12 research outputs found

    An optimization scheduler in the intranet grid

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    Scheduling of processes is the basic task for a grid computing. This role is responsible for the allocation of time for computational agents. The calculation agent can include a wide range of devices, based on various types of computer systems. Is it possible to efficiently build a grid infrastructure in the company environment. The grid can be used in scientific and technical computing, as well as better load distribution of the individual computing systems and services. The scheduler is a major component of grid computing. The main task is to effectively distribute the load of the system and allocate tasks to places that are not sufficiently utilized at a given moment. The article also focuses on the relation between conflicting parameters, which relate to the quality of the planning process. Time calculation of the optimization algorithm affects the quality of the draft plan. It has a direct impact on the total period of the job processing. In the strategy of the scheduling there is a point where extensions of time have no effect on quality of the draft of the plan but getting worse the overall runtime of the job. The aim was to compare the common metaheuristic algorithms. From the measured values to propose a methodology for determining the optimum time for planning process. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016

    Distribution of Tasks in The Grid, Tool to Optimize Load

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    The article focuses on the problem using a grid computing as a tool for optimizing the load master server that is deployed in planning and production control. The motivation for the use of the grid is a uneven load on the master server and on the end-user workstations. Problem is solved so that some algorithms of the ERP system are executed on the workstations in the grid. The improvement was mainly achieved by batch jobs that system was replaced by remote objects. These objects carried out some of the standard tasks of the planning process on the user's workstation. The result is optimal load distribution of the server in a time. The article discusses the possibility of using JSDL (Job Submission Description Language) as a tool to facilitate the distribution of tasks in Grid environment.

    Electronic dictionary of dialects

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá tvorbou webové aplikace pro správu a prezentaci nářečí v České republice. Cílem je uchování českého nářečí převedením jednotlivých hesel do elektronické podoby s možností správy. Pro navrhnutí unikátní webové aplikace je provedena analýza dostupných elektronických nářečních slovníků a aplikace pro správu kulturních artefaktů. Návrh nové databáze vychází z existujícího modelu databáze elektronického nářečního slovníku Západočeské univerzity. Webová aplikace je následně podle návrhu implementována s využitím frameworků pro tvorbu webu. V závěru je celá aplikace otestována navrženými testy.ObhájenoThis bachelor thesis deals with the creation of a web application for administration and presentation of dialects in the Czech Republic. The aim is to preserve the Czech dialect by converting individual words into electronic form with the possibility of administration. For designing a unique web application, an analysis of available electronic dialectical dictionaries and cultural artefact management application is performed. The design of the new database is based on the existing model of the electronic dialect dictionary of the University of West Bohemia. The web application is then implemented, according to the design, with the use of web-based frameworks. At the conclusion, the whole application is tested by designed tests

    Securitization of migration in Czech Republic

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    The thesis in your hands focus on foreign Fighter phenomenon in the Czech Republic. It argues, that Foreign Fighters are specific kind of migrants who travel both short-term and long-term into a conflict area of their choice. Some do come back to their countries of departure. The thesis has two goals. First one is to find out if there is potential for securitization of Foreign Fighters in the Czech Republic present in Czech society. For this purpose, securitization theory is used. Second goal of the thesis is to look closer on the Foreign Fighter phenomenon both in general and in local circumstances. The thesis presents analysis of academic literature on the topic of Foreign Fighters. It discusses definitions, Foreign Fighter numbers and threat assessment, and approaches adopted to deal with the phenomenon. Next, specifics of foreign Fighters in the Czech Republic are discussed. A survey was launched in order to gain data for this study among Czech society. Results of the survey indicate there is not much interest for securitization of the topic in the Czech Republic. Further results yielded there is not much of a difference in Czech Foreign Fighters and their compatriots from other countries, except maybe focus of Czech fighters on Ukraine except Middle East.Práce se věnuje fenoménu zahraničních bojovníků v České republice. Dle práce se v případě zahraničních bojovníků jedná o specifický druh migrantů, kteří, ať již krátkodobě nebo se záměrem k trvalé relokaci, cestují do konfliktních oblastí. Někteří později migrují také zpět do země původu. Práce se zahraničními bojovníky v České republice zaobírá s dvěma cíli. Prvním cílem je zjistit potenciální poptávku pro případnou sekuritizaci zahraničních bojovníků v prostředí České republiky na straně české společnosti. Za tímto účelem je práce orámována teorií sekuritizace. Druhým cílem textu je přiblížení fenoménu zahraničních bojovníků jak v obecné rovině, tak v podobě lokání. Text tedy nejprve analyzuje odbornou literaturu co do definičních znaků, počtu bojovníků, odhadu hrozby i nastavených protiopatření. Následně je prostor věnován zahraničním bojovníkům původem z České republiky. Za účelem zisku informací potřebných pro naplnění obou cílů práce pak bylo spuštěno dotazníkové šetření. Zjištěná data naznačují, že zájem o sekuritizaci zahraničních bojovníků na území České republiky není. Rozdílů mezi zahraničními bojovníky v obecné rovině a v České republice také mnoho není, rozlišovacím znakem může orientace na konflikt na Ukrajině nežli na Blízkém východě.Katedra bezpečnostních studiíDepartment of Security StudiesFakulta sociálních vědFaculty of Social Science

