39 research outputs found

    Comparison of pyrethrins extraction methods efficiencies

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    Extraction efficiency of insecticidal active compounds from dried Dalmatian pyrethrum flowers (Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium /Trevir/Vis) was tested using different techniques and solvents. The research included six treatments which are the combination of two techniques (soxtec and ultrasound) and three different solvents (hexane, ethanol and petroleum ether). Dalmatian pyrethrum is a perennial herb native to Croatia. Its powder prepared from dried flower heads has been used as naturalinsecticide for centuries in traditional Croatian farming systems. It has no toxicity to man and animals but possesses ecological benefits that have led to increasing worldwide production of this natural insecticide. Nowadays, it is cultivated mainly at higher altitudes in tropical countries such as Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda. The present investigation was directed in identifying a simple and reliable extraction treatment using solvents with lower cost and toxicity and an adequate method for the identification and separation of active compounds (pyrethrins) with possible application in enterprises or industry. Best developed method was used for determination of pyrethrin content in three different natural populations of Chrysanthemum. The results revealed high content of total pyrethrins inpopulations grown in Croatia. Developed method and good quality product give a possibility for this culture to become again an exporting and economically valid product for Croatia

    Analisis Kemampuan Tanaman Semak Di Median Jalan Dalam Menyerap Logam Berat Pb

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    Volume kendaraan bermotor di jalan raya meningkat setiap tahun. Meningkatnya jumlah kendaraan berpengaruh pada polusi udara yang dihasilkan. Polusi udara mengandung berbagai macam polutan yang berpengaruh buruk pada lingkungan dan kesehatan manusia seperti Pb. Salah satu upaya dalam mengurangi pengaruh buruk Pb adalah dengan memanfaatkan tanaman jalan. Tanaman yang tahan terhadap Pb adalah tanaman yang memiliki akumulasi Pb yang banyak pada daun namun tidak menunjukan Perubahan pada morfologi daun seperti stomata dan klorofil. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan April-Juni 2014 di Jl. Ahmad Yani – Jl. Basuki Rahmat Kota Malang dan Perumahan Araya Kota Malang. Bahan yang digunakan adalah sample daun tanaman semak dan kuteks Bening. Alat yang digunakan adalah Atomic Absorption Spectofotometer, Mikroskop, Klorofil meter SPAD, kaca preparat. Pengolahan data menggunakan metode skroing. Tanaman yang memiliki kemampuan tinggi dalam menyerap Pb adalah Plumbago auriculata, Pachystachys lutea, Irisine herbtsii dan Rhododendron obtusum. Tanaman yang memiliki kemampuan sedang adalah Pseuderanthemum reticulatum, Excoecaria cochinchinensis, Codiaeum variegatum, Cordyline fruticosa dan Tabernae corymbosa varigata dan tanaman yang memiliki kemampuan rendah dalam menyerap Pb adalah Bougenvilia spectabilis, Dracaena marginata tricolor, Dracaena reflexa, Osmoxylum lineare, Syzygium oleina dan Tabernae corymbosa. Daun yang terpapar Pb memiliki jumlah stomata yang lebih banyak daripada tanaman kontrol serta jumlah klorofil yang lebih rendah

    Optimizing the Potential for Cash Waqf in Indonesia

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    This study aimed to examine the Government’s strategy to optimize the performance of cash waqf through its Cash Waqf Linked Sukuk (CWLS) Retail policy. There is a large potential for cash waqf in Indonesia; however, when the Government issued the CWLS Retail instrument, the results were not optimal, so there is still a fairly high gap between the potential and realization of cash waqf. This was descriptive qualitative research. Data collection was done through interviews, a literature search, and document review. The results of the study showed that, firstly, the Government needs to regulate related issues including waqf that is sent directly from institutions to the Government, standardization of reporting from Nazir to stakeholders, Nazir appointment mechanisms, CWLS Retail taxation aspects, and cash waqf from abroad in the form of non-rupiah. Second, the use of offline and online platforms should be optimized to reach all levels of society. Third, a tenor of two or three years can be used according to conditions; a wakala contract can be used; the nominal issuance needs a lower number to accommodate wakif beginners and lower-middle-income classes; and social projects can use proposals from Nazir and joint projects. Finally, the Government can use more effective marketing strategies by targeting segmented investors, allowing longer offering times and diversifying the media used. Keywords: cash waqf linked sukuk, sovereign sukuk, philanthrop

