307 research outputs found

    PARP1 inhibition by Olaparib reduces the lethality of pancreatic cancer cells and increases their sensitivity to Gemcitabine

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    Pancreatic cancer (PC) is one of the tumors with the lowest survival rates due to the poor efficacy of the treatments currently used. Gemcitabine (GMZ), one of the chemotherapeutic agents employed when the tumor is unresectable, frequently fails due to the development of drug resistance. PARP1 is a relevant protein in this phenomenon and appears to be related to cancer progression in several types of tumors, including PC. To determine the relevance of PARP1 in the development and treatment of PC, we used the Panc02 cell line to generate modified PC cells with stably inhibited PARP1 expression (Panc02-L) and used GMZ, Olaparib (OLA) and GMZ+OLA as therapeutic strategies. Viability, radiosensitization, angiogenesis, migration, colony formation, TUNEL, cell cycle, multicellular tumorsphere induction and in vivo assays were performed to test the influence of PARP1 inhibition on resistance phenomena and tumor progression. We demonstrated that stable inhibition or pharmacological blockade of PARP1 using OLA-sensitized Panc02 cells against GMZ significantly decreased their IC50, reducing colony formation capacity, cell migration and vessel formation (angiogenesis) in vitro. Furthermore, in vivo analyses revealed that Panc02-L-derived (PARP1-inhibited) tumors showed less growth and lethality, and that GMZ+OLA treatment significantly reduced tumor growth. In conclusion, PARP1 inhibition, both alone and in combination with GMZ, enhances the effectiveness of this chemotherapeutic agent and represents a promising strategy for the treatment of PC.Granada University and ibs. GRANADA INB-009Instituto de Salud Carlos III European Commission DTS17/00081Junta de Andalucia (FEDER) (Spain) CTS-107 A-CTS-666UGR20 B-CTS-122-UGR20Ministerio de Educaci 'on, Ciencia y Deporte y Competitividad (Spain

    Current Aspects in Trichinellosis

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    Currently, it is estimated that more than 11 million humans in the world are infected by helminth parasites of Trichinella species, mainly by Trichinella spiralis (T. spiralis), responsible for causing Trichinellosis disease in both animals and humans. Trichinellosis is a cosmopolitan parasitic zoonotic disease, which has direct relevance to human and animal health, because it presents a constant and important challenge to the host’s immune system, especially through the intestinal tract. Currently, there is an intense investigation of new strategies in pharmacotherapy and immunotherapy against infection by Trichinella spiralis. In this chapter, we will present the most current aspects of biology, epidemiology, immunology, clinicopathology, pharmacotherapy and immunotherapy in Trichinellosis

    Professional certification as a teaching tool in Computer Science Degree at the Higher Polytechnic School of Cordoba

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    Existen múltiples empresas que emiten certificaciones de competencias profesionales dentro del ámbito de las Ingenierías. Estas certificaciones están siendo muy demandadas por las empresas empleadoras ya que permiten demostrar la cualificación de los solicitantes desde un punto de vista teórico y práctico muy exigente. Esto ha llevado a que muchos alumnos y egresados hayan tomado cursos de preparación para los exámenes de certificación. Una de las más relevantes es CISCO, que realiza certificaciones de competencias de Redes de Computadores. Un grupo de profesores de la EPSC de la Universidad de Córdoba ha planteado adaptar los contenidos de diversas asignaturas de la Titulación Oficial de Grado en Ingeniería Informática para que el alumnado cubra todos los requisitos formativos (tanto teóricos como prácticos) exigidos por la empresa CISCO para las diversas certificaciones en materia de Redes de Comunicación entre Ordenadores. Además, esta adaptación debe hacerse sin alterar el documento Verifica, aprobado por la Agencia Nacional de Acreditación y Evaluación (ANECA).There are a lot of enterprises which provide certifications of knowledge and skills in professional competences within the Engineering field. These certifications are highly demanded by employers, because they demonstrate the qualification of the applicants from a very demanding theoretical and practical point of view. Thus, a lot of students and graduates have enrolled in training courses for the certification exams. One of the most important corporations is CISCO, which provides certifications in the field of Computer Networking. A group of professors from the Higher Polytechnic School of Cordoba from the University of Cordoba (Spain) has adapted the contents of several subjects of the Computer Science Degree, in order to cover all the educational requirements required by CISCO for the Computer Networking field. Besides, this adaptation has to be taken without any modification in the VERIFICA document, approved by the Spanish National Certification and Evaluation Agency (ANECA)

