10 research outputs found

    Estados anímicos musicales en el rap puertorriqueño.

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    The following research article presents the analysis of the music moods of the Puerto Rican rappers Siete Nueve and Intifada from the study of his lyric work. The article makes an exploration of the songs of both artists compiled in two corpuses elaborated for the present investigation. The proposal establishes an interdisciplinary investigative method that links corpus linguistics, concepts and methods derived from the psychology of applied music to the study of moods and emotions, and ethnomusicology to approach hip-hop music and its context in Puerto Rico, as a challenging field of research due in the first instance, to the extension of rap lyrics and the varied mood expressiveness put into this type of music. It concludes on the main moods; the spirituality, the exciting, the desires, the dreams, the seriousness, the aggressiveness, and the upbringing, that represent a high frequency in the samples of the selected musical lyrics and their contexts of enunciation.El siguiente artículo de investigación presenta el análisis de los estados anímicos musicales de los raperos puertorriqueños Siete Nueve e Intifada a partir del estudio de su obra lírica. La propuesta establece un método investigativo interdisciplinar que vincula la lingüística de corpus, conceptos y métodos derivados de la piscología de la música aplicada al estudio de los estados anímicos y las emociones, y la etnomusicología, para abordar la música hip-hop y su contexto en Puerto Rico como un desafiante campo de investigación debido, en primera instancia, a la extensión de las letras de rap y la variada expresividad anímica vertida en este tipo de música. Se concluye sobre los principales estados anímicos la espiritualidad, lo emocionante, los deseos, el ensueño, la seriedad, la agresividad y la crianza que representan una alta frecuencia en las muestras de las letras musicales seleccionadas y sus contextos de enunciación

    Morfogénesis y fractalidad: análisis de la ciclorruta de Bogotá, Colombia

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    The cities exhibit a principle of fractal ordering –fractal and self-affinity or independent self-similar patterns of scale– which was demonstrated as a morphological characteristic of urban complexity for several decades. This study explores and develops a complex approach to the cycle path of the city of Bogotá D.C (Colombia) through fractal estimates and densities of its different spaces. Complementary methodologies such as geographic information systems (GIS) for the processing of data were used. As a result, the sites of greater and lesser density in the structure of the Bogota´s bikeway are shown as an indicator of evolution and planning. It was concluded that the set of sizes of the fractal dimensions has a power law distribution -represented by a dashed line- which reaffirms its fractal nature. As an innovative aspect, this work proposes to establish a possible connection between the social sciences and the complexity sciences, among which are the fractal geometry, from a transdisciplinary exploration that contributes to the recent studies on urban complexity from Latin America.Las ciudades exhiben un principio de ordenamiento fractal –patrones fractales y auto-afines o auto-similares independientes de escala–, el cual fue demostrado como característica morfológica de la complejidad urbana desde hace algunas décadas (Batty y Longley, 1994). Este estudio explora y desarrolla un abordaje complejo de la ciclorruta de la ciudad de Bogotá D.C (Colombia), a través de estimaciones fractales y densidades de sus diferentes espacios. Se utilizaron metodologías complementarias como los sistemas de información geográfica (SIG) para el procesamiento de los datos. Como resultado se evidencia los sitios de mayor y menor densidad en la estructura de la ciclorruta bogotana, como indicador de evolución y planeación. Se concluyó que el conjunto de los tamaños de las dimensiones fractales presenta una distribución tipo ley de potencia –representada por una línea en picada–, lo cual reafirma su naturaleza fractal. Como aspecto innovador este trabajo propone establecer una conexión posible entre las ciencias sociales y las ciencias de la complejidad, entre las que se encuentran la Geometría fractal, a partir de una exploración transdisciplinar que contribuya a los estudios recientes sobre complejidad urbana desde Latinoamérica

    Neorracismos, multiculturalismo y pigmentocracia: consideraciones conceptuales e implicaciones para su abordaje

