24 research outputs found

    Leverage ratio and its impact on the resilience of the banking sector and efficiency of macroprudential policy

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    Basel III responded to the financial crisis by redefining and expanding the capital requirements for risk-weighted assets and by proposing the introduction of a leverage ratio which sets a minimum level of capital for banks in relation to total exposures. The capital requirement is being increased primarily through the active use of macroprudential capital buffers. As a result, it was proposed that the leverage ratio requirement should also take into account the level of capital buffers and thus become a macroprudential policy tool. This article examines the relationship between capital and leverage ratios and discusses the options for, and effects of, introducing a macroprudential leverage ratio. We find that the capital and leverage ratios complement each other and that the introduction of a macroprudential leverage ratio could, under certain circumstances, enhance the effectiveness of a macroprudential policy.Web of Science67429927

    Convergence of Copyright and Trademark Protection

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    Souběh autorskoprávní a známkové ochrany Klíčová slova: Autorskoprávní, známková, ochrana, souběh Abstrakt: Práce analyzuje pojetí autorskoprávní a známkoprávní ochrany v českém právu a důsledky jejich současného působení. Cílem je zjistit, zda stávající úprava vyhovuje aktuálním trendům a požadavkům v naší společnosti, kde stále častěji dochází k propojování podnikání a umění a kde hranice mezi těmito obory jsou stírány. Obě ochrany jsou nejprve zařazeny do teoretických souvislostí právních odvětví duševního vlastnictví a práv k nehmotným statkům. Následující kapitoly vycházejí z v této části uvedených zásad, na nichž stojí kontinentální pojetí autorského práva a práva průmyslového vlastnictví. Následně je rozebrána úprava autorskoprávní ochrany a úprava známkové ochrany ve dvou samostatných kapitolách. Tyto kapitoly mají stejné členění a celý text je pojat tak, aby byly zdůrazněny podobnosti i odlišnosti obou institutů. Pozornost je věnována předmětu obou ochran, jejich subjektům, vzniku, obsahu, trvání, prostředkům, omezením, mezinárodním souvislostem i problematice licencování. V kapitole věnované souběhu jsou na reálných příkladech ilustrovány nejrůznější situace, ke kterým v praxi při současném působení těchto ochran dochází. V jednotlivých podkapitolách je pojednáno o předmětu souběhu, o časové...Convergence of Copyright and Trademark Protection Key Words: Copyright, Trademark, Protection, Convergence Abstract: The thesis analyzes the concept of copyright and trademark protection in Czech law and the consequences of their simultaneous operation. The aim is to determine whether the existing legislation responds the current trends and demands in our society, where business and arts are becoming interconnected and where the boundaries between those disciplines are blurred. Both protections are initially assigned to theoretical context of legal branches of intellectual property and intangible property. The author also deals with current conception of ownership in Civil Code. Following chapters are based on the principles of civil (continental) law concepts of copyright law and industrial property law established in this part. Subsequently the regulation of copyright protection and trademark protection is discussed in two separate chapters. Those chapters are divided into identical sub-chapters to highlight similarities and differences of both legal institutes. The focus is on subjects of both protections, their beneficiaries, formation, content, duration, means, limitations, international context and the issues of licensing. In the chapter devoted to convergence, various situations which might occur...Institute of Copyright, Industrial Property and Competition LawÚstav práva autorského, práv průmyslových a práva soutěžníhoPrávnická fakultaFaculty of La

    Novel Cytokinin Derivatives Do Not Show Negative Effects on Root Growth and Proliferation in Submicromolar Range