    Mobile application focused on practicing cognitive functions

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    Tato diplomová práce popisuje proces vývoje a finální produkt mobilní aplikace sloužící pro procvičování kognitivních schopností. Cílem je informovat širší okruh lidí o vhodnosti takové aplikace související se zdravím. Existující aplikace zaměřené na trénink kognitivních schopností jsou nejprve analyzovány. Z toho je vyvozen výsledek nedostatků, které tato aplikace odstraňuje. Kognitivní schopnosti jsou shrnuty do pěti hlavních typů, dle mnoha dostupných literárních publikací na toto téma. Na základě typů kognitivních funkcí jsou vymodelovány tréninkové hry. Následně je navržen systém skládající se z mobilní aplikace a serveru pro shromažďování statistik z hraných her. Tento systém je implementován zkombinováním návrhu systému a vymodelovaných tréninkových her. Výsledná mobilní aplikace je řádně otestována a nakonec jsou navržená možná další rozšíření.ObhájenoThis diploma thesis describes the development process and the final product of a mobile application used to practice cognitive skills. The aim is to make the suitability of such a health-related application known to a broader range of people. Existing applications focused on cognitive skills training are first analyzed. From this, it is deduced the result of deficiencies that this application eliminates. Cognitive abilities are summarized in five main types, according to various available literature publications on this topic. Based on the types of cognitive functions, training games are modeled. Subsequently, a system consisting of a mobile application and a server for collecting statistics from games played is designed. This system is implemented by combining system design and modeled training games. The resulting mobile application is appropriately tested, and lastly, possible further extensions are proposed

    Barrierless accessibility of the urban public transport in Havířov

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    Cílem práce je nalézt nedostatky v bezbariérové přístupnosti MHD v Havířově, a následně navrhnout opatření, která je budou řešit. Práce vymezuje základní aspekty problematiky přepravy osob v MHD z hlediska bariér pro osoby s handicapem. V úvodu bude charakterizován celý systém městské hromadné dopravy v Havířově, bude provedena analýza bezbariérového užívání a přístupu z hlediska významných zdrojů a cílů cest osob s handicapem, vozidel MHD, zastávek MHD a informační přístupnosti. V další části práce budou navržena řešení odstraňující zjištěné nedostatky a vedoucí ke zvýšení bezbariérové přístupnosti systému MHD Havířov. V závěru práce budou jednotlivé návrhy vyhodnoceny.The main goal of this work is to find the imperfections of barrierless accessibility of the urban public transport in Havířov. The thesis will define the basic aspects of passenger transport in terms of public transport barriers for handicapped people. In the introduction, the system of urban public transport in Havířov will be characteristed. Afterwards, barrierless usage and accessibility in terms of the important resources and travel destinations of handicapped people, buses, bus stops and access to information will be analysed. Based on the analysis, it will be propose measures, which removes the imperfections found. In the end, these proposals will be evaluated.Dopravní fakulta Jana PerneraStudent obhájil předloženou bakalářskou práci, zodpověděl dotazy vedoucího práce,oponenta práce a reagoval na dotazy kladené v rozpravě

    Securitization of migration in Czech Republic

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    The thesis in your hands focus on foreign Fighter phenomenon in the Czech Republic. It argues, that Foreign Fighters are specific kind of migrants who travel both short-term and long-term into a conflict area of their choice. Some do come back to their countries of departure. The thesis has two goals. First one is to find out if there is potential for securitization of Foreign Fighters in the Czech Republic present in Czech society. For this purpose, securitization theory is used. Second goal of the thesis is to look closer on the Foreign Fighter phenomenon both in general and in local circumstances. The thesis presents analysis of academic literature on the topic of Foreign Fighters. It discusses definitions, Foreign Fighter numbers and threat assessment, and approaches adopted to deal with the phenomenon. Next, specifics of foreign Fighters in the Czech Republic are discussed. A survey was launched in order to gain data for this study among Czech society. Results of the survey indicate there is not much interest for securitization of the topic in the Czech Republic. Further results yielded there is not much of a difference in Czech Foreign Fighters and their compatriots from other countries, except maybe focus of Czech fighters on Ukraine except Middle East

    Aplying mechatronic elements in developing and construction work centres

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    Aplying mechatronics method in development and construction of machine-tools is fundamental idea for advance quality developed products. Other benefit are lower costs for engineering and development in this region. Mechatronics methods and her initiation in practices have the same benefit as apllying CAD/CAM systems for constructing and designing in industry in ninety years of the last century. Companies which underrated benefits of these systems before twenty years, now simply doesn't exist on the market shapping machines. The same significance have coming mechatronics methods

    Colonialism and the enactment of german identity : turnen in South West Africa

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    The article describes the principles of the developed Intranet grid computing used in the corporate sector as a tool for optimizing computing loads on the server that is deployed for production planning and scheduling. ICT development allows companies to install higher computing performance with lower costs. This trend is particularly evident for investments in personal computers, laptops or smartphones. Investments in the backbone infrastructure (servers, networks) are controlled by a different philosophy. For this area, it is important (in many cases due to software licensing policy) which is a very rigorous consideration of the system performance parameters to be used. This result is well-known as a problem with high-loads on servers, as against almost negligible computing loads on the user-side