615 research outputs found

    Antecedente de vida rural ou de vida urbana e doença de Parkinson

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    Although the precise etiology of Parkinson's disease (PD) is as yet unknown, it appears that certain environmental factors are involved. Prior living in a rural area has been implicated as a possible risk factor for PD, particularly in the early onset type. We evaluated the role of previous living conditions in the clinical correlates and outcome characteristics of 118 PD patients. All of them were seen from January 1987 to October 1992. The Rural Group (RG) comprised 71 patients (60.2%) who had lived in the rural area for at least 10 years (mainly in early phase of life) and the Urban Group (UG) consisted of 47 patients (39.8%) who had lived their entire life in an urban environment. The average age at the beginning of the symptoms was 58.8 in the RG and 54.1 in the UG. The mixed form of the disease (tremor, rigidity and akinesia) was the most frequent in both groups. A minimum 6-month follow-up period was undertaken with 63 patients (average 20 months) and no difference in response to treatment or in progression of the illness was detected between the two groups. Our data show that the previous living environment does not appear to be a determining factor in either the clinical or outcome characteristics of PD.A etiologia da doença de Parkinson (DP) é ainda desconhecida mas parece que fatores ambientais podem estar envolvidos. A incidência da DP, particularmente a de início precoce, parece ser maior em indivíduos com antecedente de moradia na zona rural. Avaliamos as características clínicas e a progressão da DP em 118 pacientes segundo os antecedentes de área de moradia pregressa. Havia 71 pacientes (60,2%) com antecedente de no mínimo 10 anos na zona rural (especialmente nas fases iniciais da vida), o chamado Grupo Rural (GR), e 47 pacientes (39,8%) que tiveram antecedente de vida exclusivamente urbana, o chamado Grupo Urbano (GU). A média de idade de início dos sintomas foi 58,8 anos no GR e de 54,1 anos no GU. A forma mista da DP (com tremor, bradicinesia e rigidez) foi a mais frequente em ambos os grupos. Um período de acompanhamento de no mínimo 6 meses foi obtido em 63 pacientes (média de 20 meses de acompanhamento) e a progressão da sintomatologia foi semelhante nos dois grupos (GR e GU). Nossos dados indicam que o antecedente de moradia não parece ser determinante para o padrão de manifestação clínica e de evolução da DP.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery Movement Disorders UnitUniversidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Medicina Department of Neurology, Psychiatry and Medical PsychologyUNIFESP, Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery Movement Disorders UnitSciEL

    Reinforced and prestressed concrete hollow beams under torsion

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    Recently a new rational theoretical model for beams under torsion has been proposed. This model, called Softened Membrane Model for Torsion (SMMT), is able to predict well the global behaviour of reinforced and prestressed concrete solid beams under torsion. This paper presents a study in order to check the SMMT for reinforced and prestressed concrete hollow beams under torsion. Theoretical predictions from SMMT are compared to some experimental results of hollow beams available in the literature and also with the predictions of another theoretical model previously proposed from the authors. It is shown that SMMT, with some corrections, is able to predict satisfactorily the overall behaviour of reinforced and prestressed concrete hollow beams under torsion

    Avaliação discente é importante ferramenta no aperfeiçoamento dos cursos de anatomia clínica

