två ytterligare aspekter som påverkar metodens praktiska användbarhet