260 research outputs found

    Limnophyes guarani sp. n., a new hygropetric Orthocladiiane from southern Brazil (Diptera: Chironomidae)

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    A new species of Limnophyes Eaton collected in the Corvo Branco Mountains in Santa Catarina State is described and figured, based on male and female adults, larva and pupa. The species groups with L. griseata (Edwards) and L. bidumus Sæther as the adults have a pronounced humeral pit with lanceolate setae and an additional group of lanceolate setae just posterior to antepronotum. The adults are, however, distinctly smaller, have a lower AR and have more lanceolate setae in the group just posterior to antepronotum than the two other species. The pupa can easily be separated from the pupa of L. bidumus as the anal macroseta is longer than the anal lobe. The larva lives hygropetric on vertical rock surfaces. A key to male adults of Neotropical Limnophyes is given.publishedVersio

    First record of invasive Stenochrus portoricensis Chamberlin, 1922 (Arachnida: Schizomida: Hubbardiidae) from the Southern region of Brazil

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    Herein we report for the first time a schizomid for the Southern region of Brazil, Stenochrus portoricensis Chamberlin, 1922 (Schizomida: Hubbardiidae), found in association with termite nests. This is the southernmost record of any schizomid for the Neotropical region. We hypothesize that the species was recently introduced by the sudden population growth of Florianópolis – along with the intense touristic activity – which might have contributed to the inadvertent transportation of this species

    A new Thalassosmittia Strenzke and Remmert, 1957 out of the sea: T. amazonica n. sp. from the Amazon rainforest, Brazil (Diptera: Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae)

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    The orthoclad Thalassosmittia amazonica n. sp. is described based on a male collected in a light trap in the Amazon rainforest. The species is easily separated from its congeners as it has a strongly reduced palp with only a single palpomere. Article submitted 12. October 2014, accepted 10. November 2014, published 22. December 2014

    Tooth abnormalities in individuals with unilateral alveolar clefts : a comparison between sides using cone-beam computed tomography

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    Background: Tooth abnormalities are most often present in individuals with oral clefts than general population, and lead to a long-term impact on facial anatomy and self-esteem. The purpose of this study was to compare the proportion of dental anomalies between the cleft side and non-cleft side in individuals with non-syndromic unilateral alveolar clefts (AC). Material and Methods: Twenty cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans were converted into threedimensional (3D) virtual models. The dental anomalies considered were: tooth agenesis; supernumerary teeth; giroversion; and microdontia. Statistical analysis was performed using the McNemar?s test and Fisher?s exact test ( p < 0.05). Results: Statistically significant differences were not found either between the prevalence of individuals with dental abnormalities on the non-cleft side and the sides of the AC ( p = 1.00), or sex ( p = 0.36). Tooth agenesis was the most prevalent dental anomaly (55.6%). On the cleft side the lateral incisor was tooth most involved by dental anomalies; and the second premolar was the most affected on the non-cleft side. Conclusions: This study showed a high frequency of dental anomalies in the cleft individuals and indicated that the side of AC and sex do not interfere in the proportion of dental anomalies on non-cleft side

    Two new Neotropical Chironominae genera (Diptera: Chironomidae)

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    Claudiotendipes n. gen. and Sigmoitendipes n. gen. are described and figured based on adults, pupae and larvae. Two species are included in Claudiotendipes: the type species, C. froehlichi n. sp. from Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Santa Catarina States in Brazil; and C. epleri n. sp. from Costa Rica. Five species are included in Sigmoitendipes, all from Brazil: the type species, S. susanae n. sp. from São Paulo, Mato Grosso, Amazonas and Pará States; S. fittkaui n. sp. from Mato Grosso and Pará; S. reissi n. sp. from São Paulo; and S. oliveirai n. sp. and S. spiesi n. sp., both from Mato Grosso. A cladistic analysis grouped the two new genera with Beardius, Oukuriella and Endotribelos. Keys to the males of the two new genera are presented.