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    Background: Medical knowledge and students’ demands are under continuous changes and learning process must adapt accordingly. We retrospectively analyzed students’ evaluation of three different approaches employed in our course of Clinical Anatomy in the last decade. Methods: The University of São Paulo Medical School has a systematic evaluation of each discipline where students grade 38 different topics ranging to physical conditions to the quality of the classes. In this study, different methods to teach Clinical Anatomy to 2nd and 3rd year students of Medicine were confronted to the students’ evaluations, comparing the general appreciation of the course in different teaching approaches. We analyzed the changes in the Anatomy course from 1994 to the present and their impact based on the students´ evaluations. Results: Significant improvement in general evaluation was observed when the course changed from Problem Based Learning technique to a more formal approach with theoretical classes given by specialists, most of them invited from other Clinical Departments of the University. A still better evaluation was obtained as the practical demonstrations focused aspects showed in theoretical classes, which were given mostly by specialists trained in Anatomy. Discussion: Students' evaluation allows course coordinators to redirect objectives and teaching methods to adjust the course format as needed. Performance in final exams may also be analyzed together so effectiveness of the teaching method can be measured along with students’ satisfaction. Conclusion: Continuous feedback from students is essential to course coordinators to adequate strategies to face the modern challenges in the teaching/learning process and obtain the best results in courses of Clinical Anatomy.Introdução: O conhecimento médico e a demanda docente estão em constante e progressiva mudança e os processos pedagógicos devem ser adaptados conforme as necessidades para prover o máximo rendimento. Analisamos retrospectivamente a avaliação discente de três métodos diferentes utilizados no curso de Anatomia Clínica da FMUSP na última década. Métodos: A Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo oferece avaliação sistemática de cada Disciplina, com avaliação dos estudantes de 38 diferentes aspectos relacionados ao curso, de estrutura física até a qualidade das aulas. Neste estudo, métodos diferentes de ensino de Anatomia Clínica para os alunos de 2o e 3o anos de Medicina foram confrontados com as avaliações discentes ao final do curso. Foram analisadas as mudanças pedagógicas no curso desde 1994 até o presente e seu impacto baseado na avaliação dos estudantes. Resultados: Observou-se melhora significativa na avaliação geral quando o curso foi mudado da técnica de Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas para uma abordagem mais formal, com aulas teóricas dadas por especialistas, em sua maioria convidada de outras Disciplinas da Faculdade. Uma avaliação ainda mais positiva ocorreu quando os aspectos práticos focaram aspectos demonstrados em aulas teóricas, na sua maioria dada por especialistas com formação em Anatomia. Discussão: A avaliação dos estudantes permite aos coordenadores do curso redirecionar os objetivos e os métodos pedagógicos para ajustar o formato do curso como necessário. As notas finais também podem ser analisadas conjuntamente para que a efetividade do método empregado possa ser avaliada em conjunto com a avaliação discente. Conclusão: A contínua avaliação dos estudantes é essencial para que os coordenadores dos cursos possam adequar suas estratégias para enfrentar os desafios atuais dos processos pedagógicos e obter os melhores resultados nos cursos de Anatomia Clínica

    Micromagnetic simulations of small arrays of submicron ferromagnetic particles

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    We report the results of a set of simulations of small arrays of submicron ferromagnetic particles. The actions of dipolar and exchange interactions were qualitatively investigated by analysing the ferromagnetic resonance spectra at 9.37 GHz resulting from the magnetization response of con- nected and unconnected particles in the array as a function of the applied dc magnetic field. We find that the magnetization precession movement (at resonance) observed in individual particles in the array presents a distinctive behaviour (an amplitude mismatch) in comparison to isolated, one-particle reference simulations, a result that we attribute to the action of interparticle dipolar couplings. Exchange interactions appear to have an important role in modifying the spectra of connected particles, even through a small contact surface.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Use of refurbished shipping containers for the construction of housing buildings: details for the structural project

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    Construction using refurbished shipping containers is a recent building system, with already many successful examples around the world. This system presents a huge potential in the field of sustainable construction provided by the recycling of used containers. This paper aims to contribute to a better knowledge of this construction system in what concerns to the structural project. The general constitution of two maritime shipping containers is presented as well as some aspects of their structural behavior. For this purpose, numerical analyses were performed using a finite elements analysis program. Normative aspects for the structural project are also presented. This paper also presents the analysis of a case study with the use of refurbished shipping containers to build a single-family house. The evaluation of the strength of the refurbished shipping containers to building actions is carried out. It is shown that such evaluation is not easy because some mechanical parameters of noncommercial steel section of the elements that compose the shipping containers are unknown. Nevertheless, this study shows the feasibility of this building system

    Recognition Of Serous Ovarian Tumors In Human Samples By Multimodal Nonlinear Optical Microscopy.