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    BACKGROUND: When applied to a nutrition solution or agar media, the non-substituted aromatic cytokinins caused thickening and shortening of the primary root, had an inhibitory effect on lateral root branching, and even showed some negative effects on development of the aerial part at as low as a 10 nanomolar concentration. Novel analogues of aromatic cytokinins ranking among topolins substituted on N9-atom of adenine by tetrahydropyranyl or 4-chlorobutyl group have been prepared and tested in standardized cytokinin bioassays [1]. Those showing comparable activities with N(6)-benzylaminopurine were further tested in planta. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The main aim of the study was to explain molecular mechanism of function of novel cytokinin derivatives on plant development. Precise quantification of cytokinin content and profiling of genes involved in cytokinin metabolism and perception in treated plants revealed several aspects of different action of m-methoxytopolin base and its substituted derivative on plant development. In contrast to standard cytokinins, N9- tetrahydropyranyl derivative of m-topolin and its methoxy-counterpart showed the negative effects on root development only at three orders of magnitude higher concentrations. Moreover, the methoxy-derivative demonstrates a positive effect on lateral root branching and leaf emerging in a nanomolar range of concentrations, in comparison with untreated plants. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Tetrahydropyranyl substitution at N9-position of cytokinin purine ring significantly enhances acropetal transport of a given cytokinins. Together with the methoxy-substitution, impedes accumulation of non-active cytokinin glucoside forms in roots, allows gradual release of the active base, and has a significant effect on the distribution and amount of endogenous isoprenoid cytokinins in different plant tissues. The utilization of novel aromatic cytokinin derivatives can distinctively improve expected hormonal effects in plant propagation techniques in the future

    Analysis of causes which incurred changes of the hockey player from the region of pilsen at the turn of junior and senior category

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    Práce se zabývá problematikou hráčů ledniho hokeje na přelomu juniorské a seniorské kategorie. Snaží se objevit hlavni príčinny úspěchu či neúspěchu u techto hráčů.Katedra tělesné a sportovní výchovyObhájenoBachelor thesis about players HC Plzen at the turn of the junior and senior categories. Seeking the causes of success and failure young players

    Annotated Translation. Rosenberg, Tina: How one of the most obese countries on earth took on the soda giants. Guardian, 3 November 2015.

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    The objective of this thesis is to translate an online article called How one of the most obese countries on earth took on the soda giants, published in The Guardian, from Czech to English. The article, written by the US journalist Tina Rosenberg in November 2015, informs about the role soda plays in Mexico and attempts to trace the political and cultural circumstances that led to the current situation in the country. The second part of this thesis contains a commentary comprising the analysis of the text, description of the method of translation and the analysis and typology of translation problems, translation procedures and translation shifts that occurred during the process. KEY WORDS obesity, consumption of sugary drinks, translation, translation analysis, translation technique

    The deshumanization in Federico García Lorca's hand puppet theatre

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    This thesis analyses theatre work of Federico García Lorca with the particular focus put on his puppet theatre which was created by Lorca from 1919 to his death in 1936. The aim of the thesis is to analyse distinctive features and pecularities of this theatrical form contrasted with traditional theatrical performances, with The Puppet Play of Don Cristóbal being the core work. The thesis also focuses on the tradition of puppet theatre and tries to trace the influence of Lorca's contemporaries on his work, such as Ramón del Valle-Inclán or José Ortega y Gasset. Another focus will be put on his concept of the hand-puppet itself, and that is in the light of the process of the so called dehumanization, in other words - the dehumanization of the drama presented by the puppets. Keywords Lorca, hand-puppet, theater, dehumanization

    Effect of Drug Switching on Lower Urinary Tract Dynamics and Quality of Life in Patients with Overactive Bladder