    Mobile Payment Adoption in the Age of Digital Transformation: The Case of Apple Pay

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    Current developments in information technology and communications, as well as the significant transformations the business world is being forced to make, are generating an opportunity for widespread acceptance of mobile payments. The present research analyzes the intention to use the Apple Pay mobile payment system, as well as contextualizing and evaluating the different antecedents of its use. To carry out the research, 539 users were invited to respond to an online questionnaire, and an analysis of structural equation modeling was used. The results indicate that perceived value is the variable that most influences the intention to use the proposed payment system, followed by perception of utility and risk. This work has important implications for companies in the sector

    Consumo de sustancias psicotrópicas y estilo de vida en estudiantes de del Colegio Eloy Velásquez Cevallos, 2022

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    The consumption of psychotropic substances or commonly known as drugs is not a new issue for Ecuadorian society. In this sense, a research was proposed that is based on contributing to current knowledge about how the consumption of psychotropic substances influences the lifestyles of the students of the Eloy Velásquez Cevallos school, belonging to the la Libertad canton province of Santa Elena, the aforementioned topic has great importance for the educational community of the aforementioned institution, therefore, it was necessary to start from a conceptual theoretical framework and then apply a methodology for data collection from a quantitative approach of a descriptive type, the same that was carried out through surveys of 56 students between the ages of 14 and 18 years, which allowed to identify factors of consumption in the environment of the educational community, that are influencing adolescents to get involved at an early age in the use of some type of psychotropic substance, another aspect evidenced is this study, is the low self-esteem of a large percentage of students and a poor management of their emotions as evidenced in the analysis of the results of this research work. which has a direct impact on their conditions and lifestyles. Finally, it is concluded that substance use is a phenomenon that is negatively affecting adolescents in the educational system, mainly in their academic performance, their peer relationships, their families and their health. Keywords: adolescence, consumption, lifestyles, psychotropic substances.El consumo de sustancias psicotrópicas o conocidas comúnmente como drogas no es un tema nuevo para la sociedad ecuatoriana. En ese sentido se planteó una investigación que está basado en contribuir con conocimiento actual acerca de cómo influye el consumo de sustancias psicotrópicas en los estilos de vida de los estudiantes del colegio Eloy Velásquez Cevallos, perteneciente al cantón La Libertad provincia de Santa Elena, el tema mencionado tiene gran trascendencia para la comunidad educativa de la institución mencionada, por ello fue necesario partir de un marco teórico conceptual y luego, aplicar una metodología para la recolección de datos desde un enfoque cuantitativo de tipo descriptivo, el mismo que se llevó a cabo mediante encuestas a 56 estudiantes entre las edades de 14 a 18 años, lo cual permitió identificar factores de consumo en el entorno de la comunidad educativa, que están influyendo para que los adolescentes se involucren a temprana edad en el uso de algún tipo de sustancia psicotrópica, otro aspecto evidenciado es este estudio, es la baja autoestima de un gran porcentaje de estudiantes y un pobre manejo de sus emociones como se evidencia en el análisis de los resultados de este trabajo investigativo. lo cual tiene un impacto directo en sus condiciones y estilos de vida. Finalmente se llega a la conclusión que el consumo de sustancias es un fenómeno que esta afectando negativamente, a los adolescentes del sistema educativo, principalmente en su rendimiento académico, sus relaciones de pares, sus familias y su salud. Palabras claves: adolescencia, consumo, estilos de vida, sustancias psicotrópicas. ABSTRACT The consumption of psychotropic substances or commonly known as drugs is not a new issue for Ecuadorian society. In this sense, a research was proposed that is based on contributing to current knowledge about how the consumption of psychotropic substances influences the lifestyles of the students of the Eloy Velásquez Cevallos school, belonging to the la Libertad canton province of Santa Elena, the aforementioned topic has great importance for the educational community of the aforementioned institution, therefore, it was necessary to start from a conceptual theoretical framework and then apply a methodology for data collection from a quantitative approach of a descriptive type, the same that was carried out through surveys of 56 students between the ages of 14 and 18 years, which allowed to identify factors of consumption in the environment of the educational community, that are influencing adolescents to get involved at an early age in the use of some type of psychotropic substance, another aspect evidenced is this study, is the low self-esteem of a large percentage of students and a poor management of their emotions as evidenced in the analysis of the results of this research work. which has a direct impact on their conditions and lifestyles. Finally, it is concluded that substance use is a phenomenon that is negatively affecting adolescents in the educational system, mainly in their academic performance, their peer relationships, their families and their health. Keywords: adolescence, consumption, lifestyles, psychotropic substances. Información del manuscrito:Fecha de recepción: 03 de junio de 2022.Fecha de aceptación: 24 de agosto de 2022.Fecha de publicación: 16 de septiembre de 2022

