465 research outputs found

    The Syntax of Concessive Clauses: Evidence from Exempt Anaphora

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    Charnavel (2019b) argues that the acceptability of exempt anaphors in adjunct clauses can be used to diagnose the height of those clauses. The goal of this paper is first to provide experimental support for this diagnostic and then to use it to probe the syntax of two types of concessive clauses in English, namely clauses headed by even though and although . The distribution of exempt anaphors reveals that even though -clauses attach lower than although -clauses. However, this result seems to contradict more standard scopal tests (such as pronominal binding) suggesting that even though -clauses scope as high as although -clauses. We argue that this apparent conflict reveals that more fine-grained scopal distinctions are needed both between different types of adjunct clauses and between different types of DPs

    «Vi blir en sånn utstøtt gruppe til slutt...» Røykeres syn på egen røyking og denormaliseringsstrategier i tobakkspolitikken

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    Denne antologien belyser røykeres syn på egen røyking. I tillegg belyses røykernes erfaringer med tobakkspolitikkens denormaliseringsstrategier. Innledningsvis i antologien gjøres det rede for hva vi forstår med denormalisering av røyking og røykere (definering av røyking som uønsket atferd), og hvordan ideen om denormalisering har preget mye av tobakkskontrollarbeidet i Norge og i vesten forøvrig. Rapporten presenterer så fem empiriske analyser basert på røykernes selvforståelse: Karl Erik Lund viser i sin artikkel «Røykernes motstand til nye tobakksforebyggende tiltak» at en stor andel av dagens røykere er sterkt imot flere røykebegrensninger, særlig salgsbegrensninger for sigaretter. Motstanden er noe mindre når det gjelder nye adgangsbegrensninger. Rikke Iren Tokles studie «Av-og-til-røyking – en dobbeltdistinksjon? Avstand fra både dagligrøyking og ‘streite’ ikke-røykere» får fram hvordan røyken inngår i det sosiale livet til urbane unge voksne, og hvordan av-og-til-røyking kan sees som uttrykk for motstand mot både avhengighetsperspektivet som assosieres med dagligrøykere og ikke-røykernes helsefokus. I Ola Røed Bilgreis artikkel «Forsvar og motstand: Etablerte røykeres nøytraliserings- og motstandsteknikker i et tobakksfiendtlig samfunn», er det forsvaret for egen atferd og den eksplisitte motstanden mot reguleringer og myndigheter som er i fokus. Forsvaret består av nøytraliseringsteknikker for å nedtone helseplager og risiko, slik at røykingen framstår som mer legitim og rasjonell for den enkelte, mens motstanden innebærer problematisering av restriksjoner som virkemiddel og av hva som egentlig er «god helse»

    How microbial food web interactions shape the arctic ocean bacterial community revealed by size fractionation experiments

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    In the Arctic, seasonal changes are substantial, and as a result, the marine bacterial community composition and functions differ greatly between the dark winter and light-intensive summer. While light availability is, overall, the external driver of the seasonal changes, several internal biological interactions structure the bacterial community during shorter timescales. These include specific phytoplankton–bacteria associations, viral infections and other top-down controls. Here, we uncover these microbial interactions and their effects on the bacterial community composition during a full annual cycle by manipulating the microbial food web using size fractionation. The most profound community changes were detected during the spring, with ‘mutualistic phytoplankton’—Gammaproteobacteria interactions dominating in the pre-bloom phase and ‘substrate-dependent phytoplankton’—Flavobacteria interactions during blooming conditions. Bacterivores had an overall limited effect on the bacterial community composition most of the year. However, in the late summer, grazing was the main factor shaping the community composition and transferring carbon to higher trophic levels. Identifying these small-scale interactions improves our understanding of the Arctic marine microbial food web and its dynamics

    Experimental determination of the degree of quantum polarisation of continuous variable states

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    We demonstrate excitation-manifold resolved polarisation characterisation of continuous-variable (CV) quantum states. In contrast to traditional characterisation of polarisation that is based on the Stokes parameters, we experimentally determine the Stokes vector of each excitation manifold separately. Only for states with a given photon number does the methods coincide. For states with an indeterminate photon number, for example Gaussian states, the employed method gives a richer and more accurate description. We apply the method both in theory and in experiment to some common states to demonstrate its advantages.Comment: 5 page