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    The mixture of facts and ideas of biological order, the identification of different scenes of social realities and the widespread of cultural ideas centered on the notion of race constitute the historical evidence of racism as a marker for exclusion. These distortions are a political strategy and a discursive compendium articulated in different places, mainly under the logic of multiculturalism, found in pigmentocratic societies. Recently, cognitive psychology approaches are applied to the study of racism. These interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary researches are a nuclei of study that share different loci of enunciation from different integrated disciplines.This article examines some discus-sions and conclusions about the implications of racism, social behavior and the notion of race, from the contemporary social sciences and cognitive psychology based on neuroscience.As a complement, a theoretical reflection on the implications of approaching the study of racial hierarchies and their evidences is proposedLa mezcla de hechos e ideas de orden biológico, la identificación de diferentes escenas de las realidades sociales y la propagación de ideas culturales centradas en la noción de raza constituyen la evidencia histórica del racismo como un marcador de exclusión. Esto mismo constituye una estrategia de orden político y un compendio discursivo articulado en distintos órdenes, principalmente bajo la lógica del multiculturalismo, dentro de sociedades pigmentocráticas. Los recientes enfoques de la psicología cognitiva, aplicados al estudio del racismo, son en su mayoría apuestas investigativas inter y transdisciplinares, núcleos de estudio que comparten distintos locus de enunciación desde distintas disciplinas integradas. Este artículo examina algunas conclusiones y discusiones sobre las implicaciones del racismo, la conducta social y la noción de raza, desde las ciencias sociales contemporáneas y la psicología cognitiva de base neurocientífica. Como complemento, se propone una reflexión teórica sobre las implicaciones de abordar el estudio de las jerarquías raciales y sus evidencias

    Mapeo de la Red Compleja de la Ciclorruta Bogotana

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    OBJECTIVE . The present article explores the properties of the complex network of the Bogota ́s bikeway elaborated on its spatial data. METHOD . The methodological approach of this survey is based on a reticular analysis based on the different spatial measures that are part of the recent field known as the study of complex networks . Results The properties of the studied network indicate that the cyclists of this system could access through a greater interconnection between lines of this system, to a better bicycle mobili ty. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS . It concludes a high level of disconnection in the nodes that make up the huge network structured in the simulation . This has as a consequence a possible unbalanced growth, which makes it possible to consider factors such as the low density (or connectivity between nodes and their real relationships with the possible ones) in the structure of the bikeway and to increase the conglomerates in the relation of their nodesOBJETIVO. El presente artículo indaga las propiedades de la red compleja de la ciclorruta bogotana elaborada sobre sus datos espaciales. MÉTODO. El enfoque metodológico de este abordaje se basa en un análisis reticular a partir de las diferentes medidas espaciales que hacen parte del reciente campo conocido como estudio de redes complejas. RESULTADOS. Las propiedades de la red estudiada indican que los bici-usuarios de este sistema podrían acceder a través de una mayor interconexión entre líneas de este sistema, a una mejor movilidad ciclística. DISCUSIÓN Y CONCLUSIONES. Se concluye un alto nivel de desconexión en los nodos que conforman la enorme red estructurada en la simulación. Esto tiene como consecuencia un posible crecimiento desequilibrado, lo cual posibilita considerar factores como la baja densidad (o conectividad entre nodos y sus relaciones reales con las posibles) en la estructura de la ciclorruta e incrementar los conglomerados en la relación de sus nodos

    Neorracismos, multiculturalismo y pigmentocracia: consideraciones conceptuales e implicaciones para su abordaje

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    The mixture of facts and ideas of biological order, the identification of different scenes of social realities and the widespread of cultural ideas centered on the notion of race constitute the historical evidence of racism as a marker for exclusion. These distortions are a political strategy and a discursive compendium articulated in different places, mainly under the logic of multiculturalism, found in pigmentocratic societies. Recently, cognitive psychology approaches are applied to the study of racism. These interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary researches are a nuclei of study that share different loci of enunciation from different integrated disciplines. This article examines some discussions and conclusions about the implications of racism, social behavior and the notion of race, from the contemporary social sciences and cognitive psychology based on neuroscience. As a complement, a theoretical reflection on the implications of approaching the study of racial hierarchies and their evidences is proposed.La mezcla de hechos e ideas de orden biológico, la identificación de diferentes escenas de las realidades sociales y la propagación de ideas culturales centradas en la noción de raza constituyen la evidencia histórica del racismo como un marcador de exclusión. Esto mismo constituye una estrategia de orden político y un compendio discursivo articulado en distintos órdenes, principalmente bajo la lógica del multiculturalismo, dentro de sociedades pigmentocráticas. Los recientes enfoques de la psicología cognitiva, aplicados al estudio del racismo, son en su mayoría apuestas investigativas inter y transdisciplinares, núcleos de estudio que comparten distintos locus de enunciación desde distintas disciplinas integradas. Este artículo examina algunas conclusiones y discusiones sobre las implicaciones del racismo, la conducta social y la noción de raza, desde las ciencias sociales contemporáneas y la psicología cognitiva de base neurocientífica. Como complemento, se propone una reflexión teórica sobre las implicaciones de abordar el estudio de las jerarquías raciales y sus evidencias

