57 research outputs found

    Psychological Distress of High School Graduates During Social Distancing in Croatia

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    Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has influenced the whole world, thus also affecting the high school graduates in Croatia. Aims: The purpose of the study was to examine the psychological distress high school graduates experienced during the COVID-19 social distancing measures, more precisely to investigate gender and school type differences and to examine the relationship between psychological distress and self-regulated learning. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, an online questionnaire was administered to 13,037 high school graduates across Croatia. Results: The results show that girls exhibit higher levels of psychological distress compared to the boys, while the art school graduates show the highest distress, followed by gymnasium (i.e., secondary grammar school, prep school) graduates, and lastly vocational school graduates. Furthermore, a moderate negative correlation was found between self-efficacy and psychological distress, and significant, but small correlations were found between regulation of effort, management of work, time and environment, self-handicapping as well as elaboration and psychological distress. These results show that higher levels of self-regulation are connected to lower levels of psychological distress. Conclusions: These findings demonstrate that a need exists for greater accessibility of mental health care for adolescents

    The Creation and Physiological Relevance of Divergent Hydroxylation Patterns in the Flavonoid Pathway

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    Flavonoids and biochemically-related chalcones are important secondary metabolites, which are ubiquitously present in plants and therefore also in human food. They fulfill a broad range of physiological functions in planta and there are numerous reports about their physiological relevance for humans. Flavonoids have in common a basic C6-C3-C6 skeleton structure consisting of two aromatic rings (A and B) and a heterocyclic ring (C) containing one oxygen atom, whereas chalcones, as the intermediates in the formation of flavonoids, have not yet established the heterocyclic C-ring. Flavonoids are grouped into eight different classes, according to the oxidative status of the C-ring. The large number of divergent chalcones and flavonoid structures is from the extensive modification of the basic molecules. The hydroxylation pattern influences physiological properties such as light absorption and antioxidative activity, which is the base for many beneficial health effects of flavonoids. In some cases antiinfective properties are also effected

    Alte Ängste im neuen Europa

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    Die Arbeit stellt einen Versuch dar, ausgehend von der Genese der Vorurteile gegenüber »Fremden«, »Zigeunern« und »Roma und Sinti« seit ihrem Auftauchen in Europa im Spätmittelalter diese Stereotype bis in die heutige Zeit zu beschreiben. Dabei wurden anhand eines historischen Abrisses die Stigmatisierung der »Fremden« in Subkategorien und Funktion beschrieben und gegliedert. Mit Hilfe der Kritischen Diskursanalyse von Siegfried Jäger, und dem Normalismuskonzept von Jürgen Link, wurden aktuelle Diskursfragmente, wie Nachrichtenmagazine, Zeitungsartikel und Interviews, untersucht und in den politisch-kulturellen Kontext eingebettet. Der Untersuchungszeitraum der Analyse der Diskursfragmente wurde um den Beitritt von Rumänien und Bulgarien in die Europäische Union angelegt und beschreibt den in den Massenmedien geführten Diskurs um Zuwanderung aus ebendiesen Ländern nach Deutschland. Einen weiteren Schwerpunkt der Arbeit bildet insbesondere die bildliche Darstellung von Menschen, die von der Mehrheitsbevölkerung als »Roma und Sinti« markiert werden, wobei es hierbei vor allem um Sinnbilder der als »fremd« wahrgenommenen Menschen geht. Die Frage, ob sich durch die Bezeichnung der Menschen als Roma und Sinti am Diskurs eine grundlegende Änderung eben dieses festmachen lässt, leitet dabei meine Untersuchung. Anhand von ausgewählten Beispielen wurden vorherrschende Bilder und Vorstellungen über Roma und Sinti aufgezeigt und kritisch hinterfragt

    Surgical Treatment of a Catheter-Induced Iatrogenic Dissection of the Right Coronary Artery following Cardiac Catheterization

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    Iatrogenic dissections of the ascending aorta are an uncommon and severe complication during cardiac catheterization. A 68-year-old female patient underwent diagnostic cardiac catheterization due to non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction. During the procedure, a catheter-induced 360• Class I dissection of the right coronary artery occurred. The patient developed severe bradycardia, which was treated with a temporary pacemaker. She underwent an emergency operation with ligation and a saphenous vein graft in the right coronary artery. The postoperative course was uneventful; and on postoperative day 6, she was discharged home

    Flavone synthase

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