    Activated Clays and Their Potential in the Cement Industry

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    The thermal activation of clays to produce highly reactive artificial pozzolans on a large scale is one of the most important technologies developed on an industrial scale to reduce CO2 emissions in cement manufacture. This technical document deals with the scientific basis for the thermal activation of clays to produce an extraordinarily high quality supplementary cementitious material (SCM) based on the contents of its hydraulic factors, reactive silica (SiO2r–) and reactive alumina (Al2O3r–). The production process and the optimization of its use in the new cements offers better performance, features and durability. Furthermore, its mixture with Portland cement is much more appropriate when carried out in a blending station after both components, activated clay and Portland cement, are ground separately and not jointly in a single mill

    Cardiopulmonary exercise and 6-min walk tests as predictors of quality of life and long-term mortality among patients with heart failure due to Chagas disease

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    Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Div Cardiol, São Paulo, BrazilSanta Izabel Hosp, Div Cardiol, Salvador, BrazilBrazilian Clin Res Inst, São Paulo, BrazilDuke Clin Res Inst, Durham, NC USAUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Div Cardiol, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Levantamento do perfil sociodemográfico dos ingressantes em uma universidade federal no interior do Pará

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    Analisar o perfil de estudantes do Ensino Superior é uma das formas de conhecê-los e evitar a sua evasão. Nesse sentido, essa pesquisa objetiva investigar diferentes aspectos relacionados ao perfil dos ingressantes dos cursos de graduação oferecidos pelo campus de Parauapebas da Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia – UFRA. Isso inclui a análise da proporção de alunos que concluem seus cursos de primeira escolha, bem como a consideração de variáveis como idade, tempo de estudo, obstáculos encontrados nas disciplinas e proficiência Língua Inglesa. Foram obtidos dados referentes ao ano de 2020 de 202 estudantes matriculados no primeiro semestre em cinco cursos distintos. Identificou-se que, nos cursos noturnos da UFRA, como Administração e Engenharia de Produção, a faixa etária dos alunos tende a ser mais elevada, com grande parte deles exercendo atividades profissionais e, consequentemente, tendo menos tempo disponível para dedicar aos estudos. Verifica-se, ainda, que a maioria dos ingressantes é composta por pessoas do gênero feminino e que o curso de graduação que estão frequentando representa a escolha inicial que fizeram durante o processo seletivo do vestibular. Observa-se também uma grande dificuldade que esses alunos tiveram no Ensino Médio em disciplinas de ciências exatas, o que pode dificultar o seu rendimento em sua jornada acadêmica de graduação. Assim, busca-se melhor atender esses alunos em suas necessidades estudantis, elevando assim o grau de satisfação dos estudantes e a qualidade dos futuros profissionais

    A gestão sustentável de resíduos sólidos urbanos com base na ACV, AECV e ACVS: perspectivas e caminhos para o Brasil e países em desenvolvimento / Sustainable management of MSW with LCA, LCC and S-LCA: perspectives and paths for Brazil and developing countries

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    Os decisores públicos e privados que trabalham com gerenciamento integrado de resíduos sólidos urbanos (GRSU) necessitam tomar decisões assertivas, no sentido de minimizar os impactos econômicos, ambientais e sociais. Para tal, existem ferramentas de apoio à decisão que permitem avaliar tais impactos. Uma das ferramentas é a Análise de Ciclo de Vida (ACV) nas suas versões: Ambiental (ACV), Econômica (AECV) e social (ACVS). O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar uma revisão bibliográfica da ACV nestas vertentes, aplicadas ao GRSU no Brasil e outros países em situações similares, tendo como enfoque os elos dos Serviços de Limpeza Urbana e Manejo de Resíduos Sólidos (SLUMRS). Como resultado percebe-se que enquanto a ACV ambiental encontra-se consolidada, os estudos que descrevem a avaliação dos impactos sociais e econômicos ainda são de menor expressão. Essa evidência demonstra que os três pilares da sustentabilidade não se encontram no mesmo nível de pesquisa, sendo essa uma oportunidade de explorar e harmonizar essas áreas
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