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    We used a multimodal nonlinear optics microscopy, specifically two-photon excited fluorescence (TPEF), second and third harmonic generation (SHG∕THG) microscopies, to observe pathological conditions of ovarian tissues obtained from human samples. We show that strong TPEF + SHG + THG signals can be obtained in fixed samples stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stored for a very long time, and that H&E staining enhanced the THG signal. We then used the multimodal TPEF-SHG-THG microscopies in a stored file of H&E stained samples of human ovarian cancer to obtain complementary information about the epithelium∕stromal interface, such as the transformation of epithelium surface (THG) and the overall fibrillary tissue architecture (SHG). This multicontrast nonlinear optics microscopy is able to not only differentiate between cancerous and healthy tissue, but can also distinguish between normal, benign, borderline, and malignant specimens according to their collagen disposition and compression levels within the extracellular matrix. The dimensions of the layers of epithelia can also be measured precisely and automatically. Our data demonstrate that optical techniques can detect pathological changes associated with ovarian cancer.1609601

    Efeitos da poluição atmosférica na saúde infantil em São José dos Campos, SP

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    OBJETIVO: Dentre os efeitos da poluição ambiental na saúde da criança, destaca-se o aumento de internações por pneumonias. O objetivo do estudo foi estimar a associação dessas internações com o aumento dos poluentes atmosféricos. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de estudo ecológico de séries temporais, realizado na cidade de São José dos Campos, SP, nos anos de 2000 e 2001. Foram utilizados dados diários sobre o número de internações por pneumonia, dados diários de poluentes (SO2, O3 e PM10) e de temperatura e umidade do clima. Foram estimadas as correlações entre as variáveis de interesse pelo coeficiente de Pearson. Para estimar a associação entre as internações por pneumonia e a poluição atmosférica, utilizaram-se modelos aditivos generalizados de regressão de Poisson. Foram estimados os acréscimos das internações por pneumonia para o intervalo interquartil para cada um dos poluentes estudados, com um intervalo de confiança de 95% RESULTADOS: Os três poluentes apresentaram efeitos defasados nas internações por pneumonia, iniciada três a quatro dias após a exposição e decaindo rapidamente. Na estimativa de efeito acumulado de oito dias observou-se ao longo desse período que para aumentos de 24,7 µg/m³ na concentração média de PM10 houve um acréscimo de 9,8% nas internações. CONCLUSÕES: O estudo confirma que o potencial deletério dos poluentes do ar sobre a saúde pode ser detectado, também, em cidades de médio porte. A magnitude do efeito foi semelhante ao observado na cidade de São Paulo. Além disso, mostra a elevada susceptibilidade das crianças aos efeitos adversos advindos da exposição aos contaminantes atmosféricos.OBJECTIVE: Of the effects of air pollution on children's health, increased pneumonia admission rate is one of the most important. The study aimed at estimating the association between pneumonia admissions and increased air pollutants. METHODS: An ecological time-series study was carried out in the municipality of São José dos Campos, Southeastern Brazil, in the years 2000 and 2001. Daily records of pneumonia admissions, air pollutants (SO2, O3, and PM10) and weather conditions (temperature and humidity) were analyzed. The correlations between the study variables were estimated using Pearson's correlation. The associations between pneumonia and air pollutants were estimated using generalized additive Poisson regression models. The percentage increase (and their respective 95% CI) in pneumonia admission rate was estimated for the interquartile range of each air pollutant studied. RESULTS: The three pollutants analyzed presented lagged effects on pneumonia admission rate, beginning at lag 3 or 4 and lasting for no more than two days. The 8-day cumulative effect estimate showed that an increase of 24.7 mg/m³ in PM10 concentration increased pneumonia admission rate in 9.8%. CONCLUSIONS: The study corroborates that adverse health effects of air pollutants can be observed even in medium-sized cities. The magnitude of the effect was similar to that found in the city of São Paulo. Moreover, children are highly susceptible to air pollution exposure

    Enzimas hidrolíticas extracelulares de isolados de rizóbia nativos da Amazônia Central, Amazonas, Brasil

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    Legumes enrich the soil by contributing nitrogen through symbiotic biological nitrogen fixation by rhizobia bacteria. However, very little is known about the extracellular enzymatic profile of these microorganisms. In this context, the production of extracellular hydrolytic enzymes by indigenous strains of rhizobia in Central Amazonia was evaluated. This screening constitutes the first step in selecting indigenous microorganisms that are potentially exploitable as enzyme producers. Indigenous strains of rhizobia were screened for extracellular amylolytic, carboxymethylcellulolytic, lactolytic, lipolytic, pectinolytic and proteolytic activities on modified YMA. Ureolytic activity was detected on a urea-agar slant. Rhizobia strains isolated from cowpea nodules produced more enzymes than those isolated from soybean nodules. Out of all the extracellular hydrolytic enzymes evaluated, only pectinase was not detected in this study. The most frequent rhizobia enzymes were amylase (32.8%), protease (28.4%), urease (20.9%) and carboxymethylcellulase (9.0%). In this study, only amylase and protease enzymes varied significantly among rhizobia strains. INPA strains R-926 and R-915 showed the highest enzymatic levels for amylase (EI = 3.1) and protease (EI = 6.6), respectively. This paper showed some indigenous strains of rhizobia from Central Amazonia as promising sources of industrially relevant enzymes for biotechnological purposes