    Concentration of Potassium, Magnesium, and Iron of Brachiaria Humidicola (Rendle Schweick) at Various Cultivation Methods and Defoliation Intervals

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    The existence of weeds significantly decreases the rate of production and quality of herbage. Physical weed control by defoliation could be expected to sustain quality and production of herbage, and is able to control weeds expansion. The aims of this study were to know the effect of defoliation intervals of B. humidicola that invited by C. odorata and its effect on potassium, magnesium and iron concentration. The experiment was conducted at the Laboratory of Agrostology, Faculty of Animal Science, Bogor Agricultural University. Chemical composition of forage was analyzed at the Chemistry Laboratory, Center of Soil and Agroclimatology Research. Split Plot Design in Time was used in the field experiment. The treatments were nine different planting methods and different defoliation intervals. Defoliation times were divided on the first defoliation and the last defoliation. The results of this experiment showed that potassium, magnesium and iron concentrations of herbage which were defoliated every 30 days was significantly higher than those defoliated every 60 days and 90 days. Potassium and iron concentrations at the last defoliation were higher than the first defoliation. The existence of C. odorata decreased magnesium and iron concentration of B. humidicola herbage, although they were defoliated together with grass defoliation

    Comparison of Naïve Bayes Algorithm and Decision Tree C4.5 for Hospital Readmission Diabetes Patients using HbA1c Measurement

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    Diabetes is a metabolic disorder disease in which the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the body cannot use insulin produced effectively. The HbA1c examination, which measures the average glucose level of patients during the last 2-3 months, has become an important step to determine the condition of diabetic patients. Knowledge of the patient's condition can help medical staff to predict the possibility of patient readmissions, namely the occurrence of a patient requiring hospitalization services back at the hospital. The ability to predict patient readmissions will ultimately help the hospital to calculate and manage the quality of patient care. This study compares the performance of the Naïve Bayes method and C4.5 Decision Tree in predicting readmissions of diabetic patients, especially patients who have undergone HbA1c examination. As part of this study we also compare the performance of the classification model from a number of scenarios involving a combination of preprocessing methods, namely Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Technique (SMOTE) and Wrapper feature selection method, with both classification techniques. The scenario of C4.5 method combined with SMOTE and feature selection method produces the best performance in classifying readmissions of diabetic patients with an accuracy value of 82.74 %, precision value of 87.1 %, and recall value of 82.7 %

    FUENTE AGRIA DE TEROR [Material gráfico]

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    Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 201

    The Analysis of the Factors Affecting Undergraduate Students' Difficulties in Writing Thesis in the English Department of Mahasaraswati University.