    La narcogangsterización de la música popular

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    The popular music narcogangster explicit content is characterized by its violent expression coupled with a particular aesthetic (under different typified performances). At the methodological level, this work proposes the characterization of the main modes of representation of this massive phenomenon, based on the semiotic investigation of some videos of worldwide importance. The results indicate that links between drug trafficking, ostentatious consumption practices, incitement to violence and Dionysian idea of giving free rein to desires are established as a backdrop to these sonorous aesthetic discourses. The understanding of this process in popular music is discussed as a violent and successful trend in media coverage.La música popular de explícito contenido narcogangster se caracteriza por su violenta expresividad aunada a una estética particular (en el marco de diferentes actuaciones tipificadas). A nivel metodológico este trabajo plantea la caracterización de los principales modos de representación de este fenómeno masivo, a partir de la indagación semiótica de algunos videos de importancia mundial. Los resultados indican que nexos entre el tráfico de drogas, las prácticas de consumo ostentoso, la incitación a la violencia y la dionisiaca idea de dar rienda suelta a los deseos se establecen como telón de fondo a estos discursos sonoro-estéticos. Se discute la comprensión de este proceso en la música popular como una violenta y exitosa tendencia en extensión a nivel mediático

    The narcogangsterización of popular music

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    La música popular de explícito contenido narcogangster se caracteriza por su violenta expresividad aunada a una estética particular (en el marco de diferentes actuaciones tipificadas). A nivel metodológico este trabajo plantea la caracterización de los principales modos de representación de este fenómeno masivo, a partir de la indagación semiótica de algunos videos de importancia mundial. Los resultados indican que nexos entre el tráfico de drogas, las prácticas de consumo ostentoso, la incitación a la violencia y la dionisiaca idea de dar rienda suelta a los deseos se establecen como telón de fondo a estos discursos sonoro-estéticos. Se discute la comprensión de este proceso en la música popular como una violenta y exitosa tendencia en extensión a nivel mediático.The popular music narcogangster explicit content is characterized by its violent expression coupled with a particular aesthetic (under different typified performances). At the methodological level, this work proposes the characterization of the main modes of representation of this massive phenomenon, based on the semiotic investigation of some videos of worldwide importance. The results indicate that links between drug trafficking, ostentatious consumption practices, incitement to violence and Dionysian idea of giving free rein to desires are established as a backdrop to these sonorous aesthetic discourses. The understanding of this process in popular music is discussed as a violent and successful trend in media coverage

    Complejidad y ciencia de sistemas: aproximación a su impacto actual en el mundo

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    INTRODUCTION. This paper presents an approximate approach to the current impact of the complexity and systems sciences through the analysis of some indicators of their written scientific production. OBJECTIVE. Specify what are the sciences of complexity and systems, and perform the analysis of their current impact through different methods and techniques to visualize their contributions and relationships. METHOD. A simulation model was established through the methodology of Social Network Analysis (SNA), based on the attributes of the multidisciplinary network designed for complexity and systems sciences, along with other visualization techniques. RESULTS. The results indicate that control and dynamic systems, dynamic systems, and systems biology dominate the terrain of scientific complexity. In addition, an important contribution was made by the computational social sciences to the field of complexity from fields such as Agent Based Modelling and Simulation and the Social Network Analysis. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS. It concludes on the need to continue the transdisciplinary explorations between the canonical fields of complexity and systems sciences, and the computational social sciences.INTRODUCCIÓN. Este trabajo presenta un abordaje aproximativo al impacto actual de las ciencias de la complejidad y de sistemas mediante el análisis de algunos indicadores de su producción científica escrita. OBJETIVO. Especificar cuáles son las ciencias de la complejidad y de sistemas, y realizar el análisis de su impacto actual a través de diferentes métodos y técnicas de visualización de sus contribuciones y relaciones. MÉTODO. Se estableció un modelo de simulación mediante la metodología del análisis de redes sociales (ARS), basado en los atributos de la red multidisciplinar diseñada de las ciencias de la complejidad y de sistemas, con técnicas de visualización. RESULTADOS. Los resultados indican que los sistemas de control y dinámicos, los sistemas dinámicos, y la biología de sistemas dominan el terreno de la complejidad científica. Se evidenció una importante contribución por parte de las ciencias sociales computacionales al campo de la complejidad a partir de campos como el modelado y simulación basados en agentes y el análisis de redes sociales. DISCUSIÓN Y CONCLUSIONES. Se concluye que es necesaria la continuidad de las exploraciones transdisciplinarias entre los campos canónicos de las ciencias de la complejidad y de sistemas, y las ciencias sociales computacionales