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    The aim of this dissertation is to evaluate the effect of solifenacin on quality of life (QoL) of patients previously treated with another antimuscarinic for overactive bladder (OAB) and to compare the effects of solifenacin according to previous antimuscarinic treatment. The study evaluated a representative sample of the OAB population (2,000 patients enrolled in 60 centres in the Czech Republic, 1,481 patients completed all five trials and 1,892 patients had a baseline and at least one post-treatment assessment). Methods for validation were treatment satisfaction questionnaires: the Perceived Satisfaction with Treatment Questionnaire (TS VAS), the short form of the Overactive Bladder Questionnaire (OAB q SF) and the European Quality of Life Questionnaire (EuroQoL - EQ-5D-5L). Improvements in QoL and OAB symptoms were observed over 12 months in a population of patients treated with solifenacin 5-10 mg and previously treated with other antimuscarinics. The development of OAB total score was not significantly (p = 0.45) affected by previous treatment. OAB q SF scores, including the total HRQoL score, all HRQoL subgroups and symptom severity scores, improved over the follow-up period. Changes in TS VAS scores also showed improvement in overall QoL during the study period. EQ-5D-5L showed a shift..

    A suggest for landslide remediation at PD225 - A northern slope DNT

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    Import 02/11/2016Diplomová práce je zpracována jako projektový návrh sanačního řešení sesuvu u PD225 v Severních svazích Dolu Nástup Tušimice. První část se zabývá popisem dané oblasti, která je postižena dřívější hlubinou těžbou a její analýzou ve vztahu ke svahovým deformacím. V druhé části je uveden návrh, provedení a vyhodnocení geotechnického průzkumu oblasti. Dále je ve stručnosti obecně popsána problematika sesuvů a zásad jejich řešení. Čtvrtá část obsahuje konkrétní návrh sanačních opatření ve svahu a v jeho bezprostřední blízkosti, včetně stabilitního posouzení. V páté části jsou uvedeny poznatky z realizace, kde je stanoven rozsáhlý výčet rizik na lokalitě vyplývající z navrhovaných a následně provedených sanačních prací, které je možné v obecné rovině považovat za doporučující manuál pro další projektové práce. Poslední částí je zhodnocení projektového návrhu a samotné realizace stavby společně s dalším doporučením. Součástí diplomové práce jsou výkresové přílohy včetně rozpočtu stavby.This diploma thesis is a project proposal for a remediation of a landslide at PD225 in the northern slopes of Doly Nástup Tušimice (Mines Nástup Tušimice). There are six parts of the thesis. First, there is a description of the area which is affected by previous underground mining, and an analysis of slopes deformations. Second, there is a design, implementation and evaluation of geotechnical investigation of the area. The third part contains a brief description of landslides and general suggestions for solutions. Next, you can find a specific proposal of remediation of the slope and its closest surroundings, together with stability assessment. The fifth part states outcomes from the implementation of this project and there is an extensive list of risks which result from the suggested and later implemented remediation, which can be generally considered as a manual for further project works. The last part is an evaluation of the proposal and implementation and you can find further recommendations. Technical drawings together with construction budgets are enclosed.Prezenční542 - Institut hornického inženýrství a bezpečnostivýborn

    Concert Hall in Pilsen, Czech Republic

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    katedra: KAR; přílohy: Vypracování bakalářské práce včetně textů; rozsah: 17 s.The design plot of The Concert Hall of The Czech Broadcasting Company in Pilsen is located in the quarter of Bory. This is an annex to the existing broadcasting volume built in forties of the 20th century, with which it has counted during its construction. Compact concert hall gigs at other facilities and galleries and an outdoor area connected to the park. An important intention is to combine the open space in front of The Concert Hall with that park, and so reducing the street Politických vězňů that is currently separating the both. Hence the new building becomes part of the park and the paved area outside becomes an outdoor scene and playground.Parcela pro návrh Koncertní síně při Českém rozhlasu se nachází v plzeňské části Bory. Jde o přístavbu ke stávající budově rozhlasu ze čtyřicátých let 20.století, s níž bylo počítáno již při jeho výstavbě. Kompaktní koncertní síň vystupuje nad ostatní provozy a galerie a je venkovní plochou propojena s parkem. Výrazným úmyslem je spojit volné prostranství před koncertní síní se zmíněným parkem a zkrátit tak ulici Politických vězňů, která je v současné době odděluje. Tak se nová budova stává součástí parku a zpevněné plochy nové budovy venkovní scénou a hřištěm