    Produção de amilase por rizóbios, usando farinha de pupunha como substrato

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    Amylases are among the most important industrial enzymes and are of great significance in present-day biotechnology. Although they can be derived from various sources, enzymes from microbial sources are generally the most required by industry. Species of the genus Bacillus are considered to be the main sources of amylases, although screening for new microbial sources is increasing all over the world. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the production of amylase by indigenous rhizobia, using peach palm flour as substrate. In this study, a completely randomized experimental design was adopted with three replicates. Pearson's correlation coefficients were calculated for medium pH, extracellular protein, cellular biomass, mean colony diameter (MCD), mean halo diameter (MHD), enzymatic index (EI) and amylolytic activity variables from the bacteria selected. Out of the 19 rhizobia strains with amylolytic activity on modified YMA, seven (36.8%) strains showed "EI" ≥ 2,1, and they were considered as good producers of amylase. The "IE" presented by bacteria INPA R-987, R-950 and R-915B were significantly lower (p < 0.01) than those shown by the INPA R-926, R-975 and R-957. The amylolytic activity varied significantly (p < 0.01) among the rhizobia strains. INPA R-975 and R-926 strains presented, respectively, the highest (1.00 U.min-1.mL-1) and the lowest (0.31 U.min-1.mL-1) activity average. In general terms, the extracellular protein was correlated positively with "EI" (r = 0.52*; p < 0.05) and "MHD" (r = 0.55*; p < 0.05). The cellular biomass showed positive correlations with amylolytic activity (r = 0.55*; p < 0.05) and "MHD" (r = 0.54*; p < 0.05), and a negative with final pH medium (r = 0.93**; p < 0.01)

    Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis of SecondHarmonic Generation Images: A Semiautomatic Collagen Fibers Quantification Protocol

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    A vast number of human pathologic conditions are directly or indirectly related to tissular collagen structure remodeling. The nonlinear optical microscopy second-harmonic generation has become a powerful tool for imaging biological tissues with anisotropic hyperpolarized structures, such as collagen. During the past years, several quantification methods to analyze and evaluate these images have been developed. However, automated or semiautomated solutions are necessary to ensure objectivity and reproducibility of such analysis. This work describes automation and improvement methods for calculating the anisotropy (using fast Fourier transform analysis and the gray-level co-occurrence matrix). These were applied to analyze biopsy samples of human ovarian epithelial cancer at different stages of malignancy (mucinous, serous, mixed, and endometrial subtypes). The semiautomation procedure enabled us to design a diagnostic protocol that recognizes between healthy and pathologic tissues, as well as between different tumor types.Fil: Zeitoune, Angel Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia de Entre Ríos. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia de Entre Ríos; ArgentinaFil: Luna, Johana S. J.. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: Sanchez Salas, Kynthia. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: Erbes, Luciana Ariadna. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia de Entre Ríos. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia de Entre Ríos; ArgentinaFil: Cesar, Carlos L.. Universidade Federal do Ceará; Brasil. National Institute of Science and Technology on Photonics Applied to Cell Biology; BrasilFil: Andrade, Liliana A. L. A.. Universidade Estadual de Campinas; BrasilFil: Carvahlo, Hernades F.. Universidade Estadual de Campinas; Brasil. National Institute of Science and Technology on Photonics Applied to Cell Biology; BrasilFil: Bottcher Luiz, Fátima. Universidade Estadual de Campinas; Brasil. National Institute of Science and Technology on Photonics Applied to Cell Biology; BrasilFil: Casco, Victor Hugo. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: Adur, Javier Fernando. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia de Entre Ríos. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia de Entre Ríos; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Facultad de Ingeniería; Argentin
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