    Side chains affect the melt processing and stretchability of arabinoxylan biomass-based thermoplastic films

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    Hydrophobization of hemicellulose causes melt processing and makes them stretchable thermoplastics. Understanding how native and/or appended side chains in various hemicelluloses after chemical modification affect melt processing and material properties can help in the development of products for film packaging and substrates for stretchable electronics applications. Herein, we describe a one-step and two-step strategy for the fabrication of flexible and stretchable thermoplastics prepared by compression molding of two structurally different arabinoxylans (AX). For one-step synthesis, the n-butyl glycidyl ether epoxide ring was opened to the hydroxyl group, resulting in the introduction of alkoxide side chains. The first step in the two-step synthesis was periodate oxidation. Because the melt processability for AXs having low arabinose to xylose ratio (araf/xylp<0.5) have been limited, two structurally distinct AXs extracted from wheat bran (AXWB, araf/xylp = 3/4) and barley husk (AXBH, araf/xylp = 1/4) were used to investigate the effect of araf/xylp and hydrophobization on the melt processability and properties of the final material. Melt compression processability was achieved in AXBH derived samples. DSC and DMA confirmed that the thermoplastics derived from AXWB and AXBH had dual and single glass transition (Tg) characteristics, respectively, but the thermoplastics derived from AXBH had lower stretchability (maximum 160%) compared to the AXWB samples (maximum 300%). Higher araf/xylp values, and thus longer alkoxide side chains in AXWB-derived thermoplastics, explain the stretchability differences

    Oxidation Level and Glycidyl Ether Structure Determine Thermal Processability and Thermomechanical Properties of Arabinoxylan-Derived Thermoplastics

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    Developing flexible, stretchable, and thermally processable materials for packaging and stretchable electronic applications from polysaccharide-based polymers contributes to the smooth transition of the fossil-based economy to the circular bioeconomy. We present arabinoxylan (AX)-based thermoplastics obtained by ring-opening oxidation and subsequent reduction (dA-AX) combined with hydrophobization with three different glycidyl ethers [n-butyl (BuGE), isopropyl (iPrGE), and 2-ethyl hexyl (EtHGE) glycidyl ether]. We also investigate the relationship between structural composition, thermal processing, and thermomechanical properties. BuGE- A nd iPrGE-etherified dA-AXs showed glass-transition temperatures (Tg) far below their degradation temperatures and gave thermoplastic materials when compression-molded at 140 \ub0C. The BuGE (3 mol)-etherified dA-AX films at 19 and 31% oxidation levels show 244% (\ub142) and 267% (\ub172) elongation, respectively. In contrast, iPrGE-dA-AX samples with shorter and branched terminals in the side chains had a maximum of 60% (\ub119) elongation. No studies have reported such superior elongation of AX thermoplastic films and its relationship with molar substitution and Tg. These findings have implications on the strategic development of chemical modification routes using commercial polymer processing technologies and on fine-tuning structures and properties when specific polysaccharide-based polymers are used to engineer bio-based products for film, packaging, and substrates for stretchable electronic applications

    Hydrophobization of arabinoxylan with n-butyl glycidyl ether yields stretchable thermoplastic materials

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    Hemicelluloses are regarded as one of the first candidates for the development of value-added materials due to their renewability, abundance, and functionality. However, because most hemicelluloses are brittle, they can only be processed as a solution and cannot be processed using industrial melt-based polymer processing techniques. In this study, arabinoxylan (AX) was hydrophobized by incorporating butyl glycidyl ether (BuGE) into the hydroxyl groups through the opening of the BuGE epoxide ring, yielding alkoxy alcohols with terminal ethers. The formed BuGE derivatives were melt processable and can be manufactured into stretchable thermoplastic films through compression molding, which has never been done before with hemicellulose modified in a single step. The structural and thermomechanical properties of the one-step synthesis approach were compared to those of a two-step synthesis with a pre-activation step to demonstrate its robustness. The strain at break for the one-step synthesized AX thermoplastic with 3 mol of BuGE is ≈200%. These findings suggest that thermoplastic polymers can be composited with hemicelluloses or that thermoplastic polymers made entirely of hemicelluloses can be designed as packaging and stretchable electronics supports