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi kesulitan mahasiswa dalam penulisan skripsi. Penelitian ini mengikuti penelitian deskriptif yang dikemukakan oleh Sapsford (di Cohen, Manion and Morrison, 2007: 209) yang meliputi definisi masalah, penyeleksian sampel, desain pengukuran, dan fokus partisipan. Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa dari departemen bahasa di Universitas Mahasarwati. Data dikumpulkan melalui lembar penilaian para ahli, kuesioner dan wawancara. Hasil dari penelitian ini mengidentifikasikan tiga faktor utama yang memengaruhi kesulitan siswa dalam menulis skripsi. Pertama, faktor psikologis yang meliputi kekurang percayaan diri dalam memutuskan judul skripsi, memiliki pengetahuan dasar mengenai topik skripsi, dan menulis skripsi yang baik. Kedua, faktor sosial budaya yang meliputi kemampuan untuk menghubungkan dan membentuk kalimat menjadi penulisan skripsi yang baik, untuk memiliki pengetahuan yang baik dalam penulisan skripsi, dan untuk memahami budaya akademik di jurusan atau universitas mengenai penulisan skripsi. Akhirnya, faktor ketiga adalah faktor linguistik yang terdiri dari kesulitan dalam mengurangi kesalahan penggunaan tata bahasa dalam penulisan skripsi, dan dalam mengetahui dan/atau memutuskan bagian tata bahasa mana yang seharusnya dihapus, digantikan, ditambahkan dan diatur kembali dalam penulisan skripsi. Penelitian ini memiliki implikasi pada pengajaran menulis akademis, terutamanya dalam penulisan skripsi.Kata Kunci : Penelitian Deskriptif, Penulisan Skripsi, Faktor Psikologis, Faktor Sosial Budaya, Faktor Linguistik This study aimed at finding out the factors affecting undergraduate students' difficulties in writing thesis. This study followed the descriptive survey research proposed by Sapsford (in Cohen, Manion and Morrison, 2007: 209) which involves problem definition, sample selection, design measurement, and concern for participants. The subjects of the study were the undergraduate students in the English Department of Mahasaraswati University. The data were collected through expert judgment sheet, questionnaire, and interview. The findings of the study identified three major factors that affected undergraduate students' thesis writing. First, psychological factors that comprised lack of confidence in deciding thesis title, having prior knowledge due to thesis topic, and writing a good thesis. Second, sociocultural factors that covered ability to connect and form each sentence into meaningful thesis writing, to have knowledge of proper lexical items and linguistic units, and to have an understanding about the culture department of the university regarding the format of the thesis writing. Finally, the third factor is the linguistic factors that consisted of difficulties in minimalizing grammar error, and in knowing and/or deciding the grammatical items which should be deleted, replaced, supplied and reordered. This study has an implication to academic writing pedagogy, especially in thesis writing

    Manajemen Pelatihan Berbasis NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP) Dalam Mengembangkan Kompetensi dan Profesionalisme Guru

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    Some of the problems that form the basis for carrying out the study on management of training for teachers include teacher figures who are not yet ideal for students, a learning atmosphere that does not support the specified learning outcomes, and the behavior of students who have not fully demonstrated politeness in interacting with their environment. The role of the teacher in the learning process in the classroom so far tends to be a teacher who only functions as a transmitter of knowledge. In fact, the more crucial role of the teacher in education is as an educator, who pays attention to the cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects proportionally. An alternative effort that might be done in improving the competence and professionalism of teachers is through intensive training activities held for them. The Neuro-Linguistic Programming-based training that will be developed focuses on changing the teacher’s mindset and perspective on how to communicate, both verbally and non-verbally, effectively and efficiently during the learning process. In an effort to achieve the goals that have been set, this research uses research and development methods in an effort to produce a training model for each competency that can always be developed by teachers in the secondary education environment for the Province of West Java, Indonesia. The result of developing this training based on Neuro-Linguistic Programming is called the Alphawave Model. This training model is specifically intended for teachers who want to improve their knowledge and competence in pedagogic aspects. Based on the results of observations and model trials, the Neuro-Linguistic Programming-based training management model using the Alphawave Model has been shown to significantly improve teachers’ knowledge and skills in pedagogic aspects. Thus, teachers need to take part in training to increase competence and professionalism in order to improve the quality of learning and help students to gain meaningful learning experiences

    Carbon Storage and Nutrient Capacity of Forage Native Grasses Growing in Oil Palm Plantation at Commercial and Transformation Forest Ecosystem in Jambi, Indonesia

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    Ruminant-oil palm plantation Integration is one of agricultural practices, which commonly applied in Jambi. In this production system, grasses species are potential forage source. Despite of being forage, grasses play important role in storing carbon in transformed forest ecosystem. Nevertheless, information about carbon store capacity in grass species as well a