    The relationship between truncation and phosphorylation at the C-terminus of tau protein in the paired helical filaments of Alzheimer's disease

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    Acknowledgements: Authors want to express their gratitude to Dr. P. Davies (Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA) and Lester I. Binder (NorthWestern, Chicago, IL, USA) for the generous gift of mAbs (TG-3, Alz-50, and MC1), and (TauC-3), respectively, and to M. en C. Ivan J. Galván-Mendoza for his support in confocal microscopy, and Ms. Maricarmen De Lorenz for her secretarial assistance. We also want to express our gratitude to the Mexican Families who donate the brain of their loved ones affected with Alzheimer's disease, and made possible our research. This work was financially supported by CONACyT grant, No. 142293 (For R.M).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    A chronological proposal for El Castillo Cave (Puente Viesgo, Cantabria) based on its iconographic stratigraphy

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    Some years ago, we began a review of the work done by E. Ripoll in 1953. During this time, we have examined not only each and every one of the figures discovered by him, but have also expanded the list, reaching nearly all the 450 new figures in the entire cave. This significant increase is thanks to the use of new technologies, such as a 3D scanner, digital filters, multispectral algorithms, giga images, or the newest innovation, the use, for the first time in our studies on cave art, of hyperspectral methodology. The latter gives us access to a much wider light spectrum than the one created by multispectral analysis.Hace unos años empezamos la revisión de los trabajos llevados a cabo por E. Ripoll en el año 1953, durante este tiempo no sólo hemos revisado todas y cada una de las representaciones descubiertas por E. Ripoll sino que hemos ampliado ese elenco hasta llegar casi a las 450 figuras nuevas. Este significativo aumento se debe a la aplicación de las Nuevas Tecnologías como son el Escáner 3D, los filtros digitales, algoritmos multiespectrales, gigaimágenes o la última innovación que es la aplicación por primera vez en nuestros estudios de arte rupestre de la metodología hiperespectral que nos permite acceder a un espectro lumínico mucho más amplio que el que produce el análisis multiespectral

    A New Optimization Strategy for Solving the Fall-Off Boundary Value Problem in Pixel-Value Di®erencing Steganography

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    In Digital Image Steganography, Pixel-Value Di®erencing (PVD) methods use the di®erence between neighboring pixel values to determine the amount of data bits to be inserted. The main advantage of these methods is the size of input data that an image can hold. However, the fall- o® boundary problem and the fall in error problem are persistent in many PVD steganographic methods. This results in an incorrect output image. To ¯x these issues, usually the pixel values are either somehow adjusted or simply not considered to carry part of the input data. In this paper, we enhance the Tri-way Pixel-Value Di®erencing method by ¯nding an optimal pixel value for each pixel pair such that it carries the maximum input data possible without ignoring any pair and without yielding incorrect pixel values

    Diagnosis Aid System for Colorectal Cancer Using Low Computational Cost Deep Learning Architectures

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    Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. To prevent deaths, regular screenings with histopathological analysis of colorectal tissue should be performed. A diagnostic aid system could reduce the time required by medical professionals, and provide an initial approach to the final diagnosis. In this study, we analyze low computational custom architectures, based on Convolutional Neural Networks, which can serve as high-accuracy binary classifiers for colorectal cancer screening using histopathological images. For this purpose, we carry out an optimization process to obtain the best performance model in terms of effectiveness as a classifier and computational cost by reducing the number of parameters. Subsequently, we compare the results obtained with previous work in the same field. Cross-validation reveals a high robustness of the models as classifiers, yielding superior accuracy outcomes of 99.4 ± 0.58% and 93.2 ± 1.46% for the lighter model. The classifiers achieved an accuracy exceeding 99% on the test subset using low-resolution images and a significantly reduced layer count, with images sized at 11% of those used in previous studies. Consequently, we estimate a projected reduction of up to 50% in computational costs compared to the most lightweight model proposed in the existing literature.Artículo de catorce páginas