    Libro de Proyectos Finales 2021 primer semestre

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    PregradoIngeniero CivilIngeniero de SistemasIngeniero ElectricistaIngeniero ElectrónicoIngeniero IndustrialIngeniero Mecánic

    Efficacy and safety of the CVnCoV SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine candidate in ten countries in Europe and Latin America (HERALD): a randomised, observer-blinded, placebo-controlled, phase 2b/3 trial

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    Background: Additional safe and efficacious vaccines are needed to control the COVID-19 pandemic. We aimed to analyse the efficacy and safety of the CVnCoV SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine candidate. Methods: HERALD is a randomised, observer-blinded, placebo-controlled, phase 2b/3 clinical trial conducted in 47 centres in ten countries in Europe and Latin America. By use of an interactive web response system and stratification by country and age group (18–60 years and ≥61 years), adults with no history of virologically confirmed COVID-19 were randomly assigned (1:1) to receive intramuscularly either two 0·6 mL doses of CVnCoV containing 12 μg of mRNA or two 0·6 mL doses of 0·9% NaCl (placebo) on days 1 and 29. The primary efficacy endpoint was the occurrence of a first episode of virologically confirmed symptomatic COVID-19 of any severity and caused by any strain from 15 days after the second dose. For the primary endpoint, the trial was considered successful if the lower limit of the CI was greater than 30%. Key secondary endpoints were the occurrence of a first episode of virologically confirmed moderate-to-severe COVID-19, severe COVID-19, and COVID-19 of any severity by age group. Primary safety outcomes were solicited local and systemic adverse events within 7 days after each dose and unsolicited adverse events within 28 days after each dose in phase 2b participants, and serious adverse events and adverse events of special interest up to 1 year after the second dose in phase 2b and phase 3 participants. Here, we report data up to June 18, 2021. The study is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT04652102, and EudraCT, 2020–003998–22, and is ongoing. Findings: Between Dec 11, 2020, and April 12, 2021, 39 680 participants were enrolled and randomly assigned to receive either CVnCoV (n=19 846) or placebo (n=19 834), of whom 19 783 received at least one dose of CVnCoV and 19 746 received at least one dose of placebo. After a mean observation period of 48·2 days (SE 0·2), 83 cases of COVID-19 occurred in the CVnCoV group (n=12 851) in 1735·29 person-years and 145 cases occurred in the placebo group (n=12 211) in 1569·87 person-years, resulting in an overall vaccine efficacy against symptomatic COVID-19 of 48·2% (95·826% CI 31·0–61·4; p=0·016). Vaccine efficacy against moderate-to-severe COVID-19 was 70·7% (95% CI 42·5–86·1; CVnCoV 12 cases in 1735·29 person-years, placebo 37 cases in 1569·87 person-years). In participants aged 18–60 years, vaccine efficacy against symptomatic disease was 52·5% (95% CI 36·2–64·8; CVnCoV 71 cases in 1591·47 person-years, placebo, 136 cases in 1449·23 person-years). Too few cases occurred in participants aged 61 years or older (CVnCoV 12, placebo nine) to allow meaningful assessment of vaccine efficacy. Solicited adverse events, which were mostly systemic, were more common in CVnCoV recipients (1933 [96·5%] of 2003) than in placebo recipients (1344 [67·9%] of 1978), with 542 (27·1%) CVnCoV recipients and 61 (3·1%) placebo recipients reporting grade 3 solicited adverse events. The most frequently reported local reaction after any dose in the CVnCoV group was injection-site pain (1678 [83·6%] of 2007), with 22 grade 3 reactions, and the most frequently reported systematic reactions were fatigue (1603 [80·0%] of 2003) and headache (1541 [76·9%] of 2003). 82 (0·4%) of 19 783 CVnCoV recipients reported 100 serious adverse events and 66 (0·3%) of 19 746 placebo recipients reported 76 serious adverse events. Eight serious adverse events in five CVnCoV recipients and two serious adverse events in two placebo recipients were considered vaccination-related. None of the fatal serious adverse events reported (eight in the CVnCoV group and six in the placebo group) were considered to be related to study vaccination. Adverse events of special interest were reported for 38 (0·2%) participants in the CVnCoV group and 31 (0·2%) participants in the placebo group. These events were considered to be related to the trial vaccine for 14 (<0·1%) participants in the CVnCoV group and for five (<0·1%) participants in the placebo group. Interpretation: CVnCoV was efficacious in the prevention of COVID-19 of any severity and had an acceptable safety profile. Taking into account the changing environment, including the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants, and timelines for further development, the decision has been made to cease activities on the CVnCoV candidate and to focus efforts on the development of next-generation vaccine candidates. Funding: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and CureVac